First attested in 1610.Learned borrowing fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
IPA (key ) : ( anglicized ) /ˌeɪ pɹaɪˈɔːɹaɪ/ ,( Latinist ) /ˌɑː pɹiˈɔːɹi/ ( US ) IPA (key ) : /ˌeɪ pɹaɪˈɔːɹi/ a priori (comparative morea priori ,superlative mosta priori )
( logic ) Based onhypothesis andtheory rather thanexperiment orempirical evidence.In his opening argument, the student mentioned nothing beyond hisa priori knowledge.
Self-evident ,intuitively obvious.Presumed withoutanalysis .1996 , Jeet Heer,Gravitas ,Autumn 1996 :While the great critics drew their authority from the breadth of their reading,New Criterion critics often base their authority on ana priori rejection of the contemporary.
( linguistics , conlanging ) Developed entirelyfrom scratch , without deriving it from existing languages.[ 1] 2012 November 1, Laura Wright, “UT Language Creation Society invites students to learn origins of newer languages”, inThe Daily Texan [1] , archived fromthe original on26 February 2013 :Conlangers can also createa priori languages, which have no basis in existing languages. You might be familiar with morea priori conlangs than you think: TheKlingon language from the television series “Star Trek,” theNa’vi language from the movie “Avatar,” and theDothraki language from the television series “Game of Thrones” are all examples ofa priori languages.logic: based on hypothesis rather than experiment
Arabic:مُسَلَّم بِه ( musallam bih ) ,لَا يُحْتَاجُ إِثْبَاتَة إِلَى تَجْرِبَة ( lā yuḥtāju ʔiṯbāta(t) ʔilā tajriba ) Belarusian:апрыёрны ( apryjórny ) Chinese:Mandarin:先驗 / 先验 (zh) ( xiānyàn ) Danish:a priori Finnish:apriorinen (fi) ,hypoteettinen (fi) Greek:επαγωγικός (el) ( epagogikós ) ,συμπερασματικός (el) ( symperasmatikós ) Hindi:प्रागनुभविक ( prāgnubhvik ) ,अनुभवनिरपेक्ष ( anubhvanirpekṣ ) Italian:a priori (it) ,teorico (it) ,preconcetto (it) Japanese:please add this translation if you can Korean:선험적인 ( seonheomjeogin ) Norwegian:Bokmål:a priori (no) Polish:a priori (pl) ,aprioryczny (pl) ,apriorystyczny Portuguese:a priori (pt) Russian:априо́рный (ru) ( apriórnyj ) ,доо́пытный (ru) ( doópytnyj ) ,предположи́тельный (ru) ( predpoložítelʹnyj ) Tagalog:matwiranin Turkish:apriori (tr) ,önsel (tr) Ukrainian:апріо́рний (uk) ( apriórnyj ) Vietnamese:tiên nghiệm (vi)
self-evident, intuitively obvious
presumed without analysis
linguistics: developed entirely from scratch
a priori (comparative morea priori ,superlative mosta priori )
( logic ) In a way based on theoretical deduction rather than empirical observation.Synonym: deductively ( broadly synonymous outside of philosophic arcanity) Antonyms: a posteriori ,inductively A priori is broadlynaturalized in English, but is sometimes typeset initalics .
Latin a priori
IPA (key ) : /ˈɑːpriˌoːriː/ ,[ˈɑ̝ːpriˌo̞ːriː] a priori
a priori Borrowed fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
a priori (invariable )
intuitively known,a priori a priori
( informal ) at first glance a priori m (plural a priori )
preconceived idea Borrowed fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
a priori (indeclinable )
a priori a priori
a priori Unadapted borrowing fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
a priori (invariable )
a priori a priori
a priori Antonym: a posteriori Literally, “from the former, from that which comes before”. Introduced as a technical phrase byScholastic philosophers, notablyAlbert of Saxony (14th century).
ā priōrī (notcomparable )
( Medieval Latin ) In a manner involving reasoning fromcause toeffect .( New Latin ) In a manner involving reasoning fromfirst principles ;a priori .Borrowed fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /aˈpriːoːrɪ/ Rhymes:-oːrɪ Hyphenation:a‧pri‧o‧ri a priori
( logic , philosophy ) a priori ; based onhypothesis rather thanexperiment .2011 December 23,Morgenbladet , page 9:førmoderne samfunn … hvor forskjell ennå ikke betraktes a priori som en mangel pre-modern societies… where difference is not yet considered a priori as a deficiency viten a priori a priori knowledge presumed withoutanalysis ,self-evident ,intuitively obvious.1894 ,Dagbladet :adskillige snes ungdom, som a priori kan henregnes til det overflødige proletariat several dozen youth, who a priori can be attributed to the superfluous proletariat 1971 ,Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift :to former for apriori innsikt two forms of a priori insight 2004 , Thea Selliaas Thorsen,Pia Fraus :han [vil] ikke a priori utelukke at [sjalusien] kan være noe av årsaken til at han nå drives rundt av en uro he [will] not a priori rule out that [jealousy] may be part of the reason why he is now driven around by a turmoil a priori kunne man vente at... a priori one could expect that... a priori
( logic , philosophy ) a priori ; based onhypothesis rather thanexperiment .presumed withoutanalysis ,self-evident ,intuitively obvious.Learned borrowing fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /a‿ˈprjɔ.ri/ Rhymes:-ɔri Syllabification:a‿prio‧ri a priori (notcomparable ,no derived adverb )
( literary , logic , philosophy ) a priori Synonyms: aprioryczny ,apriorystyczny Antonyms: a posteriori ,aposterioryczny a priori (notcomparable )
( literary , logic , philosophy ) a priori Synonym: apriorycznie Antonyms: a posteriori ,aposteriorycznie a priori inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANa priori in Polish dictionaries at PWNUnadapted borrowing fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
( Brazil ) IPA (key ) : /a pɾiˈɔ.ɾi/ [a pɾɪˈɔ.ɾi] ,( faster pronunciation ) /a ˈpɾjɔ.ɾi/
a priori
( logic ) a priori ( derived by logic ) a priori ( presumed without analysis ) Borrowed fromMedieval Latin ā priōrī ( “ involving reasoning from cause to effect; from first principles ” , literally“ from the former ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /a pɾiˈoɾi/ [a pɾiˈo.ɾi] Syllabification:a pri‧o‧ri a priori
beforehand Synonyms: previamente ,antes ,anteriormente ( logic , philosophy ) a priori