- IPA(key): /aɡaˈraɾ/[a.ɣ̞aˈraɾ]
- Rhymes:-aɾ
- Hyphenation:a‧ga‧rrar
agarrar (first-person singular indicative presentagarro,past participleagarráu)
- tograb,grasp,hold
- toget,get hold of,obtain
- totake up(space)
- totake,grab, help oneself to
Conjugation ofagarrar
infinitive | agarrar |
gerund | agarrando |
past participle | magarráu,fagarrada,nagarrao,m plagarraos,f plagarraes |
person | first singular yo | second singular tu | third singular él/elli | first plural nosotros/nós | second plural vosotros/vós | third plural ellos |
indicative | present | agarro | agarres | agarra | agarramos | agarráis | agarren |
imperfect | agarraba | agarrabes | agarraba | agarrábemos,agarrábamos | agarrabeis,agarrabais | agarraben |
preterite | agarré | agarrasti,agarresti | agarró | agarremos | agarrastis,agarrestis | agarraron |
pluperfect | agarrare,agarrara | agarrares,agarraras | agarrare,agarrara | agarráremos,agarráramos | agarrareis,agarrarais | agarraren,agarraran |
future | agarraré | agarrarás | agarrará | agarraremos | agarraréis | agarrarán |
conditional | agarraría | agarraríes | agarraría | agarraríemos,agarraríamos | agarraríeis,agarraríais | agarraríen |
subjunctive | present | agarre | agarres,agarras | agarre | agarremos | agarréis | agarren,agarran |
imperfect | agarrare,agarrara | agarrares,agarraras | agarrare,agarrara | agarráremos,agarráramos | agarrareis,agarrarais | agarraren,agarraran |
imperative | — | agarra | — | — | agarrái | — |
Froma- +garra(“claw”) +-ar.
- IPA(key): /aɡaˈraɾ/[ɑ.ɣ̞ɑˈraɾ]
- IPA(key): (standard)/aɡaˈraɾ/[ɑ.ɣ̞ɑˈraɾ]
- IPA(key): (gheada)/aħaˈraɾ/[ɑ.ħɑˈraɾ]
- Rhymes:-aɾ
- Hyphenation:a‧ga‧rrar
agarrar (first-person singular presentagarro,first-person singular preteriteagarrei,past participleagarrado)
- (transitive) tograb; togrip; tograsp(hold, or take hold of, forcefully)
- (transitive) toclaw(grab or strike with one’s claws)
- (pronominal) tohold on; tocling(hold very tightly) [withem‘to something’]
- (intransitive, of plants) toroot
- (intransitive, of cattle) to becomepregnant
- Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández, editor (2006–2013), “agarrar”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane,María Álvarez de la Granja, editors (2003–2018), “agarrar”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Rosario Álvarez Blanco, editor (2014–2024), “agarrar”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega,→ISSN
- “agarrar” inDIGALEGO - Dicionario de Galego, Ir Indo 2004, Xunta de Galicia 2013.
- tograb,hold
- toseize
Froma- +garra(“claw”) +-ar.
agarrar (first-person singular presentagarro,first-person singular preteriteagarrei,past participleagarrado)
- (transitive) tograb; togrip; tograsp(hold, or take hold of, forcefully)
- Alguém meagarrou por trás. ―Someonegrabbed me from behind.
- (transitive) toclaw(grab or strike with one’s claws)
- A águiaagarrou o peixe. ―The eagleclawed the fish.
- (pronominal) tohold on; tocling(hold very tightly)[withem‘to something’]
- Se a escada estiver muito lisa, seagarre no corrimão. ―If the stairs are too slippery,hold on to the railing.
- (figurative, pronominal) tocling to; tolove(be very fond of; to feel strongly about)[withemora‘someone/something’]
- Eu meagarro em leitura. ―Ilove reading.
- (pronominal) tohave a go at; tobrawl (with); toget physical (with)(engage in a physical fight)[withcomora‘with someone’]
- Os bêbados começaram a seagarrar. ―The drunks beganbrawling.
- Um idiota queria seagarrar comigo. ―Some idiot wanted tofight with me.
- (transitive) toget physical with(make physical contact sexually)
- Os estudantes foram pegos seagarrando. ―The students were caughtgetting physical with one another.
1Brazilian Portuguese.
2European Portuguese.
- “agarrar”, iniDicionário Aulete (in Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro: Lexikon Editora Digital,2008–2025
- “agarrar”, inDicionário inFormal (in Portuguese),2006–2025
- “agarrar” inDicionário Aberto based onNovo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo, 1913
- “agarrar”, inDicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Porto: Porto Editora,2003–2025
- “agarrar”, inMichaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Editora Melhoramentos,2015–2025
- “agarrar”, inDicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Priberam,2008–2025
Froma- +garra(“claw”) +-ar.
- IPA(key): /aɡaˈraɾ/[a.ɣ̞aˈraɾ]
- Rhymes:-aɾ
- Syllabification:a‧ga‧rrar
agarrar (first-person singular presentagarro,first-person singular preteriteagarré,past participleagarrado)
- tograb ortake hold of
- Synonym:aferrar
- (reflexive) tohold on
- Synonym:asir
Se agarró de mi brazo para no caerse- Shecaught hold of my arm so she wouldn't fall
- (transitive, colloquial) tocatch(an illness, feeling etc.)
- Synonyms:pillar,coger
1Mostly obsolete, now mainly used in legal language.
2Argentine and Uruguayanvoseo prefers thetú form for the present subjunctive.
Selected combined forms ofagarrar
These forms are generated automatically and may not actually be used. Pronoun usage varies by region.
| singular | plural |
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person |
with infinitiveagarrar | dative | agarrarme | agarrarte | agarrarle,agarrarse | agarrarnos | agarraros | agarrarles,agarrarse |
accusative | agarrarme | agarrarte | agarrarlo,agarrarla,agarrarse | agarrarnos | agarraros | agarrarlos,agarrarlas,agarrarse |
with gerundagarrando | dative | agarrándome | agarrándote | agarrándole,agarrándose | agarrándonos | agarrándoos | agarrándoles,agarrándose |
accusative | agarrándome | agarrándote | agarrándolo,agarrándola,agarrándose | agarrándonos | agarrándoos | agarrándolos,agarrándolas,agarrándose |
with informal second-person singulartú imperativeagarra | dative | agárrame | agárrate | agárrale | agárranos | not used | agárrales |
accusative | agárrame | agárrate | agárralo,agárrala | agárranos | not used | agárralos,agárralas |
with informal second-person singularvos imperativeagarrá | dative | agarrame | agarrate | agarrale | agarranos | not used | agarrales |
accusative | agarrame | agarrate | agarralo,agarrala | agarranos | not used | agarralos,agarralas |
with formal second-person singular imperativeagarre | dative | agárreme | not used | agárrele,agárrese | agárrenos | not used | agárreles |
accusative | agárreme | not used | agárrelo,agárrela,agárrese | agárrenos | not used | agárrelos,agárrelas |
with first-person plural imperativeagarremos | dative | not used | agarrémoste | agarrémosle | agarrémonos | agarrémoos | agarrémosles |
accusative | not used | agarrémoste | agarrémoslo,agarrémosla | agarrémonos | agarrémoos | agarrémoslos,agarrémoslas |
with informal second-person plural imperativeagarrad | dative | agarradme | not used | agarradle | agarradnos | agarraos | agarradles |
accusative | agarradme | not used | agarradlo,agarradla | agarradnos | agarraos | agarradlos,agarradlas |
with formal second-person plural imperativeagarren | dative | agárrenme | not used | agárrenle | agárrennos | not used | agárrenles,agárrense |
accusative | agárrenme | not used | agárrenlo,agárrenla | agárrennos | not used | agárrenlos,agárrenlas,agárrense |