Fromagate +-ie.
aggie (countable anduncountable,pluralaggies)
- (informal) Marble or amarble made ofagate, or one that looks as if it were made of agate.
- 1950,The Martian Chronicles,Ray Bradbury:
- Mrs. Collins. Never seen so many children out. Snowmen in every yard this year.
Billy. Look at mine, Mr Willis. Got a baseball for a nose and my bestaggies for eyes.
Mr. Willis. Yeah, marbles are fine—but in my day we used coal.
1999, Abdelkader Benali, Susan Massotty,Wedding by the Sea, page60:Most of the time it went fine; some of his classmates had so many marbles they could have opened up their own shop in smurfs, pirates, purpleaggies and pink panthers.
Fromagricultural +-ie.
aggie (pluralaggies)
- (US, informal) An agricultural school, such as one of the stateland-grant colleges.
- (US, informal) A student or alumnus of such a school.
aggie (comparativemoreaggie,superlativemostaggie)
- Alternative form ofaggy