From theEtruscan letter𐌅 ( v ,“ ve ” ) , from theAncient Greek letterϜ ( W ,“ digamma ” ) , derived from thePhoenician letter𐤅 ( w ,“ waw ” ) , from theEgyptian hieroglyph𓏲 .
F (lower case f )
The sixth letter of thebasic modern Latin alphabet . F
( chemistry ) Chemical symbol forfluorine . ( metrology ) Symbol for farad .( computing ) Hexadecimal symbol for15 .( biochemistry ) IUPAC 1-letter abbreviation forphenylalanine .( physics ) Abbreviation offorce .( medicine ) Symbol for theFrench gauge . Coordinate term: G ( “ Birmingham gauge ” ) ( linguistics ) Awildcard for africative .synonyms:S for asibilant fricative ( linguistics ) Afalling tone .synonyms: more commonlyHL , or more specificallyHM orML ( voice quality symbols ) Abbreviation offalsetto .( clothing ) Bra cup size .Symbol for floor .Other representations of F:
Piano keyboard with white keys labeled F (upper case ,lower case f ,plural Fs or F's )
The sixthletter of the Englishalphabet , calledef and written in theLatin script . 1943 November –1944 February (date written; published1945 August 17),George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair],Animal Farm [ … ] , London:Secker & Warburg , publishedMay 1962 ,→OCLC :On several occasions, indeed, he did learn E,F , G, H, but by the time he knew them, it was always discovered that he had forgotten A, B, C, and D.
( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
Theordinal numbersixth , derived from thisletter of the Englishalphabet , calledef and written in theLatin script . F
( music ) The fourth note of thediatonic scale ofC major , calledfa insolfège . Thescale orkey which has that note for itstonic . On a piano keyboard, the white key next to the left of each group of three black keys( see figure ) . The degree of astaff assigned to such a key or tone; a note on such a degree. F
( Internet slang , usually humorous ) An expression of sympathy or pity; seeF in the chat . Abbreviation.
( Stenoscript ) Abbreviation offull ,fully .( Stenoscript ) suffixes-full ,-fully . F
( stock ticker symbol ) Ford Motor Company Synonyms: Ford ( common short form ) ,FMC ( initialism ) F (notcomparable )
Abbreviation offalse .Antonym: T Abbreviation offemale .Coordinate terms: M ,X ( philately ) Abbreviation offine .( numismatic slang ) Abbreviation offine .F (plural Fs )
An academic grade,specifically: A failing grade, with the next best grade being either aD or anE (some institutions issue Es instead of Fs). ( UK ) A grade lower thanE but higher thanG . A grade of black-leadpencil (originally an abbreviation offine ). In theAmerican Library Association , afolio -sized book, over 30 cm in height. Abbreviation offellow .F GS ―fellow of the Geological Society F RS ―fellow of the Royal Society ( nautical ) Abbreviation offog , as in a ship's log.( US , meteorology ) Initialism ofFujita ( followed by a number when used in a rating on theFujita scale and indicating theintensity of atornado ) .theF -scale ; anF 3 tornado
Initialism offunction ( followed by a number when used on or referencing afunction key of a computer keyboard ) .PressF 1 for help.
( bacteriology ) Abbreviation offertility factor .F
Abbreviation of various proper names. Abbreviation ofFahrenheit .Abbreviation ofFather , as a title given to priests.Synonym: Fr Abbreviation ofFrench .Abbreviation ofFriday .Synonym: Fri F (third-person singular simple present F's ,present participle F'ing ,simple past and past participle F'ed )
( euphemistic ) Initialism offuck .2011 , Don Pendleton,Assassin's Code , page139 :"Oh,F you."
2012 , Michelle Bogre,Photography as Activism: Images for Social Change :I'll be in tears on every second assignment; they're just like, "Ohf' , this guy really cares."
2017 , Richard Segal,Sunday Night at the Races :OhF this for a laugh, ya get the yoke I'm sure now, ya doesn't has to explain.
The thirteenth letter in the Afar alphabet. ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,T t ,S s ,E e ,C c ,K k ,X x ,I i ,D d ,Q q ,R r ,F f ,G g ,O o ,L l ,M m ,N n ,U u ,W w ,H h ,Y y F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Afrikaansalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (plural F's ,diminutive F'ie )
F F upper case (lower case f )
The eighthletter of the Azerbaijanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) hərf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,Ə ə ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,X x ,I ı ,İ i ,J j ,K k ,Q q ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u ,Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Basquealphabet , calledefe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Catalanalphabet , calledefa ,efe , oref and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lletres ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l (L·L l·l ),M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z /f/ is from West Germanic post-vocalic*p ; from*p inlp, rp in Moselle Franconian; from*ff ; from stem-initial*f except around Aachen and in the Netherlands.F
A letter in the German-based alphabet of Central Franconian. A letter in the Dutch-based alphabet of Central Franconian. Doubling of F
In the German-based spelling,f is doubled after short vowels except in certain function words and when the letter is followed by another consonant within the word stem. In the Dutch-based spelling,f is doubled after short vowels if the syllable were otherwise open. Note : Often realised as7 ɛ q6 fu.
The sixth letter of the Latin alphabet. F
The sixth letter used inPinyin . 《汉语拼音方案》 defines a standard pronunciation for each letter. However, these pronunciations are rarely used in education; another pronunciation is commonly used instead. The pronunciation above are only used while referring to letters in Pinyin. They are not used in other context (such as English). The official pronunciation defined in 《汉语拼音方案》, ㄝㄈ (ê̄f), is not a valid syllable in Pinyin. F (capital ,lowercase f )
the sixth letter of the Dutch alphabet ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,IJ ij ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case F , lower case f )
The eighthletter of the Elfdalianalphabet , written in theLatin script . F (upper case ,lower case f )
The seventhletter of the Esperantoalphabet , calledfo and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ĉ ĉ ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ĝ ĝ ,H h ,Ĥ ĥ ,I i ,J j ,Ĵ ĵ ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ŝ ŝ ,T t ,U u ,Ŭ ŭ ,V v ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Estonianalphabet , calledeff and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) täht ;A a ,B b (C c ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Š š ,Z z ,Ž ž ,T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),Õ õ ,Ä ä ,Ö ö ,Ü ü (X x ,Y y )The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. Seethe Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information , andF for information on the development of the glyph itself.
F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Finnishalphabet , calledäf oref and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) kirjain ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s (Š š ),T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),X x ,Y y ,Z z (Ž ž ),Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö F
Alternativeletter-case form off ( “ F (musical note) ” ) F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Frenchalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lettre ;A a (À à , â ,Æ æ ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n (Ñ ñ ),O o (Ô ô ,Œ œ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y (Ÿ ÿ ),Z z ( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ɛf/ ,[ʔɛf] ( phoneme ) IPA (key ) : /f/ The pronunciation/v/ for ‹f› is de-facto standard in inflections and derivatives of the numbersfünf ,elf ,zwölf , as well as inflections ofdoof . Here the pronunciation/f/ usually sounds “wrong” to speakers from northern and central Germany, though it is normal in Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol, and (partially) southern Germany. Northern speakers may also use/v/ in other words (e.g. inflections ofschief ,steif ), but these are informal. F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixth letter of the German alphabet. ( Latin-script letters) Buchstabe ;A a (Ä ä ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ö ö ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s (ẞ ß ),T t ,U u (Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The eleventhletter of the Hungarianalphabet , calledeff and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) betű ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Cs cs ,D d ,Dz dz ,Dzs dzs ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,Gy gy ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ly ly ,M m ,N n ,Ny ny ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ö ö ,Ő ő ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sz sz ,T t ,Ty ty ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ü ü ,Ű ű ,V v ,Z z ,Zs zs .Only in the extended alphabet: Q q W w X x Y y .Commonly used: ch .Also defined: à ë .In surnames (selection): ä aa cz ds eé eö ew oe oó th ts ÿ .F (lower case f )
The eighthletter of the Icelandicalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bókstafur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Þ þ ,Æ æ ,Ö ö F (lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Idoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Indonesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) huruf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Irishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (Á á ),B b (Bh bh ,bhF bhf ,bP bp ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ,dT dt ),E e (É é ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (gC gc ,Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Í í ),L l ,M m (mB mb ,Mh mh ),N n (nD nd ,nG ng ),O o (Ó ó ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ,tS ts ),U u (Ú ú ),V v ( diacritics ) ◌́ ◌̇ ( dotted letters used chiefly inGaelic type ) Ḃ ḃ ,Ċ ċ ,Ḋ ḋ ,Ḟ ḟ ,Ġ ġ ,Ṁ ṁ ,Ṗ ṗ ,Ṡ ẛ ṡ ,Ṫ ṫ ( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ˈɛf.fe/ ( phonemic realization ) IPA (key ) : /f/ F f or m (invariable ,upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Italianalphabet , calledeffe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lettera ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,J j ,K k ),L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v (W w ,X x ,Y y ),Z z Italian alphabet on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Borrowed fromTagalog F . Letter pronunciation is influenced byEnglish F .
( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ˈʔef/ [ˈʔef] IPA (key ) : ( more native-sounding ) /ˈʔep/ [ˈʔep] Rhymes:-ef ,( more native-sounding ) -ep ( phoneme ) IPA (key ) : /f/ [f] IPA (key ) : ( more native-sounding ) /p/ [p] F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Kankanaeyalphabet , calledef and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (2016 )Ortograpiya di Kankanaëy [Kankanaey Orthography ][1] (in Kankanaey and Tagalog),→ISBN , pages10-11 The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andF for development of the glyph itself.
F (upper case ,lower case f )
The tenthletter of the Kashubianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,É é ,Ë ë ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ò ò ,Ó ó ,Ô ô ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ù ù ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ż ż F (upper case ,lower case f )
A letter in theLatin alphabet , representing the sound /f/ ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Z z
Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed byK. Mīlenbahs , which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in GermanFraktur , and sporadically inCyrillic .
F F (upper case ,lower case f )
The ninthletter of the Latvianalphabet , calledef and written in theLatin script . The letterF /f (likeH /h , andO /o representing [o], [oː] instead of [uə̯]) is found only in words of foreign origin (borrowings).
Letters of the Latvian alphabet: burti :A a ,Ā ā ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,E e ,Ē ē ,F f ,G g ,Ģ ģ ,H h ,I i ,Ī ī ,J j ,K k ,Ķ ķ ,L l ,Ļ ļ ,M m ,N n ,Ņ ņ ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,Ū ū ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž F
The sixthletter of the Malayalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (lowercase f )
The sixthletter of the Norwegian Bokmålalphabet , written in theLatin script . (Latin script letters )A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z ,Æ æ ,Ø ø ,Å å F (upper case ,lower case f )
The seventhletter of the Nupealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) banki ;A a (Á á ,À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ),J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Ts ts ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See thehistory of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, andF for development of the glyph itself.
F (upper case ,lower case f )
The ninthletter of the Polishalphabet , calledef and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,Ę ę ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u (V v ),W w (X x ),Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Portuguesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,à ã ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,Ê ê ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
( International Standard ) The eighthletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Pan-Vlax ) The ninthletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,X x ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kh kh ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u ,V v ,Z z International Standard: (À à ,Ä ä ,Ǎ ǎ ),Ć ć ,Ćh ćh , (È è ,Ë ë ,Ě ě ), (Ì ì ,Ï ï ,Ǐ ǐ ), (Ò ò ,Ö ö ,Ǒ ǒ ),Rr rr ,Ś ś , (Ù ù ,Ü ü ,Ǔ ǔ ),Ź ź ,Ʒ ʒ ,Q q ,Ç ç ,ϴ θ .Pan-Vlax: Č č ,Čh čh ,Dž dž , (Dź dź ),Ř ř ,Š š , (Ś ś ),Ž ž , (Ź ź ) .F (upper case ,lower case f )
The eighthletter of the Romanianalphabet , calledef ,fe , orfî and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ă ă , â ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Î î ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,Ș ș ,T t ,Ț ț ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Scottish Gaelicalphabet , written in theLatin script . It is preceded bye and followed byg . Its traditional name isfeàrna ( “ alder ” ) . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (À à ),B b (Bh bh ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ),E e (È è ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ),L l ,M m (Mh mh ),N n ,O o (Ò ò ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ),U u (Ù ù )( diacritics ) ◌̀ ( obsolete vowels ) Á á É é Ó ó The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andF for development of the glyph itself.
F (upper case ,lower case f )
The eighthletter of the Silesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ŏ ŏ ,Ō ō ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż F (lower case f )
The eleventhletter of the Skolt Samialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bukva ;A a , â ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,Ʒ ʒ ,Ǯ ǯ ,D d ,Đ đ ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ǧ ǧ ,Ǥ ǥ ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Ǩ ǩ ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ŋ ŋ ,O o ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž ,Å å ,Ä ä ,ʹ From Gaj's Latin alphabetF , fromCzech alphabetF , from LatinF , from theEtruscan letter𐌅 ( v ,“ ve ” ) , from theAncient Greek letterϜ ( W ,“ digamma ” ) , derived from thePhoenician letter𐤅 ( w ,“ waw ” ) , from theEgyptian hieroglyph𓏲 . Pronunciation asIPA (key ) : /fə/ is initial Slovene (phoneme plus a fill vowel) and the second pronunciation is probably taken fromGerman f .
( Standard Slovene, tonal ) IPA (key ) : /f/ ,[v] ,SNPT :/f/ ,[v] ( Standard Slovene, non-tonal ) IPA (key ) : /f/ ,[v] ,SNPT :/f/ ,[v] Note: different distinctions and accent shifts do not necessarily exclude other and most of them exist in both tonal and non-tonal Slovene.
( Standard Slovene, tonal ) IPA (key ) : [ˈfə̂] ,[ˈɛ̂f] ,SNPT :[fə̏] ,[ȅf] ( Standard Slovene, non-tonal ) IPA (key ) : [ˈfə] ,[ˈɛf] ,SNPT :[fə̀] ,[èf] , ,Note: different distinctions and accent shifts do not necessarily exclude other and most of them exist in both tonal and non-tonal Slovene.
The templateTemplate:sl-pronounce-other does not use the parameter(s):alp=*fə̀car=*fə̏lc=*fə̏ns=*fə̏pan=*fə̏si=*fə̏ss=*fə̏uc=*fə̏vk=*fə̏ Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning.
F (upper case ,lower case f )
The seventhletter of the Slovenealphabet , written in theLatin script . The tenthletter of the Slovenealphabet (Resian), written in theLatin script . The seventhletter of the Slovenealphabet (Natisone Valley dialect), written in theLatin script . F m inan
The name of theLatin script letterF /f . More common when with a definite adjective First pronunciation, dialectal, in common written language used till 19th century (Latin script letters )A a ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž “F ”, inSlovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU (in Slovene),2014–2025 F upper case (lower case f )
The fourteenthletter of the Somalialphabet , calledfa and written in theLatin script . The fourteenth letter of theSomali alphabet, which followsArabic abjad order. It is preceded byG and followed byQ . ( Latin-script letters) ʼ ,B b ,T t ,J j ,X x ,Kh kh ,D d ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,Dh dh ,C c ,G g ,F f ,Q q ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,W w ,H h ,Y y ,A a ,E e ,I i ,O o ,U u F (upper case ,lower case f )
the sixth letter of the Spanish alphabet ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e (É é ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o (Ó ó ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Swedishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bokstav ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z ,Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö Borrowed fromSpanish F . Each pronunciation has a different source:
Filipino alphabet pronunciation is influenced byEnglish F . Abecedario pronunciation is fromSpanish F . ( Standard Tagalog ) IPA (key ) : /ˈʔef/ [ˈʔɛf] ( letter name, Filipino alphabet ) IPA (key ) : ( more native-sounding ) /ˈʔep/ [ˈʔɛp̚] ( letter name, Filipino alphabet ) Rhymes:-ef ( letter name, Filipino alphabet ) ,( more native-sounding ) -ep ( letter name, Filipino alphabet ) IPA (key ) : /ˈʔefe/ [ˈʔɛː.fɛ] ( letter name, Abecedario ) IPA (key ) : ( more native-sounding ) /ˈʔepe/ [ˈʔɛː.pɛ] ( letter name, Abecedario ) Rhymes:-efe ( letter name, Abecedario ) ,( more native-sounding ) -epe ( letter name, Abecedario ) IPA (key ) : /f/ [f] ( phoneme ) IPA (key ) : ( more native-sounding ) /p/ [p̚] ( phoneme ) F (upper case ,lower case f ,Baybayin spelling ᜁᜉ᜔ )
The sixthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theFilipino alphabet ), calledef and written in theLatin script . This letter is mostly used only in Spanish-based spellings, proper nouns, or unadapted loanwords. Some purists of Tagalog replaceF in words withP . ( Latin-script letters) titik ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z F (upper case ,lower case f ,Baybayin spelling ᜁᜉᜒ )
( historical ) The seventhletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbecedario ), calledefe and written in theLatin script . “F ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 F (upper case ,lower case f )
The seventhletter of the Turkishalphabet , calledfe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) harf ;A a (Â â ),B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,I ı ,İ i (Î î ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u (Û û ),Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z
F (upper case ,lower case f )
The eighthletter of the Welshalphabet , calledèf and written in theLatin script . It is preceded byE and followed byFf . ( Latin-script letters) llythyren ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,Ä ä ),B b ,C c ,Ch ch ,D d ,Dd dd ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,Ff ff ,G g ,Ng ng ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,L l ,Ll ll ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ô ô ,Ö ö ),P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,Rh rh ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),W w (Ẃ ẃ ,Ẁ ẁ ,Ŵ ŵ ,Ẅ ẅ ),Y y (Ý ý ,Ỳ ỳ ,Ŷ ŷ ,Ÿ ÿ )R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “F ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Yorubaalphabet , calledfí and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lẹ́tà ;A a (Á á ,À à ,Ā ā ),B b ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ē ē ),Ẹ ẹ (Ẹ́ ẹ́ ,Ẹ̀ ẹ̀ ,Ẹ̄ ẹ̄ ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Ī ī ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ō ō ),Ọ ọ (Ọ́ ọ́ ,Ọ̀ ọ̀ ,Ọ̄ ọ̄ ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Ṣ ṣ ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Ū ū ),W w ,Y y ( Benin ) ( Latin-script letters) lɛ́tà ;A a ,B b ,D d ,E e ,Ɛ ɛ ,F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ɔ ɔ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y F (upper case ,lower case f )
The sixthletter of the Zulualphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z