PIE word |
*h₂epó |
Learned borrowing fromLatinabstrūsus(“concealed, hidden; having been concealed”), anadjective use of theperfectpassiveparticiple ofabstrūdō(“to conceal, hide; to push or thrust away”),[1] fromabs- (fromab-(prefix meaning ‘away; from; away from’)) +trūdō(“to push, shove; to thrust”) (ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*trewd-(“to push; to thrust”)).
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abstruse (comparativeabstruserormoreabstruse,superlativeabstrusestormostabstruse)(formal)
More abstruse andmost abstruse are the preferred forms overabstruser andabstrusest. Do not confuseabstruse (hard to understand) withobtuse (failing to understand).
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Audio: | (file) |