Fromakka(“shingle holder”) +-o. Akin to dialectalFinnishakko.
- holder forwoodenshingles, which were burned for light
- scaffold on whichfishing nets were put duringreparation
Declension ofakko (type 4/koivu, kk-k gradation) |
| singular | plural |
nominative | akko | akot |
genitive | akon | akkoin,akkoloin |
partitive | akkoa | akkoja,akkoloja |
illative | akkoo | akkoi,akkoloihe |
inessive | akos | akois,akkolois |
elative | akost | akoist,akkoloist |
allative | akolle | akoille,akkoloille |
adessive | akol | akoil,akkoloil |
ablative | akolt | akoilt,akkoloilt |
translative | akoks | akoiks,akkoloiks |
essive | akkonna,akkoon | akkoinna,akkoloinna,akkoin,akkoloin |
exessive1) | akkont | akkoint,akkoloint |
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive. |
- Ruben E. Nirvi (1971)Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page10
- toenter, to come in
akkoy mak nuwwai- Welcome to our house
- María de los Angeles Colós, José Guzman, and John Peabody Harrington (1930s)Chochenyo Field Notes (Survey of California and Other Indian Langauges)[1], Unpublished
Thespelling of this entry has been normalized fromak'ko according to the principles established by Wiktionary's editor community or recent spelling standards of the language.
- (Loli) tomake fun of how someone talks, tomimic someone
- Lobu Ori, S,Pd, M.Pd (2010) “akko”, inKamus Bahasa Lolina [Dictionary of the Loli Language] (in Indonesian), Waikabubak: Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Kabupaten Sumba Barat
- (transitive) tocut, totear down, toclear (brush) with amachete
- Cáceres, Natalia (2011) “akko”, inGrammaire Fonctionnelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana[2], Lyon
- Hall, Katherine Lee (1988)The morphosyntax of discourse in De'kwana Carib, volumes I and II, Saint Louis, Missouri: PhD Thesis, Washington University, page315