FromAncient GreekἈνάγκη(Anánkē,“Fate”).
- (Greekmythology) A Greek goddess,personification ofdestiny,necessity andfate, depicted as holding aspindle.
- Coordinate term:Necessitas
1886,Arthur Conan Doyle,Cyprian Overbeck Wells. A Literary Mosaic:“‘To tell you that the eternities beget chaos, and that the immensities are at the mercy of the divineananke. Infinitude crouches before a personality. The mercurial essence is the prime mover in spirituality, and the thinker is powerless before the pulsating inanity. The cosmical procession is terminated only by the unknowable and unpronounceable’——
- (astronomy) Amoon ofJupiter.
Greek goddess of destiny, necessity and fate
Ananke f (proper noun,genitiveAnanke)
- (Greekmythology)Ananke
- “Ananke” inDuden online
- “Ananke” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
Borrowed fromAncient GreekἈνάγκη(Anánkē).
Ananke f
- (Greekmythology)Ananke(goddess of destiny, necessity and fate)