FromLatin arbustum , fromarbor ( “ tree ” ) -tum ( “ adjective-forming suffix ” ) .
arbusto (accusative singular arbuston ,plural arbustoj ,accusative plural arbustojn )
shrub ,bush ,shrubbery Learned borrowing fromLatin arbustum .
arbusto m (plural arbustos )
shrub ,bush Synonyms: gamallo ,garamallo ,albustre Borrowed from French arbuste , Italian arbusto , Spanish arbusto .
arbusto (plural arbusti )
shrub ,bush ( not over three feet in height ) Borrowed fromLatin arbustum .
arbusto m (plural arbusti )
shrub ,bush Synonym: frutice arbusto in –Vocabolario Treccani on line , Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italianaarbusto in –Garzanti Linguistica , De Agostini Scuola SpaFromarbustum ( “ place where trees are planted ” ) +-ō .
arbustō (present infinitive arbustāre ,perfect active arbustāvī ,supine arbustātum ) ;first conjugation
( hapax legomenon ) toplant withtrees c. 77CE – 79CE ,
Pliny the Elder ,
Naturalis Historia 17.201 :
Transpādana Italia praeter suprā dictāscornū ,opulō ,tiliā ,acere ,ornō ,carpīnō ,quercū arbustat agrōs, Venetiasalice propter ūlīginem solī. Transpadanian Italyplants the fields withcornel ,maple [of some other kind thanacer ],linden ,maple ,hornbeam andoak , besides those mentioned above, Veneto withwillow on account of the moisture of the soil. “arbusto ”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press arbusto inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. Borrowed fromLatin arbustum .
Rhymes:( Brazil ) -ustu ,( Portugal, Rio de Janeiro ) -uʃtu Hyphenation:ar‧bus‧to arbusto m (plural arbustos )
shrub Borrowed fromLatin arbustum .
IPA (key ) : /aɾˈbusto/ [aɾˈβ̞us.t̪o] Rhymes:-usto Syllabification:ar‧bus‧to arbusto m (plural arbustos )
bush ,shrub