FromHebrewאַשְׁכְּנַזִּי('ashk'nazí), fromBiblical Hebrewאַשְׁכְּנַז(ʾaškənaz). The biblicalAshkenaz was the son ofGomer, the grandson ofJapheth, and the great-grandson ofNoah. Ashkenaz's descendants were identified with the Germans by medieval Jewish tradition. Ashkenaz was also the name used for the Rhine river, which was the starting point of central and eastern European settlement by Jews, who are thought to have arrived in the region from Italy, and then spread east as they fled violent oppression and followed more favorable ownership laws.
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Ashkenazi (comparativemoreAshkenazi,superlativemostAshkenazi)
Ashkenazi (pluralAshkenazimorAshkenazisorAshkenazi)
Ashkenazi (pluralAshkenazis)