Borrowed fromLatinIēsūs, fromAncient GreekἸησοῦς(Iēsoûs), fromHebrewישוע(yeshúa).
Jesús m
Borrowed fromLatinIēsūs, fromAncient GreekἸησοῦς(Iēsoûs), fromHebrewישוע.
Jesús m (proper noun,genitive singularJesú)
indefinite singular | |
nominative | Jesús |
accusative | Jesú,Jesúm1 |
dative | Jesú |
genitive | Jesú |
1Archaic or Biblical.
Note: this declension, highly irregular and unique in Icelandic, is taken directly from the Latin declension (see the Latin entryIēsūs). Originally, the accusative was alwaysJesúm, but in recent times it is more commonlyJesú, under influence from the other case forms. Also note the distinct vocative form,Jesú, whereas for other Icelandic words the nominative form is normally used in vocative constructions.
FromLatinIēsūs, fromAncient GreekἸησοῦς(Iēsoûs), fromHebrewישוע(yēšūaʿ). The peculiar use ofJesús as a given name, unusual in most other traditionally Christian societies, has been ascribed toArabic influence, in the sense that Christians during theArab reign in Muslim Spain were influenced by the Muslim use ofمُحَمَّد(muḥammad,“Muhammad”). Cognate withSicilianGisuzzu.
Jesús m