1762,A[nton] F[riedrich] Busching, “Introduction to the Description of Germany”, in [Patrick Murdoch], transl.,A New System of Geography: In Which Is Given, a General Account of the Situation and Limits, the Manners, History, and Constitution, of the Several Kingdoms and States in the Known World;[…], volumes IV (Containing, Part of Germany,viz. Bohemia, Moravia, Lusatia, Austria, Burgundy, Westphalia, and the Circle of the Rhine), London:[…]A[ndrew] Millar[…],→OCLC,page 4:
The Empire is differently denominated as well byGermans themſelves as by others. It is called theReich, in LatinRegnum, by way of eminence, as alſo theGermanReich, in LatinRegnum Germanicum. The appellation ofGermany, is ſeldom uſed now-a-days any where but in the title of the Emperor and Elector ofMentz.
And so his fine words — they are excellent within these limitations — must be husbanded exclusively against foes of the RussianReich. Nevertheless, he too turns his back on the past with a will. . . . God knows how far the Tolstoian talent[…]
1943, Owen Joseph Christoffer Norem,Timeless Lithuania, page280:
Mr. Ycas, one of their members, told me that a serious attempt was made to strike for total independence but that the majority felt it was the wise course to ask for autonomy within the RussianReich. A Lithuanian National Council was formed.
1943, Francis A. Ridley,Towards the British Revolution, page15:
Did not Oliver Cromwell, the founder of the BritishReich, boast that hanging Irishmen always gave him an excellent appetite? Yet who could deny that he was a political and military genius? One should always compare Imperialisms[…]
2000, Keith Grint,The Arts of Leadership, page161:
Frere, obviously keen to start the thousand-year civilizing mission of the BritishReich as soon as possible, invited Cetshwayo to a meeting in December 1878.
2015, Grégoire Chamayou,A Theory of the Drone, page226:
[…] we are presenting our analysis of the place and significance of the remote war technology within the AmericanReich.
2017, Madhavan K. Palat,India and the World in the First Half of the Twentieth Century:
NATO and the European Union, both led by America, embody that purpose. It preserves the sovereignty of the member states, but ultimate sovereignty rests with the AmericanReich and all the states willingly coordinate their policies with and subordinate themselves to American leadership.
2021, Steven Best, “Failed species”, inRomanian Journal of Artistic Creativity, volume 9, number 2:
The HumanReich over nature is inherently flawed, catastrophically overextended, and soon to fall on its own sword.
2023 October 24, Thomas W. Murphy, “Our Ugly Magnificence”, inDo the Math[1] (blog):
The HumanReich is a fundamentally flawed bit of imagination that can never be realized, as we critically depend on an intact ecology.
While Germany could only be referred to as theGerman Empire from 1871 to 1918 when it was under the rule of an emperor (Kaiser), the term “German Reich” describes Germany until 1945.
According to the 2010 United States Census,Reich is the 2,796th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 12,891 individuals.Reich is most common among White (93.85%) individuals.