Mama f (genitiveMamaor(prenominally without an article)Mamas,pluralMamas)
- mum,mummy,mom,mommy
- Synonym:Mutti
- The word is commonly used with a definite article in most parts of central Germany, southern Germany, and Austria:Wo ist die Mama? – “Where is Mum?” In northern Germany—and generally in writing—no article tends to be used:Wo ist Mama?
- The genitiveMamas is used before the modified term, without any article or determiner:Mamas Tasche – “Mum’s bag”. This is chiefly northern German usage; the rest of the language prefers:die Tasche von der Mama (as above). — With an accompanying article or determiner, the genitive takes no ending:die Tasche meiner Mama – “my mum’s bag”. This, however, is not common usage in any region; children will say instead:die Tasche von meiner Mama.
Declension ofMama [feminine]
1Prenominally without an article.
- “Mama” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- “Mama” inDuden online
- “Mama” in Uni Leipzig:Wortschatz-Lexikon
Ultimately a nursery word. Akin toGermanMama andEnglishmama.
Mama f (plural[please provide])
- mother,mama
- Mama is used to address someone else's mother. To describe the concept of a mother in itself, the wordMúur is used, while when addressing one's own mother, the wordMäme is used.
- Marron C. Fort (2015) “Mama”, inSaterfriesisches Wörterbuch mit einer phonologischen und grammatischen Übersicht, Buske,→ISBN