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See also:hamiltonian


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Etymology 1


FromHamilton(a surname) +‎-ian.



Hamiltonian (notcomparable)

  1. (mathematics) Of, attributed to or inspired by the Irish mathematician, astronomer and physicistWilliam Rowan Hamilton (1805–1865).
  2. (mathematics, graph theory, of acycle/path) That visits eachvertex exactly once.
  3. (mathematics, graph theory, of agraph) Containing aHamiltonian cycle.
    • 2016, Jacky Cresson, Jordy Palafox, “Isochronous centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems and a conjecture of Jarque and Villadelprat”, inarXiv[1]:
      Using the correction of a vector field to characterize isochronicity and explicit computations of this quantity for polynomial vector fields, wa are able to describe a very large class of nonisochronousHamiltonian system of even degree of degree arbitrary large.
  4. (historical, chiefly US, of certain fiscal policies) Advocated by American politicianAlexander Hamilton (1755–1804).
  5. Relating toJames Hamilton (1769–1831), or his method of teaching languages without grammar, by a literal interlinear word-for-word translation.
  6. Of, relating to, or in theliterary style ofEdmond Hamilton (1904–1977), Americanscience fiction writer.
  7. Relating toSir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet (1788–1856), Scottishmetaphysician.
Derived terms



Hamiltonian (pluralHamiltonians)

  1. (physics, Hamiltonian mechanics) A function (of time), denotedH, that corresponds to the totalenergy of thesystem.
    • 2016, Edward Farhi, Aram W Harrow, “Quantum Supremacy through the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm”, inarXiv[2]:
      We contrast this with the case of sampling from the output of a quantum computer running the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm (QADI) with the restriction that theHamiltonian that governs the evolution is gapped and stoquastic.
    • 2016, R. Barendset al., “Digitized adiabatic quantum computing with a superconducting circuit”, inNature,534, 222-226, 9 June 2016:
      As stoquastic problems we use frustrated IsingHamiltonians, having random local X and Z fields, and random σzσz couplings.
  2. (physics, quantum mechanics) Theobservable, denotedH, that corresponds to the totalenergy of thesystem.
  3. (historical, chiefly US) A member of the faction of the US government in theGeorge Washington administration led by Alexander Hamilton.
Derived terms
(quantum mechanics)

Etymology 2


FromHamilton(a place name) +‎-ian.



Hamiltonian (comparativemoreHamiltonian,superlativemostHamiltonian)

  1. Of or relating to any city namedHamilton.



Hamiltonian (pluralHamiltonians)

  1. A native or inhabitant of any city namedHamilton.
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