Deverbal fromappuntare +-o.
appunto m (pluralappunti)
- note(brief piece of writing intended to assist the memory)
- gli studenti prendonoappunti ―the students takenotes
- reproach
- (computing, in theplural)clipboard,scratchpad
Fromapunto(literally“to [the] point”).
- (focus)exactly,precisely
1472,Dante Alighieri,La divina commedia: Inferno [The Divine Comedy: Hell], 12th edition (paperback), Le Monnier, published1994, Canto XIX, page281, lines7–9:Già eravamo, a la seguente tomba, ¶ montati dello scoglio in quella parte ¶ ch'a punto sovra mezzo 'l fosso piomba.- We had already on the following tomb ¶ ascended to that portion of the crag ¶ which o'er the middle of the moat hangsplumb.
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- first-personsingularpresentindicative ofappuntare