Hitherto the commanding influence of Sir Robert Evelyn's character had sunk his own into insignificance—now he had no "rival near the throne,"alias the bench of county magistrates.
1845, Clergymen of the Church of England, editors,The Christian’s Monthly Magazine and Church of England Review, volume IV, London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., pages364–365:
When indeed a Popish monarch may fill our throne, and the successor of St. Peter shall be the spiritual head of our Church; then shall your “esoterics,”alias “Church principles,” be in the ascendant in our Universities, and Who shall say that we may not have a Thorp lecturer in each of our Colleges, Neale and Webb scholarships, Regii professores supplying the places of those who shall now be superannuated, all teaching, and empowered to confer degrees in the, symbolism of mystical divinity:—the professor of music, not dealing as he now must, with crotchets and quavers, but in the far higher branches of thesacramentality of sounds, with their correspondent colours, instruments, bearing, &c. &c., and so of others?
(law)Used to connect the different names of a person who has gone by two or more, and whose true name is for any cause doubtful
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
1989, Ken C. Pohlmann,The compact disc: a handbook of theory and use, page22:
When the signal frequency reaches half the sampling frequency, there are only two samples per cycle, which is the absolute minimum needed to record a waveform. A higher frequency would cause the digitization system toalias.
1999, Carlo Bartolozzi with Riccardo Lencioni,Liver malignancies: diagnostic and interventional radiology, page59:
Finally, as it is a frequency detection technique, color Doppler US has the potential toalias
2005, James Bao-yen Tsui,Fundamentals of global positioning system receivers, page106:
This technique can be used toalias the L1 and L2 bands of the GPS into the baseband
2020 September 22, Raila Kinnunen, “70 vuotta Kirkan syntymästä: 'Poismennyttä ihmistä voi ajatella ilolla – Lähtijällä on nyt hyvä olla, hänellä ei ole hätää, ei kipua eikä tuskaa'”, inApu[1]:
Hautakiviä kaatui ja ihmiset talloivat hautoja. Kirill ja pikkuveli Georgijalias Ykä päättivät, että sama ei tapahdu enää ikinä.
Headstones fell and people trampled on the graves. Kirill and his little brother Georgijalias Ykä decided that such a thing would never happen again.
“alias”, inKielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][2] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki:Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland),2004–, retrieved2023-07-02