FromLatinIob, fromAncient GreekἸώβ(Iṓb), fromBiblical Hebrewאִיּוֹב(ʾiyyōḇ), related toאָיַב(ʾāyaḇ,“to be an enemy”) andאוֹיֵב(ʾōyēḇ,“enemy”).
- (biblical) A book of theOld Testament and theHebrewTanakh.
- A malegiven name from Hebrew.
- (biblical) A character in theOld Testament and theQur'an, renowned for hispatience.
- Synonyms:(Islam)Ayub,Ayoub
Biblical and Qur'anic character
Job (pluralJobs)
- (figurative) A person who showsremarkablepatience, especially in the face of greatmisfortune.
Job m
- (biblical)Job
- Job(book of the Bible)
Ultimately fromLatinIob, fromAncient GreekἸώβ(Iṓb), fromBiblical Hebrewאִיּוֹב.
Job m
- Job(the eighteenth book of the Old Testament)
- Job(Biblical character)
- a malegiven name
Job m
- (biblical)Job
Ca. 1950, fromEnglishjob.
Job m (strong,genitiveJobs,pluralJobs)(chiefly informal)
- job,position,employment
- Synonyms:Stelle,Arbeitsstelle
Wenn ich denJob kriege, kann ich mir vielleicht ein Auto leisten.- If I get thejob, I might be able to afford a car.
- job,work,profession
- Synonyms:Arbeit,Beruf
ImJob ist er sehr erfolgreich, aber privat läuft es überhaupt nicht.- He’s very successful in hisjob, but his private life is a mess.
- job,task,assignment
- Synonyms:Aufgabe,Auftrag
Ich hab ’nJob für dich: Rasenmähen!- I have ajob for you: mowing the lawn!
- The use for “position” (Stelle) is more common and generally accepted than that for “profession” (Arbeit, Beruf).
Declension ofJob [masculine, strong]
Job m (proper noun,strong,genitiveJobsor(with an article)Job)
- (biblical)Rare form ofHiob.
- “Job (Arbeit)” inDuden online
- “Job (Hiob)” inDuden online
- “Job” in Uni Leipzig:Wortschatz-Lexikon
- “Job” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- (Standard Kankanaey)IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒob/[ˈd͡ʒob̚]
- Rhymes:-ob
- Syllabification:Job
- (biblical)Job(book of the Bible)
- Abbreviation ofJob(book of the Bible)
- (biblical)Job
- IPA(key): /ˈxob/[ˈxoβ̞]
- Rhymes:-ob
- Syllabification:Job
Job m
- (biblical)Job(the book of the Bible)
- (biblical)Job(the character in the Bible)
Job c (genitiveJobs)
- Job
 | This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with theIPA then please add some! |
Job m (not mutable)
- (biblical)Job, a Biblical character, to whom authorship of theeponymous book is traditionally attributed
- (biblical) The Book of Job