FromMiddle English alarme ,alarom , borrowed fromMiddle French alarme , itself fromOld Italian all'arme !( “ to arms !, to the weapons!” ) , ultimately fromLatin arma ( “ arms, weapons ” ) .
alarm (countable anduncountable ,plural alarms )
Asummons toarms , as on the approach of an enemy.c. 1602 ,William Shakespeare , “The Tragedie of Troylus and Cressida ”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [ … ] (First Folio ), London: [ … ] Isaac Iaggard , andEd[ ward] Blount , published1623 ,→OCLC , [Act I, scene iii]:Arming to answer in a nightalarm .
Anysound orinformation intended to givenotice ofapproaching danger ; awarning sound toarouse attention ; a warning of danger.1859 , Charles Dickens,The Haunted House :She went about the house in a state of real terror, and yet lied monstrously and wilfully, and invented many of thealarms she spread, and made many of the sounds we heard.
Adevice intended towarn or givenotice ofapproaching danger .Thefirealarm is located high on the wall to prevent tampering. Asudden attack ; adisturbance .1595 December 9 (first known performance),William Shakespeare , “The life and death of King Richard the Second ”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio ), London: [ … ] Isaac Iaggard , andEd[ ward] Blount , published1623 ,→OCLC ,[ Act I, scene i] :Lord Marshal, command our officers-at-arms Be ready to direct these homealarms .
1725 ,Homer , “Book I”, in [Elijah Fenton ], transl.,The Odyssey of Homer. [ … ] , volume I, London: [ … ] Bernard Lintot ,→OCLC ,page III :Is it then true, as distant rumours run, that crowds of rivals for thy mother's charms thy Palace fill with insults andalarms ?
Suddensurprise withfear orterror excited byapprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise. Amechanical device forawaking people, or rousing their attention.The clock radio is a friendlier version of the coldalarm by the bedside.
An instance of an alarmringing ,beeping orclanging , to give a noise signal at a certain time.You should set thealarm on your watch to go off at seven o'clock.
notice of approaching danger
sudden surprise with fear or terror
mechanical contrivance for awaking
instance of an alarm ringing or clanging
Translations to be checked
alarm (third-person singular simple present alarms ,present participle alarming ,simple past and past participle alarmed )
(Can we add anexample for this sense?)
( transitive ) Tocall to arms for defense.( transitive ) To give (someone)notice ofapproaching danger ornecessary action ; torouse tovigilance ; to put on thealert .1838 , Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu,Passage in the Secret History of an Irish Countess :When the carriage drew up in the grass-grown court yard before the hall-door, two lazy-looking men, whose appearance well accorded with that of the place which they tenanted,alarmed by the obstreperous barking of a great chained dog, ran out from some half-ruinous out-houses, and took charge of the horses;[ …]
( transitive , of adevice ) Toproduce awarning ofapproaching danger ornecessary action ; toemit asignal intended torouse arecipient tovigilance or put them on thealert .1985 March 21,National Transportation Safety Board , “2.2 Environmental Factors”, inAircraft Accident Report: United Airlines Flight 663, Boeing 727-222, N7647U, Denver, Colorado, May 31, 1984 [1] , page39 :The tower cab supervisor and various pilots stated that the LLWAS system frequentlyalarms because of the thunderstorm activity present, and that airspeed losses are common as a result of convective wind shear.
( transitive ) Tosurprise withapprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear.( transitive ) To keep in excitement; todisturb .to give notice (by sound or otherwise) of approaching danger
to surprise with apprehension of danger
to keep in excitement; to disturb
Translations to be checked
FromFrench alarme ( “ alarm ” ) .
alárm m (plural alárme , definite alármi , definite plural alármet )
( army ) alarm Synonym: kushtrim ( figurative ) anxiety Synonym: shqetësim Oda Buchholz, Wilfried Fiedler, Gerda Uhlisch (2000 )Langenscheidt Handwörterbuch Albanisch , Langenscheidt Verlag,→ISBN , page 32 (nounalárm/alarm ) [2] m. nounalárm/alarm (engl.alarm ) • Fjalor Shqip (Albanian Dictionary)alarm m inan
alarm Declension ofalarm (hard masculine inanimate )
“alarm ”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957 “alarm ”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989 “alarm ”, inAkademický slovník cizích slov at [Academic dictionary of foreign words ] (in Czech),1995 alarm c (singular definite alarmen ,plural indefinite alarmer )
alarm Ultimately fromItalian all' arme ( “ to arms ” ) ,allarme ; compare alsoFrench alarme .Thisetymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
alarm n (plural alarmen ,diminutive alarmpje n )
alarm Internationalism ,borrowed fromDutch alarm .
IPA (key ) : /ˈalarm/ ,[alarə̆m] Hyphenation:alarm Rhymes:-m alarm (plural alarm -alarm )
alarm Internationalism ; possiblyborrowed fromPolish alarm orGerman Alarm . Ultimately fromItalian all' arme ( “ to arms ” ) .Doublet oflarm . CompareSlovincian alarm .
alarm m inan
alarm ( device used to alarm people ) Synonym: alert alarm ( sound used to alarm people ) Synonym: alert alarm ( state of being alerted ) Stefan Ramułt (1993 ) [1893 ] “alarm ”, in Jerzy Trepczyk, editor,Słownik języka pomorskiego czyli kaszubskiego (in Kashubian), 3 edition Jan Trepczyk (1994 ) “alarm”, inSłownik polsko-kaszubski (in Kashubian), volumes1–2 Eùgeniusz Gòłąbk (2011 ) “18428 ”, inSłownik Polsko-Kaszubski / Słowôrz Pòlskò-Kaszëbsczi [3] “alarm ”, inInternetowi Słowôrz Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka [Internet Dictionary of the Kashubian Language ], Fundacja Kaszuby,2022 FromItalian all' arme ( “ to arms ” ) andallarme , viaFrench alarme .
alarm m (definite singular alarmen ,indefinite plural alarmer ,definite plural alarmene )
analarm FromItalian all' arme ( “ to arms ” ) andallarme , viaFrench alarme .
alarm m (definite singular alarmen ,indefinite plural alarmar ,definite plural alarmane )
analarm Borrowed fromFrench alarme orGerman Alarm ,[ 1] fromItalian all'arme ( “ to arms ” ) .[ 2] First attested in 1644–1660.[ 3] CompareKashubian alarm andSlovincian alarm .
alarm m inan
alarm ( device used to alarm people ) Synonym: alert alarm ( sound used to alarm people ) Synonym: alert alarm ( state of being alerted ) Hypernym: alert alarm ( fear, apprehension ) Hypernym: alert Collocations
na wypadekalarmu ―in case ofalarm zabezpieczonyalarmerm ―secured with analarm chronionyalarmerm ―protected by analarm fałszywyalarm ―falsealarm prawdziwyalarm ―genuinealarm próbnyalarm ―adril nocnyalarm ―nightalarm złośliwyalarm ―maliciousalarm ptasialarm ―birdalarm cichyalarm ―quietalarm głośnyalarm ―loudalarm przedwczesnyalarm ―early/prematurealarm ekologicznyalarm ―ecologicalalarm elektronicznyalarm ―electronicalarm czerwonyalarm ―redalert /codered /condition red ciągłyalarm ―constantalarm nowoczesnyalarm ―modernalarm szybkialarm ―fastalarm specjalnyalarm ―specialalarm alarm bombowy ―bombthreat/scare alarm powodziowy ―floodalarm/scare alarm smogowy ―smogalarm/alert alarm wibracyjny ―vibration/vibritingalarm alarm szalupowy ―jolly boatalarm alarm przeciwpowodziowy ―anti-floodalarm alarm przeciwwłamaniowy/antywłamaniowy ―burglaralarm alarm pożarowy/przeciwpożarowy ―firealarm /firedrill /smokealarm alarm przeciwlotniczy/powietrzny/lotniczy ―air raidalarm alarm lawinowy ―avalanchealarm alarm samochodowy/samochodu ―caralarm alarm dźwiękowy ―audiblealarm /soundalarm /alarm sound/audioalarm /soundalert alarm antyterrorystyczny ―terroristalarm alarm bojowy( Used as an interjection ) ―defensealarm /action stations/battle stations alarm wojenny ―waralarm alarm atomowy ―nuclearalarm alarm domowy ―homealarm monitorowaniealarmów ―alarm monitoringogłoszeniealarmu ―alarm noticeodwołaniealarmu ―alarm cancellation/calling off analarm wyciealarmu ―the wailing ofalarm sygnałalarmu ―analarm signal sprawcaalarmu ―the one who set off/caused (an)alarm syrenaalarmu ―analarm siren dźwiękalarmu ―the sound of analarm montaż/instalacjaalarmu ―alarm installationczujnikalarmu ―analarm sensor/detector piskalarmu ―the squeal ofalarm sygnalizacjaalarmu ―indication of analarm dzwonekalarmu ―analarm bell pilotalarmu ―the remote control ofalarm przyczyna/powódalarmu ―the reason/cause foralarm guzik/przyciskalarmu ―analarm button systemalarmu ―analarm system zakończeniealarmu ―ending (of an)alarm funkcjaalarmu ―alarm feature/functionseriaalarmów ―a series ofalarms stopieńalarmu ―the degree ofalarm autoralarmu ―the causer ofalarm poziomalarmu ―the level ofalarm koniecalarmu ―end of (an)alarm alarm budzika ―alarm of a clockNie ma powodu, aby wszczynać/wszcząćalarm ―there is no causealarm ogłaszać/ogłosićalarm ―to sound/report (an)alarm podnosić/podnieśćalarm ―to raise (an)alarm włączać/włączyćalarm ―to turn on analarm wyłączać/wyłączyćalarm ―to turn off analarm odwoływać/odwołaćalarm ―to call off/cancel (an)alarm unieruchomić/unieszkodliwićalarm ―to disable analarm uruchamiać/uruchomićalarm ―to enable analarm instalować/zainstalować/montować/zamontowaćalarm ―to install analarm narobićalarmu ―to causealarm zakładać/założyćalarm ―to set up analarm wywoływać/wywołaćalarm ―to cause/arousealarm odłączyćalarm ―to disconnect analarm uszkodzićalarm ―to damage/break analarm słyszeć/usłyszećalarm ―to hear analarm przerwaćalarm ―to stop/cease analarm nacisnąćalarm ―to press analarm budzićalarm ―to arousealarm wprowadzićalarm ―to implementalarm alarm spłoszył kogoś ―analarm startled someone alarm wyje/zawył ―analarm wails/wailed alarm dzwoni/zadzwonił ―analarm rings/rang alarm trwa ileś ―analarm lasts a certain amount of time alarm rośnie ―alarm grows/increases ^ Bańkowski, Andrzej (2000 ) “alarm ”, inEtymologiczny słownik języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language ] (in Polish) ^ Brückner, Aleksander (1927 ) “alarm ”, inSłownik etymologiczny języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language ] (in Polish), Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna ^ Teresa Sokołowska (14.04.2022 ) “ALARM ”, inElektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century ] alarm inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANalarm in Polish dictionaries at PWNSamuel Bogumił Linde (1807–1814 ) “allarm ”, inSłownik języka polskiego Aleksander Zdanowicz (1861 ) “alarm ”, inSłownik języka polskiego, Wilno 1861 J. Karłowicz ,A. Kryński ,W. Niedźwiedzki , editors (1900 ), “alarm ”, inSłownik języka polskiego (in Polish), volume 1, Warsaw, page21 FromFrench alarme .
IPA (key ) : /ǎlarm/ Hyphenation:a‧larm àlarm m (Cyrillic spelling а̀ларм ,relational adjective àlarmnī )
alarm “alarm ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 Borrowed fromGerman Alarm . CompareKashubian alarm andPolish alarm .
IPA (key ) : /aˈlarm/ Rhymes:-arm Syllabification:a‧larm alarm m inan (related adjective alarmôwy )
alarm alarm n
analarm (warning or emergency signal, and a device that emits such a signal) alarm (state of alarm)FromFrench alarme .
IPA (key ) : /a.laɾm/ Hyphenation:a‧larm alarm (definite accusative alarmı ,plural alarmlar )
alarm Tehlike anındaalarmı beklemeden sığınağa girmeliyiz. In case of danger, we must enter the shelter without waiting for thealarm . alarm clock Synonym: çalar saat Alarmım zamanında çalmadı.Myalarm clock didn't ring on time.