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    From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

    Hi, I'm -sche (IPA(key): [ʃeɪ], likethe tree). Along with other editors, I help maintain Wiktionary'sHall of Fame (containing entries with exceptionally many definitions, spellings, etc) andAppendix of terms considered difficult to translate into English.

    Projects on my to-do list include updating the out-of-dateWiktionary:Style guide (and improving its relationship withWiktionary:Entry layout). Likewise, updating and sorting out the relationships betweenAppendix:English pronunciation, as well asAppendix:IPA characters,Wiktionary:IPA/Wiktionary:International Phonetic Alphabet,Wiktionary:IPA pronunciation key andWT:PRON/Wiktionary:Pronunciation. More generally, going through everything in the WT namespace, cross-linking when appropriate and RFDing empty pages.

    Sooner or later a few remainingmissing codes need to be created or moved to a Wiktionary:-namespace record of which codes have been intentionally excluded, whileISO-retired codes need to be retired or intentionally retained. (There are currently 8238 language codes.)


    enI speakEnglish.

    deIch sprecheDeutsch.
    (Manchmal sogar Hochdeutsch...)

    non-2Ek hefi grundvallar-kunnátta hinnardǫnsku tungu.

    goh-1Ih habēn luzzila kunst deraDiutiskūn sprahha.


    ang-1Iċ cann mē seolf mid middelre mǣþeEnglisces ferian.

    interesting words

    destinating,latrate,akkautua,destinate,ashlar,fakon,prosopopesis,lect,begarlanded,blanketly,sexuation,unpacking,compensatory lengthening,compensatorily lengthen,jebel,pilkunnussija,flense,cafe'(Citations:caffe'),double modal,stacked modal,modal stacking (might could,might should),betwattled,single-hearted,arete,gewiss,ne en unu tago elkreskis Kartago,Agrilus,abstème,de:lauter,friderizianisch/Frederician,mango#Verb,dorveille;medize (Medize,Medise,medise), dieZäsur,aestuous,essorant,élisabéthain,terpsichorean,chambrer,von dannen,von hinnen,uberty,mash,hoyden,Serkland,vagabondage,marcescence,marcescent,mirific,vocable,aprosdoketon,running dog,manqué,squantum,belligerati,cliterati,natatorium,wantok,patteran,lawn (clothing),age-mate,algedonic,reechy,hoplochrism,ǀxâã,dtʻkxʻàba,ǂkxʻái,ǂàã,uxorilocal/matrilocal,virilocal/patrilocal,peri (including the missing sense of "beautiful person"),antilogy,tergiversation,gunge,viande,kétségbeesés,gülünçleşmek,ambilevous,hołpander,misocapnist
    dehisce/indehiscent/etc,teaghlach,intrasexual,marl,ahahci(to touch the body of (a pregnant or sick woman) to ascertain wellness”, “to caress (a person), to touch repeatedly”, “to pet (an animal)),piemirst,aizmirsība,aizmārša,flaneur,backfisch/Backfisch,kapulakieli (lit. "cudgel language", but meaning "obscure jargon"),knawvshawl,jargonium,euonym,suffrutescent,steckbrieflich,Lethean,зэзэуэгъагъэх (probably unattested),hen,fortochka,arboresco/arboresce,Sasha,Anya,interstice,syncretic,suppletive,raging agreement,xłp̓x̣ʷłtłpłłskʷc̓,mitverantwortlich vseigenverantwortlich,amok#Noun,galactagogue,jill of all trades,als U-Boot,genderfucked,multiproblematic,criterial,fisseln,louche,cicatrix,neuralgisch,short (of pastry: brittle),anderweitig,clepsydra,fremdschämen/Fremdscham,Naktivist,capacious,momentane,invaginate,misprision,sconvenire,culture vulture
    daddock,a-tok-á, various miningdamps,pitmatic,farrier,jubarb,amnicolist,gallowglass,venefice/veneficial,hasp,oakum,peripatetic,bake ("cook using heat" or "harden using cold"),grouty (needs citations),traluire,pulverulent,bilderstürmerisch,velleity,futbolísticamente,chleuh,preterist,zetetic,morirsene,adscititious,omnisexual,abature,absume,mirativity,разлюбить andразлюбвам (which might even be real words, unlike their more famous relative),ფრცქვნის/მწვრთნელი/გვფრცქვნის/გვფრცქვნით/გვფრცქვნი,stillatitious,土器 and粗大ごみ (polysemous),tiffin,despect,despective,yonic,eisegete/exegete;dragée ("candy", "sugar-coated pill", "bullet"),feuillemorte,myn,paurometabolous,cloud-headed,kuin Iisakin kirkkoa,karhunpeijaiset;isinglass;ffwrcho;genderphobia;quillet,discuss = disperse
    interlacustrine,bjørnetjeneste,maxauhtinemi,defervescence,catastrophize,ainder(nonvirgin; virgin),cindo,convalligiano,cymorth,คว่ำบาตร,America at home,terebrant ("that bores holes"),snarge,fingent,nepheligenous,condign,dition,stirp,resipiscence,escharotic/eschar

    Words with ancientattestations:ek/ek/ég/ᛖᚲ,Heri,du,ᚱᚢᚾᛟ/rún,ᚺᛟᚱᚾᚨ.

    wanted entries 1: already have citations

    • These entries may become attestable soon, because they are already partway there. All such entries are systematically categorized inCategory:English citations of undefined terms and similar categories for other languages (unless there is a page with{{no entry}}?). This list is (mostly) words in which I have some interest, or noticed because they came up at RFV.
    • You are welcome to add words you have interest in too, if you like(just don't add, like, the entirety of that category); I go through the list from time to time and see what's become citable.
    • Check: Google Books,; journals (Google Scholar), magazines and newspapers (Issuu), (printed, archived) newspapers (.com etc), theses and dissertations that universities archive (Google for PDFs on .edu sites, where there's evidence of a paper copy also existing),Usenet,...
    three or more citations (but some are different senses, or are mentions, etc)
    in other dictionaries
    two citations
    one citation
    1. genitive ofJesus Christ
      • 1890, "The Registers of the Ephrata Community", inThe Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, page 393:
        In the Lord fell asleep, the 20th (of) August in the year 1791, his age was 82 years; he was from his youth a Warrior ofJesu Christi; and suffered very much until his Death, he was blind near 16 years.
      • 1902, New York (State). State Historian,Ecclesiastical Records, State of New York, page 2960:
        Consistory of the Congregation ofJesu Christi at Pakeepsie and the Vischkill. New York, the 26th of May, 1747.
      • 1887,Catalogue of Printed Books: A-A., page 255:
        [Another edition.] A new booke of destillatyon of Jesu Christi ...
      • 1979, Willem Hendrik Beuken, James H. Marrow,Mirror of the life of our Lord, Purdue University Press
        The work is entitled The Myrrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christi. In M. 868, Jesus is addressed (folio 28v) as []
    • MichFest, with reference to its transphobia:
      seems potentially idiomatic, there is no other reference to the festival in the book:
      • 2016, April Daniels,Dreadnought, Diversion Books (→ISBN):
        “I knew she was old school, but I didn't think she'd go allMichFest on you.” “So you just sent her my medical file?” I shout at her. “Isn't that supposed to be private? You don't even know if she hates trans people or not and you tell her what chromosomes I have?”
      reference to the specific festival:
      • 2012, Lisa Lees,A Triangular Attraction (→ISBN):
        "Our best friend is trans. You couldn't pay me to go anywhere near Michfest, even though the doctor put 'female' on my birth certificate. Sorry."
    no clearly usable citations, but good reason to think the terms are real / will become attestable in time
    greatmother,greatfather probably mean something (compare great uncle, granduncle; grandfather)
    • and[2],[3]: the old RFV-failed terms here may be citable now, including:
    other / see also
    • 1983, Norris McWhirter,Guinness Book of World Records 1984, page 136:
      The highest named number outside the decimal notation is the Buddhist asankhyeya, which is equal to 10140 or 100 quinto-quadragintillions.
    • 2020, R Nelson,Hidden in plain sight, inA Brief Journey in Discrete Mathematics:
      It's maddening, however, that there is no equation for the n'th prime. No one who has walked the earth, and even perhaps who will ever walk the earth, knows the 17 quadragintillion'th prime.
    • lover wolf: aloafer/lobo wolf:
    • 2004, Robert N. Smead,Vocabulario Vaquero/Cowboy Talk: A Dictionary of Spanish Terms from the American West, University of Oklahoma Press (→ISBN), page 115:
      loafer, loafer wolf, lover wolf: See lobo (1), (2). lobo: (Sp. model spelled same [ 16po] 'wolf < Latin lupum). (1) A wolf in general. Alternate forms: loafer, loafer wolf, lobo wolf, lobos wolf, loper, lover wolf. (2) DARE: 1852. The combination lobo ...
    • 1895, Henry Mills Alden,Harper's New Monthly Magazine, page 612:
      Chaps, from chapparajos, is only one of many transfers from the Mexican. One out of (I should suppose) several hundred; and in lover-wolf is a singular instance of half-baked translation. Lobo, pronounced lovo, being the Spanish for wolf, ...
    • 1895, Henry Mills Alden, Frederick Lewis Allen, Lee Foster Hartman, Thomas Bucklin Wells,Harper's Magazine, page 612:
      Lover-wolf is a word anchored to its district. In the Northwest, though the same animal roams there as dangerously, his Texas name would be as unknown as the Northwest's word for Indian, siwash, from sauvage, would be along the Rio [Grande] ...

    demi gender terms
    demiman as a gender term not just a demigod counterpart
    • 2021 August 31, Debra Soh,The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society, Simon and Schuster,→ISBN, page69:
      Then there is a family of identity labels that refer to the degree to which a person identifies as one gender slightly more than another. Demiboy, demiguy, and demiman refer to someone who identifies []
    • 2019 May 17, Jaimi S.T.,Tales of Identity: Memories & Reflections,,→ISBN, page112:
      Demiboy/demiman – A person who feels a tie to masculinity and/or being a male, but is not a male. Part of the non-binary genders. Demigirl/demiwoman – A person who feels a tie to femininity and/or being a female, but is not a female.
    • 2023 February 21, Victoria Barron,Perfectly Queer: An Illustrated Introduction, Jessica Kingsley Publishers,→ISBN:
      Also called demiguy or demiman. A combination of 'demi' (meaning 'half'), and 'non- binary'. An identity in which a person feels a partial connection to non-binary gender. It might be experienced as partially non-binary and partially []
    • 2016, Stephanie Brill, Lisa Kenney,The Transgender Teen, Cleis Press (→ISBN):
      For example, a demiguy or demiboy identifies partially as a boy/man/masculine, but not entirely. [] A demigender person may identify asdemifluid or demiflux; this indicates that a part of one's identity remains stable while the other part or parts are fluid. Often, ademiflux person feels that the stable part of their identity is gender neutral or non-binary.
    • 2019, Genny Beemyn,Trans People in Higher Education, SUNY Press (→ISBN), page 297:
      [] Examples ofdemigender identities include demigirl, demiboy, and demiandrogyne.
    • demi- (partially), used in compounds
    • 2019, Jamison Green, Rhea Ashley Hoskin, Cris Mayo, sj Miller,Navigating Trans and Complex Gender Identities, Bloomsbury Publishing (→ISBN)
      Demifluid: the feeling your gender being fluid throughout all the demigenders; the feeling of having multiple genders, some static and some fluid
      Demiflux: the feeling of having multiple genders, some static and some fluctuating
      Demigender: a gender that is partially one gender and partially another

    wanted entries 2: others

    Germanic lects
    Volga German
    Low German incl. Mennonite LG
    Sathmar Swabian
    Zipser German
    Southern Bavarian lects spoken in Italy and Slovenia
    Walser lects spoken in Italy
    From the Special: list

    Seew:Wikipedia:Typo_Team/moss/For Wiktionary.

    • French:affouche,lafouche (used especially on Maurice, Reunion): any of several native figs. Various forms exist due to confusion ofl'affouche,la fouche,laf(f)ouche.
    • E. Jacob de Cordemoy,Flore de l'île de la Réunion (phanérogames) cryptogames vasculaires (1895), identifies several species:F. rubra Vahl.,Enum., II, 191.F. pyrifolia Lam. (Vulg.Affouche rouge.);F. lucens Cordem. (vulg.Grand Affouche.);F. cinerea Cordem. (vulg.Affouche blanc.);F. terebrata W.,Sp., Pl. IV, 1145.F. pertusa bory,Voy., I, 353, tab.-XVII. (Vulg.Affouche bâtard.)
    • Marc Rivière,Les plantes médicinales à l' Île de la Réunion: Homonymes (2007): Les affouches sont des ficus, sans aucun doute ! Mais tous les ficus ne sont pas des affouches. D'où vient le mot affouche ? Pas du malgache sûrement !
    • Annegret Bollée,Dictionnaire étymologique des créoles français de l'Océan Indien, lemmatizes "afus (lafus, lafurs, zafus)" and mentions (without reproducing) examples from Reunion of affouche (1672), affourche and fourche (1712), and afouge, as well as theFicus species affouche bâtard, affouche blanc, grand affouche, and affouche rouge, as well as afus, lafus (lafus malbar, lafus malgas), and zafus (zafus blã, grã zafus, zafus ruz); and examples from Maurice of (la) fouche vers (1755), (la) fouche bâtard, afouche rouge (1864), as well as lafurs, lafus. Also: "rod. lafurs [...]; sey. lafus."
    • asa Pare words (see also RFM): ikinda "banana tree", mshambi "tail of a sheep". Iraqw words: lee'i "goat". Zigua: guluka "run (verb)", gamba "talk (verb)", kala "hunt (verb)" (also with prefix, see RFM). Alagwa and Burunge: gimba "talk (verb)". Dahalo: girigiri "fast".
    misc racist/racial terms:
    • 1837, Julien Joseph VIREY, J. H. GUENEBAULT,Natural history of the Negro Race. Extracted from the French [i.e. from the “Histoire naturelle du genre humain”], by J. H. Guenebault, page 117:
      A Griffe and a Zambi produce a Giveros. A Mulatto and a Zambaigi produce a Cambujo. In this second division of the third class the offspring [...] take at least of seven or eight kinds of blood, and as these complications are multiplied, all the  ...
    • 2013, Jon M. Mikkelsen,Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings, SUNY Press (→ISBN), page 207:
      much darker, or blacker, than <that of> the mulatto. ... is the son of a mulatto woman and a Cambujo male; a Cambujo is the son of a mulatto woman and a Zambaigo male; and, finally, <a> Zambaigo is the son of a Zambi and an American.
    • 1894, Joseph Elias Hayne,The Black Man: Or, The Natural History of the Hametic Race, page 31:
      Griffes, or Cabres, are the outcome of the union between a black Hainite and a mulatto woman. Zambaigi is the product arising from coition between a Carribean and a Zambi. Where the offspring of a Mestizo and a native American is the result  ...
    • 1837, Julien-Joseph Virey,Natural History of the Negro Race, page 116:
      With an American mestize , a white produces a Quatralvi or castisse . A negro and a mulatto woman produce Griffes or Cabres . A Carribean and a Zambi produce Zambaigi . The offspring of a Mestize and a native American is called Tresalve .
    • 1819, Abraham Rees,The Cyclopaedia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
      ... produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso , a which an individual occupies in society . When a common Postifio ; an European and American Quarteron of the fe . man disputes with one of his superiors , he is frequently cond generation ...
    • 1809, William Nicholson,The British Encyclopedia: Or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Comprising an Accurate and Popular View of the Present Improved State of Human Knowledge
      A Mulatto and Terceron produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso, a Postisso; an European and American Quarteron, an Octavon. Some carry the genealogy of these hybrid races into the fourth generation, calling the children of  ...
    • 1775, Richard Twiss,Travels Through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773, page 333:
      From a Cambujo and a Mulata, an Albarassado. 15. From an Albarassado and a Mulata, a Barzino. 16. From a Barzino and a Mulata, the issue is a Negro with smooth hair. - This remarkable circumstance of the children of almost white parents, ...
    1. holjba,GermanHalbe; possible quotation:
      • 1886, Rudolf Strohal,Hrvatskih narodnih pripoviedaka ..., page 117:
        [...] porcija jila i holjba vina. Potroši on se to i poberu [...] njega tanjiri i ta holjba i ne dobi on više nikaj.
    2. kafelefl,GermanKaffeelöffel
    3. kafemil,Kaffeemühle
    4. kostšale,Kostschale
    5. krigla,krigl,kriglin,krigljin (see entries)
    6. nudlbret,nudlpret,Nudelbrett,Nudelprett
    7. pajtmlin, (dialectal counterpart of?)Beutelmehl /Mühle
    8. piksa /piksla,Büchse, AustrainBüchsel
    9. platna,Platte,Herdplatte
    10. rajngla, AustrianReine
    11. ribež,Reibeisen
    12. ringla,Ringl (Herdring)
    13. sajtlik,Seidelglas,Seitel
    14. supntopf,zupntopf,Suppentopf
    15. šerfa =šeflja,Schöpflöffel
    16. šola =šolja,Schale
    17. špajservis,Speiseservice
    see other linked terms:
    • Maria Teresa Espinal i Farré,Diccionari de sinònims de frases fetes (2004,→ISBN), page 931
      de color de gos com fuigSP, de color indefinit / (d'un) color indefinit, brut, especialment propi de les peces de roba que per l'ús o amb el temps han perdut el color original (R-M, EC)
      Duia un vestit usat i lluent de colzes, de color do gos com fuig, que abans devia haver estat gris (També s'usa amb la formade color de gos quan fuig) (R-M)
      decolor d'ala de mosca (p.ext.), decolor de catxumbo (p.ext.), decolor de merda d'oca (p.ext.)
    • Max Wheeler, ‎Alan Yates, ‎Nicolau Dols,Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar (2002,→ISBN), page 84:
      ... verd poma 'apple green', groc cadmi 'cadmium yellow',merda d'oca 'dirty beige' (lit. goose shit),ala de mosca 'greyish' (lit. fly's wing),color de gos com fuig 'indeterminate dark colour' (lit. dog fleeing). These adjectives by conversion, simple and compound, sometimes introduced by explanatorycolor (de), are invariable in gender and number, thus: un gelat rosa 'a pink ice cream', unes cortines verd poma / unes cortines color (de) verd poma 'apple green curtains'.

    Another source mentionscolor d'ala de corb, but really? That doesn't mean "black"?

    • Molly Goodkind, ‎Marcella Hayes and Amanda Mitchell,Spanish Civil War and Its Memory (2015,→ISBN), page 66:
      Practically everyone wore rough working-class clothes, or blue overalls or some variant of the militia uniform. But after the Spanish Civil War ended in disaster for the Second Spanish Republic in 1939, fascist-controlled Barcelona was stripped of its rebel bohemian identity, transformed from the black-and-red city into the city “color de gos com fuig” (the color of a dog running away) a drab no-color.
    • Robert Hughes,The Spectacle of Skill: New and Selected Writings of Robert Hughes (2016,→ISBN):
      One strikingly poetic Catalan phrase evokes the drabness of Barcelona twenty-five years ago:color de gos com fuig, the color of a dog running away—that is, no color, indeterminacy, mud, yet with something unquestionably there.
    Units of measure
    list generated from Wikipedias and machine translations, useful but must be checked
    1. Abas,abas
    2. Abucchi,abucchi
    3. Abzug,deduction
    4. Acaena,acaena
    5. Acetabulum,acetabulum
    6. Achterli,aft
    7. Achtring,eight ring
    8. Acino,acino
    9. Acker,field
    10. Adarme,adarme
    11. Addix,addix
    12. Aderma,aderma
    13. Adoucu,adoucu
    14. Adowlie,adowlie
    15. Ady,ady
    16. Aepfeltonne,Äpfeltonne (Tonne,tonne,ton), apple ton, apple ton (ton, ton, ton)
    17. Agarasaulay,agarasaulay
    18. Agastera,agastera
    19. Agatsch,agache
    20. Agito,agito
    21. Akid,akid
    22. Akó,ako
    23. Alcolla,alcolla
    24. Alma,alma
    25. Almane,almane
    26. Almenn turma :Almenn,almenn,Turma,turma, almenn turma : almenn, almenn, turma, turma
    27. Almuda,almuda
    28. Alqueire,alqueire
    29. Amahe,amahe
    30. Ammersaat,bunting seed
    31. Amole,amole
    32. Amomam,amomam
    33. Amphora,amphora
    34. Amtsbodenachtel (Amtsboden,Achtel,achtel), amtsbodenachtel (amtsboden, eighth, eighth)
    35. Anati,anati
    36. Anegras,anegrass
    37. Angoolam,angolam
    38. Angulla,angulla
    39. Anthal,anthal
    40. Antorferpfund (Pfund,pfund), antorferpound (pound, pound)
    41. Anukabiet,anukabiet
    42. Anzing,number
    43. Apatan,apatan
    44. Aporrhymas,aporrhymas
    45. Aranzada,aranzada
    46. Arbage,arbage
    47. Ardame,ardame
    48. Argenso,argenso
    49. Arich,arich
    50. Armina,armina
    51. Arpa,arpa
    52. Arpent,arpent
    53. Arratel,arrears
    54. Arroba,arroba
    55. Arrobeta,arrobeta
    56. Arschin.Arschine,arshin.arschine
    57. Arsin.Arşın,arsine. :arşın
    58. Arsolah,arsolah
    59. Artaba,Artabad,Artabe,artaba,artabad,artabe
    60. Artilleriefuß,artillery foot
    61. Arura,Arure,arura,arure
    62. As,ace
    63. Aschentonne : ^
    64. Asnée,asnee
    65. Assay ton :assay ton,ton
    66. At (Altes Ägypten),at
    67. Atomo,atomic
    68. Attisches Talent :Talent,talent
    69. Aune,aune
    70. Aureo,aureo
    71. Ava,ava
    72. Avanom,avanom
    73. Azumbre,azure
    74. Baat,bat
    75. Bachel,bachel
    76. Bacile,bacile
    77. Baciletta,baciletta
    78. Bacino,bacino
    79. Bago,bago
    80. Bahār,bahar
    81. Bahram,bahram
    82. Bahu,baho
    83. Baille,bail
    84. Bak,bake
    85. Balance,balance
    86. Balg,bellows
    87. Balita,balita
    88. Balje,balje
    89. Ballot,ballot
    90. Bamboo,bamboo
    91. Band,tape
    92. Bandfass,tape barrel
    93. Baniță,banita
    94. Bāqilā,baqila
    95. Baral,baral
    96. Barill,barill
    97. Barilon,barilon
    98. Barony,barony
    99. Barra,barra
    100. Barräle,barrels
    101. Barralon,barralon
    102. Barre,bars
    103. Barrel,barrels
    104. Barrique,barrique
    105. Barsella,barsella
    106. Baruth,baruth
    107. Baryd,baryd
    108. Bassa,bassa
    109. Batman,batman
    110. Bättell,ball
    111. Bau,building
    112. Bauche,belly
    113. Bauernklafter,farmer fathoms
    114. Baumölmaß,tree oil measure
    115. Bazendingle,bazendingle
    116. Bazini,bazini
    117. Bazzillo,bazzillo
    118. Beak,beak
    119. Becher,a cup
    120. Becherée,becherée
    121. Becherlein,mug
    122. Beck,beck
    123. Beczka,beczka
    124. Bedre,bedre
    125. Beitzen,pickling
    126. Bema,bema
    127. Bener,bener
    128. Beneta,beneta
    129. Bergeimer,mountain bucket
    130. Bergelle,bergelle
    131. Bergkübel,mountain bucket
    132. Bergscheffel,bergscheffel
    133. Berkowitz,berkowitz
    134. Berner Elle :Elle,elle,ell,Bernese elle
    135. Berner Schuh :Schuh,schuh,shoe,Bernese shoe
    136. Berri,berry
    137. Beru (Mesopotamien),beru
    138. Bes,esp
    139. Beson,special
    140. Bicchieri,bicchieri
    141. Bicchiero,bicchiero
    142. Bidon,bidon
    143. Biega,bending
    144. Bierlast,beer load
    145. Bieröhmchen,beer mug
    146. Biertonne,beer barrel
    147. Bigga,bigga
    148. Bigha,bigha
    149. Bigoncia,bigoncia
    150. Bildhauerfuß,sculptor's foot
    151. Biljuk,bilyuk
    152. Billet,ticket
    153. Bind,binding
    154. Binde,bandage
    155. Binh,binh
    156. Biolca,biolca
    157. Bis,until
    158. Bisacca,bisacca
    159. Bischof,bishop
    160. Bitic,bitic
    161. Bitschart,bitchart
    162. Blank,blank
    163. Bloss,just
    164. Bocale,bocale
    165. Böcklein,kid
    166. Boġča,boġča
    167. Böhmischer Strich :Strich,bohemian dash : dash
    168. Boisseau,boisseau
    169. Boisselée,boisselee
    170. Bole,bole
    171. Borrel,borrel
    172. Bosse,Bosses,bosses, :bosses
    173. Bota,bota
    174. Botschka,bochka
    175. Botte,boat
    176. Boucaut,boucaut
    177. Boujaron,boujaron
    178. Bouteille,bouteille
    179. Bozia,bozia
    180. Bozza,Bozze,bozza, :bozza
    181. Braça,braca
    182. Braccio da Panno :Braccio,braccio,braccio da panno : braccio, braccio
    183. Braccio da Terra,braccio da terra
    184. Braccio,braccio
    185. Brande,fire
    186. Brasse,bream
    187. Bratze,bratze
    188. Brau,brew
    189. Braunschweiger Elle : ^,Brunswick ell
    190. Brautonne : ^,bridal sun : ^
    191. Braza real :Braza,braza,braza real : braza, braza
    192. Brazádo,brazado
    193. Brazzetto,brazzetto
    194. Bremer Last :Last,last,bremen last: last, last
    195. Brenta (Hohlmaß),brenta
    196. Brento,brento
    197. Brief,letter
    198. Browoz,browoz
    199. Bu,bu
    200. Bubblo,bubblo
    201. Bucher,books
    202. Bucizza,bucizza
    203. Buey,buyy
    204. Bugday,bugday
    205. Buncal,buncal
    206. Bund,federation
    207. Bunder,covenant
    208. Bur,bur
    209. Burchio,burchio
    210. Bürtel,belt
    211. Buschau,buchau
    212. Büschel,tuft
    213. Bushel,bushel
    214. Bussard,buzzard
    215. Busuck,busuck
    216. Butcher’s stone :butcher's stone,stone,butcher's stone : butcher's stone, stone
    217. Butt,butt
    218. Bütte,butt
    219. Buttima,buttima
    220. Butylka,butyl cap
    221. Cabal,cabal
    222. Caballería,caballeria
    223. Caban,caban
    224. Cabida,cabida
    225. Cadame,cadame
    226. Cade,cade
    227. Caderno,caderno
    228. Cado,cado
    229. Cafisse,cafe
    230. Cafla,cafla
    231. Cagliaria,cagliaria
    232. Cahis,cahis
    233. Cahíz,cahiz
    234. Cahizada,cahizada
    235. Calanchi,calanchi
    236. Calemin,calemin
    237. Calow,calow
    238. Calpo,calpo
    239. Camaco,camaco
    240. Cambetta,cambetta
    241. Cameral-Fuß :cameral,foot,cameral foot : cameral, foot
    242. Campo,campo
    243. Canada,canada
    244. Canado,canada
    245. Canam,canam
    246. Canata,canata
    247. Candaca,candaca
    248. Cando,cando
    249. Candy,candy
    250. Canhador,canhador
    251. Cani,cani
    252. Canna,canna
    253. Cannate,cannate
    254. Cannella,cannella
    255. Cantarello,cantarello
    256. Cantaro,cantaro
    257. Cape foot,cape foot
    258. Capicha,capicha
    259. Caque,cup
    260. Cara,cara
    261. Caractere,character
    262. Carara,carara
    263. Carato,carato
    264. Carboy,carboy
    265. Carica,Carico,carica, :carico
    266. Carival,carnival
    267. Carobe,carobe
    268. Carozzo,carozzo
    269. Carrata,carrata
    270. Carré,carre
    271. Carreau,carreau
    272. Carretado,carretado
    273. Carro,carro
    274. Carse,carse
    275. Carte,carte
    276. Carterée,carterée
    277. Carteyrade,carteyrade
    278. Carucata,carucata
    279. Cass,cass
    280. Casseler Acker :Acker,acker,casseler field: field, field
    281. Cassico,cassico
    282. Castellano,castellano
    283. Castilianische Mark :Mark,mark,castilian mark : mark, mark
    284. Catena,catena
    285. Cavalleria,cavalry
    286. Cavan,cavan
    287. Cavary,cavary
    288. Cavesco,cavesco
    289. Cavezzo,cavezzo
    290. Cavot,cavot
    291. Cawney,cawney
    292. Celemino,celemino
    293. Cent,cent
    294. Centaß,centass
    295. Centnar,centnar
    296. Cesto,cesto
    297. Chain,chain
    298. Chaldron,chaldrone
    299. Chandoo,chandoo
    300. Char,char
    301. Charac,character
    302. Charge,batch
    303. Charrūba,charruba
    304. Charwār,charwar
    305. Chast,chase
    306. Chattak,chattak
    307. Chattauck,chattauck
    308. Chaupine,chaupine
    309. Chebbo,chebo
    310. Chebel,chevel
    311. Cheky,cheky
    312. Cheme,chemistry
    313. Chenica,chenica
    314. Cheshire-Pole,cheshire pole
    315. Chest,chest
    316. Chet (Altes Ägypten) :chet,chet (ancient egypt): chet
    317. Chi,chi
    318. Chila,chila
    319. Chinanta,chinanta
    320. Choadony,choadony
    321. Chönix,chonix
    322. Chopine,chopine
    323. Chor,choir
    324. Chouto,chouto
    325. Chow,chow
    326. Chupa,chupa
    327. Chus,chus
    328. Ciesky,ciesky
    329. Cifk,cifk
    330. Circular mil,circular mil
    331. Civadier,civadian
    332. Clam,clam
    333. Clima,climate
    334. Clocane,clocans
    335. Clove,clove
    336. Coccia,Coccio,coccia, : coccio
    337. Codo,code
    338. Coffino,coffee
    339. Cogno,cogno
    340. Cohi,cohi
    341. Cole,cole
    342. Côle,cole
    343. Collothun,collothun
    344. Colo,colo
    345. Coltra,coltra
    346. Coltre,coltre
    347. Conjon,conjon
    348. Conque,conque
    349. Conzo,conzo
    350. Coom,coom
    351. Copa,copa
    352. Copello,copello
    353. Copet,copet
    354. Coppa,coppa
    355. Coppo,coppo
    356. Cor,cor
    357. Corba,corba
    358. Cord,cord
    359. Corda,corda
    360. Corde,corde
    361. Cordel,cordel
    362. Cornickel,cornickel
    363. Cortane,cortane
    364. Cortarine,cortarine
    365. Cortsch,corch
    366. Costal,costal
    367. Cotta,cotta
    368. Coudée,coudee
    369. Coupang,coupang
    370. Coupé,coupe
    371. Couque,couque
    372. Courosame,courosame
    373. Crad,cradle
    374. Cran,cran
    375. Crat,crate
    376. Crazia,crazia
    377. Criadero,criadero
    378. Crivello,crivello
    379. Cseber,cseber
    380. Cuartera,cuartera
    381. Cuarterada,cuarterada
    382. Cuarteron,cuarteron
    383. Cuartillo,cuartillo
    384. Cuartin,cuartin
    385. Cubit,cubit
    386. Cucchiaro,cucchiaro
    387. Cuillier,cuillier
    388. Culah,culah
    389. Culleus,culleus
    390. Cullishigay,cullishigay
    391. Cumbo,cumbo
    392. Cun,cun
    393. Cup,cup
    394. Cupo,cupo
    395. Cusl,cusl
    396. Custodie,custody
    397. Cuttlo,cuttlo
    398. Ćwierć,Ćwierć
    399. Czarka,czarka
    400. Dadix,dadix
    401. Dagwand,day wall
    402. Dain,therein
    403. Dam,dam
    404. Dammer,dam
    405. Dan,dan
    406. Danda,danda
    407. Dāng,dang
    408. Dāniq,dāniq
    409. Danna (Mesopotamien),danna
    410. Darchini,darchini
    411. Daribba,daribba
    412. Dartu,dartu
    413. Däst,diet
    414. Daumelle,thumbell
    415. Deben,debits
    416. Decher,decker
    417. Decimal,decimal
    418. Decimo,decimo
    419. Decina,decina
    420. Dedo,dedo
    421. Deget pătrat,deget patrat
    422. Deichgräberrute :Rute,rute,dyke digger's rod : rod, rod
    423. Deichkabel,levee cable
    424. Dekade,decade
    425. Dekas,decas
    426. Delnitá,delnita
    427. Demijohn,demijohn
    428. Demirlä,demirlä
    429. Denaro,denaro
    430. Denk,think
    431. Deppo,jerk
    432. Deral,derals
    433. Derali,derali
    434. Desjaterik,desjaterik
    435. Dessjatine,dessiatine
    436. Destre,destre
    437. Dezimal,decimal
    438. Dhirāʿ,dhiraʿ
    439. Dhrá,dhra
    440. Dichas,dichas
    441. Dicotilo,dicotillo
    442. Diemat,diemat
    443. Diethaufe,dietaufe
    444. Dimerli,dimerli
    445. Dipoh,dipoh
    446. Dito,dito
    447. Dizean,dicean
    448. Djeba,djeba
    449. Djong,djong
    450. Doba,doba
    451. Doit,doit
    452. Dolichos (Lauf),dolichos
    453. Dolja,dolya
    454. Domin,domin
    455. Dong,dong
    456. Doon,doon
    457. Doopke,doopke
    458. Doppelhundert,double hundred
    459. Doppelmäß,double measure
    460. Douillard,douillard
    461. Dowang,dowang
    462. Dozovo,dozovo
    463. Drachma,drachma
    464. Drag,drag
    465. Dramur,drama
    466. Dreiling,three of a kind
    467. Dreilingsmetze,triple massacres
    468. Dreißiger,thirties
    469. Dresdner Kanne :Kanne,kanne,dresdner kanne: kanne, kanne
    470. Drilling,triplets
    471. Drohn,drone
    472. Drömt,drone
    473. Drop,drop
    474. Dscharīb,jarīb
    475. Dschirib,jirib
    476. Dschömba,djemba
    477. Dschou,dschou
    478. Duella,duel
    479. Dumplachter,dumbass
    480. Dunam,dunam
    481. Düong,duong
    482. Écheveau,echeveau
    483. Ecklein,little corner
    484. Eichmaß,gauge
    485. Eighth,eight
    486. Eimerlein,little bucket
    487. Einfall,incidence
    488. Elwand,elwand
    489. Emene,emene
    490. Emero,emero
    491. Emina,emina
    492. Émine,emine
    493. Empan,empan
    494. Endasch,final ash
    495. Engjateigur,engjateigur
    496. English Ell :English ell,ell,english ell : english ell, ell
    497. Engster,closest
    498. Eprouvette,eprovette
    499. Erdochs,ground ox
    500. Erdrute,ground rod
    501. Erlauer Faß :Faß,erlauer fass: barrel
    502. Erzmaß,ore measure
    503. Esca,esca
    504. Escandeau,escandeau
    505. Eschen,ash trees
    506. Essain,essain
    507. Essertin,eater
    508. Estadale,estadale
    509. Estádio,estadio
    510. Estado,state
    511. Estelin,estelin
    512. Esterling,esterling
    513. Etto,etto
    514. Etzba,etzba
    515. Eultschek,eultchek
    516. Evlek,evlek
    517. Exeque,executive
    518. Faden (Garnmaß),thread
    519. Faggot,fagot
    520. Fahn,flag
    521. Fahrt,journey
    522. Falchom,falkhom
    523. Fall,case
    524. Fammar,family
    525. Famn,family
    526. Fandel,fandel
    527. Fanega,fanega
    528. Fanoe,fanoe
    529. Faranzala,faranzala
    530. Fardingdeal,farding deal
    531. Fardo,fardo
    532. Fargot,fargot
    533. Fasch,fake
    534. Fass (Trier),barrel
    535. Fässchen,keg
    536. Fastsaat,fast seed
    537. Fauchée,fauchee
    538. Fauches,hissing
    539. Faust,fist
    540. Faux,faux
    541. Feddan,feddan
    542. Feldacker undWaldacker,field fields and forest fields
    543. Felin,felin
    544. Fen,feet
    545. Feralin,feralin
    546. Ferfaðmur,ferfaðmur
    547. Ferfet,ferfet
    548. Ferlino,ferlino
    549. Fermíla,fermila
    550. Ferrado,ferrado
    551. Ferþumlungur,ferþumlungur
    552. Feuillette,features
    553. Fiasco,fiasco
    554. Fichelin,fichelin
    555. Firkin,fikin
    556. Fischel,fishel
    557. Fitze,fizz
    558. Flasche,bottle
    559. Foglietta,foglietta
    560. Footlambert,footlambert
    561. Fortin,fortin
    562. Fossorier,fossori
    563. Foster,foster
    564. Foudre,foudre
    565. Fraggele,fraggle
    566. Fraggerl,fraggerl
    567. Francart,francart
    568. Frangotillo,francotillo
    569. Frankenhauser Kanne,frankenhauser pot
    570. Frankfurter Stab :Stab,stab,staff,stave,frankfurter stab : stab, stab, staff, stave
    571. Frequin,frequin
    572. Frison,frison
    573. Frohngewicht,happy weight
    574. Fruchtgallon,fruit gallon
    575. Fudder,fudder
    576. Fuder,fuder
    577. Fuderstock,fuderstick
    578. Fülleimer,filling bucket
    579. Fünfviertel-Sihr :Sihr,sihr,five quarter sihr: sihr, sihr
    580. Funt,fun
    581. Funta,funta
    582. Furlong,furlong
    583. Futtermaßel,lining measure
    584. Gais,Gais
    585. Gaißla,Gaissla
    586. Galbe,galbe
    587. Gallone,gallon
    588. Galopin,gallop
    589. Galvai,Galvai
    590. Gam,game
    591. Gambetta,Gambetta
    592. Gang (Garnmaß),thread
    593. Gantan,Gantan
    594. Gantong,gantong
    595. Garave,Garave
    596. Garce,Garce
    597. Garnetz,garnet
    598. Garniec,garniec
    599. Garnitur,set
    600. Gaspe,Gaspe
    601. Gatzen,gazers
    602. Gavada,Gavada
    603. Gawot,Gavot
    604. Gazel,gazel
    605. Ge,ge
    606. Geailoge,Geailogue
    607. Geblätz,blared
    608. Geestmorgen,yesterday morning
    609. Geestrute,geest rod
    610. Geestscheffel,Geestscheffel
    611. Geira,geira
    612. Gelängeflur,dirt floor
    613. Gelte,apply
    614. Geme,Gem
    615. Gemind,community
    616. Gendumscho,Gendumscho
    617. Geplätze,spaces
    618. Gereh,due
    619. Gerle,Gerle
    620. Gerra,Gerra
    621. Gert,device
    622. Ges,total
    623. Gescheid,divorced
    624. Geschleif,grinding
    625. Getreideprob-Metzen,Grain sample butchers
    626. Gewende,turn
    627. Ghefeese,gheeese
    628. Gheria,Gheria
    629. Gheriah,Gheriah
    630. Gherrie,Gherrie
    631. Gherry,gherry
    632. Ghiral,Ghiral
    633. Giarre,guitar
    634. Gidda,Gidda
    635. Gilbert,Gilbert
    636. Gill,Gil
    637. Giornata,giornata
    638. Gira,Gira
    639. Girä,Gira
    640. Girära,Girara
    641. Girib,Girib
    642. Gitter,grid
    643. Glas,Glass
    644. Glasmaß,glass measure
    645. Gleit,sliding
    646. Glied,element
    647. Globen,globes
    648. ,Go
    649. Gode,Gode
    650. Goelack,Goelack
    651. Gognale,Gognale
    652. Golsch,golsch
    653. Gon (Längenmaß),Gon
    654. Gönczer Faß,Gönczer barrel
    655. Göntscha,gonscha
    656. Gorraf,Gorraf
    657. Gos,Gos
    658. Gotto,Gotto
    659. Goue,goue
    660. Graber,digger
    661. Grad Bischoff,degree bischoff
    662. Granik (Gewichtsmaß),Granik
    663. Granotine,granotine
    664. Granottino,Granottino
    665. Granotto,grotto
    666. Gräpel,Graepel
    667. Gras,grass
    668. Graß,grass
    669. Graund,gray
    670. Grazer Viertel,Graz district
    671. Grefi,Grefi
    672. Griff (Garnmaß),grip
    673. Grista,grista
    674. Griwenka,hryvenka
    675. Grora,grandma
    676. Gros,gross
    677. Groß-Seitel,Großseitel,Seitel,Groß-pagel, :Großseitel, seitel
    678. Großkufe,large skid
    679. Guhn,guhn
    680. Guinon (Flächenmaß),Guinon
    681. Gunda,Gunda
    682. Gunschah,Gunshah
    683. Guz,good
    684. Guze,Guze
    685. Hacienda,hacienda
    686. Haidscheffel,haidscheffel
    687. Halbfass,half barrel
    688. Halibiu,halibiu
    689. Hamma,hamma
    690. Handelsmaß,commercial measure
    691. Handschuh,Glove
    692. Hani,hani
    693. Hank,hank
    694. Hannega,hannega
    695. Hao,hey
    696. Hardary,hardary
    697. Harra,hara
    698. Harsela,harsela
    699. Haspelknipp,reel snap
    700. Hath,hath
    701. Hatur,hatur
    702. Haufen,heap
    703. Havelboden,havelboden
    704. Havot,havot
    705. Heer,army
    706. Heft,notebook
    707. Hehlo,heh lo
    708. Hehloh,heh oh
    709. Heimbzen,heimbzen
    710. Helfchen,helper
    711. Hemmel,hemel
    712. Henkemann,henkeman
    713. Henu,henu
    714. Heqat,heqat
    715. Hesp,hesp
    716. Heuklafter,hay cords
    717. Himpten,himpten
    718. Hin,there
    719. Hindasah,hindasah
    720. Hintare,rear
    721. Hiro,hiro
    722. Hofzeile,courtyard row
    723. Hogshead,hogshead
    724. Hold,hold
    725. Hole,hole
    726. Holster,holster
    727. Holzklafter,wood cord
    728. Holzmäß,wood measure
    729. Holzstoß,pile of wood
    730. Hom,home
    731. Hommée,hommee
    732. Hoop,hoop
    733. Hose,trousers
    734. Hot,hot
    735. Hufenrute,hoof rod
    736. Hultaine,hultaine
    737. Hund,dog
    738. Hundesmühler Torfkorb :Torfkorb,Torf,torf,Korb,korb,hundesmühler peat basket : peat basket, peat, peat, basket, basket
    739. Hundredweight,hundredweight
    740. Hut,cap
    741. Hutte,hut
    742. Hüttenfuder,hüttenfuder
    743. Hüttenhundert,cottage hundred
    744. Hüttenkanne,cottage pot
    745. Hüttenkorb,cottage basket
    746. Hüttenkübel,cottage bucket
    747. Hüttentausend,cottage thousand
    748. Hüvelyk,huvelyk
    749. Hvat,hvat
    750. Iarda ionia,iarda ionia
    751. Icze,ice
    752. Imbuto,imbuto
    753. Imoja,imoja
    754. Ingistara,ingistara
    755. Innerberger Faß,innerberg barrel
    756. Invel,level
    757. Irdabb,irdabb
    758. Issaron,issaron
    759. Iteru,iteru
    760. Itur,itur
    761. Jacob,jacob
    762. Jalka,yalka
    763. Jalois,blinds
    764. Jarbe,jarbe
    765. Jarre,jarre
    766. Jetz,now
    767. Jidde,yidd
    768. Joch :joch,yoke,yoke : yoke, yoke
    769. Jod,iodine
    770. Jodschan,jojan
    771. Jornal,journal
    772. Journal,journal
    773. Journee,journee
    774. Juchart,juchart
    775. Juck (Flächenmaß),itch
    776. Judenmaß,jewish measure
    777. Jungfrur,virginity
    778. Juta,juta
    779. Jutte,jutte
    780. Kab,cab
    781. Kabel,cable
    782. Kabiet,cabinet
    783. Kad,cad
    784. Kadam,kadam
    785. Kadem,cadem
    786. Kahn,barge
    787. Kahun,kahun
    788. Kail,kai
    789. Kaila,kaila
    790. Kalk-Ballje,kalk-ballje
    791. Kalkmüthel,kalkmuthel
    792. Kama,kama
    793. Kameralschuh,camera shoe
    794. Kamień,kamień
    795. Kammer-Morgen,chamber morning
    796. Kammergutsklafter,kammergutsklafter
    797. Kan,can
    798. Kanan,kanan
    799. Kandil,candile
    800. Kanonenschussweite,gun range
    801. Kanta,canta
    802. Kante,edge
    803. Kantje,kantje
    804. Kantor,cantor
    805. Kanu,canoe
    806. Kanzleiformat,office format
    807. Kap,cape
    808. Kapanala,kapanala
    809. Kappar,kappar
    810. Karch,karch
    811. Kardele,kardele
    812. Karine,karine
    813. Karre,cart
    814. Karschetz,karschetz
    815. Kärtchen,card
    816. Kartos,cartons
    817. Kasab,kasab
    818. Kast,box
    819. Kasten,crate
    820. Katasterfuß,cadastral foot
    821. Katasterrute,cadastral route
    822. Katastraljoch,cadastral yoke
    823. Kätti,katti
    824. Käwä,kawa
    825. Keel,keel
    826. Keg,bowl
    827. Kélé,kele
    828. Ken,ken
    829. Kessel,boiler
    830. Kettenfuß,chain foot
    831. Ketvirtes,ketvirtes
    832. Keub,keub
    833. Kiepe,box
    834. Kila,kila
    835. Kiliare,kiliare
    836. Kilo,kilo
    837. Kinjon,kinjon
    838. Kiping,kiping
    839. Kippunta,kippunta
    840. Kiste,box
    841. Kite,kite
    842. Kjuli,kjuli
    843. Kleinmedian,small median
    844. Kleinroyal,small royal
    845. Klem,clamp
    846. Kleuder,sling
    847. Klipper,clipper
    848. Kłoda,kloda
    849. Klupper,klupper
    850. Kluppet,kluppet
    851. Knipp,snap
    852. Kobbit,kobbit
    853. Koda,coda
    854. Koffada,koffada
    855. Kohlenkorb,coal basket
    856. Kohlenmalter,coal painter
    857. Kohlensack,coal sack
    858. Kohlenstübich,coal room
      Korb,Malter,Sack,Stübich/Tübich,#: basket, malter, sack, stübich/tübich
    859. Koku,koku
    860. Kola,kola
    861. Kole,cole
    862. Konew,konev
    863. Königsberger Scheffel :Scheffel,scheffel,königsberger scheffel : scheffel, scheffel
    864. Königsgewicht,kingweight
    865. Kopf,head
    866. Köpfchen,brains
    867. Köpfel,heads
    868. Kopna,kopna
    869. Koppo,koppo
    870. Kornfaß,grain barrel
    871. Korzec,korzec
    872. Kosa,kosa
    873. Koß,koss
    874. Kost,fare
    875. Kot,feces
    876. Kouza,kouza
    877. Krämer-Elle,Kramer elle
    878. Kramergewicht,Kramer weight
    879. Kranz,wreath
    880. Kravele,kravele
    881. Kreuzscheffel,cross bushel
    882. Krippe,crib
    883. Kro,kro
    884. Kroes,kroes
    885. Krone,crown
    886. Kross,crispy
    887. Krötel,dumplings
    888. Krues,krues
    889. Krüppel,cripple
    890. Kruschka,kruschka
    891. Kubikfeldrute,cubic field rod
    892. Kubikingenieurrute,cubic engineer rod
    893. Kubiktoise,cubic toise
    894. Küchenmaß (Leipziger Volumenmaß),kitchen measure
    895. Kucke,look
    896. Kufe,skid
    897. Kuhl,cool
    898. Kuhweide,cow pasture
    899. Kula,kula
    900. Kulaç,kulaç
    901. Kulack,kulack
    902. Kulah,kulah
    903. Kuli,pen
    904. Kulmet,culmet
    905. Kumm,cum
    906. Kumme,crest
    907. Kummt,cums
    908. Kunke,kunke
    909. Küpfli,küpfli
    910. Kuplenik,kuplenik
    911. Kuritz,kuritz
    912. Kurr,curr
    913. Kursächsische Postmeile,kursächsisch,Postmeile,electoral saxon post mile, electoral saxon, post mile
    914. Kurwar,kurwar
    915. Kut,kut
    916. Kútur,culture
    917. Kwarta,kwarta
    918. Kwaterka,kwaterka
    919. Kweh,kweh
    920. Labor,laboratory
    921. Lädi,shops
    922. Ladre,loader
    923. Laep,lap
    924. Laib,loaf
    925. Lamyet,lamyet
    926. Lan,lan
    927. Lana,lana
    928. Land-Wüppe,land-wüppe
    929. Landfass,country barrel
    930. Langenthaler Elle,Langenthal ell
    931. Last,load
    932. Łaszt,laszt
    933. Latte,bar
    934. Laut,noisy
    935. Lavot,lavot
    936. Ławka,lawka
    937. Lea,leah
    938. Ledi,led
    939. Leengs,leengs
    940. Lega metrica,lega metrica
    941. Legana,legana
    942. Legge-Elle,leg-ell
    943. Leghe,leghe
    944. Legua,league
    945. Légua,league
    946. Lehen,fief
    947. Leinsaat-Tonne,linseed bin
    948. Lestall,lestall
    949. Li,li
    950. Libbra,libbra
    951. Libreta,libreta
    952. Liretta,liretta
    953. Lispfund,lipound
    954. Litron,liters
    955. Littre,little
    956. Livre Poids de table,livre poids de table
    957. Livre usuelle,livery usual
    958. Load,load
    959. Loán,loan
    960. Loch,hole
    961. Lofstelle,loft point
    962. Log,log
    963. Lögel,lion
    964. Loip,track
    965. Łokieć,Łokieć
    966. Lokot,locomotive
    967. Long,long
    968. Loof,loop
    969. Lopp,lop
    970. Lowry,lowry
    971. Loxa,loxa
    972. Lumini,lumini
    973. Lüong,luong
    974. Łut,loud
    975. Lütticher Fuß,liege foot
    976. Maal,mal
    977. Macque,macque
    978. Madschar,majar
    979. Magdeburger Maß,Magdeburg measure
    980. Maggio,maggio
    981. Mahl (Feldmaß),meal
    982. Maik,mike
    983. Maille,maille
    984. Main,main
    985. Maiß,corn
    986. Majon,mayon
    987. Makkūk,makkuk
    988. Mal’ackah,mal'ackah
    989. Malenka,malenka
    990. Mallal,mallal
    991. Malouah,malouah
    992. Malter,paint
    993. Malterbank,paint bench
    994. Maltersaat,paint seed
    995. Malterscheid,malterscheid
    996. Managoga,managoga
    997. Manchadi,manchadi
    998. Mandel (Garn),almond
    999. Mändelgewicht,almond weight
    1000. Mane,mane
    1001. Mann,man
    1002. Manne,man
    1003. Mannikah,manikah
    1004. Mannsgrab,man grave
    1005. Mannsmack,man mack
    1006. Mannsschnitz,man carving
    1007. Mannstuhl,man chair
    1008. Mano,mano
    1009. Manojita,manojita
    1010. Mansja,mansia
    1011. Maquia,maquia
    1012. March,march
    1013. Marco,marco
    1014. Margel,margel
    1015. Marhale,marshall
    1016. Markal,markal
    1017. Markka,markka
    1018. Marktscheffel,market bushel
    1019. Marktviertel,market district
    1020. Marque,brand
    1021. Marschrute,marching rod
    1022. Mäs,ms
    1023. Masha,masha
    1024. Mäß,measure
    1025. Mäßchen,measure
    1026. Mäßli,moderate
    1027. Mastello,mastello
    1028. Masu,masu
    1029. Matika,matika
    1030. Matrikularrute,matricular rod
    1031. Matt,frosted
    1032. Mau,mau
    1033. Mauerrute,wall rod
    1034. Mazzo,matzo
    1035. Mecmeda,mecmeda
    1036. Medara,medara
    1037. Media,media
    1038. Medimno,medimno
    1039. Medio,medium
    1040. Meen,meen
    1041. Meeß,meess
    1042. Meh,meh
    1043. Meitadella,meitadella
    1044. Mejo,mejo
    1045. Membrure,membrane
    1046. Memecda,memecda
    1047. Mensinalo,mensinalo
    1048. Merföld,merfold
    1049. Merte,merte
    1050. Meschok,meshok
    1051. Meß,meas
    1052. Meßle,messle
    1053. Mesure,measure
    1054. Mesurette,mesurette
    1055. Metadella,metadella
    1056. Meterzentner,hundredweight
    1057. Metretes,metretes
    1058. Mettar,mettar
    1059. Metze (Hohlmaß),butcher
    1060. Meuk,meuk
    1061. Mezzacanna,mezzacanna
    1062. Mezzarola,mezzarola
    1063. Mezzetta,mezzetta
    1064. Mezzino,mezzino
    1065. Mhörri,mhoerri
    1066. Miam,miam
    1067. Michetta,michetta
    1068. Migamuto,migamuto
    1069. Migliaro,migliaro
    1070. Miglio,miglio
    1071. Mil Tunsi,mil tunsi
    1072. Míla á landi,mila a landi
    1073. Mila,mila
    1074. Milchkanne,milk can
    1075. Mile,miles
    1076. Milha,miha
    1077. Milheiro,milheiro
    1078. Milimetr,millimeters
    1079. Millar,millar
    1080. Millerolle,mill roll
    1081. Millier,miller
    1082. Milwa,milwa
    1083. Mina,mine
    1084. Minale,minerals
    1085. Minde,at least
    1086. Mine (Volumeneinheit),mine
    1087. Minello,minello
    1088. Mingel,mingle
    1089. Minkel,minkel
    1090. Minot,minot
    1091. Minuto,minute
    1092. Mirka,mirka
    1093. Miro,miro
    1094. Mirze,mirza
    1095. Misura,misura
    1096. Mite,middle
    1097. Mithqāl,mithqal
    1098. Mitjeta,mitjeta
    1099. Mitlein,fellow
    1100. Mittmel,mean
    1101. Möckerchen,mockery
    1102. Modillo,modillo
    1103. Moeda,moeda
    1104. Moggia,Moggio,moggia,moggio
    1105. Moio,moio
    1106. Moja,moja
    1107. Mojah,mojah
    1108. Mokkapfund,mocha fund
    1109. Mokuk,mokuk
    1110. Molt,molt
    1111. Momme,mom
    1112. Mondello,mondello
    1113. Monkelzer,monkelzer
    1114. Monscha,monscha
    1115. Monton,monton
    1116. Moose,mosses
    1117. Mora,mora
    1118. Morah,morah
    1119. Morgow,morgov
    1120. Mostachi,mostachi
    1121. Mote,mote
    1122. Motika,motika
    1123. Mött,mot
    1124. Mötte,moth
    1125. Motureau,motoreau
    1126. Moule,moule
    1127. Mozetta,mozzetta
    1128. Mucil,mucil
    1129. Mucke,mosquito
    1130. Mujada,mujada
    1131. Mulde,trough
    1132. Müllermäßel,miller's knife
    1133. Mummenfass,mummy barrel
    1134. Murah,murah
    1135. Murais,murais
    1136. Musse,leisure
    1137. Musselinstab,muslin rod
    1138. Mustachio,mustachio
    1139. Mutchkin,mutchkin
    1140. Muth,courage
    1141. Mütt,mother
    1142. Müttle,muettle
    1143. Myria,myria
    1144. Nächterle,nocturnal
    1145. Nacti,nacti
    1146. Najiguré,najiguré
    1147. Nanque,nanque
    1148. Nanqui,nanqui
    1149. Napf,bowl
    1150. Naula,naula
    1151. Nelikko,nelikko
    1152. Nelikorn,nelikorn
    1153. Nelli,nelly
    1154. Nen,nope
    1155. Nengō,nengo
    1156. NER,Ner,ner (Mesopotamien),ner
    1157. Neuvaine,neuvaine
    1158. Ngu,ngu
    1159. Niederungarischer Eimer :Eimer,Lower Hungarian bucket :bucket
    1160. Nietro,nietro
    1161. Niou,niou
    1162. Nippur-Elle,nippur ell
    1163. Nir,nir
    1164. Nochud,nochud
    1165. Noeud,noeud
    1166. Norwegische Grenzmeile :Grenzmeile,Norwegian border mile :border mile
    1167. Nösel,nitpick
    1168. Nowtauk,nowtauk
    1169. Nuchut,nuchut
    1170. Nytur,nature
    1171. Obole,obole
    1172. Obrada,obrada
    1173. Occa,ok
    1174. Ochava,ochava
    1175. Ochavillo,ochavillo
    1176. Ödenburger Eimer,Ödenburg bucket
    1177. Odre,orre
    1178. Oel,oil
    1179. Oertchen,town
    1180. Ofener Metzen,Ofener metzen
    1181. Ofner Handelspfund :Handelspfund,Ofner trading pound :trading pound
    1182. Ohmkanne,ohm can
    1183. Oitava,oitava
    1184. Okaw,ok
    1185. Oke thapas,ok thapas
    1186. Okka,okka
    1187. Okruch,okruch
    1188. Ol,oil
    1189. Oldenburger Polizeimeile :Polizeimeile,oldenburg police mile: police mile
    1190. Olluck,olluck
    1191. Opera,opera
    1192. Oredish,oredish
    1193. Orena,orena
    1194. Orgyie,orgyy
    1195. Orna,orna
    1196. Ort,location
    1197. Orthodoron,orthodoron
    1198. Öseammer,Öseammer
    1199. Osmachka,osmachka
    1200. Osmina,osmina
    1201. Ottavo,ottavo
    1202. Ouv,ov
    1203. Ouvrier,ouvrier
    1204. Ovalo,ovalo
    1205. Oxhufoud,oxhufoud
    1206. Paal,paal
    1207. Paar,few
    1208. Pacco,pacco
    1209. Pace,pace
    1210. Pagliazzo,pagliazzo
    1211. Pagode,pagoda
    1212. Pahaw,pahaw
    1213. Pajock,pajock
    1214. Pakka,pakka
    1215. Pala,pala
    1216. Palaiste,palaces
    1217. Palaz,palace
    1218. Paletz,paletz
    1219. Palgat,palgat
    1220. Paliza,paliza
    1221. Pallasmina,pallasmina
    1222. Palmacu,palmacu
    1223. Palmipes,palmipes
    1224. Pan,pan
    1225. Panache,panache
    1226. Panal,panel
    1227. Panching,panning
    1228. Panilla,panilla
    1229. Pänne,mishaps
    1230. Panni,panny
    1231. Panno,panno
    1232. Panoro,panorama
    1233. Parcetto,parquet
    1234. Pariser Stich,Stich,Paris stitch,stich
    1235. Parm,parm
    1236. Parmak,parmak
    1237. Parms,parms
    1238. Paro,paro
    1239. Part,part
    1240. Partie,lot
    1241. Parto,parto
    1242. Pasme,pasme
    1243. Passetto,passetto
    1244. Passo,passport
    1245. Paulgaut,paulgaut
    1246. Pause,break
    1247. Pazeiden,pazeids
    1248. Pe,pe
    1249. Peck,peck
    1250. Pecul,pecul
    1251. Peerer,peer
    1252. Peerne,peers
    1253. Péga,pega
    1254. Pegel,level
    1255. Peh,peh
    1256. Penal,penalty
    1257. Pennel,pennel
    1258. Pennyweight,pennyweight
    1259. Peonada,peonada
    1260. Pera,pera
    1261. Perch,perches
    1262. Percha,percha
    1263. Perche,perch
    1264. Periot,periot
    1265. Perma,permanent
    1266. Perrée,perree
    1267. Pertica,pertica
    1268. Pesada,pesada
    1269. Pesata,pesata
    1270. Pesau,pesau
    1271. Pesinale,pesinale
    1272. Peso,peso
    1273. Petricon,petricon
    1274. Peymāne,peymāne
    1275. Pezza,pezza
    1276. Pfahl,stake
    1277. Pfahlhaufen,pile pile
    1278. Pfanne,pan
    1279. Pferdelast,horse load
    1280. Pfiff,whistle
    1281. Pflug,plow
    1282. Pfundensalz,pound salt
    1283. Pfundmaß,pound measure
    1284. Phan,phan
    1285. Pherra,pherra
    1286. Pichoune,pichoune
    1287. Picotin,picotine
    1288. Pié,pie
    1289. Pièce,piece
    1290. Pied carré,pied carre
    1291. Piede,piede
    1292. Piędź,piedz
    1293. Piffche,piffche
    1294. Pignata,pignata
    1295. Pignatelia,pignatelia
    1296. Pik,spades
    1297. Piki,piki
    1298. Pim (Währungseinheit),pim
    1299. Pinaki,pinaki
    1300. Pintchen,pinch
    1301. Pio,pio
    1302. Pipa,pipa
    1303. Pipor,pipor
    1304. Pipot,pipot
    1305. Piquet,piquet
    1306. Piset,piset
    1307. Pisoth,pisoth
    1308. Pjaterik,pyaterik
    1309. Planke,plank
    1310. Plethron,plethrone
    1311. Pognerée,pogneree
    1312. Pognou,pognou
    1313. Pognoul,pognoul
    1314. Pogone,pogone
    1315. Poinçon,poincon
    1316. Poiseuille,poiseuille
    1317. Poisson,poisson
    1318. Pojack,pojack
    1319. Półbeczka,polbeczka
    1320. Pole,poles
    1321. Półkorzec,polkorzec
    1322. Pollam,pollam
    1323. Pollegada,pollegada
    1324. Pollice,police
    1325. Poloniko,poloniko
    1326. Polosmina,polosmina
    1327. Polugarnetz,polar network
    1328. Polukruschka,polukrushka
    1329. Polutschetwerik,Polish etwerik
    1330. Poncelet,poncelet
    1331. Pontes,pontes
    1332. Poplata,popplata
    1333. Porca,porca
    1334. Poronkusema,poronkusema
    1335. Porrone,porrone
    1336. Pose,pose
    1337. Possessione,possession
    1338. Post,post
    1339. Poststation,mail station
    1340. Pottle,pottle
    1341. Pouce,pouce
    1342. Pougneree,pougneree
    1343. Prahm,pram
    1344. Prăjină,prăjina
    1345. Praschtschine,praschchine
    1346. Pręcik,pręcik
    1347. Pressburger Eimer,Pressburg bucket
    1348. Preßburger Metzen,Pressburg metzen
    1349. Pręt,pret
    1350. Preußische Tonne,Prussian ton
    1351. Priesterhufe,priest hooves
    1352. Prime,prime
    1353. Probe,sample
    1354. Proche,proche
    1355. Provenda,provenda
    1356. Pud,pud
    1357. Puddalum,puddalum
    1358. Puddy,puddy
    1359. Puhm,phew
    1360. Pulgada,pulgada
    1361. Puncheon,puncheon
    1362. Punchoo,punchoo
    1363. Punko,punk
    1364. Punto,punto
    1365. Pus,whoop
    1366. Pusseree,pusseree
    1367. Put,put
    1368. Pütsche,coups
    1369. Pütt,putt
    1370. Qabda,qabda
    1371. Qadah (Hohlmaß),qadah
    1372. Qafīz,qafiz
    1373. Qalba,qalba
    1374. Qama,qama
    1375. Qasaba,qasaba
    1376. Qintār,qintar
    1377. Quadrat-Milla,square milla
    1378. Quadratingenieurrute,square engineer rod
    1379. Quadrato,square
    1380. Quadrattoise,square toise
    1381. Quardeel,quardeel
    1382. Quart (Garnmaß),quart
    1383. Quarta,quarter
    1384. Quartana,quartana
    1385. Quartane,quartan
    1386. Quartant,quarant
    1387. Quartaro,quartar
    1388. Quartarolo,quartarolo
    1389. Quartaut,quartert
    1390. Quartel,quarter
    1391. Quartera,quartera
    1392. Quarterolle,quarter roll
    1393. Quarteron,quarteron
    1394. Quarterona,quarterona
    1395. Quarterono,quarterono
    1396. Quarticello,quarticello
    1397. Quartier,quarter
    1398. Quartier,quarter
    1399. Quartierchen,quarter
    1400. Quartiere,quarter
    1401. Quartiero,quarter
    1402. Quartiglio,quartlio
    1403. Quartilho,quartilho
    1404. Quartino,quartino
    1405. Quärtli,quarterly
    1406. Quarto,quarto
    1407. Quartuccio,quartuccio
    1408. Quartuncia,quartuncia
    1409. Quattrino,quattrino
    1410. Queleh,queleh
    1411. Quentchen,bite
    1412. Queue,queue
    1413. Quintli,quintli
    1414. Quire,quire
    1415. Rachel,rachel
    1416. Rachen,throat
    1417. Rachim,rachim
    1418. Racione,racione
    1419. Raga,raga
    1420. Rahel,rachel
    1421. Raliza,raliza
    1422. Rame,rame
    1423. Rancho,rancho
    1424. Rand,edge
    1425. Rango,rango
    1426. Ras,ras
    1427. Rasa,rasa
    1428. Rasiera,razor
    1429. Rasière,razor
    1430. Rasta,rasta
    1431. Rati,ratio
    1432. Rattel,rattle
    1433. Raye,raye
    1434. Real,real
    1435. Recherchée,research
    1436. Recke,warrior
    1437. Reep,reep
    1438. Refe,reference
    1439. Rége,rege
    1440. Reif,ripe
    1441. Reis,rice
    1442. Reise,trip
    1443. Reiss,tear
    1444. Remel,remel
    1445. Respe,resp
    1446. Reve,reve
    1447. Rez,rec
    1448. Rezal,rezal
    1449. Rheinländischer Fuß,Rhineland foot
    1450. Riem,strap
    1451. Rimpel,rimple
    1452. Ringel (Bergbau),ringlet
    1453. Riomeh,riomeh
    1454. Rittermäß,knightly
    1455. Robada,robada
    1456. Robo,robot
    1457. Rohr (Mesopotamien),rohr
    1458. Röhrel,tube
    1459. Röhrli,rohrli
    1460. Roik,roik
    1461. Rolle,role
    1462. Rood,room
    1463. Roof,roof
    1464. Room,room
    1465. Ropani,ropani
    1466. Roquille,roquille
    1467. Rosca,rosca
    1468. Rose,rose
    1469. Roß,horse
    1470. Rostzwitter,hermaphrodite
    1471. Rowley mile,rowley miles
    1472. Rubbiacella,rubbiacella
    1473. Rubbiatella,rubbiatella
    1474. Rubbio,rubbio
    1475. Rubʿ (Hohlmaß),rub'
    1476. Ruggi,ruggi
    1477. Rula,rula
    1478. Rummel,hype
    1479. Rump,torso
    1480. Rundlet,rundlet
    1481. Ründsel,trunk
    1482. Ruota,ruota
    1483. Rupy,rupees
    1484. Rut,ruth
    1485. Rutting,rubbing
    1486. Saat,seed
    1487. Sabbitha,sabbitha
    1488. Sabitha,sabitha
    1489. Sacare,sacare
    1490. Saccata,saccata
    1491. Sacco,bag
    1492. Saccoron,saccoron
    1493. Sad,sad
    1494. Sadang,sadang
    1495. Sadon,sadon
    1496. Säfter,juicer
    1497. Saga,saga
    1498. Saggio,saggio
    1499. Sagine,sagine
    1500. Sahm,cream
    1501. Sait,string
    1502. Salma,salma
    1503. Salzkorb,salt basket
    1504. Salzmäß,salt measure
    1505. Salzmetzen,saltmasons
    1506. Salzviertel,salt district
    1507. Sama,sama
    1508. San,san
    1509. Sao,sao
    1510. Sapca,sapca
    1511. SAR,Sar,sar (Mesopotamien),sar, sar, sar
    1512. Sarplar,sarplar
    1513. Saschen,saschen
    1514. Saß,sat
    1515. Sat,sat
    1516. Satel,satellite
    1517. Satz,sentence
    1518. Saucatta,saucatta
    1519. Saum,hem
    1520. Sążeń,sążeń
    1521. Sazo,sazo
    1522. Schacht,shaft
    1523. Schachtmaß,shaft dimension
    1524. Schachtrute,shaft rod
    1525. Schachtwerk,mine
    1526. Schag,shhh
    1527. Schagar,shagar
    1528. Schah-Gheray,shah Gheray
    1529. Schapp,schapp
    1530. Schatt,shadow
    1531. Scheerhaspel,shear reel
    1532. Scheffelsaat,bushel seed
    1533. Schekel,shekel
    1534. Scherbe,shard
    1535. Schesep,scheep
    1536. Schett,schett
    1537. Schichtschuh,shift shoe
    1538. Schiene,rail
    1539. Schiffsfuß,foot of ship
    1540. Schilltonne,shell barrel
    1541. Schineck,shineck
    1542. Schinek,bacon
    1543. Schirgel,reeds
    1544. Schlöpp,slip
    1545. Schmackpfund,tasty pound
    1546. Schmaltonne,narrow barrel
    1547. Schmitz,schmitz
    1548. Schober,rick
    1549. Schock,shock
    1550. Schokoladengewicht,chocolate weight
    1551. Schoot,shoot
    1552. Schragen,trays
    1553. Schrott,scrap metal
    1554. Schuufke,schuukke
    1555. Schweizer Elle,Swiss ell
    1556. Schweizer Fuss,Swiss foot
    1557. Schweizer,Swiss,swiss
    1558. Scodella,scodella
    1559. Score,score
    1560. Seam,seam
    1561. Sechsting,sixth
    1562. Sechter,sechter
    1563. Sechys,sechys
    1564. Sechzehnerli,sixteen
    1565. Sechziger,sixties
    1566. Sediceno,sediceno
    1567. Seer,sear
    1568. Sefter,sever
    1569. Seidel,tankard
    1570. Seipud,seipud
    1571. Seitel,page
    1572. Selemi,selemi
    1573. Selga,selga
    1574. Sen,sen
    1575. Sephel,sephel
    1576. Sereth,sereth
    1577. Serpler,serpler
    1578. Sesma,sesma
    1579. Seste,seste
    1580. Setier,setier
    1581. Setine,setine
    1582. Seyra,seyra
    1583. Shakkanhō,shakkanho
    1584. Shaku,shaku
    1585. Shō,shō
    1586. Sicca,sicca
    1587. Sihr,sir
    1588. Sila,sila
    1589. Simri,simri
    1590. Sinquena,sinquena
    1591. Sipmaß,sip measure
    1592. Sitarion,sitarion
    1593. Sitio,location
    1594. Sivadiere,sivadiere
    1595. Sixto,sixto
    1596. Skalenpfund,scale pounds
    1597. Skein,skein
    1598. Skrinda,skrinda
    1599. Slug,slug
    1600. Soalli,soalli
    1601. Socha,socha
    1602. Sock,socks
    1603. Soglio,soglio
    1604. Soldatenmarsch,soldiers march
    1605. Soline,soline
    1606. Solive,soleive
    1607. Sollotuch,sollo cloth
    1608. Solota,zolota
    1609. Solotnik,solotnik
    1610. Somma,somma
    1611. Somme,summer
    1612. Sommer,summer
    1613. Sompi,sompi
    1614. Sonu,son
    1615. Sorokowaja-Botschka,sorokovaya-bochka
    1616. Sotka,sotka
    1617. Souroutont,souroutont
    1618. Span,span
    1619. Spanisches Münzwesen,spanish coinage
    1620. Spann,instep
    1621. Spanne (Längenmaß),span
    1622. Spannland,spanland
    1623. Spazzo,spazzo
    1624. Speckgewicht,bacon weight
    1625. Speckhäuslegewicht,bacon house weight
    1626. Spindle,spindle
    1627. Spint,locker
    1628. Spithame,spithame
    1629. Spon,spon
    1630. Spuhl,spool
    1631. Ssorokowoi,sorokovoi
    1632. St.-Thomas-Gewicht,st. thomas weight
    1633. Stab,rod
    1634. Stabel,stick
    1635. Stäble,sticks
    1636. Stack of wood,stack of wood
    1637. Stadion (Längenmaß),stadium
    1638. Stafrum,stafrum
    1639. Stajolo,stajolo
    1640. Stajuolo,stajuolo
    1641. Stalln,stables
    1642. Stamni,stamni
    1643. Stamno,stamno
    1644. Standard,default
    1645. Stang,pole
    1646. Stange,pole
    1647. Stangiew,stangiew
    1648. Stânjen,stanjen
    1649. Stapel,stack
    1650. Stapp,step
    1651. Star,star
    1652. Starata,starata
    1653. Starello,starello
    1654. Starland,starland
    1655. Startin,startin
    1656. Stathme,stathme
    1657. Stauscheffel,storage bushel
    1658. Stecken,put
    1659. Steften,stesten
    1660. Steinbrecher Fuß,stone crusher foot
    1661. Steinkohlentonne,hard coal barrel
    1662. Steinschuh,stone shoe
    1663. Steuerquartier,control quarters
    1664. Steuertonne,tax barrel
    1665. Stibich,stibich
    1666. Stiege,stairs
    1667. Stier,bull
    1668. Stiftsviertel,collegiate district
    1669. Stig,stig
    1670. Stil,style
    1671. Stingene,sting genes
    1672. Stioro,stioro
    1673. Stippich,stippich
    1674. Stochiacah,stochiacah
    1675. Stock,floor
    1676. Stof,fabric
    1677. Stone,stone
    1678. Stoop,stoop
    1679. Stopa sześcienna,stopa sześcienna
    1680. Stopa,stopa
    1681. Stopello,stopello
    1682. Stoß,bump
    1683. Stotze,stomp
    1684. Straßenrute,street rod
    1685. Strecke,route
    1686. Streif,stripes
    1687. Stremma,strema
    1688. Stremo,stromo
    1689. Strich (Rekrutenmaß),dash
    1690. Strike,strike
    1691. Strohgeflechtmaß,straw mesh size
    1692. Stübchen,room
    1693. Stube,parlour
    1694. Stück (Garnmaß),piece
    1695. Stückfass,barrel
    1696. Stückle,pieces
    1697. Stuef,step
    1698. Stuhl,chair
    1699. Stundenfuß,hour foot
    1700. Stürnitze,fall nip
    1701. Stutz,support
    1702. Stütze,support
    1703. Subban,subban
    1704. Succalo,succalo
    1705. Sukat,sukat
    1706. Sukurrudscha,sukurruja
    1707. Surch,surch
    1708. Süß,sweet
    1709. Szestnastki,szestnastki
    1710. Sznur,sznur
    1711. Ta,ta
    1712. Tael,valley
    1713. Tagbau,open pit
    1714. Tagehri,daily
    1715. Tagmatt,daymat
    1716. Tagpolo,day polo
    1717. Tagwerk (Torf),tagwerk
    1718. Taille,waist
    1719. Taim,taim
    1720. Taing,taing
    1721. Talacsan,talacsan
    1722. Talent,talent
    1723. Tan,tan
    1724. Tank,tank
    1725. Tanko,tanko
    1726. Tappit Hen,tappit hen
    1727. Tarca,tarca
    1728. Tarea,tarea
    1729. Tarma,tarma
    1730. Tary,tary
    1731. Tasū,tasu
    1732. Tat,did
    1733. Tatami,tatami
    1734. Tause,thousand
    1735. Tausend,thousand
    1736. Tavola,tavola
    1737. Tazza,tazza
    1738. Teccalis,teccalis
    1739. Teersjen,teersjen
    1740. Teffé,teffe
    1741. Tehr,dear
    1742. Teman,teman
    1743. Temen,themes
    1744. Ten,ten
    1745. Tenn,tenn
    1746. Teon,teon
    1747. Tephach,tephach
    1748. Termino,term
    1749. Terz,third
    1750. Terzo,terzo
    1751. Tesa,tape
    1752. Teut,German
    1753. Thas,tha
    1754. That,that
    1755. Thaue,thaw
    1756. Thit,it
    1757. Thread,thread
    1758. Thuok,thuok
    1759. Thwa,thwa
    1760. Tibero,tibero
    1761. Tierze,animals
    1762. Tigday,day
    1763. Timber,timber
    1764. Tinaja,tinaja
    1765. Tinne,tin
    1766. Tippree,tippree
    1767. Tipree,tipree
    1768. Tircon,tircon
    1769. Tischauffera,table display
    1770. Tjäretönde,tjäretonde
    1771. Tjog,tjog
    1772. To,to
    1773. Todi,todi
    1774. Toftrute,toft rod
    1775. Toise,toise
    1776. Tol,great
    1777. Tola,tola
    1778. Tolon,tolon
    1779. Tomand,tomand
    1780. Tomine,tomine
    1781. Tomolo,tomolo
    1782. Tompong,tompong
    1783. Tonel,tonel
    1784. Tonelada,tonelada
    1785. Tonneau,tonneau
    1786. Topf,pot
    1787. Töpfchen,potty
    1788. Topon,topon
    1789. Topp,top
    1790. Toque,toque
    1791. Torentura,torentura
    1792. Torfkorb,peat basket
    1793. Torflast,peat load
    1794. Tornadura,tornadura
    1795. Tornatura,tornatura
    1796. Totschka,tochka
    1797. Touque,toque
    1798. Tovar,tovar
    1799. Töver,tover
    1800. Trabucco,trabucco
    1801. Traelastlaest,traelastlast
    1802. Trait,trait
    1803. Trapeso,trapeso
    1804. Tratto,tratto
    1805. Treiben,to drive
    1806. Trentaine,trentaine
    1807. Treseau,treseau
    1808. Tresseau,tresseau
    1809. Trinkl,drink
    1810. Troinik,troinik
    1811. Troubahouache,troubahouache
    1812. Truche,truches
    1813. Truss,truss
    1814. Truster,trustee
    1815. Tschan,chan
    1816. Tschanta,chanta
    1817. Tschārak,charak
    1818. Tscharka,charka
    1819. Tschaska,chaska
    1820. Tscheharek,cheharek
    1821. Tschetwerik,chetwerik
    1822. Tschetwerka,chetetverka
    1823. Tschetwert,chet value
    1824. Tschetwertinka,chetvertinka
    1825. Tuckea,tuckea
    1826. Tuda,tuda
    1827. Tun,do
    1828. Túndagslátta,túndagslátta
    1829. Tung,tung
    1830. Tunke,dip
    1831. Tunna,tunna
    1832. Tuoppi,tuoppi
    1833. Tura,turah
    1834. Tussoo,tussoo
    1835. Tuuma,tuuma
    1836. Tynnyri,tynnyri
    1837. Tynnyrilästi,tynnyrilästi
    1838. Ueba,ueba
    1839. Ujana,ujana
    1840. Uncia,uncia
    1841. Uncja,uncja
    1842. Uper,up
    1843. Uperken,uperken
    1844. Ur,ur
    1845. Urna,urn
    1846. Urup,urup
    1847. ,, (Mesopotamien)
    1848. Usbek,uzbek
    1849. Vaaksa,vaaksa
    1850. Vaam,vaam
    1851. Vaatje,vaatje
    1852. Vakia,vakia
    1853. Vakie,vakie
    1854. Vakir,vakir
    1855. Vaneza,vaneza
    1856. Vara de rivera,vara de rivera
    1857. Varahun,varahun
    1858. Varenne,varenne
    1859. Vari,vari
    1860. Variciacho,variciacho
    1861. Variciaco,variciaco
    1862. Vassa,vassa
    1863. Vat,father
    1864. Vatje,dad
    1865. Veder,veder
    1866. Veerker,veerker
    1867. Veissel,vehicle
    1868. Veka,veka
    1869. Velte,velte
    1870. Vergée,forgée
    1871. Verktum,sale
    1872. Vermessungsfuß,survey foot
    1873. Verp,package
    1874. Verre,re
    1875. Versine,verses
    1876. Versokka,versokka
    1877. Versura,versura
    1878. Vesno,vesno
    1879. Vicomtegewicht,viscount weight
    1880. Vierdup,four-dup
    1881. Vierfaß,four barrel
    1882. Vierling,four of a kind
    1883. Viernling,quadruplet
    1884. Viernsel,viernsel
    1885. Viertel,quarter
    1886. Viertele,quarter
    1887. Viertelein,quarter
    1888. Viertelgescheid,quarter
    1889. Vierteli,quarter
    1890. Viertelspann,quarter span
    1891. Vilcadé,vilcade
    1892. Vingtaine,vingtaine
    1893. Viraganidé,viraganide
    1894. Virnzel,virnzel
    1895. Virsta,virsta
    1896. Virte,virte
    1897. Vödör,voeder
    1898. Vog,vog
    1899. Voie,voie
    1900. Vorling,forerunner
    1901. Voua,voua
    1902. Voule,volume
    1903. Vretene,vretene
    1904. Vussa,vussa
    1905. Wadra,wadra
    1906. Wadschab,wajab
    1907. Wag,dare
    1908. Wagen,car
    1909. Währing,currency
    1910. Waiba,waiba
    1911. Waldfuß,forest foot
    1912. Waldklafter,forest fathom
    1913. Waldreif,forest frost
    1914. Wall,wall
    1915. Wall,wall
    1916. Wanne,tub
    1917. Wari,wari
    1918. Watner,watner
    1919. Weberelle,weberell
    1920. Wecht,wech
    1921. Wedro,wedro
    1922. Wehr,weir
    1923. Welle,wave
    1924. Wende,turn
    1925. Wente,wente
    1926. Werk,plant
    1927. Werschok,vershok
    1928. Werst,verst
    1929. Westfälische Meile,Westphalian mile
    1930. Wey,wey
    1931. Wiadro,wiadro
    1932. Wiedel,wiedel
    1933. Wiener Eimer,Viennese bucket
    1934. Wihimpten,wimping
    1935. Windel,diaper
    1936. Wispel,wisp
    1937. Włóka,włóka
    1938. Wurf,throw
    1939. Wusa,wusa
    1940. Xatague,xatague
    1941. Yosane,yosane
    1942. Yugada,yugada
    1943. Yük,yuk
    1944. Yuta,yuta
    1945. Zaim,zaim
    1946. Zain,zain
    1947. Zappada,zappada
    1948. Zarf,zaff
    1949. Zatou,zatou
    1950. Zavah,zavah
    1951. Zehntel,tenth
    1952. Zeidelheide,zeidelheide
    1953. Zeile,line
    1954. Zenge,zenge
    1955. Zer,cer
    1956. Zerla,zerla
    1957. Ziment,cement
    1958. Zimmer,room
    1959. Zimmerfuß,room foot
    1960. Zirai,zirai
    1961. Zuber,zuber
    1962. Zucca,zucca
    1963. Zug,train
    1964. Zulast,load
    1965. Zuoja,zuoja
    1966. Zurlo (Gewichtsmaß),zurlo (measure of weight)
    1967. Zwölfter,twelfth
    • 2010, Annemarie Weber,Rumäniendeutsche?: Diskurse zur Gruppenidentität einer Minderheit (1944-1971), Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar (→ISBN), page 5:
      Im Register seiner 1939 erschienenen „Literaturgeschichte des Deutschtums im Ausland“ verwendent Karl Kurt Klein den Begriff „Rumäniendeutschtum“ alsSammelbezeichnung für die unterschiedlichen deutschsprachigen Gruppen Rumäniens. Im „Namen- und Sachweiser“ versieht er das Stichwort „Rumäniendeutschtum“ mit folgenden Verweisen: „SieheBessarabiendeutschen Schrifttum.Buchenlanddeutsches Schrifttum.Donaudeutsches Schrifttum. Siebenbürgisch-deutsches Schrifttum“. In der Abhandlung selbst kommt dieser Begriff nicht mehr vor. Klein wählt dafür das Synonym „gesamtrumänisches Deutschtum“. Im Kapitel „Außendeutsches Schrifttum seit 19l4“ unterscheidet er u. a. „kanadadeutsches Schrifttum“, „die Baltendeutschen“, „die Russlanddeutschen“, „Polendeutsche Volksforschung“ (er spricht nicht vonPolendeutschen, sondern von „Inseldeutsche[m] Volksgruppenschrifttum in Polen“), „Donauschwaben undUngarndeutsche“. In Bezug auf die Bukowina („Buchenlanddeutsches Schrifttum“) [...]
    these compounds
    Höhenrauchsynonyms:Herauch (rare),Landrauch (rare),Rosserauch (very rare) (compareSommerrauch); in Dutch:veenrook (veendamp?),heirook (zeebrand?),seerook; English:dry haze,dust haze,dry fog.
    Rentenauszahlungstag (used in the SdL),Jahrhundertvertrag,Todeskandidat,Todeskandidatin;Ausnahmeerscheinung,Schlußentscheidung,Suchentscheidung,Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts (Stiftung),Besetzungsentscheidung;Flauheit,Unverfrorenheit;Frauenangelegenheiten;Vorstandspositionen,Geschäftsleitungspositionen,Matrikulation;Speckröllchen,Oberstübchen,Tüpfelchen;Lispfund (Liespfund),Schiffpfund;Prognoseintervall,Vorhersagezeitraum (Vorhersagezeiträume)
    derSpir­kel, dieKrusch­ke
    Gekrat (Gemeinnützige Krankentransport)
    Waffel (additional meanings),Schreiberazubine (Azubine),Entblättern,Oberweite,Körperterror,Winterspeck,Verlaub (mit Verlaub?),Angebetener /Angebetene /Angebetenen,Wohlstandsbäuchlein,Garaus (as an "only in set phrase" entry if nothing else), mitArgusaugen (mit Argusaugen),Ahornblatt (Ahorn),Platanengewächse (Platane),Blattform,Zuckerahorn,Drehkreuze,Paraderolle,Quengelzone,Spießrutenlauf,Wärterin,Haftanstalt,Vaterfreuden,Gefangener/Gefangene/Gefangenen
    Hüfthalterhöschen (not yet attested);Highheels,Overknees;Spitzenrand;Korselett,Schnürmieder,Bodysuit,Schnürleib,Schnürleibchen;Lieblingsarschtrittstiefel (not yet attestet);Fettnäpfchen;Pflanzenkind
    Hintermann,Geistiger Urheber/geistiger Urheber, vom "grünen" Tisch,o. ä.,Erfüllungsgehilfen,williger Helfer/willige Helfer
    Talkmaster,Talkmasterin;Nachwuchsjournalist,Nachwuchsjournalistin,Journalistin (Journalist)
    {{context|childish}}Tussi-Toaster/Klappkaribik (=Solarium)
    Landesgleichstellungsgesetz (LGG);Landesrecht,Auswahlverfahren,Personalakten,Beschäftigter/Beschäftigte
    Bewerbungsunterlagen,Akteneinsicht,Dienststelle,Personalrat; dasErfordernis
    dieDockingstation,Kunstfehler,Hauptspeicher,Speicherplatz, unterVerschluss,Aufpasser,Fernwartung,Innenleben,Beinchen,Flashchip,Schreibschutz, nach drei Stunden konzentrierterBastelarbeit,Einschaltknopf,Chefarzt
    einhaufen,aufhübschen (aufgehübscht),verheddern,beatmen,kleckern stattklotzen
    einkerkern;peppen (not justaufpeppen)
    ablöschen,ausquellen lassen /ausquellen,nach Bedarf
    resümieren (resümiert)
    auszusetzen (aussetzen),nachzuholen (nachholen),purzeln
    entblöden (entblödend)
    darben (darbend)
    aufgehübscht (aufhübschen),rabattiert,irrig,irr,dermaßen,siegbehaftet,aufgezeichnet
    entblödend (entblöden)
    härtiglich (archaic?),blickgefolgt,festgewachsen
    unverfänglichst (unverfänglich)
    tägig,täglich /-tägig,-täglich
    fingerlang,handbreit,faustdick, eiskalt,feuerheiß, steinhart,stahlfest,eisenhart, wolkenhoch,meilenweit, ellenlang,klafterdick,zentnerschwer, federleicht, felsenfest,puddingweich,flammenfest,taltief
    abteilungsübergreifend,artübergreifend,bereichsübergreifend,branchenübergreifend (sic);domänenübergreifend (sic);epochenübergreifend;fachübergreifend,fächerübergreifend;firmenübergreifend,fraktionsübergreifend,funktionsübergreifend,gebietsübergreifend;generationenübergreifend,generationsübergreifend
    grenzübergreifend,klassenübergreifend,kontextübergreifend,kulturübergreifend,marktübergreifend,länderübergreifend,nationenübergreifend,ortsübergreifend,religionsübergreifend;ressortübergreifend,schulübergreifend,sektorübergreifend;spartenübergreifend;sprachübergreifend;staatsübergreifend,staatenübergreifend;unternehmensübergreifend;werkübergreifend, (seltener:werksübergreifend);zeitübergreifend
    elektrisiten (obsolete)
    jeher (seit jeher,von jeher);jedwelcher/jedwelche;erliegen,erlegen,erlag,Erlag
    auf Kaution
    auf ex trinken, (eine Flasche) auf ex leeren
    die Gemüter erhitzen; Hopfen und Malz verlieren
    begrapscht,resümiert (resümieren)
    [...] „Planogramm“. Dazu ist jedes Regal in vier Zonen aufgeteilt: Ganz oben befindet sich die „Reckzone“, aufAugenhöhe die „Sichtzone“, direkt darunter die „Greifzone“ und ganz unten die „Bückzone ([4])
    In der DDR wurdePersipan wegen Rohstoffknappheit durchResipan (Maisgrieß mit Zucker und Aroma), dann auch wegenMaismangels durchNakapan (Kartoffelgrieß mit Zucker und Aroma) ersetzt. (w:de:Persipan)
    "Anhand der Daten erscheint die nach der Früh-Holozän-Feuchtphasenächstältere Pluvialzeit ..."
    Tejometropole may be barely attested;Tajometropole is unattested;Manzanaresmetropole is unattested,Manzanaresstadt might be barely attested;
    add:Rheinmetropole+Rheinstadt,Elbemetropole (Elbestadt?),Dneprmetropole,Uralmetropole (mountains)

    Dahinter die wie bodenlose Schwärze der Nacht, aus der, lautlos undunaufhörlich, dieFlockenwirbel fielen.
    Appetitanregen; bei Magersüchtigen
    von siebzehn bis achtzehn Jahren, mitschmachtendem Blick, aufs weißewiderstrebendeSommerbett, im frischenMorgenlichte,faselnackend vor innrer Glut von aller Decke und Hülle, bereit undkampflüsternhingelagert, Wollust zu geben

    the many synonyms ofRobe (includingTalar)

    clean upein,einer,eine,eines,einen,einem;kein,keiner,keine,keines,keinen,keinem;jeder etc

    • 2021, Ernst Wiechert,Jahre und Zeiten - Erinnerungen, Lindhardt og Ringhof (→ISBN):
      Oder ich musste mit ihm einen „Vierling“ kaufen, ein Gewehr, das ausser dem Kugel- und den beidenSchrotläufen einen vierten kleinkalibrigenKugellauf in derVisierschiene hatte. Ein Ungetüm von Gewehr, eine vervollkommnete Mordwaffe, ...
    sozialistenrot,kommunistenrot,morgenrot,hexenrot (rare)

    obsolete forms: roth, blaw, graw, schwartz
    some of these are not attested, check before adding!




















































































    Aufnahmeleitung,Spezialmaske,Standfoto/Standfotos +Standfotografie,Koproduktion,Postproduktion,Filmstiftung,Bildgestaltung,Editor,Szenenbild,Kostümbild,Sound Design,Casting,Produktionsleitung,Herstellungsleitung,Regieassistenz,Kamerassistenz,Materialassistenz,Oberbeleuchter,Oberbeleuchterin,Beleuchter,Beleuchterin,Lichthilfe,Tonassistenz,Tonpraktikant +Videopraktikant,Tonpraktikantin +Videopraktikantin,Art Director,Außenrequisite,Innenrequisite,Näher +Näherin,Requisitenfahrer,Requisitenfahrerin,Baubühne,Kostümassistenz,Nachdreh,Zusatzmaske,Produktionskoordination,Produktionsassistenz,Produktionspraktikant,Produktionspraktikantin,Produktionsfahrer,Produktionsfahrerin,Requisiteur,Requisiteurin,Requisit,Requisitenkammer/Requisitenlager/Requisitenfundus,Bühnenbildner,Szenenbildner, dasRegieteam,Außenrequisite,Innenrequisite,Zusatzfahrer +Zusatzfahrerin,Redaktionsassistent +Redaktionsassistentin,Filmgeschäftsführung,Steuerberater +Steuerberaterin,Kopierwerk,Finanzierungspartner +Finanzierungspartnerin,Kameraequipment,Lichtequipment,Tonequipment,Maskenmobil,Setequipment,Schnittassistenz,Schnittplatz,Tonstudio,Sounddesign,Dialogbearbeitung,Geräuschemacher +Geräuschemacherin,Geräuschaufnahmen, ADRSprachaufnahme, ADRAufnahmeleitung, ADRSynchroncutter/Synchroncutterin,Lichtbestimmer +Lichtbestimmerin,Taken,Filmton,Filmvorführer +Filmvorführer,Tonassistent,Tonassistentin,Synchrontonmeister +Synchrontonmeisterin,Sounddesigner,Soundeditor
    Juristendeutsch (etc.)
    eineMinderjährige,aktenkundig,hierorts,Inmarschsetzung,seitens ihrer Mutter, X derWaldwege aufKreisebene,Tötungsabsicht,eilends,Ernährungssektor,Augenleiden,krankgeschrieben, diediesfälligeTäuschungsabsicht,Verschlingung derBettlägerigen,Zweitverschlingung,Tötungsvorsatz,Dienstgang,Schnarchgeräusche, bei seinervorgesetzten Behörde,Tötungsgesuch,zuschlägigbeschieden,Empfangnahme, dieBeinhaltung desGetöteten,Schussgeber,Zuhilfenahme,Einsichtnahme
    Luppe, attested since the 18th century, from Frenchloupe, from Latinlupus, because they resembled the open mouths of wolves;Wolfsofen =Luppenfeuer

    German adjectives which de.Wikt has, which we don't.

    1. Bad Krozinger
    2. Bad Königshofener
    3. Bad Köstritzer
    4. Bad Laaspher
    5. Bad Lauchstädter
    6. Bad Lauterberger
    7. Bad Liebenwerdaer
    8. Bad Lippspringer
    9. Bad Mergentheimer
    10. Bad Münstereifeler
    11. Bad Nenndorfer
    12. Bad Oeynhausener
    13. Bad Orber
    14. Bad Rappenauer
    15. Bad Rodacher
    16. Bad Salzdetfurther
    17. Bad Saulgauer
    18. Bad Schandauer
    19. Bad Schussenrieder
    20. Bergamasker
    21. champagner
    22. Ehrenbreitsteiner
    23. Eichsfelder
    24. futschikato
    25. Genueser
    26. gestreng
    27. Gießener
    28. gingival
    29. Glatzer
    30. gluteal
    31. Gothaer
    32. gotzig
    33. granular
    34. gravid
    35. groggy
    36. groovy
    37. gut besucht
    38. gut erhalten
    39. gut gelaunt
    40. gymnasial
    41. Göttinger
    1. Habelschwerdter
    2. habil
    3. halal
    4. halb fertig
    5. halophil
    6. halsstarrig
    7. Hammer
    8. Hannoveraner
    9. hapaxanth
    10. haploid
    11. Harzer
    12. hefig
    13. Heidelberger
    14. heiß geliebt
    15. Helgoländer
    16. Heppenheimer
    17. hetero
    18. heteronom
    19. high
    20. hinkend
    21. hinter
    22. hip
    23. HIV-infiziert
    24. HIV-negativ
    25. HIV-positiv
    26. hoch dosiert
    27. hoch kompliziert
    28. hochwohlgeboren
    29. homoiotherm
    30. Hongkonger
    31. humanoid
    32. humeral
    33. humid
    34. humide
    35. humil
    36. hundert Pro
    37. hundertste
    38. Hunsrücker
    39. hybrid
    40. hydrogen
    41. ident
    42. illiquid
    43. immediat
    44. Immendorfer
    45. imperativ
    46. importun
    47. impotent
    48. indefinit
    49. indifferent
    50. indigen
    51. indolent
    52. infantil
    53. infaust
    54. infinitesimal
    55. Ingolstädter
    56. inguinal
    57. injektiv
    58. inkontinent
    59. inkorrekt
    60. Innerrhoder
    61. Innerschweizer
    62. insistent
    63. insolent
    64. instant
    65. institutionell
    66. integral
    67. intensional
    68. intentional
    69. interdenominational
    70. interdependent
    71. interkulturell
    72. interlinear
    73. interlingual
    74. intermenstrual
    75. internal
    76. interorbital
    77. interpersonal
    78. interpoliert
    79. interstadial
    80. interterritorial
    81. interurban
    82. intervertebral
    83. intraabdominal
    84. intramural
    85. intransigent
    86. intravasal
    87. intrikat
    88. invariant
    89. ipsilateral
    90. irr
    91. irreal
    92. islamitisch
    93. isochor
    94. isochron
    95. jubelnd
    96. judenspanisch
    97. Julianisch
    98. junior
    99. juridisch
    100. juvenil
    101. k. o.
    102. Kairener
    103. Kairoer
    104. kaki
    105. kapital
    106. kardinal
    107. Karlsruher
    108. karolinisch
    109. kastriert
    110. Kattowitzer
    111. Kemptener
    112. klastisch
    113. klein kariert
    114. knorrig
    115. Koblenzer
    116. kommun
    117. kommutativ
    118. komparativ
    119. konfus
    120. konsonant
    121. konstitutionell
    122. kontextuell
    123. kontinent
    124. kontraintuitiv
    125. konvergent
    126. Kopenhagener
    127. korpulent
    128. kosmopolitisch
    129. Kosten deckend
    130. Krebs erregend
    131. kränkelnd
    132. kubistisch
    133. kultiviert
    134. kupiert
    135. kurvig
    136. Kärntner
    137. labiodental
    138. lala
    139. laminar
    140. laryngeal
    141. lass
    142. Lausitzer
    143. lawratutti
    144. leer stehend
    145. Lehrter
    146. Leipziger
    147. letzte
    148. letztere
    149. Liechtensteiner
    150. limitiert
    151. linden
    152. linear
    153. links stehend
    154. liquid
    155. liquide
    156. live
    157. Liverpooler
    158. livid
    159. livide
    160. lizenziert
    161. loden
    162. Londoner
    163. longitudinal
    164. Lyoner
    165. lyrisch
    166. Löhner
    167. magnetisiert
    168. Mailänder
    169. maligne
    170. mandibular
    171. manipuliert
    172. Mannheimer
    173. mantisch
    174. maskiert
    175. mau
    176. Maurer
    177. mechulle
    178. median
    179. mediat
    180. medium
    181. mehrst
    182. meist
    183. melk
    184. mesial
    185. metallic
    186. milde
    187. mini
    188. ministerial
    189. mint
    190. mongoloid
    191. monohybrid
    192. monokausal
    193. monolingual
    194. monovalent
    195. morbide
    196. moros
    197. morphematisch
    198. morphologisch determiniert
    199. Moskauer
    200. motivational
    201. motiviert
    202. muff
    203. multilateral
    204. multilingual
    205. multinational
    206. multipel
    207. mutual
    208. myeloid
    209. myomorph
    210. Münchner
    211. narrativ
    212. nationalistisch
    213. Neapolitaner
    214. nebulos
    215. net
    216. Neu-Ulmer
    217. neunte
    218. neunzehnte
    219. neunzigste
    220. neural
    221. Niederberger
    222. niedergeschlagen
    223. nominell
    224. nonverbal
    225. Norweger
    226. not
    227. nuptial
    228. nächst
    229. nämlich
    230. Nürnberger
    231. oben erwähnt
    232. oben genannt
    233. oben stehend
    234. ober-
    235. oblong
    236. obstinat
    237. odios
    238. offline
    239. offshore
    240. ohnegleichen
    241. oktroyiert
    242. omnivor
    243. online
    244. opalen
    245. operational
    246. opportun
    247. opulent
    248. orangen
    249. ordnungsgemäß
    250. ordnungsmäßig
    251. ordoliberal
    252. oreal
    253. organisational
    254. organisiert
    255. Osloer
    256. Ostberliner
    257. Ostschweizer
    258. oszillierend
    259. ouvert
    260. overdressed
    261. packend
    262. Paderborner
    263. pagan
    264. palmar
    265. papabile
    266. paradoxal
    267. parasternal
    268. paraverbal
    269. paraxial
    270. parietal
    271. Pariser
    272. parochial
    273. partial
    274. passager
    275. patentiert
    276. pathogen
    277. patt
    278. paurisch
    279. pauschal
    280. pejorativ
    281. pendent
    282. perennis
    283. perfid
    284. performant
    285. Pergamener
    286. perlen
    287. persistent
    288. phonetisch determiniert
    289. photogen
    290. piccolo
    291. plantar
    292. plausibel
    293. plietsch
    294. pluripotent
    295. poikilotherm
    296. polyglott
    297. polyvalent
    298. pongid
    299. porno
    300. postalveolar
    301. postmodern
    302. postprandial
    303. potenziell
    304. Potsdamer
    305. Prager
    306. premium
    307. prim
    308. prinzipiell
    309. professoral
    310. prognostiziert
    311. progredient
    312. prompt
    313. proximal
    314. pseudonym
    315. publiziert
    316. puerperal
    317. pulmonal
    318. purulent
    319. pyknisch
    320. quälend
    321. rapid
    322. rapide
    323. rational
    324. rationell
    325. rauch
    326. rechts stehend
    327. regelrecht
    328. Regensburger
    329. regulativ
    330. reserviert
    331. resilient
    332. resonant
    333. respektabel
    334. respektiert
    335. rigid
    336. rigoros
    337. rott
    338. Rottweiler
    339. Roubaiser
    340. royal
    341. rösch
    342. rüd
    343. Rügener
    344. rührend
    345. Saarlouiser
    346. Saarländer
    347. Salzburger
    348. Salzwedeler
    349. Sankt Gallener
    350. Sankt Galler
    351. Sankt-Gallener
    352. Sankt-Galler
    353. schau
    354. scheinselbständig
    355. scheiße
    356. schiefern
    357. schillernd
    358. schleppend
    359. schlussendlich
    360. schmähend
    361. schrittweise
    362. schuld
    363. Schwarzwälder
    364. Schweizer
    365. sechste
    366. sechzehnte
    367. sechzigste
    368. sedativ
    369. sediert
    370. sekret
    371. senior
    372. sensitiv
    373. servil
    374. sexagesimal
    375. sexual
    376. sichergestellt
    377. siebente
    378. siebzehnte
    379. siebzigste
    380. sinister
    381. sinistral
    382. skrupulös
    383. small
    384. smart
    385. so genannt
    386. somnambul
    387. somnolent
    388. sonor
    389. spezialisiert
    390. spielend
    391. spirituell
    392. spongiform
    393. sprechend
    394. Spreewälder
    395. später
    396. stad
    397. stereotyp
    398. stier
    399. Stockholmer
    400. stomachal
    401. stop-and-go
    402. Straubinger
    403. streitsüchtig
    404. streng genommen
    405. stringent
    406. stupend
    407. stupid
    408. stupide
    409. stylish
    410. subaltern
    411. subdural
    412. subfossil
    413. subgingival
    414. sublingual
    415. submiss
    416. subnival
    417. subpolar
    418. subsidiär
    419. subungual
    420. superior
    421. superlativ
    422. supragingival
    423. supranational
    424. surjektiv
    425. suspekt
    426. symptomatisch
    427. systemrelevant
    428. tak
    429. taktil
    430. Tarentiner
    431. taupe
    432. tausendste
    433. teilhaftig
    434. temperat
    435. teratogen
    436. textil
    437. theatral
    438. theologisch
    439. Thüringer
    440. tief stehend
    441. timid
    442. timide
    443. Tiroler
    444. toff
    445. Tokioter
    446. Toledaner
    447. Tongaer
    448. topografisch
    449. totalitär
    450. totipotent
    451. transalpin
    452. transgenerational
    453. transient
    454. transregional
    455. traut
    456. treif
    457. treife
    458. trendy
    459. tribal
    460. Trierer
    461. trübe
    462. Turiner
    463. Turing-mächtig
    464. u-förmig
    465. Ulmer
    466. ultramodern
    467. umami
    468. umbenannt
    469. unbar
    470. unberufen
    471. uncool
    472. undercover
    473. underdressed
    474. uni
    475. uniform
    476. unilateral
    477. unmodern
    478. unsentimental
    479. unten erwähnt
    480. unten genannt
    481. unten stehend
    482. unter-
    483. untersucht
    484. unverzüglich
    485. up to date
    486. uvular
    487. vacat
    488. vag
    489. vakat
    490. valide
    491. vanille
    492. velar
    493. verabscheut
    494. verachtet
    495. veraltend
    496. verdeckt
    497. verderbt
    498. verfahren
    499. verfemt
    500. verifiziert
    501. verkracht
    502. vernetzt
    503. Veroneser
    504. verreist
    505. versatil
    506. verschleiert
    507. verschlissen
    508. verschwiegen
    509. versehentlich
    510. versklavt
    511. versteinert
    512. verstopft
    513. verständig
    514. verurteilt
    515. verwundet
    516. verzögert
    517. vibrierend
    518. viel genannt
    519. vierte
    520. viertel
    521. vierzehnte
    522. vierzigste
    523. vif
    524. vigesimal
    525. vigil
    526. viril
    527. virulent
    528. visuell
    529. volar
    530. volitional
    531. Vorarlberger
    532. voraussehend
    533. vorgerückt
    534. vorletzte
    535. vorschriftsmäßig
    536. Waadtländer
    537. Wachauer
    538. Wache stehend
    539. wahrlich
    540. Waliser
    541. Weimarer
    542. weinig
    543. weiter
    544. weitere
    545. weitestgehend
    546. Welschschweizer
    547. Westberliner
    548. Westerwälder
    549. Westschweizer
    550. Wiener
    551. Wittenberger
    552. Wolfsburger
    553. Wormser
    554. wrack
    555. Wuppertaler
    556. wurst
    557. X-beinig
    558. X-förmig
    559. Xantener
    560. xanthoderm
    561. xenomorph
    562. zach
    563. zahlbar
    564. zahlenmäßig
    565. zahlentheoretisch
    566. zahlungsfähig
    567. zahlungskräftig
    568. zahlungsunfähig
    569. zahlungsunwillig
    570. zahlungswillig
    571. zahlungswirksam
    572. zahnarztmäßig
    573. zahnig
    574. zahnlückig
    575. zanksüchtig
    576. zapfenartig
    577. zapfenförmig
    578. zapfentragend
    579. zapplig
    580. zart besaitet
    581. zartbesaitet
    582. zartbitter
    583. zartfühlend
    584. zartgrün
    585. zaudernd
    586. zedern
    587. zehneckig
    588. zehnstellig
    589. zehntausendste
    590. zehnte
    591. zehnteilig
    592. zehntel
    593. zehntpflichtig
    594. zehnwöchig
    595. zeitgeistlich
    596. zeitgemäß
    597. zeitgleich
    598. zeitinvariant
    599. zeitlos
    600. zeitnahe
    601. zeitraubend
    602. zeitsouverän
    603. zementen
    604. zentimeterdick
    605. zentralistisch
    606. Zentralschweizer
    607. zentrifugal
    608. zentripetal
    609. zerknirscht
    610. zerlumpt
    611. zermürbt
    612. zernarbt
    613. zerrüttet
    614. zerscherbt
    615. zerstreut
    616. zerstört
    617. zertalt
    618. zervikal
    619. zervikogen
    620. zerzaust
    621. zielbewusst
    622. zielführend
    623. zielgerichtet
    624. zielgruppengerecht
    625. ziemlich
    626. zig
    627. zinnern
    628. zinnoberrot
    629. zirkadian
    630. zirkulär
    631. zirkummediterran
    632. zirkumpolar
    633. zisalpin
    634. zitierbar
    635. zivilisiert
    636. zivilrechtlich
    637. zollrechtlich
    638. zombig
    639. zonal
    640. zoogeografisch
    641. zoogeographisch
    642. zornentbrannt
    643. zotig
    644. zu
    645. zuckerfrei
    646. zuckerkrank
    647. zugelassen
    648. zugetan
    649. zukunftsfeindlich
    650. zukunftsweisend
    651. zukunftweisend
    652. zungenbrecherisch
    653. zungenfertig
    654. zurechnungsfähig
    655. zurückhaltend
    656. zusammengefasst
    657. zusammengehörig
    658. zusammengenommen
    659. zusammengepfercht
    660. zusammengeritten
    661. zuschlagfrei
    662. zuschlagsfrei
    663. zustimmungsfähig
    664. zutraulich
    665. zuträglich
    666. zuvorkommend
    667. zuzahlungsfrei
    668. zuzahlungspflichtig
    669. zwanglos
    670. zwanzigste
    671. zweckdienlich
    672. zweckfrei
    673. zweckhaft
    674. zweckvoll
    675. zweiarmig
    676. zweibasig
    677. zweibasisch
    678. zweiblättrig
    679. zweieiig
    680. zweifelsfrei
    681. zweihebig
    682. zweihundertste
    683. zweiköpfig
    684. zweimotorig
    685. zweireihig
    686. zweirädrig
    687. zweispurig
    688. zweistellig
    689. zweistrahlig
    690. zweistufig
    691. zweistöckig
    692. zweitbeste
    693. zweite
    694. zweiteilig
    695. zweitgrößte
    696. zweitkleinste
    697. zweitlängste
    698. zweitmeist
    699. zweitürig
    700. zweiundzwanzigste
    701. zwiefach
    702. zwiegespalten
    703. zwilchen
    704. zwischenmenschlich
    705. zwote
    706. zwäg
    707. zwölfeckig
    708. zwölfköpfig
    709. zwölfminütig
    710. zwölfstellig
    711. zwölfte
    712. zyanotisch
    713. zygomatisch
    714. zykloid
    715. zyklopisch
    716. zylinderförmig
    717. zypressen
    718. zystisch
    719. zytogen
    720. zytologisch
    721. zytotoxisch
    722. zytotrop
    723. zähmbar
    724. zänkisch
    725. zögernd
    726. zölibatär
    727. züchtig
    728. Zürcher
    729. Züricher
    730. à point
    731. äbblich
    732. äber
    733. äbsch
    734. öffentlichkeitswirksam
    735. ökonometrisch
    736. ölhaltig
    737. önologisch
    738. ösophagisch
    739. österlich
    740. überlaufen
    741. überlebensgroß
    742. übermannshoch
    743. übermütig
    744. überproportional
    745. überqualifiziert
    746. überragend
    747. überregional
    748. überreichlich
    749. überreizt
    750. überschlagen
    751. überschlägig
    752. überschläglich
    753. überschuldet
    754. überschäumend
    755. überseeisch
    756. übersetzt
    757. übersättigt
    758. reviewübertrieben
    759. überwechtet
    copied from de.Wikt

    Substantivierungssuffixe:-chen (wie inStückchen) |-e (wie inLiebe) |-ei (wie inBäckerei) |-el (wie inÄrmel) |-en (wie inPolen) |-er (wie inBerliner) |-heit (wie inKindheit) |-ien (wie inJordanien) |-iker (wie inDramatiker) |-in (wie inProfessorin) |-keit (wie inSauberkeit) |-lein (wie inMännlein) |-ler (wie inKünstler) |-ling (wie inFrühling) |-nis (wie inGeheimnis) |-rich (wie inFähnrich) |-sal (wie inRinnsal) |-schaft (wie inLeidenschaft) |-sel (wie inMitbringsel) |-tum (wie inBürgertum) |-ung (wie inErhebung)

    Adjektivierungssuffixe:-bar (wie infahrbar) |-en (wie ingolden) |-erig (wie inpfefferig) |-ern (wie insteinern) |-fach (wie ineinfach) |-frei (wie inbleifrei) |-haft (wie inscherzhaft) |-ig (wie ingeschäftig) |-isch (wie inschwäbisch) |-lich (wie inhäuslich) |-los (wie infreudlos) |-mäßig (wie inberufsmäßig) |-sam (wie inbedeutsam) |-sch (wie inpommersch)

    Suffixe der Verbableitung:-el (wie inblödeln) |-er (wie inlöchern) |-ig (wie inreinigen)

    Andere Suffixe der deutschen Sprache:-ab |-end |-ens |-lei |-mal

    Ortsnamen-Suffixe:-a;-ach;-atsch;-atz;-atzsch;-au;-aue;-bach;-beck;-bek;-berg;-borg;-broich;-born;-brunn;-brunnen;-burg;-brück;-brücke;-brügge;-busch;-by;-bü;-dal;-dorf;-dorp;-druf;-druff;-eck;-egge;-egk;-ei;-end;-ey;-feld;-felde;-fels;-ford;-forst;-fort;-furt;-furth;-förde;-gast;-hafen;-hagen;-hain;-hammer;-hart;-hausen;-haven;-heide;-heim;-hof; -hoff;-holm;-holt;-holz;-hoven;-horst;-husen;-hübel;-hütte;-in;-ing;-ingen;-itsch;-itz;-itzsch;-kerken;-kirch;-kirchen;-kloster;-land;-leben;-lohe;-mark;-markt;-mole;-molen;-möle;-mölen;-mühl;-mühle;-mühlen;-ow;-ov;-rich;-roda;-rode;-rose;-see;-stadt;-stedt;-stein;-städt;-stetten;-sund;-tal;-trop;-trup;-vörde;-wald;-walde;-wangen;-weiler;-wold;-wolde;-zell


    "Among the Ammonoidea the termsammoniticone,mimoceracone and bactriticone are sometimes used for the close-coiled, loose-coiled and straight (primitive) forms."

    country abbreviations used by Geoguessr players :Arg (rhymed withbarge: Argentina),Bots (Botswana),Cambo (Cambodia),Cro (Croatia),Kyrg (Kyrgyzstan),Lux (Luxembourg),Monty (Montenegro),NA (North America),North Mac / sometimesNorth Mace (pronounced likemass: North Macedonia),Philly (Philippines),Sri (Lanka),Thai (Thailand), (people manage to name Eswati correctly and pronounce Lesotho correctly)
    genitus (cloud / weather term)
    transrace,transregion,transage (seeCitations:transrace)
    dumpster diving,totting,skipping,skip diving,skip salvage,curb shopping,trash picking orstreet scavenging,scrapping
    shoot your shot orshoot one's shot: to take one's chance; in particular: to pursue someone one wants to date
    tachyphasia (syn oftachylalia, seebradyphasia),ataxaphasia,dactylophasia,eidophasia
    gynemimetomorph (seegynemimesis)
    auto-antonym,autantonym,contronym,contranym,antagonym,Janus word,enantiodrome,self-antonym,antilogy, or addad (Arabic, singular didd).enantiosemy,enantionymy orantilogy
    decrease "remove creases from"
    godbearing /Godbearing
    sand cutter (a type of diviner, also called asand doctor)
    rare queer neologisms:

    Rhinogradentia (fictional group; also a real group of butterflies?),Rhinogradentia steineri (real butterflies?),rhinogrades (English and French),snouters (possibly attested in a non-Steiner sense?),nasoria (in real taxonomic names).Eoörnis pterovelox gobiensis.Lists of fictional species.
    takie (Syrian hat, similar to atarboosh)
    yerker (sudden blow; horse that jerks; mischievous child) (fromjerker?)
    Southern US terms fromCentury:
    paddies (plurale tantum) :pantalets or knee-drawers with flounces.
    (perCentury andThe Sportsman's Gazetteer)goggle-eyed perch :strawberry perch ;chub (South Carolina);chinkapin perch /chinquapin perch (Louisiana or general Southern US);sac-a-lai /sac a lai (New Orleans Creoles)
    chicken-bill : Thesora,Porzana carolina, so called from its short bill.
    dull : seeTalk:dull
    Englisher (more English, also, something to do with ?cloth?)
    create/expand:Volgian,Volgan (search for e.g. Volgan + Russia);schwerpunkt#English (RFV?)
    jumping spider subfamily members:
    aelurilline (only one BGC hit)
    agoriine (unattested)
    amycine (not attested in this sense?)
    balline (not attested in this sense?)


    hegumenia/ihumenia,gonker = Armenian churchepigonation,nabedrennik
    Tengisian,Ganagolian andKarachaganakian (these are either geologic period names, or straightforward "from [place]" adjectives, but none of them meet CFI yet)
    quick clay/quickclay,acrotelm,catotelm
    reteporiform: "reteporidcheilostomes are especially interesting in that their colony form — erect perforated sheets or latticelike networks (designated reteporiform; Stach, 1936)"
    Frankification (Gallicization)
    inbark (seeCentury)
    • From Century:
    kirtle (petticoat); separate etyl "kirtle of flax" (quantity, about 100 lb, of flax)
    kirve,kerve : ((mining) to hole, to undercut)
    kistress : a kestrel-hawk (Blome; Halliwell)
    kit-kat,kit-cat : a (size of) portrait, less than half-length ("some of his kit-kats and full-length" "kit-kat of" "canvas for a kit-kat is")
    kitchen : (verb!)
    kitchen-fee,kitchen-gain : ((historical)? fat which falls from meat during roasting; drippings, taken by the cook)
    quone (protologism)

    seemingly not attested
    • monoyeric : (of a manuscript) using only one yer letter (despite containing enough words that it could be expected to use both of the yers which exist in the Cyrillic alphabet)
    • testovarectomy (removal of both testicular and ovarian tissue)

    stems = supposedly slang for "legs"
    yabos = supposedly slang for "breasts"
    time depth
    fermor,fermour (obsolete spellings offarmer? found outside the compoundgongfermo(u)r?)
    lithsexual (sexual version oflithromantic: person who feels sexual attraction but does not need or want this to be reciprocated / does not want to receive sexual pleasure, comparestone,stone butch)
    English: Shetland or Orkney terms
    • 1883, John R. Tudor,The Orkneys and Shetland: Their Past and Present State, London : E. Stanford ; Kirkwall, Eng. : W. Peace ; Lerwick, Eng. : C. & A. Sandison, page 132:
      A boat itself is eitherfarr orknoren; the stern iskupp orsteven; the loose boards forming the flooring are thetilfer; the plug used to stop the hole through which, when run ashore, any water, the boat may have made when afloat, is run off, is thenile; the scoop used in baling isauskfrrie; the division boards dividing a boat into compartments arefiskafeal; the compartments themselves arerooms; a stone anchor is afastie; the band binding the ribs together is ahadaband; the horn used to shw the course to other boats at night, or in fog, islooderhorn; a boat's compass is adiackle; oars arerems,remaks, orars; the mast issteng; [...] to keep a boat in position in a tideway, or up to wind, is toandoo; to back water is toshoo; and to reef a sail is toswift.
      farr,knoren,kupp,steven,tilfer,fiskafeal,room,fastie,hadaband,looderhorn /looder-horn,diackle,rem /rems,remak /remaks,ar /ars,steng,andoo,shoo,swift
    English: geological terms

    Many of these are taken from theDrilling Data Handbook→ISBN of Gilles Gabolde and Jean-Paul Nguyen. Some may already have entries, others may not be attested (a few may even be misspelt):

    Also, most of the words removed inthese edits, while they exist, have very vague definitions.

    English: non-old taxonomic/species names

    Asian lesser white-toothed shrew,lesser Canada goose,lesser Congo shrew,lesser dung fly,lesser dwarf shrew,lesser flying phalanger,lesser gray-brown musk shrew,lesser grison,lesser mouse-deer (lesser Malay chevrotain,kanchil),lesser rock shrew,lesser Ryukyu shrew,lesser striped shrew,lesser white-toothed shrew, and more by searching Wikipedia forintitle:"Lesser" species.

    proradiate,proconcave,rectiradiate,rursiradiate,retroconcave,monoschizotomous,biplicate,dichotomous ribs,polyschizotomous,diversipartite,dischizotomous,polygyrate,bidichotomous,polyptychitid
    Wikipedia: "Jaws of ammonites belonging to the Boreal familyPolyptychitidae, with lower jaws closely resembling jaws ofcraspeditids,cardioceratids andhoplitoids, are described for the first time from the Valanginian of Russia by Mironenko & Mitta (2022).[28]"
    • 1955,Die sauren Devonischen eruptivgesteine des Kap ..., page 64
      Polyptychitid ammonites, found by Standring at 520-530 m and again at various places just below the summit, between about 640 and 670 m. At the summit itself Mayne found a Lyticoceras indicating the presence of the Upper [...]
    • 1961,Meddelelser Om Grønland, volume 168, page 22:
      [...] polyptychitid ammonites are not very difficrent from those of Speeton (Yorkshire, England) and north Germany, [...]

    "They also use specific terms to refer to “heteromorph” ammonoids, which are notplanispirally coiled and/or have successive whorls in contact with one another: ancyloconic,breviconic, gyroconic, hamitoconic, orthoconic, scaphitoconic, torticonic and vermiconic. [...] Landman et al. (1996) and Westermann (1996) also used the terms ‘brevidomic’, ‘mesodomic’ and ‘longidomic’ to describe body chamber lengths of approximatelyone-half whorl, three-fourth whorl, and a whorl or more in length, respectively."

    conch shapes per Juan Antonio Pérez-Claros et al.

    Alternatively, but not attested / no-one uses it:

    conch shapes (per Kutygin, and parenthetically per Arkell)
    dactilicone (~orserpenticone)subdactiliconecabriconesublaticonelaticone
    virgaconesubvirgaconeparagiconesubcadicone (would bespherocone in the less-optioned schema)cadicone
    beloconesubbelocone (~orplatycone)pachyconesubmexiconemexicone (would bespherocone in the less-optioned schema)
    oppeliconeoroxyconesuboppeliconeor ~suboxyconeagathicone (would bespherocone in the less-optioned schema)subspheroconespherocone
    conch shapes (per Kutygin, and parenthetically per Arkell)
    dactiliconic (~orserpenticonic)subdactiliconiccabriconicsublaticoniclaticonic
    virgaconicsubvirgaconicparagiconicsubcadiconic (would bespheroconic in the less-optioned schema)cadiconic
    beloconicsubbeloconic (~orplatyconic)pachyconicsubmexiconicmexiconic (would bespheroconic in the less-optioned schema)
    oppeliconicoroxyconicsuboppeliconicor ~suboxyconicagathiconic (would bespheroconic in the less-optioned schema)subspheroconicspheroconic
    "In the terminology of Arkell (1957), the following terms would be synonymous: oxycone—oppelicone; serpenticone—eoticone/dactilicone; platycone—suboppelicone/subbelocone; sphaerocone—subcadicone via mexicone and agathicone to spherocone"
    English: old taxonomic names
    my notes are in [single square brackets]

    Thick-billed Guillemot [...] the Atlantic bird is calledLomvia arra svarbag, and the Pacific simplyL. arra, but under the system of nomenclature followed in the "Key" the Atlantic should have been calledLomvia svarbag and the PacificLomvia svarbag arra, as Pallas's name is later than that given by Brünnich. [In old literature, the name "Lomvia arra" is quote common, often scanno'ed by Google as "Lomria arra". The bird is now calledUria lomvia orUria lomvia arra.]

    From Frank Finn,The World's Birds (1908):Uria troile,Alca impennis,Simorhynchus pusillus,Mergulus alle,Uria grylle,Uria brunnichi.

    • 1841, William Charles Linnaeus Martin,A general introduction to the natural history of mammiferous animals
    • "Commencing, then, with theFerae, Nature appears to quit them [aquatic types], for the Lemurs, by such animals as theArctitis [?same asArctoidea?], Temm., and [...]" [...]
    • Mr Swainson's parallel arrangement of the Mammalia and Birds is as follows:—
      Orders of Quadrupeds [] Orders of Birds.
      I. Typical Group. — [...]
      II. Sub-typical group. [...]
      III. Aberrant group. [...]
      Circle, Simiadae; or, Old-World Monkeys. [...]
      III. Aberrant group.
      Papio. {Head very large, little or no tail;} Cetacae.
      Macacus. {Tail comparatively long; hare-lipped;} Glires.
      Inunus. {Head conspicuously created;} Ungulata.
    • Ungulata. — Families of Rasores.
      Solipedes. Tail excessively long.Pavonidae (Peacock).
      Ruminantes. Tail very short.Tetraonidae (Grouse).
      Anoplotheres. Semi-aquatic.Cracidae (Curassows).
      Edentates. Jaws prolonged, slender; feet short.Columbidae (Pigeons).
      Pachydermes. Size, large; hair or feathers, very thin; skin, thick.Struthionidae (Ostrich, Cassowary). [...]
    • [misc species names that were mentioned:]Bos dermaceros,Bos pusio,Bos thersites [...]
    • "the argument is directed [...] against the inclusion in the order Cheiropoda, of Bimana (Man), Quadrumana (the Old-World-Monkeys and Lemurs), andPedimana (the American Monkeys and the Opossums), as coequal families"
    • 1851, George Vasey,Delineations of the Ox Tribe
      "what analogy can be discovered between an ordinary bull (Taurus) and a man, a monkey, or a bat (Primates); or betweenTaurus and theIncessores (Perching Birds)? Or between Buffaloes, whose horns are partially covered with skin (Dermaceros), and cocks and hens (Rasores)?"
    English: armor
    • colet /collet: MEgolet,gulet,colet: cfcolleret /collerete,collaret /collarete,
    • cuisse :guisse / ?guish; cf from MEquisson(thigh armor, a cuisse),Citations:cuisson (2, poorly distinguished from cuisse: cfchausse,chausson),quisson, alsocushion? (quishin only as an alt form ofcushion); cf MEquisseu
    • gardebrace vsgardebras vswardbrace: see below
    • gipell /gipel, (cfjupe,jupel,giperel), ME
    • hamise (pl.), ME
    • mailure, ME mailūre, OF enmaillëure = mail armor, maille
    • paitrure, ?peitrure, ?poitrure, from MEpayttrure
      • 1852, James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps,A Dictionary of Archaic & Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs & Ancient Customs, Form the Fourteenth Century, page599:
        PAITRURE. Part of a horse's armour , for defending the neck.[]
      • 1857, Thomas Wright,Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Ninetheenth Century which are No Longer in Use ...[etc.], page721:
        PAITRURE, S. (A.-N.) Armour for defending the horse's neck.
      • 1895, David Laing, William Carew Hazlitt,Early Popular Poetry of Scotland and the Northern Border, page336:
        Payetrelle, horse-furniture or caparison,i.q. paitrure.
      • 1988, Utsunomiya Daigaku. Kyōyōbu,宇都宮大学敎養部研究報告:
        (LC) MED paitrure n. Decorative breast-armor for a horse. (LC).
    Reiterharnisch (Küriss) für Feld undTurnier
    File:Rüstung - Bestandteile - Vorder- und Rückseite.jpg:Plattenrüstung usw.
    aScheitelstück oderGlocke des Helmes, b Visier, cKinnreff, dKehlstück, eNackenschirm, fHalsberge, gBruststück, hRückenstück, iBauchreifen (Bauchreife) mitBeintaschen u.Gesäßreifen (*Gesäßreife), k Vorder- u. Hinterflüge, lFederstifte zum Festhalten derVorder- u. Hinterflüge verbindendenAchselstücke, mBrechränder (Brechrand) o.Stosskragen, nArmzeug,Ober- u.Unterarmschienen, oArmkacheln (Ellbogenkachel,Muschel,Mäusel,Ellenbogenpanzer), pgefingerteEisenhandschuhe, qRüsthaken zum einlegen der Lanze (w:de:Rüsthaken), rDiechlinge (Schenkelstücke), sKniebuckel, tBeinröhren, uEisenschuhe (Bahrenfüsse o.Kuhmäuler), vPanzerschutz (o. unterer Teil desRingelpanzers).- Deutscher Harnisch aus der Zeit Kaiser Maximilian I. (15. Jhd.)

    ailette alt forms :alette,aleron,aileron?,ailerette?

    ballistic clothbellows visorbretache (nosepiece on a bascinet)Citations:buhurt,Citations:behourdcannon (lower cannon,upper cannon)chapeau orcap of dignitydog-faced (helm)dossiere form ofdossière (backplate: seeCitations:spallière)dragoon /dragoon helm /dragoon helmetenclosed helmetfrog-mouth helm -Stechhelm (stechhelm)Citations:garcettegreat helm =pot helm,bucket helm (barrel helm);jack of plate (jack of plate) = SOP withjack? —jambiere /jambière (greave)janetairejarnackatapu,kalapu: "A Sea Dyak war hat. It is a close fitting skull cap of rattan decorated with hornbill's feathers."KammKinnreff (only German?)kop /kneekop /kneecop etc = copknuckle-bowkulah khudlanciotte/lanciottoLamellenhelm /lamellenhelmlobster-tail/lobster tail/lobstertail =lobster-tailed pot =horseman's pot,harquebusier's potlochaber axe/lochaber ax/Lochaber axe/Lochaber axloin-guard,loin guard,loinguard,luchetluneta,lunetteCitations:magestone,mantlet (google books:mantlet mail, also a kind of shield)nasal helmet,nasalpadded jack (gambeson) = SOP withjack? —pasekiPasekisecrete /secret (hidden helmet)shoulderpiecesideplatesouliere /soulièreSpangenhelm /spangenhelmCitations:spallière,Citations:spallierestrikefacesugar loaftakula tofaoturban helmetviking helmetwar hat=kettle hat?Citations:waveblade,

    • 2014, Ron Miller,The Iron Tempest, Baen Publishing Enterprises (→ISBN)
      [They instructed] the avid girl in the proper use of the broadsword, short sword, quarterstaff and cudgel, alavica and bec-de-faucon, luchet [...] She was then dressed in her freshly-minted armor, created by an ancient armorer who, back in his smithy, ...

    manople "a gauntlet, armbrace", "long blade attached to an iron gauntlet"

    • 1932,The Johns Hopkins Studies in Romance Literatures and Languages:
      Quant aux autres , on retrouvera dans Lacurne , “ brandaciers , ” dans Cotgrave , manoples , rondaces et rudaches . " M. Lancaster a retrouvé rudaches dans Mahelot , p . 94 , n . 1. Cotgrave traduit " rondelle " " Il est à noter []
    • 1932, Louise Alfreda Hill,The Tudors in French Drama:
      ... halecrets , Casques , plastrons , cuissots , morions , follerets , Cottes de maille , armets , corcelets , épaulettes , Ecus , targues , pavois , boucliers , moignons , tassettes , Cuirasses , gorgerins , manoples , gantelets []
    maleus,malleus (falchion?, etc)
    • 1914, American Museum of Natural History,Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, page372:
      Malleus . A large more or less discoid body above the manubrium , from which arises the slender arched cephalic ... bounding the lamina ; manubrium dagger - shaped , bimarginate , the margin seen from without broad but extremely thin []
    • 1909, Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell,Collected papers:
      The malleus is very peculiar , almost dagger - like , with a high handlelike head ; the manubrium , while of ordinary shape , though rather short , is of similar consistency throughout , without the strong marginal ribs seen in Epimys []

    greathalberd, ?greatknife, ?greatmail, ?greatplate, ?greatspearwaraxe/warax,warblade,warhelm,warshield,warspear,warsword

    • 2013, John Gwynne,Malice, Orbit (→ISBN)
      Kastell closed his eyes, remembering the hulking shapes striding through the broken gates of his hold, swinging their great-hammers and war-axes, outlined by flames. He shuddered. He had been six years old. He wished Aguila would stop ...
    rest in pieces

    kusari (chain armor, chainmail)mengu (mask) (!) (cuirass)kote (vambrace and lower pauldron)sode (roughly: pauldron)suneate (greave,shinguard)tsuba (sword guard),yoroi armor,ebira (quiver),yugake (archery gloves),hakama (breeches),haramaki (armor which opens at the back),eboshi,mon

    bisarme =fauchard =guisarme /gisarme /gisaring,
    • 1845, John Hewitt,The Tower: Its History, Armories, and Antiquities : the Descriptions Accompanied with an Essay on English Armour from the Time of the Conqueror Till Its Final Disuse ... Now First Compiled from Official Documents in the Tower ..., page102:
      The Guisarme ( or Bisarme ~ from its two prongs ) is another very early weapon , and was known in the 12th century . It is mentioned in the Statute of Winchester and by Fleta : and was in use as late as the Battle of Flodden . 3.
    • 1884, Sir Richard Francis Burton,The Book of the Sword, page95:
      The glaive of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was followed by the Guisarme , Gisarme , or Bisarme . This long blade , with a slender spear - point projecting from the back , is still used by the Chinese ; and the Despots of Dahome []

    bear spear,boar spear,Brogit staff /brogit staff,dagger-axe/daggeraxe/dagger-ax/daggerax;doryjitte,kontos/conto/contos,pudao,rawcon,runka,rhomphaia,roncola#English,sai,scythe,slaughsword;sovnya,sparth,sparth axe,pale-axe /pale axe,sparr axe /sparr-axe,sparr,spetum,svärdstav /swordstaff /sword-staff /swordstave /sword-stave,trident,war scythe,woldo ...

    hasta,menaulion,ox tongue spear,plançon/plancon/planson/plançon à picot,quarterstaff,Scottish halberd ...arbir,bisento,dangpa,fangtian ji,gichang,hoko yari,ji,kama-yari,kudi,ngao,podao,qiang,sasumatasibat,sodegarami,tabar,torimono sandōgu,trishula/trisula,tsukubō

    Citations:gates of hell
    • 1868, Paul Lacombe,Les armes et les armures, page 124:
      On compléta la défense en ajoutant au bassinet une pièce, à laquelle on donna le nom de mesail ou mursail, ou museau, et qui se profilait, en effet, comme le museau d'une bête, comme un grouin.
    • 1954,Ashland Studies for Shakespeare /1956, Institute of Renaissance Studies,Ashland Studies in Shakespeare: A Book of Articles, Bibliographies, Prints, and Drafts for Projects, Designed to be Background Material for Lectures in the Renaissance Institute Conducted in Connection with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival of 1956
      ... section was called variously a ventaile or a visor; because it was usually made with an extended snout-like shape, to allow of as much air as possible when it was closed down, it was also called mesail or mursail (muzzle).
    • 1882, William Audsley,Popular Dictionary of Architecture and the Allied Arts: A Work of Reference for the Architect, Builder, Sculptor, Decorative Artist, and General Student. With Numerous Illustrations from All Styles of Architecture, from the Egyptian to the Renaissance, page 120:
      This piece, called the mesail, or mursail (from the kind of resemblance it necessarily bore to the muzzle of an animal), but more generally known in England as the ventaile, or visor, was pierced for both sight and breathing ...
    • 1885, Alphonse Maze-Sencier,Le livre des collectionneurs, page 703:
      Le bacinet, sorte de calotte pointue, remplaça le heaume; comme il laissait la figure à découvert, on y ajouta une pièce ayant la forme d'un museau et qui, pour cette raison, reçut le nom de mesail ou mursail.
    • 1925, Société archéologique de Bordeaux,Bulletin et mémoires
      Le profil de ce casque a la forme d'un museau ou d'un groin et porte le nom de mursail; le haut de cette pièce est percé d'une fente pour la vue et dans le bas de trous pour la respiration. Ce casque n'était pas rivé, ce qui ...
    tangni,tang ni,Tang Ni
    • 2020 July 6, Dou QuQu,Three Kindoms: Invincible Army: Volume 1, Funstory,→ISBN:
      He wore a golden crown on his head, a Hundred Blossom Battle Robe, Tang Ni armor, and a lion shaped barbarian belt. Guo Zhi could not help but sigh. Indeed, he was indeed a Lü Bu amongst men, a red rabbit among horses!
    • 2013, Wilt L. Idema, Stephen H. West,The Generals of the Yang Family: Four Early Plays (World Scientific,→ISBN, page 106:
      On their caps they pin goldenxiechai; on their armor they wear brocaded tangni.9 The strings of their bows resound with a twang; the hooves of their horses hammer the earth. They are generals who risk their life and court death []
      9 Thexiechai 獬豸 is a mythical animal that is depicted as a one-horned goat. It will butt into a criminal on sight.Tangni 唐猊 is a lion-like plate worn on the front of the armor.
    1. An item of armor protecting theloins.
      • 1902, British School at Athens,The Annual of the British School at Athens, page 258:
        Loin-guards. - Seven whole, besides many fragments. These semicircular plates have been found more often in Crete than on the mainland. [] The Praesosloin-guards have three rings in their upper edge; []
    Alternative forms
    • 2003, R. Garcia y Robertson,Knight Errant, Macmillan (→ISBN), page 350:
      Edward waited at the Milk Gate atop Caesar , bareheaded and smiling broadly — but wearing half - armor , a shining backand - breast , steel sleeves , loin guards , gauntlets , and big riding boots with the tops turned down .
    • 2015, Michael Gagarin, Paula Perlman,The Laws of Ancient Crete, C.650-400 Bce, Oxford University Press (→ISBN), page 13:
      Turning next to dedicatory practices, the dedication of bronze armor (particularly helmets and mitras or loin guards) at urban sanctuaries, a votive practice of the late seventh and early sixth centuries,47 marks a shift.
    • 2016, Tanith Lee,No Flame But Mine, Open Road Media (→ISBN)
      Both young men were stripped to loin-guards. They had been wrestling, a favourite warrior sport at Padgish. Fenzi, wrestling Jafn fashion, had seemed an easy target. Not so. Risen, Sombrec went on glaring, now at a pillar. Risen,
    • 2007, Simon Scarrow,When the Eagle Hunts: A Novel of the Roman Army, Macmillan (→ISBN)
      Their leather harnesses creaked and their scabbards and loin guards chinked as the snow softly crunched under their boots. Ahead of him the path was disturbed by the passage of the Durotriges only moments before, and they had left a ...
    • 1906, Edgcumbe Staley,The Guilds of Florence, page 383:
      Cuoio - lesso was employed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries by the fitters of suits of armour , as elbow , knee , and loin guards . Thanks to this fashion GUILD OF TANNERS 383.
    • 2007, SM Stirling,Ice, Iron, and Gold, Start Publishing LLC (→ISBN)
      ... over their shoulders and short iron swords at their sides. They wore only kilts and pleated loin-guards, but there were leather bandoliers of papyrus cartridges at their right hips. Djehuty Riding Shotgun to ...
    • 2017, Phyllis A. Whitney,Spindrift, Open Road Media (→ISBN)
      Everything was here, from helmets and visors to breastplates, skirts of chain mail, loin guards, kneepieces, greaves for the shins and sollerets that covered the feet. I knew something about armor because Peter and I had spent some time ...
      • 2017, D.M. Loades,The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII? Navy: Pepys Library 2991 and British Library Add MS 22047 with Related Material, Routledge (→ISBN), page 173:
        grapnel (crapnolles, grape yrons, grappers, grapilles, grapulles, grapyrons, gravulles) 1.
    • 1974, United States. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission,OSAHRC Reports, page 10:
      I do feel that the answer , again , is the fact that these men are furnished with safety belts and loinguards and they just have to wear them ” ( T. 35 ) . He did agree , however , that the use of safety belts with loinguards was ...
    • 1989, Roland Green,Conan The Valiant, Macmillan (→ISBN), page 45:
      Four of the women were a pleasure to any man's eye , the more so as they wore only sandals , gilded loinguards , and silver collars set with topazes . It took nothing from Conan's pleasure in the women to detect small daggers hidden in ...
    • 2012, Roland Green,Knights of the Crown: The Warriors, Wizards of the Coast (→ISBN)
      “The only way we could avoid leaving tracks is to approach wearing nothing but daggers and loinguards. That would undoubtedly draw the pirates' attention. Having come this far, I would like to ransom my betrothed and learn a trifle ...
    • 1992, Roland Green,Conan the Relentless, Macmillan (→ISBN), page 60:
      Her light linen trousers now covered less than did most loinguards , and her shirt consisted of rags that threatened to part company with one another at any moment . Her garb might be in disarray , but her wits were not .
    cranett,cranet, smallcriniere;brochettes,brochets, spikes or nails on small shields;entieres (arms for the back-and-front of the legs)
    English: heraldry
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