First attested in 1535. FromMiddle Frenchabrogation, fromLatinabrogātiō(“repealed”), fromabrogo, fromab(“from”) +rogo(“ask, inquire”).
abrogation (countable anduncountable,pluralabrogations)
- The act ofabrogating.
- Arepeal byauthority;abolition.[First attested in the mid 16th century.][1]
1853, Herman Melville,Bartleby, the Scrivener, quoted inBilly Budd, Sailor and Other Stories, New York: Penguin Books, published 1968; reprint 1995 asBartleby,→ISBN, page 2:[…] I consider the sudden and violentabrogation of the office of Master in Chancery, by the new Constitution, as a __ premature act; inasmuch as I had counted on a life-lease of the profits, whereas I only received those of a few short years.
- (molecular biology) The blocking of a molecular process or function.
act of abrogating
- Arabic:إِلْغَاء (ar) m(ʔilḡāʔ)
- Basque:indargabetze
- Catalan:abrogació (ca) f
- Dutch:afschaffing (nl) m,intrekking (nl) m,opheffing (nl) m,ongeldigverklaring m
- Galician:abrogación (gl) f
- German:Abschaffung (de) f,Aufhebung (de) f,Abolition (de) f,Niederschlagung (de) f,Abrogation (de) f(law),Zurücknahme f,Kündigung (de) f,Annullierung (de) f,Annullieren n
- Greek:ακύρωση (el) f(akýrosi),κατάργηση (el) f(katárgisi)
- Ancient:ἀθέτησις f(athétēsis)
- Indonesian:pembatalan (id)
- Irish:aisghairm f
- Italian:abrogazione (it) f
- Polish:abrogacja (pl) f
- Portuguese:ab-rogação (pt) f
- Romagnol:abrugaziôn f
- Spanish:abrogación (es) f
- Turkish:yürürlükten kaldırma,feshetme (tr)
- ^Lesley Brown, editor-in-chief, William R. Trumble and Angus Stevenson, editors (2002), “abrogation”, inThe Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 5th edition, Oxford, New York, N.Y.:Oxford University Press,→ISBN, page 8.
Inherited fromMiddle Frenchabrogation, fromLatinabrogātiōnem(“repealed”), fromLatinabrogō, fromab(“from”) +rogo(“ask, inquire”).
abrogation f (pluralabrogations)
- abrogation;repeal