“… There was a man who always painted marble seats and another who did nothing but sheep. So a fellow I knew determined only to paint backs. Men's backs, women's backs, girls' backs and boys backs. … his best knownbacchante was described by a critic as all back and noante, but his backs became famous. …”
2021 September 15, Laura Martin, “How talent shows became TV's most bizarre programmes”, inBBC[2]:
When it came to the more successful contestants, meanwhile, edits of the shows also began to fall heavily on sad backstories – the "sob story", if you will – instilling the idea that singers had to mine trauma from their lives to up the emotionalante, making them seem to be more "worthy" winners.
(poker) Inpoker and other games, the contribution made by all players to thepot before dealing the cards.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
“ante” inMartalar, Umberto Martello, Bellotto, Alfonso (1974)Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini, 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo
Per quanto non vorreste o poscia odante esser giunti al cammin che sì mal tiensi, per non trovarvi i duo bei lumi accensi, nè l'orme impresse dell'amate piante?
How much later, orearlier, do you wish you had taken the road, that's so hard to follow, so as not to have met those two bright eyes or the steps of those beloved feet?
“ante”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
“ante”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
"ante", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
ante inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[3], London:Macmillan and Co.
to foresee the far distant future:futura orcasus futuros (multo ante) prospicere
twenty years ago:abhinc (ante) viginti annos orviginti his annis
before daybreak:ante lucem
something presents itself to my vision:ante oculos aliquid versatur
to picture a thing to oneself; to imagine:oculis, ante oculos (animo) proponere aliquid
picture to yourselves the circumstances:ante oculos vestros (notvobis)res gestas proponite
to fail to see what lies before one:quod ante pedes est orpositum est, non videre
Homer lived many years before the foundation of Rome:Homerus fuitmultis annis ante Romam conditam
to live up to one's reputation:famam ante collectam tueri, conservare
to bring a thing vividly before the eyes:ante oculos ponere aliquid
amnesty (ἀμνηρτία):ante actarum (praeteritarum) rerum oblivio or simplyoblivio
to be elected at the age required by law (lex Villia annalis):suo (legitimo) anno creari (opp.ante annum)
De Vaan, Michiel (2008)Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill,→ISBN,page45
ante inEnrico Olivetti, editor (2003-2025),Dizionario Latino, Olivetti Media Communication
2023 August 22, Elsa García de Blas, “El Rey encarga a Feijóo una investidura abocada al fracaso”, inEl País[4]:
Ante la inédita situación en democracia de que dos candidatos se ofrecieran a ser investidos sin tener aún los apoyos suficientes, el Rey Felipe VI ha priorizado la “costumbre” de que se presente primero la lista más votada en las elecciones y ha encargado al líder del PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, que intente una investidura.