FromHamilton(a surname) +-ian.
Hamiltonian (notcomparable)
- (mathematics) Of, attributed to or inspired by the Irish mathematician, astronomer and physicistWilliam Rowan Hamilton (1805–1865).
- (mathematics, graph theory, of acycle/path) That visits eachvertex exactly once.
- (mathematics, graph theory, of agraph) Containing aHamiltonian cycle.
2016, Jacky Cresson, Jordy Palafox, “Isochronous centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems and a conjecture of Jarque and Villadelprat”, inarXiv[1]:Using the correction of a vector field to characterize isochronicity and explicit computations of this quantity for polynomial vector fields, wa are able to describe a very large class of nonisochronousHamiltonian system of even degree of degree arbitrary large.
- (historical, chiefly US, of certain fiscal policies) Advocated by American politicianAlexander Hamilton (1755–1804).
- Relating toJames Hamilton (1769–1831), or his method of teaching languages without grammar, by a literal interlinear word-for-word translation.
- Of, relating to, or in theliterary style ofEdmond Hamilton (1904–1977), Americanscience fiction writer.
- Relating toSir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet (1788–1856), Scottishmetaphysician.
Hamiltonian (pluralHamiltonians)
- (physics, Hamiltonian mechanics) A function (of time), denotedH, that corresponds to the totalenergy of thesystem.
2016, Edward Farhi, Aram W Harrow, “Quantum Supremacy through the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm”, inarXiv[2]:We contrast this with the case of sampling from the output of a quantum computer running the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm (QADI) with the restriction that theHamiltonian that governs the evolution is gapped and stoquastic.
- (physics, quantum mechanics) Theobservable, denotedH, that corresponds to the totalenergy of thesystem.
- (historical, chiefly US) A member of the faction of the US government in theGeorge Washington administration led by Alexander Hamilton.
FromHamilton(a place name) +-ian.
Hamiltonian (comparativemoreHamiltonian,superlativemostHamiltonian)
- Of or relating to any city namedHamilton.
Hamiltonian (pluralHamiltonians)
- A native or inhabitant of any city namedHamilton.