1999 April 24, Martin Kettle, Alex Brummer, quotingTony Blair, “The bombing goes on”, inThe Guardian[1]:
These television stations are part of theapparatus and power of Milosevic. This is theapparatus he has used to do the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. It is theapparatus that keeps him in power and we are entirely justified as Nato allies in damaging and taking on those targets.
2014 July 29, George Monbiot, “The rich want us to believe their wealth is good for us all”, inThe Guardian[2]:
Among the many good points Thomas Piketty makes in Capital in the Twenty First Century – his world-changing but surprisingly mild book – is that extreme inequality can be sustained politically only through an “apparatus of justification”.
2017 August 20, “The Observer view on the attacks in Spain”, inThe Observer[3]:
Many jihadist plots have been foiled and the securityapparatus is getting better, overall, at pre-empting those who would do us ill. But, they say, the nature of the threat and the terrorists’ increasing use of low-tech, asymmetrical tactics such as hire vehicles and knives, make it all but impossible to stop every assault.
2021 March 4, Emma Graham-Harrison, “China's Communist party ran campaign to discredit BBC, thinktank finds”, inThe Guardian[4]:
It describes a “coordinated effort by the CCP’s propagandaapparatus … to discredit the BBC, distract international attention and recapture control of the narrative,” mostly outside Chinese borders.
“I have met my young photographer,” said De Stancy, cheerily. “What a small world it is, as every busybody truly observes! I am wishing he could take some views for us as we go on; but you have noapparatus with you, I suppose, Mr. Dare?”
1983 July 30, Stacy V. Jones, “Apparatus For Study Of Planets”, inThe New York Times[5],→ISSN:
Anapparatus for exploring the atmosphere of a planet such as Venus, at a specific altitude, was patented this week for a French agency, the Office Nationale d'Etudes et de Recherche Aerospatiales.
1786, John Jeffries,Jean-Pierre Blanchard,A narrative of the two aerial Voyages of Dr. J. with Mons. Blanchard: with meteorological observations and remarks.[6], page45:
We immediately threw out all the little things we had with us, ſuch as biſcuits, apples, &c. and after that one of our oars or wings; but ſtill deſcending, we caſt away the other wing, and then thegovernail ; having likewiſe had the precaution, for fear of accidents, while the Balloon was filling, partly to looſen and make it go eaſy, I now ſucceeded in attempting to reach without the Car, and unſcrewing the moulinet, with all itsapparatus; I likewiſe caſt that into the ſea.
2006 April 3, David Walker, “Beyond her imagination”, inThe Guardian[7]:
In English fiction—that is to say British fiction in the English language tradition—it is a subtle question because we dislike thinking abstractly and conceptualisation of government, where it exists, is vague and confused. Take bishops: they sat as legislators and so were part of the governingapparatus.
(firefighting) A vehicle used for emergency response.
(gymnastics) Any of the equipment on which the gymnasts perform their movements.
The word is occasionally used as aninvariant plural, as inlook at all of those apparatus, maintaining the Latin inflection in English on aloanword basis. But because the word also has amass noun sense in English and it often appears in such a way that its number (singular or plural) is disguised by absence of anyinflectional or lexical signals as to which of these two senses pertained in the mind of the writer, readers may parse it in either sense. Thus in the phrasehe was dazzled by the electronic apparatus scattered throughout the room, either parsing works, and the reader cannot tell which one the writer had in mind, although that slight ambiguity is unimportant to the point being made.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
“apparatus”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
"apparatus", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[8], London:Macmillan and Co.
to entertain, regale a person:accipere aliquem (bene, copiose, laute, eleganter, regio apparatu, apparatis epulis)
preparations for war; war-material:apparatus (rare in plur.)belli
apparatus inRamminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed))Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[9], pre-publication website, 2005-2016