A traditional alcoholic beverage consumed inBhutan, made from rice, maize, millet, or wheat, either fermented or distilled. The beverage is usually a clear, creamy, or white color.
1884, Johannes Justus Rein,Japan: Travels and Researches Undertaken at the Cost of the Prussian Government, page192:
Among the species which are met with on every coast, and during the whole year, are especially [...] theAra (Niphon Spinosus Schl.), which frequents the coast of Yezo in particular, as is indicated by its other name , Matsumaye-ara. The many-membered genus of the saw-perches (Serranus) which inhabits all tropical and subtropical seas,[…]
interval,frequency(a repeated and equal distance in space or time between several objects or events)
2010 September 25,Hafta.az:
Əvvəllər mədəniyyət işçiləri Çilov adasına tez-tez gəlib biz neftçilərlə görüşər, maraqlı konsert proqramları ilə çıxış edərdilər. [...] 1986-cı ildən bir müddət belə konsertlərin, görüşlərinarası səngidi.
In the past, cultural workers often came to Chilov Island to meet with oil workers and give interesting concerts. [...] For some time since 1986, thefrequency of such concerts and meetings dimished.
2025 March 13, Majda Ouhajji, “Taalwetenschapper Khalid Mourigh over het veranderende Nederlands: ‘Mattie, fittie en doekoe bijvoorbeeld. Die staan zelfs in de Van Dale’ [Linguist Khalid Mourigh on changing Dutch: ‘Mattie,fittie, anddoekoe, for example. These words are even included in the Van Dale dictionary’]”, inNRC Handelsblad[4], retrieved26 March 2025:
Ik zat een tijd geleden in de metro in Amsterdam en hoorde ineens ‘ewa sahbi,ara die garo’ (‘hé, vriend, geef me die sigaret’). Bijna helemaal in het Marokkaans-Arabisch. En ik draai me om en ik zie allemaal witte jongens.
I was on the Amsterdam underground some time ago and suddenly I heard “ewa sahbi, ara die garo” (“Hey, friend,give me that cigarette”). Almost entirely in Moroccan Arabic. And I turn around and all I see are white boys.
Mavrodi M. F., editor (2019),Gagauzça-rusça sözlük: klaslar 1-4, Komrat: Gagauziya M.V. Maruneviç adına Bilim-Aaraştırma merkezi,→ISBN, page11
Kopuşçu M. İ. , Todorova S. A. , Kiräkova T.İ., editors (2019),Gagauzça-rusça sözlük: klaslar 5-12, Komrat: Gagauziya M.V. Maruneviç adına Bilim-Aaraştırma merkezi,→ISBN, page16
N. A Baskakov, editor (1972), “ara”, inGagauzsko-Russko-Moldavskij Slovarʹ [Gagauz-Russian-Moldovan Dictionary], Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Sovetskaja Enciklopedija,→ISBN, page51
FromProto-Ugric*arɜ(“maternal relative”,“mother’s (younger) brother”),[1] probably a Proto-Iranian borrowing, compareAvestan𐬠𐬭𐬁𐬙𐬀𐬭(brātar),Ossetianӕрвадӕ(ærvadæ,“brother”). The ending-a in Hungarian may be a diminutive or a third-person singular possessive suffix. It gained its current meaning during theHungarian language reform, which took place in the 18th–19th centuries.[2]
ara in Géza Bárczi,László Országh,et al., editors,A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára [The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language] (ÉrtSz.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962.Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN.
ara in Nóra Ittzés, editor,A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031(work in progress; publisheda–ez as of 2024).
“[...] Et quisquam nūmen Iūnōnis adōret praetereā, aut supplexārīs impōnet honōrem?”
“And would anyone adore the divinity of Juno afterward, or [as a] suppliant [worshiper] lay an offeringon [my]altars?” (Juno is asking herself a rhetorical question.)
Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta (1861)Grammar of the Mutsun language, spoken at the Mission of San Juan Bautista, Alta California (Shea’s Library of American Linguistics)[7], volume IV, Cramoisy Press.
Feminine nouns beginning with stressed/ˈa/ likeara take the singular definite articleel (otherwise reserved for masculine nouns) instead of the usualla:el ara. This includes the contracted formsal anddel (instead ofa la andde la, respectively):al ara,del ara. This is to avoid doubling of the /a/ sound.
These nouns also usually take the indefinite articleun that is otherwise used with masculine nouns (although the standard feminine formuna is also permitted):un ara oruna ara. The same is true with determinersalgún/alguna andningún/ninguna, as well as for numerals ending with 1 (e.g.,veintiún/veintiuna).
However, if another word intervenes between the article and the noun, the usual feminine singular articles and determiners (la,una etc.) must be used:la mejor ara,una buena ara.
If an adjective follows the noun, it must agree with the noun's gender regardless of the article used:el ara única,un(a) ara buena.
In the plural, the usual feminine singular articles and determiners (las,unas etc.) are always used.