According to the 2010 United States Census,Mutti is the 60347th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 334 individuals.Mutti is most common among White (71.86%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (17.37%) individuals.
The word is commonly used with a definite article in most parts of central Germany, southern Germany, and Austria:Wo ist die Mutti? – “Where is Mum?” In northern Germany—and generally in writing—no article tends to be used:Wo ist Mutti?
The genitiveMuttis is used before the modified term, without any article or determiner:Muttis Tasche – “Mum’s bag”. This is chiefly northern German usage; the rest of the language prefers:die Tasche von der Mutti (as above). — With an accompanying article or determiner, the genitive takes no ending:die Tasche meiner Mutti – “my mum’s bag”. This, however, is not common usage in any region; children will say instead:die Tasche von meiner Mutti.