FromGermanElsa, contraction ofElisabeth, occasionally used in English after its appearance inWagner's operaLohengrin (1847).
Elsa (pluralElsas)
- A femalegiven name from German or Hebrew.
1988,Barbara Vine,The House of Stairs, Onyx, published1990,→ISBN, page35:A friend that I envied — it was the same friend who had benefited from admiring Cosette's jewelry, a girl whose name wasElsa and whom naturally we called Lioness —
2022, Eleanor Turner, “On-screen inspo”, inBaby Names 2023, White Ladder,Hodder & Stoughton,→ISBN, part one (Naming your baby):Do you remember the wave ofElsas that arrived shortly after the release ofFrozen at the end of 2013? It became one the fastest-climbing names of the following year before dropping back, and then had another (smaller) spike in 2019 whenFrozen II came out.
- ASLE,Ales,ELAS,LAEs,LEAs,SEAL,Sale,Salé,Seal,Sela,aels,ales,lase,leas,sale,seal,sela
- IPA(key): [ˈɛlza]
- Hyphenation:El‧sa
Elsa f (relational adjectiveElsin)
- a femalegiven name
Declension ofElsa (sg-only hard feminine)
- “Elsa”, inKartotéka Novočeského lexikálního archivu (in Czech)
- “Elsa”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989
Elsa f
- a femalegiven name
- son of Elsa:Elsuson
- daughter of Elsa:Elsudóttir
| singular |
indefinite |
nominative | Elsa |
accusative | Elsu |
dative | Elsu |
genitive | Elsu |
FromGerman andSwedishElsa.
- a femalegiven name
1894,Teuvo Pakkala,Elsa, SKS, published1995,→ISBN, page11:Voisiko hänenkin tyttärelleen käydä noin, vaikka hän uskoisi Jumalaan, uskoisi niin vakavasti kuin on uskonut, että hän varjeleeElsan? Ei, se on mahdotonta!- Could it happen to the daughter too, even if she believed in God, as seriously as she had, thatElsa would be safe from danger? No, impossible!
2014,Heidi Jaatinen,Kaksi viatonta päivää, Gummerus,→ISBN, pages153–154:Ja hän melkein hymyili sille. Ja sai tietää, että tytöllä oli nimi:Elsa. Siro nimi puhumattomalle tytölle.- ...and almost smiled at it, and got to know that the girl had a name:Elsa. A graceful name for the girl that hadn't spoken a word.
- Elsa is the 105th most common female given name in Finland, belonging to 7,372 female individuals (and as a middle name to 3,306 more), according toFebruary 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.
Medieval diminutive ofElisabeth.
- a femalegiven name
- IPA(key): /ˈɛ,(traditional)/ˈ[1]
- Rhymes:-ɛlsa,(traditional)-elsa
- Hyphenation:Èl‧sa,(traditional)Él‧sa
Elsa ?
- A river inTuscany
Contraction ofElisabetta orElisa.
Elsa f
- a femalegiven name
- a femalegiven name
- IPA(key): /ˈelsa/[ˈ]
- Rhymes:-elsa
- Syllabification:El‧sa
Elsa f
- a femalegiven name
2016 February 3, Goretti Alonso, “Elsa Chaxiraxi González Suárez : “Repito porque ahora soy más consciente del trabajo y quiero ir a ganar””, inLa Opinión de Tenerife, retrieved26 February 2016:La experienca[sic] de ser candidata a Reina del Carnaval de Santa Cruz de Tenerife no es nueva paraElsa Chaxiraxi González Suárez, la aspirante que saldrá en el puesto número tres luciendo su fantasía ante el público del Recinto Ferial.- The experience of being a candidate for the Queen of Santa Cruz de Tenerife's Carnaval isn't new forElsa Chaxiraxi González Suárez, the hopeful who will appear in the third spot showing off her fantasy [costume] to the crowd at the Fairgrounds.
Rare medieval contraction ofElisabet, also a variant DanishElse. First recorded in Sweden in 1422. Taken to general use in the 19th century through the influence of the identical German name.
Elsa c (genitiveElsas)
- a femalegiven name
- Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn, Almqvist & Wiksell 1996,→ISBN
- [1] Statistiska centralbyrån and Sture Allén, Staffan Wåhlin,Förnamnsboken, Norstedts 1995,→ISBN: 42 087 females with the given name Elsa living in Sweden on December 31st, 2010, with frequency peaks in the 19th century and in the 2000s. Accessed on 19 June 2011.