From theEtruscan letter𐌋 ( l ,“ el ” ) , from theAncient Greek letterΛ ( L ,“ lambda ” ) , derived from thePhoenician letter𐤋 ( l ,“ lamed ” ) , from theEgyptian hieroglyph𓌅 .
L (lower case l )
The twelfth letter of thebasic modern Latin alphabet . L
Roman numeral fifty (50 )thefiftieth (50th ) L
( measurement, SI ) litre ,liter .( biochemistry , IUPAC 1-letter abbreviation) leucine ( set theory ) Constructible universe ( computer science ) Deterministic logarithmic space ( physics ) inductance ( astronomy , physics , measurement, cgs) lambert ( linguistics ) lowtone ( linguistics ) Awildcard for alateral orliquid consonant( Voice Quality Symbols ) position of thelarynx (modified for raised, lowered)( usually clothing ) large ( the manufactured size ) Coordinate terms: XXS ,XS ,S ,M ,XL ,XLT ,XXL ,XXXL ( liter, litre ) : l ,ℒ ,ℓ ( Roman numeral ) : ↆ ( obsolete ) The templateTemplate:Letter does not use the parameter(s):Character=L Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. Other representations of L:
L (upper case ,lower case l ,plural Ls or L's )
The twelfthletter of the Englishalphabet , calledel and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
Theordinal numbertwelfth , derived from thisletter of the Englishalphabet , calledel and written in theLatin script . Abbreviation.
L (countable anduncountable ,plural Ls )
( sports ) Abbreviation oflosses (statistic).Coordinate terms: W ( “ wins ” ) ,T ( “ ties ” ) ,D ( “ draws ” ) ( countable , slang ) Abbreviation ofloss .Coordinate term: W ( “ win ” ) ( Internet slang , by extension) Afail .Alternative form ofel ( “ elevated train ” ) .1925 February 21, “Co-operation”, inThe New Yorker (cartoon), page 2:PLEASE! HELP US KEEP THE "L " AND SUBWAY CLEAN
( US , politics ) Abbreviation ofLibertarian .Initialism ofleft .Initialism ofLatin .( usually clothing ) Initialism oflarge ( the manufactured size or an item of that size ) .Coordinate terms: XXS ,XS ,S ,M ,XL ,XLT ,XXL ,XXXL Initialism oflira .Initialism oflobby .Abbreviation oflow pressure front .(Can we add anexample for this sense?) ( textiles ) Initialism ofligne .Initialism oflesbian .1983 April 23, “Classified advertisement”, inGay Community News , page14 :L wntd to share spacious JP apt w/veget non-smkng indep quietL , dog, cat.
( slang ) Twocigarette papers laidperpendicularly on each other when making ajoint .L (notcomparable )
( usually clothing ) Initialism oflarge ( of the manufactured size ) .Coordinate terms: XXS ,XS ,S ,M ,XL ,XXL Initialism ofleft .( linguistics ) Initialism oflow ( variety of a language with limited prestige and official acceptance ) .anL variety ( slang ) Bad ,subpar , of inferiorquality (abbreviation ofloser ).(Compare nounsense 1 andsense 2 .) Antonym: W ( “ excellent, top-notch ” ) L
The sixteenth letter in the Afar alphabet. ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,T t ,S s ,E e ,C c ,K k ,X x ,I i ,D d ,Q q ,R r ,F f ,G g ,O o ,L l ,M m ,N n ,U u ,W w ,H h ,Y y L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Afrikaansalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (plural L's ,diminutive L'etjie )
L L upper case (lower case l )
The eighteenthletter of the Azerbaijanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) hərf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,Ə ə ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,X x ,I ı ,İ i ,J j ,K k ,Q q ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u ,Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Basquealphabet , calledele and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Catalanalphabet , calledela ,ele , orel and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lletres ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l (L·L l·l ),M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z /l/ is from West Germanic*l .L
A letter in the German-based alphabet of Central Franconian. A letter in the Dutch-based alphabet of Central Franconian. Doubling of L
In the German-based spelling,l is doubled after short vowels except in certain function words and when the letter is followed by another consonant within the word stem. In the Dutch-based spelling,l is doubled after short vowels if the syllable were otherwise open. Initialism of撚 .
( Hong Kong Cantonese , euphemistic ) Alternative form of撚 ( lan2 ) L
( Cantonese ) litre L
The twelfth letter of the Latin alphabet. L
The twelfth letter used inPinyin . 《汉语拼音方案》 defines a standard pronunciation for each letter. However, these pronunciations are rarely used in education; another pronunciation is commonly used instead. The pronunciation above are only used while referring to letters in Pinyin. They are not used in other context (such as English). The official pronunciation defined in 《汉语拼音方案》, ㄝㄌ (ê̄l), is not a valid syllable in Pinyin. IPA (key ) : /ɮ/ L (lower case l )
Aletter of the Chipewyanalphabet , written in theLatin script . L (capital ,lowercase l )
the twelfth letter of the Dutch alphabet L (upper case L , lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Elfdalianalphabet , written in theLatin script . L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Esperantoalphabet , calledlo and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ĉ ĉ ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ĝ ĝ ,H h ,Ĥ ĥ ,I i ,J j ,Ĵ ĵ ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ŝ ŝ ,T t ,U u ,Ŭ ŭ ,V v ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Estonianalphabet , calledell and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) täht ;A a ,B b (C c ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Š š ,Z z ,Ž ž ,T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),Õ õ ,Ä ä ,Ö ö ,Ü ü (X x ,Y y )The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. Seethe Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information , andL for information on the development of the glyph itself.
L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Finnishalphabet , calledäl orel and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) kirjain ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s (Š š ),T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),X x ,Y y ,Z z (Ž ž ),Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö L
Abbreviation oflaudatur .L
Abbreviation oflaktoositon ( “ lactose-free ” ) ( e.g. in restaurant menus ) .The abbreviationsG ,L ,VL andM are the most common of their kind seen in restaurant menus. Other abbreviations are also seen, but not as standardized. Most menus contain a list of the abbreviations they use, including the four common ones.
L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Frenchalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lettre ;A a (À à , â ,Æ æ ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n (Ñ ñ ),O o (Ô ô ,Œ œ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y (Ÿ ÿ ),Z z L m
Abbreviation ofleste ( “ east ” ) .Synonym: E (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfth letter of the German alphabet. Abbreviation.
L m
Abbreviation ofLiter .L (upper case ,lower case l )
The nineteenthletter of the Hungarianalphabet , calledell and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) betű ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Cs cs ,D d ,Dz dz ,Dzs dzs ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,Gy gy ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ly ly ,M m ,N n ,Ny ny ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ö ö ,Ő ő ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sz sz ,T t ,Ty ty ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ü ü ,Ű ű ,V v ,Z z ,Zs zs .Only in the extended alphabet: Q q W w X x Y y .Commonly used: ch .Also defined: à ë .In surnames (selection): ä aa cz ds eé eö ew oe oó th ts ÿ .L (lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Icelandicalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bókstafur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Þ þ ,Æ æ ,Ö ö L (lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Idoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Indonesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) huruf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
The tenthletter of the Irishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (Á á ),B b (Bh bh ,bhF bhf ,bP bp ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ,dT dt ),E e (É é ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (gC gc ,Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Í í ),L l ,M m (mB mb ,Mh mh ),N n (nD nd ,nG ng ),O o (Ó ó ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ,tS ts ),U u (Ú ú ),V v ( diacritics ) ◌́ ◌̇ ( dotted letters used chiefly inGaelic type ) Ḃ ḃ ,Ċ ċ ,Ḋ ḋ ,Ḟ ḟ ,Ġ ġ ,Ṁ ṁ ,Ṗ ṗ ,Ṡ ẛ ṡ ,Ṫ ṫ ( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ˈɛl.le/ ( phonemic realization ) IPA (key ) : /l/ L f or m (invariable ,upper case ,lower case l )
The tenthletter of the Italianalphabet , calledelle and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lettera ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,J j ,K k ),L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v (W w ,X x ,Y y ),Z z Italian alphabet on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Borrowed fromTagalog L . Letter pronunciation is influenced byEnglish L .
( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ʔel/ [ʔel] IPA (key ) : ( Sagada & parts of Sabangan ) /ʔer/ [ʔer] Rhymes:-el ,( Sagada & parts of Sabangan ) -er ( phoneme ) IPA (key ) : /l/ [l] IPA (key ) : ( Sagada & parts of Sabangan ) /r/ [r] L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Kankanaeyalphabet , calledel and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (2016 )Ortograpiya di Kankanaëy [Kankanaey Orthography ][1] (in Kankanaey and Tagalog),→ISBN , pages10-11 The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andL for development of the glyph itself.
L (upper case ,lower case l )
The sixteenthletter of the Kashubianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,É é ,Ë ë ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ò ò ,Ó ó ,Ô ô ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ù ù ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ż ż L (upper case ,lower case l )
A letter in theLatin alphabet , representing the sound /l/ ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Z z
Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed byK. Mīlenbahs , which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in GermanFraktur , and sporadically inCyrillic .
L L (upper case ,lower case l )
The eighteenthletter of the Latvianalphabet , calledel and written in theLatin script . Letters of the Latvian alphabet: burti :A a ,Ā ā ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,E e ,Ē ē ,F f ,G g ,Ģ ģ ,H h ,I i ,Ī ī ,J j ,K k ,Ķ ķ ,L l ,Ļ ļ ,M m ,N n ,Ņ ņ ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,Ū ū ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž L
The twelfthletter of the Malayalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (lower case l )
Aletter of the Navajoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a (Á á ,Ą ą ,Ą́ ą́ ),B b ,Ch ch ,Chʼ chʼ ,D d ,Dl dl ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,Ę ę ,Ę́ ę́ ),G g ,Gh gh ,H h ,Hw hw ,X x ,I i (Í í ,Į į ,Į́ į́ ),J j ,K k ,Kʼ kʼ ,Kw kw ,ʼ ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n (Ń ń ),O o (Ó ó ,Ǫ ǫ ,Ǫ́ ǫ́ ),S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Tʼ tʼ ,Tł tł ,Tłʼ tłʼ ,Ts ts ,Tsʼ tsʼ ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Nupealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) banki ;A a (Á á ,À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ),J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Ts ts ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See thehistory of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, andL for development of the glyph itself.
L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Polishalphabet , calledel and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,Ę ę ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u (V v ),W w (X x ),Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Portuguesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,à ã ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,Ê ê ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l )
( International Standard ) The sixteenthletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Pan-Vlax ) The seventeenthletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,X x ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kh kh ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u ,V v ,Z z International Standard: (À à ,Ä ä ,Ǎ ǎ ),Ć ć ,Ćh ćh , (È è ,Ë ë ,Ě ě ), (Ì ì ,Ï ï ,Ǐ ǐ ), (Ò ò ,Ö ö ,Ǒ ǒ ),Rr rr ,Ś ś , (Ù ù ,Ü ü ,Ǔ ǔ ),Ź ź ,Ʒ ʒ ,Q q ,Ç ç ,ϴ θ .Pan-Vlax: Č č ,Čh čh ,Dž dž , (Dź dź ),Ř ř ,Š š , (Ś ś ),Ž ž , (Ź ź ) .L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Romanianalphabet , calledel ,le , orlî and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ă ă , â ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Î î ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,Ș ș ,T t ,Ț ț ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L
The eighteenthletter of the Saanichalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A ,Á ,Ⱥ ,B ,C ,Ć ,Ȼ ,D ,E ,H ,I ,Í ,J ,K ,Ꝁ ,Ꝃ ,₭ ,Ḵ ,Ḱ ,L ,Ƚ ,M ,N ,Ṉ ,O ,P ,Q ,S ,Ś ,T ,Ⱦ ,Ṯ ,Ŧ ,U ,W ,W̱ ,X ,X̱ ,Y ,Z ,s ,¸ L (upper case ,lower case l )
The tenthletter of the Scottish Gaelicalphabet , written in theLatin script . It is preceded byi and followed bym . Its traditional name isluis ( “ rowan ” ) . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (À à ),B b (Bh bh ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ),E e (È è ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ),L l ,M m (Mh mh ),N n ,O o (Ò ò ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ),U u (Ù ù )( diacritics ) ◌̀ ( obsolete vowels ) Á á É é Ó ó The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andL for development of the glyph itself.
L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fourteenthletter of the Silesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ŏ ŏ ,Ō ō ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż L (lower case l )
The twentiethletter of the Skolt Samialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bukva ;A a , â ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,Ʒ ʒ ,Ǯ ǯ ,D d ,Đ đ ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ǧ ǧ ,Ǥ ǥ ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Ǩ ǩ ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ŋ ŋ ,O o ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž ,Å å ,Ä ä ,ʹ L (capital ,lowercase l )
The thirteenthletter of the Slovenealphabet , written in theLatin script . The nineteenthletter of the Slovenealphabet (Resian), written in theLatin script . The fourteenthletter of the Slovenealphabet (Natisone Valley dialect), written in theLatin script . L upper case (lower case l )
The seventeenthletter of the Somalialphabet , calledlaan and written in theLatin script . The seventeenth letter of theSomali alphabet, which followsArabic abjad order. It is preceded byK and followed byM . ( Latin-script letters) ʼ ,B b ,T t ,J j ,X x ,Kh kh ,D d ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,Dh dh ,C c ,G g ,F f ,Q q ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,W w ,H h ,Y y ,A a ,E e ,I i ,O o ,U u L (upper case ,lower case l )
the 12th letter of the Spanish alphabet L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Swedishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bokstav ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z ,Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö Borrowed fromSpanish L . Each pronunciation has a different source:
Filipino alphabet pronunciation is influenced byEnglish L . Abakada alphabet pronunciation is influenced by Baybayin characterᜎ ( la ) . Abecedario pronunciation is fromSpanish L . L (upper case ,lower case l ,Baybayin spelling ᜁᜎ᜔ )
The twelfthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theFilipino alphabet ), calledel and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) titik ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z L (upper case ,lower case l ,Baybayin spelling ᜎ )
The ninthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbakada alphabet ), calledla and written in theLatin script . L (upper case ,lower case l ,Baybayin spelling ᜁᜎᜒ )
( historical ) The thirteenthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbecedario ), calledele and written in theLatin script . “L ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Turkishalphabet , calledle and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) harf ;A a (Â â ),B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,I ı ,İ i (Î î ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u (Û û ),Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z
( Hà Nội ) IPA (key ) : [ʔɛ˧˧ ləː˨˩] ,[ləː˨˩ kaːw˧˧] ,[ləː˨˩] ( Huế ) IPA (key ) : [ʔɛ˧˧ ləː˦˩] ,[ləː˦˩ kaːw˧˧] ,[ləː˦˩] ( Saigon ) IPA (key ) : [ʔɛ˧˧ ləː˨˩] ,[ləː˨˩ kaːw˧˧] ,[ləː˨˩] Phonetic spelling : e lờ, lờ cao, lờL (upper case ,lower case l )
The fourteenthletter of the Vietnamesealphabet , callede-lờ ,lờ cao , orlờ and written in theLatin script . ( Quốc ngữ letters) chữ cái ;A a (À à ,Ả ả ,à ã ,Á á ,Ạ ạ ),Ă ă (Ằ ằ ,Ẳ ẳ ,Ẵ ẵ ,Ắ ắ ,Ặ ặ ), â (Ầ ầ ,Ẩ ẩ ,Ẫ ẫ ,Ấ ấ ,Ậ ậ ),B b ,C c (Ch ch ),D d ,Đ đ ,E e (È è ,Ẻ ẻ ,Ẽ ẽ ,É é ,Ẹ ẹ ),Ê ê (Ề ề ,Ể ể ,Ễ ễ ,Ế ế ,Ệ ệ ),G g (Gh gh ,Gi gi ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ,Ỉ ỉ ,Ĩ ĩ ,Í í ,Ị ị ),K k (Kh kh ),L l ,M m ,N n (Ng ng ,Ngh ngh ,Nh nh ),O o (Ò ò ,Ỏ ỏ ,Õ õ ,Ó ó ,Ọ ọ ),Ô ô (Ồ ồ ,Ổ ổ ,Ỗ ỗ ,Ố ố ,Ộ ộ ),Ơ ơ (Ờ ờ ,Ở ở ,Ỡ ỡ ,Ớ ớ ,Ợ ợ ),P p (Ph ph ),Q q (Qu qu ),R r ,S s ,T t (Th th ,Tr tr ),U u (Ù ù ,Ủ ủ ,Ũ ũ ,Ú ú ,Ụ ụ ),Ư ư (Ừ ừ ,Ử ử ,Ữ ữ ,Ứ ứ ,Ự ự ),V v ,X x ,Y y (Ỳ ỳ ,Ỷ ỷ ,Ỹ ỹ ,Ý ý ,Ỵ ỵ )L (upper case ,lower case l )
The fifteenthletter of the Welshalphabet , calledel and written in theLatin script . It is preceded byJ and followed byLl . L cannot be mutated in Welsh. ( Latin-script letters) llythyren ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,Ä ä ),B b ,C c ,Ch ch ,D d ,Dd dd ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,Ff ff ,G g ,Ng ng ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,L l ,Ll ll ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ô ô ,Ö ö ),P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,Rh rh ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),W w (Ẃ ẃ ,Ẁ ẁ ,Ŵ ŵ ,Ẅ ẅ ),Y y (Ý ý ,Ỳ ỳ ,Ŷ ŷ ,Ÿ ÿ )R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “L ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies L (upper case ,lower case l )
The thirteenthletter of the Yorubaalphabet , calledlí and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lẹ́tà ;A a (Á á ,À à ,Ā ā ),B b ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ē ē ),Ẹ ẹ (Ẹ́ ẹ́ ,Ẹ̀ ẹ̀ ,Ẹ̄ ẹ̄ ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Ī ī ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ō ō ),Ọ ọ (Ọ́ ọ́ ,Ọ̀ ọ̀ ,Ọ̄ ọ̄ ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Ṣ ṣ ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Ū ū ),W w ,Y y ( Benin ) ( Latin-script letters) lɛ́tà ;A a ,B b ,D d ,E e ,Ɛ ɛ ,F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ɔ ɔ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y L (upper case ,lower case l )
The twelfthletter of the Zulualphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z