Acollection of things associated with aperson orplace, especially a personal collection ofanecdotes or conversations at table
1803, publisher's advertisement inMemoirs of the Late Mrs. Robinson,Page 8
The FRENCHANAS, or Selections from the best of the FrenchAnas, interspersed with biographical sketches. In three elegant Volumes, small 8vo. price 15s. boards
2008, Kevin J. Hayes,The road to Monticello: The life and mind of Thomas Jefferson:
Jefferson was aware of the literary tradition ofanas, which extended back at least as far as Athenaeus'sDipnosophistarum, a delightful collection of table talk from ancient times covering a variety of subjects including law, literature, medicine, and philosophy.
1599, Oswaldus Gabelhouer, translated by Charles Battus andA. M.,The Boock of Physicke:[…], Dort:[…]Isaack Caen,page116, column 2:
Take Sugrede Coriandre ſeedes 3 qv. of an ovvnce, deſcidede liqveriſh ℥ [?].Calmus, redd Roſes,ana a q. of an ounce, Cĩnamone 3 qv. of an ounce, Ginger, cloves, Mace, Nuttmegges,ana a q. of an oũce, all vvhich being contunded together, & as much Suger mixede thervvith, as ther is of the other poulder, or accordinge as vve deſire the dulcor therof, vve muſt in the morning faſting, or one hovver before ſuppervſe heerof.
1985, Rudy von Bitter Rucker,The Fourth Dimension: A Guided Tour of the Higher Universes, page43:
Your right half would moveana, let us say, and your left half would move kata. The two halves would, in their parallel spaces, move past the plane of rotation, and then they would swing back into our space.
2005,Animation journal, volumes13-15:
Added to the conventional FPS control keys are two extra keys that move the player inana and kata direction in 4d space. If you go in this extra direction the space around you changes, the room transforms.
“ana”, inThe Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD)[1], Chicago: University of Chicago Oriental Institute,1956–2011
Borg, Alexander (2004)A Comparative Glossary of Cypriot Maronite Arabic (Arabic–English) (Handbook of Oriental Studies;I.70), Leiden and Boston: Brill,page146
N. A Baskakov, editor (1972), “ana”, inGagauzsko-Russko-Moldavskij Slovarʹ [Gagauz-Russian-Moldovan Dictionary], Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Sovetskaja Enciklopedija,→ISBN, page47
Kopuşçu M. İ. , Todorova S. A. , Kiräkova T.İ., editors (2019), “ana”, inGagauzça-rusça sözlük: klaslar 5-12, Komrat: Gagauziya M.V. Maruneviç adına Bilim-Aaraştırma merkezi,→ISBN, page15
Mavrodi M. F., editor (2019), “ana”, inGagauzça-rusça sözlük: klaslar 1-4, Komrat: Gagauziya M.V. Maruneviç adına Bilim-Aaraştırma merkezi,→ISBN, page11
Rina, A. Dj., Kabba, John Lado B. (2011) “ana”, inKamus Bahasa Lamboya, Kabupaten Sumba Bakat [Dictionary of Lamboya Language, West Sumba Regency], Waikabubak: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Kabupaten Sumba Bakat, page 5
Shirley Burtch (1983)Diccionario Huitoto Murui (Tomo I) (Linguistica Peruana No. 20)[3] (in Spanish), Yarinacocha, Peru: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, page25
Katarzyna Izabela Wojtylak (2017)A grammar of Murui (Bue): a Witotoan language of Northwest Amazonia.[4], Townsville: James Cook University press (PhD thesis), page307
He is Ealdor and Scyppend ealra gódnyssa and sibbe, and he foresende his acennednysse ungewunelice sibbe, forðan ðe næfre næs swilc sibb ær þam fyrste on middangearde, swilc swa wæs on his gebyrde-tide, swa þæt eall middangeard wæs anes mannes rice underðeod, and eal mennisc himānum cynelic gafol ageaf.
He is Prince and Author of all things good and of peace, and he sent before his birth unwonted peace, for never was there such peace before that period in the world, as there was at the time of his birth; so that all the world was subjected to the empire of one man, and all mankind paid royal tribute to himalone.
Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning.“ana” inÖlmez, Mehmet (2012 December) “Oğuzların En Doğudaki Kolu: Salırlar ve Dilleri [The Easternmost Branch of the Oghuzs: Salars and Their Language]”, inTürk Dili (in Turkish), volume CII, number732, pages38-43
马伟 (Ma Wei), 朝克 (Chao Ke) (2016) “ana”, in濒危语言——撒拉语研究 [Endangered Languages - Salar Language Studies], 青海 (Qinghai): 国家社会科学基金项目 (National Social Science Foundation Project), page191
Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published1867,page116