- (international standards)ISO 3166-1alpha-2country code forAfghanistan.
- Synonym:AFG(alpha-3)
AF (countable anduncountable,pluralAFs)
- Initialism ofair force.
- Initialism ofalternative fact.
- Initialism ofatrial fibrillation orauricular fibrillation.
- Initialism ofautofocus.
- Initialism ofadultfemale.
- Initialism ofauditory feedback.
- Initialism ofas found., alsoaf,a/f
- (poker)Initialism ofaggression factor.
AF (notcomparable)
- Initialism ofantiferromagnetic.
AF (notcomparable)
- (Internetslang, text messaging, vulgar)Initialism ofas fuck.
- Alternative forms:af,asf
2023 May 16, Ella Creamer, quoting ChatGPT, “‘Beowulf is lit AF’ – could ChatGPT really write good book blurbs?”, inThe Guardian[1],→ISSN:Beowulf’s got plenty of admirers, so the romance is totally on point too. Trust me, this story is the litAF, and you won’t wanna miss it.
Often considered less offensive thanas fuck. Occasionally, it can be heard used in speech by younger speakers, particularly in thecollocation “lit AF”.
- IPA(key): /aˈɛf/
- Rhymes:-ɛf
- Syllabification:A‧F
AF m inan
- Abbreviation ofautofocus.
- AF inWielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- AF in Polish dictionaries at PWN