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WiktionaryThe Free Dictionary


    From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
    enThis user is anative speaker ofEnglish.
    grc-2Ὅδε ὁ χρώμενοςμέσην γνῶσιν τῆςἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς ἔχει.
    la-1Hic usorsimplicilingua Latina conferre potest.
    de-1Dieser Benutzer beherrschtDeutsch aufgrundlegendem Niveau.
    fr-1Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissancesde base enfrançais.
    ar-1هذا المستخدملديه معرفةأساسية بالعربية.
    This user has anadvanced understanding of theGreek script.
    This user has anintermediate understanding of theArabic script.
    This user has abasic understanding of theHebrew script.

    This user has abasic understanding of theHiragana script.

    This user has abasic understanding of theKatakana script.
    This user has anadvanced understanding of theInternational Phonetic Alphabet.
    Lua-4This user has anexpert knowledge ofLua coding, and can write and modify complex code.
    JS-2This user has aintermediate command ofJavaScript coding, and can understand most code written by others.
    Python-1This user knows thebasics of how to writePython code and make minor tweaks.
    Searchuser languages orscripts

    Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
    πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσε·

    For infrequently updated information about me, seemy page on English Wikipedia.

    Here on Wiktionary, I mainly edit Ancient Greek entries. I have a decent grasp of Latin too, and some knowledge of Old English. I can read the Arabic alphabet and have a decent understanding of the morphology. I am quite fascinated by historical phonology and wish there were more phonological information in etymology sections on Wiktionary, to make it less of a mystery how words have changed form.

    I have a good understanding of much of our module system, so I often fix bugs. I have files of entry names for each language and of instances of a fair number of templates from the dump, so I can quickly search templates and entry names by request.

    I operateUser:ToilBot.



    I've created a number of functions usingTemplateScript to perform tedious editing tasks with a single click, like adding{{non-gloss definition}} or{{subst:chars|grc}}, updating Ancient Greek conjugation tables, or converting lists of derived or related terms to the templates{{der3}} and{{rel3}}. These can be foundhere.

    Other scripts:





    I wroteRust programs available onGitHub, one with subcommands for quickly grabbing all instances of a set of templates from the dump and for generating information on headers used in entries (for the latter, see below), and the other for processing pages in the dump with a Lua script. Ask on my talk page if you want lists of particular templates, or all instances of a template that contain particular text.





    Mainspace headers




    I speak aweirdly simplified variety of American English with a split based on Canadian raising and no distinction between the "shorti" vowel and schwa.

    /aj ˈspik ə ˈwiɹdly ˈsəmpləfajd vəˈrajəti əv əˈmeɹəkən ˈiŋɡləʃ wəθ ə ˈsplət best an kəˈnediən ˈɹeziŋ ənd ˈno dəˈstiŋkʃən biˈtwin ðə ʃort ˈaj ˈvawəl ənd ʃwa ‖/

    Un-lexicographical stuff


    My brother and I created a 24-hour clock that shows the path of the sun on any day at any location around the world. (It needs a lot of work on its user experience.)

    My stuff

    subpages of Module:User:Erutuon
    Retrieved from ""

