FromMiddle High Germanbalc, fromOld High Germanbalg, fromProto-West Germanic*balgi.
Words for inflated objects are often used to refer to children; compare western GermanPanz(“child”), which is related withPansen(“rumen”).
Cognate withGothic𐌱𐌰𐌻𐌲𐍃(balgs,“wineskin”),Dutchbalg,Englishbelly,bellows. Compare alsoRussianбалка(balka,“thick plank”),Sloveneblazina(“cushion”),Avestan𐬠𐬀𐬭𐬆𐬰𐬌𐬱(barəziš,“cushion, cover”),Persianبالش(bâleš,“pillow”),Armenianբարձ(barj),Old Prussianbalsinis.
- IPA(key): /balk/
- IPA(key): /balç/(northern and central Germany; now chiefly colloquial)
- Rhymes:-alk
Balg m (strong,genitiveBalgesorBalgs,pluralBälgeorBalge)
- (hunting) thehide of a small animal, such as afox,hare, orbird, which is pulled off as one
- (technology)short forBlasebalg(“bellows”), used especially with musicalinstruments, such as theaccordion
- (botany)follicle
Balg n orm (strong,genitiveBalgesorBalgs,pluralBälger)
- brat (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
- Synonym:Göre
- Usually neuter in this sense.