2023 May 15, Martin Kuebler, “Rising sea levels: Is land reclamation still viable?”, inDW News[1], archived fromthe original on19 May 2023[2]:
"We are seeing cases where the newly built urban spaces are beginning to experience sudden flooding and storm surge," said Choi. She highlighted the case of Marine City inBusan, South Korea, a residential community dominated by upscale skyscrapers, where successive typhoons over the last decade have tossed waves over seawalls and submerged nearby streets.
2023 November 21, “US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea in allied show of strength”, inEFE[3], archived fromthe original onNovember 21, 2023[4]:
The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson arrived Tuesday in the South Korean port city ofBusan in a new exhibition of the deterrence mechanism established by Washington and Seoul against Pyongyang.