- The exponential integral, aspecial function, defined as:

- The tenthletter of the Angamialphabet, written in theLatin script.
- (Latin-script letters)Ü ü,Üi üi,A a,Ai ai,I i,Ie ie,U u,Uo uo,E e,Ei ei,O o,Ou ou,K k,Kh kh,G g,Ng ng,C c,Ch ch,J j,Jh jh,Ny ny,T t,Th th,D d,N n,Ts ts,Tsh tsh,Dz dz,P p,Ph ph,B b,M m,Pf pf,Bv bv,Y y,Yh yh,R r,Rh rh,L l,Lh lh,F f,V v,W w,Wh wh,S s,Sh sh,Z z,Zh zh,H h
Inherited fromMiddle High Germanei andOld High Germanei, fromProto-West Germanic*aij, fromProto-Germanic*ajją, fromProto-Indo-European*h₂ōwyóm.
Cognate withYiddishאיי(ey),Dutchei,West Frisianaai,Englishey andegg,Danishæg.
Ei n (strong,genitiveEiesorEis,pluralEier,diminutiveEichen norEierchen norEilein n)
- egg(all biological senses)
Willst du deinEi hart oder weich?- Do you want youregg hard-boiled or soft-boiled?
Das befruchteteEi nistet sich in der Gebärmutter ein.- The fertilisedegg nidates in the uterus.
- something egg-shaped
- (informal, usually in theplural)testicle;ball(also figuratively)
Mal sehen, ob ihrEier habt!- Let’s see if you guys haveballs!
- (colloquial, in theplural)bucks(money)
Kost’ dreißigEier, der Spaß.- This thing costs thirtybucks.
- (colloquial, usually vocative, mildly derogatory)clown;foolishbloke
Da steht „ziehen“, duEi.- [The sign] says “pull”, youclown.
Declension ofEi [neuter, strong]
FromMiddle Low Germanei, fromOld Saxonei, fromProto-Germanic*ajją, fromProto-Indo-European*h₂ōwyóm. CompareDutchei, obsoleteEnglishey,West Frisianaai,Danishæg,GermanEi.
Ei n (pluralEia)
- egg
Ei (lower caseei)
- (US)Aletter of the Tlingitalphabet, written in theLatin script.
- Synonym:È
- Canada:
- (Latin-script letters)A a,Á á,À à, â,Ch ch,Chʼ chʼ,D d,Dł dł,Dz dz,E e,É é,È è,Ê ê,G g,Gw gw,Gh gh,Ghw ghw,H h,I i,Í í,Ì ì,Î î,J j,K k,Kw kw,Kʼ kʼ,Kʼw kʼw,Kh kh,Khw khw,Khʼ khʼ,Khʼw khʼw (L l),Ł ł,Łʼ łʼ (M m),N n (O o),S s,Sʼ sʼ,Sh sh,T t,Tʼ tʼ,Tl tl,Tlʼ tlʼ,Ts ts,Tsʼ tsʼ,U u,Ú ú,Ù ù,Û û,W w,X x,Xw xw,Xʼ xʼ,Xʼw xʼw,Xh xh,Xhw xhw,Xhʼ xhʼ,Xhʼw xhʼw,Y y (Ÿ ÿ),․
- US:
- (Latin-script letters)A a,Á á,Aa aa,Áa áa,Ch ch,Chʼ chʼ,D d,Dl dl,Dz dz,E e,É é,Ee ee,Ée ée,Ei ei,Éi éi,G g,Gw gw,G̱ g̱,G̱w g̱w,H h,I i,Í í,J j,K k,Kw kw,Kʼ kʼ,Kʼw kʼw,Ḵ ḵ,Ḵw ḵw,Ḵʼ ḵʼ,Ḵʼw ḵʼw,L l,Lʼ lʼ (Ḻ ḻ,M m),N n (O o),Oo oo,Óo óo,S s,Sʼ sʼ,Sh sh,T t,Tʼ tʼ,Tl tl,Tlʼ tlʼ,Ts ts,Tsʼ tsʼ,U u,Ú ú,W w,X x,Xw xw,Xʼ xʼ,Xʼw xʼw,X̱ x̱,X̱w x̱w,X̱ʼ x̱ʼ,X̱ʼw x̱ʼw,Y y (Ÿ ÿ,Y̱ y̱),․