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See also:oscar,OSCAR,Óscar,andÒscar


Oscar [1]
Oscar [2]
Oscar [3]

Alternative forms




Borrowed fromEnglishOscar.






  1. (international standards)NATO,ICAO,ITU &IMOradiotelephony clear code (spelling-alphabet name) for the letterO.
  2. (nautical)Signal flag for the letterO.
  3. (time zone)UTC−02:00

ICAO/NATO radiotelephonic clear codes


the letter "O" in a national spelling alphabet


  1. ^DIN 5009:2022-06, Deutsches Institut für Normung, 2022 June, page Anhang B: Buchstabiertafel der ICAO („Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet“)





Etymology 1


Exact origin uncertain. Resuscitated by James Mcpherson inThe Works of Ossian (1765).Napoleon, an admirer of the Ossianic poems, chose it for his godsonOscar Bernadotte, who became a king of Sweden.

The modern given name is a conflation of two unrelated names: first,Middle IrishOscar(the name of Fionn Mac Cumhaill's grandson in Irish mythology), fromMiddle Irishos(deer) +cara(friend); and second,Old EnglishŌscār,Ōsgār(personal name, literallyspear of the gods/spear of God), fromOld Englishōs(god) andgār(spear) (seeOswald). CompareGermanAnsgar(personal name),DanishAsker,Asger(personal name),NorwegianAsgeir(personal name),IcelandicÁsgeir(personal name).

(Academy Award): Disputed. Said to have been named by actress Bette Davis after her first husband, Harmon Oscar Nelson, or by secretary Margaret Herrick after her cousin Oscar Pierce.

Proper noun



  1. A malegiven name from Irish or Old English.
    • 1765,James Macpherson,The Poems of Ossian, Tauchnitz, published1847, page192:
      My son, though alone, is brave.Oscar is like a beam of the sky: he turns around, and the people fall.
    • 2005 Marc Cerasini, etc,Operation Hell Gate, HarperEntertainment,→ISBN, page 134:
      Had a funny first name, likeOscar or maybe - no! I remember now. It was Felix. Felix Tanner.
  2. Asurname from Irish [in turn originating as a patronymic], a rare anglicization ofMacOscair(son of Oscar) (McCusker).
  3. A locale in theUnited States.
    1. Anunincorporatedcommunity inKentucky; named for Kentucky RepresentativeOscar Turner.
    2. Anunincorporatedcommunity inLouisiana.
    3. Anunincorporatedcommunity inMissouri; named for early settler Oscar Bradford.
    4. Anunincorporatedcommunity inOklahoma; named for local rancher Oscar W. Seay.
    5. Anunincorporatedcommunity inPennsylvania.
    6. Anunincorporatedcommunity inWest Virginia.
Derived terms
male given name



Oscar (pluralOscars)

  1. (informal) AnAcademy Award.
    • 2006 October 18, David M. Halbfinger, “Hollywood Film Chain’s Latest Link”, inThe New York Times[1]:
      Primarily seen as a publicity vehicle for late-year releases, the awards show and its promoters have lately made pretensions toOscar oracling: Jamie Foxx won the “breakthrough actor of the year” prize for “Ray” in 2004, after all, and Paul Haggis and his ensemble cast were honored for “Crash” four months before it won best picture.
    • 2016 March 3, David Thomson,The Guardian[2]:
      The gulf between cinephiles and the public has grown wide. There are pictures that make a lot of money, but seldom win bigOscars or attract young people to the show
  2. Astatuette awarded by theAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Derived terms

Etymology 2


Shortened form ofOscar Asche.



Oscar (uncountable)

  1. (rhyming slang, Australia, New Zealand)cash;money.

See also






Proper noun



  1. a malegiven name, variant ofOskar





Proper noun



  1. a malegiven name, variant ofOskar


ItalianWikipedia has an article on:



Proper noun


Oscar m

  1. a malegiven name from Irish


  1. ^Oscar inLuciano Canepari,Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)



Proper noun



  1. a malegiven name, variant ofOskar



Etymology 1




  • Rhymes:-aɾ
  • Hyphenation:Os‧car

Proper noun


Oscar m (pluralOscares)

  1. (Brazil)a malegiven name, equivalent to EnglishOscar; variant formÓscar
    • 2025 February 28, Lucas Salum, “‘Orfeu da Conceição’: a peça que fundou a bossa nova e reuniu Niemeyer, Jorge Amado e Haroldo Costa”, inBrasil de Fato[3], São Paulo, archived fromthe original on2025-03-04:
      Por trás do elenco, a equipe de produção reuniu nomes comoOscar Niemeyer para a cenografia, Moacir Sclier e Jorge Amado, além da dupla que fazia seu encontro inédito, Vinicius de Moraes e Tom Jobim.
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)

Etymology 2


Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishOscar.



  • Hyphenation:Os‧car



Oscar m (pluralOscars)

  1. (Brazil)Alternative form ofóscar(Academy Award)
    • 2009, Robson Campos De Abreu,Teatro para Mágicos, Clube de Autores,page60:
      A música é tão importante que existe até categoria de premiação noOscar, pois a mesma ajuda a criar todo o clima que vemos nos filmes[,] seja este um filme divertido e infantil, ou seja,[sic] aquele terror super hiper mega blaster assustador.
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2025 March 2, Eliane Paiva, quotee, “'Ainda Estou Aqui' ganha Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional: a trajetória da produção que leva primeiro prêmio para o Brasil”, inBBC News Brasil[4], archived fromthe original on2025-03-03:
      "A gente festeja umOscar e está achando tudo muito bom em termos de denúncia, mas antes de qualquer coisa, é a denúncia de um assassinato brutal dentro de um quartel de Exército no Brasil. Do que a gente está tratando é de um assassinato", disse Eliane Paiva.
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)



Alternative forms




FromEnglishOscar, fromMiddle IrishOscar. First recorded as a Swedish given name in 1803.



Proper noun


Oscar c (genitiveOscars)

  1. a malegiven name

Usage notes

  • Borne by two kings, the name became very popular in 19th century Sweden. It returned to favor in the end of the 20th century, as the most common first name of boys born in Sweden in the 2000s decade.

Related terms


See also



  • Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn, Almqvist & Wiksell 1996,→ISBN
  • [5] Statistiska centralbyrån and Sture Allén, Staffan Wåhlin,Förnamnsboken, Norstedts 1995,→ISBN: 30 402 males with the given name Oscar (compared to 43 180 named Oskar) living in Sweden on December 31st, 2010, with the frequency peak in the 1990s. Accessed on 19 June 2011.
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