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Latest comment:4 years ago by Equinox in topicPossible missing senses

I have added definitions. Since I'm not sure which definitions the existing translations apply to, it is likely that they are wrong in some cases. Please, if you know any of these languages, check the translations and correct them if necessary. I've put HTML comments in the page to show the translations that havenot yet been checked. --Ortonmc 23:35, 14 Dec 2003 (UTC)

elec: not limited to motors & generators; armature & rotor = same concept-- read their definitions!Cem BSEE12:02, 30 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Possible missing senses


Chambers 1908 has a transitive verb "to thrash" (i.e. physically beat someone?), intransitive verb "to make off with a rush" (i.e. go away quickly?), and adjective "in a lively manner; brisk".Equinox06:31, 14 May 2020 (UTC)Reply

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