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See also:Appendix:Variations of "aa"


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  1. A standard size of dry cell battery betweenAAA andC.
  2. A grade (of quality) better thanA.
  3. (finance)Long-termbondcredit rating byS&P Global Ratings andFitch Ratings, indicating that a bond is highgrade with very lowrisk ofdefault.
  4. (clothing)Bracup size.








AA (countable anduncountable,pluralAAs)

  1. A member ofAlcoholics Anonymous.
    • 2012 August 23, Amelia Hill, “LSD could help alcoholics stop drinking, AA founder believed”, inThe Guardian[1]:
      In a letter to Cohen, written between 1956 and 1961, he reported hearing gossip about his LSD use in AA circles. He reminded Cohen about "the desirability" of omitting his name "when discussing LSD withAAs". Cohen reassured Wilson that his LSD trials did not include other active AA members.
  2. AnAAbattery (energy-storage device).
    • 2005, Rob Sheppard,Digital Photography 1, 2, 3: Taking and Printing Great Pictures, New York: Lark Books,→ISBN, page52:
      Whether your camera takesAAs or a unique, proprietary battery, you should always have a spare.[] You will not be able to walk into a local supermarket and buy a new one as you can withAAs.
    • 2014 January 1, Kit Eaton, “Civilian Photography, Now Rising to New Level”, inThe New York Times[2]:
      It’s also tough to keep on top of charging all the batteries needed. The remote takes standardAAs, but the drone has a huge lithium battery that charges with a special wall unit.
  3. Initialism ofaffirmative action.
    • 2016, Angela L. Bos, “The unintended effects of political party affirmative action policies on female candidates’ nomination chances”, in Zoe M. Oxley, editor,Gender and Political Psychology, Routledge,→ISBN, pages73–74:
      Some of the rules guiding these nominations are affirmative action (AA)1 policies intended to increase the influence of and to encourage nomination of women and minorities.[] A review of the extant literature onAA and its effect on decision-makers produces competing hypotheses about the potential impact on female candidates seeking party nomination.
  4. Initialism ofair armament.
  5. Initialism ofair attaché.
  6. Initialism ofaircraft apprentice.
  7. Initialism ofaircraft artificer.
  8. (aviation)Initialism ofabsolute altitude.
  9. (military)Initialism ofanti-aircraft.
  10. (military)Initialism ofavenue of approach.
  11. (military)Initialism ofassembly area.
  12. Initialism ofairman apprentice.
  13. Initialism ofabsolute alcohol.
  14. (psychology)Initialism ofachievement age.
  15. Initialism ofacting appointment.
  16. Initialism ofadoption agency.
  17. Initialism ofarmament artificer.
  18. Initialism ofathletic association.
  19. Initialism ofauthor's alteration.
  20. Initialism ofaviation annex.
  21. (optics)Initialism ofangular aperture.
  22. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofamino acid.
    • 2011, Alexander Cartus, “D-Amino Acids and Cross-Linked Amino Acids in Food”, in Dieter Schrenk, Alexander Cartus, editors,Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Food, Woodhead Publishing,→ISBN, page251:
      All proteinogenic amino acids (AAs) are claimed to be levorotatory (L-configured). Nevertheless, dextrorotatoryAAs (D-configured) are also found in nature (Gao et al., 2015; Ollivaux et al., 2014), for example, in the organic material of extraterrestrial comets (Cronin and Pizzarello, 1983), or, formed by slow racemization, in all dead biological material.
  23. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofaminoacyl.
  24. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofacetic acid.
  25. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofacrylic acid.
    • 2006, Gordon L. Robertson, “Structure and Related Properties of Plastic Polymers”, inFood Packaging: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition, CRC Press,→ISBN, page25:
      For copolymers of ethylene, the other comonomer can be an alkene such as propene, butene, hexene or octene, or a compound having a polar functional group such as vinyl acetate (VA), acrylic acid (AA), ethyl acetate (EA), methyl acrylate (MA) or vinyl alcohol (VOH).
  26. (organic chemistry, medicine)Initialism ofamyloid A.
  27. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofarachidonic acid.
    • 2005, Michelle R. Lennartz, “Phospholipases and Phagocytosis”, in Carlos Rosales, editor,Molecular Mechanisms of Phagocytosis, Landes Bioscience /; Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.,→ISBN, page106:
      Arachidonic acid (AA) is present at unusually high levels in the phospholipids of inflammatory cells.[] IgG-mediated phagocytosis results in the preferential release ofAA over other fatty acids23 via activation of cPLA2 and iPLA2.
  28. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofascorbic acid.
  29. (organic chemistry)Initialism ofasymmetricaminohydroxylation.
  30. (biochemistry)Initialism ofacetaldehydeadduct.
    • 1995, Raymond F. Anton, Raye Z. Litten, John P. Allen, “Biological Assessment of Alcohol Consumption”, in John P. Allen, Megan Columbus, editors,Assessing Alcohol Problems: A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,→ISBN, page36:
      The two tests presently in this category are the blood tests carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and hemoglobin or whole blood acetaldehyde adducts (AA).[] Measurement ofAA in the blood has also generated a great deal of recent research interest.
  31. (biochemistry)Initialism ofadrenalandrogen.
    • 2007, Bulent O. Yildiz, Enrico Carmina, Ricardo Azziz, “Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Dysfunction in the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, in Ricardo Azziz, John E. Nestler, Didier Dewailly, editors,Androgen Excess Disorders in Women: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Other Disorders, 2nd edition, Totowa, NJ: Humana Press,→ISBN, page213:
      Although the ovaries are the main source of androgen excess in PCOS, excess adrenal androgen (AA) levels (e.g., dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA] and adrenal-secreted androsteredione [A4]) and adrenocortical dysfunction have also been observed in many patients with PCOS(2–6). Proof of the role ofAA excess in the development of PCOS is circumstantial at best.
  32. (biochemistry, medicine)Initialism ofantiandrogen.
  33. (chemistry)Initialism ofantioxidantactivity.
    • 2017, Xiuzhu Yu, “Spectroscopic Methods for Analysis of Edible Oils”, in Adriana S. Franca, Leo Nollet, editors,Spectroscopic Methods in Food Analysis, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,→ISBN, page528:
      Antioxidant activity (AA) is one of the main and most acclaimed properties of edible oil, and the antioxidant properties of EVOO have been extensively highlighted (Tuck and Hayball, 2002; Vissers et al., 2004).AA is usually estimated by monitoring the scavenging of a free radical by antioxidants that lead to either the inhibition of a chemical reaction or the changes of reaction rate constants in an ongoing radical reaction.
  34. (chemistry)Initialism ofatomicabsorption.
  35. (chemistry, engineering)Initialism ofactivated alumina.
    • 2009, Peter Ravenscroft, Hugh Brammer, Keith Richards, “Removing Arsenic from Drinking Water”, inArsenic Pollution: A Global Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,→ISBN, page272:
      Activated alumina (AA, or γ-Al₂O₃) is an amorphous aluminium oxide prepared by dehydrating Al(OH)₃ at high temperature,[] Arsenic removal onAA is strongly pH-dependent, and is optimal between pH 5.5 and 6.0, which often requires acidification, and subsequent neutralisation to prevent corrosion.
  36. (immunology)Initialism ofanti-antibody.
  37. (anatomy)Initialism ofascending aorta.
    Alternative form:AAo
  38. (anatomy)Initialism ofabdominal aorta.
  39. (anatomy)Initialism ofaortic arch.
  40. (pathology)Initialism ofacuteappendicitis.
  41. (pathology)Initialism ofallergicasthma.
  42. (pathology)Initialism ofalopecia areata.
    • 2012, Yoshihiro Kuwano, Manabu Fujimoto, “Alopecia areata and chemokine”, in Victor R. Preedy, editor,Handbook of Hair in Health and Disease,Wageningen Academic Publishers,→ISBN, page203:
      The existence of many autoimmune concurrent diseases supports thatAA is an autoimmune disease.[] The incidence of type I diabetes inAA is intriguing; it is decreased inAA patients and increased in their relatives.
  43. (pathology)Initialism ofanaplastic astrocytoma.
  44. (medicine)Initialism ofanastomoticaneurysm.
    • 2004, Alexander D. Shepard, Gary M. Jacobson, “Anastomotic Aneurysms”, in Jonathan B. Towne, Larry H. Hollier, editors,Complications in Vascular Surgery, 2nd edition, New York: Marcel Dekker,→ISBN, page139:
      An anastomotic aneurysm (AA) is an aneurysm that occurs at an anastomotic interface between a graft and an artery.[] Recently, it has been recognized that an increasing number ofAAs may in fact be true aneurysms occurring at the junction of a prosthetic graft and an artery.
  45. (pathology)Initialism ofaorticaneurysm.
    • 1992 January 1, M. David Tilson, “Aortic Aneurysms and Atherosclerosis”, inCirculation, volume85, number 1,→DOI, page378:
      This issue ofCirculation has an interesting contribution from Reed et al,1 who advance the point of view that aortic aneurysms (AAs) are “caused” by atherosclerosis.[] The authors propose two arguments in support of a “causal” relation between atherosclerotic risk factors and the development ofAAs.
  46. (pathology)Initialism ofaplastic anemia.
    • 2023 January, Yarong Chi, Qinglin Hu, Chen Yang, Miao Chen, Bing Han, “Avatrombopag is effective in patients with chemoradiotherapy-induced aplastic anemia: a single-center, retrospective study”, inExperimental Hematology, volume117,→DOI, page62:
      Aplastic anemia (AA) secondary to radiotherapy presents a difficult situation in the treatment of both the malignant tumor andAA itself. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of avatrombopag (AVA), a thrombopoietin receptor agonist, in patients withAA secondary to chemoradiotherapy.
  47. (medicine)Initialism ofarterialaneurysm.
    • 2009, Valery N. Kornienko, Igor Nicolaevich Pronin, “Cerebrovascular Diseases and Malformations of the Brain”, inDiagnostic Neuroradiology, Springer,→ISBN, page199:
      Arterial aneurysms (AA) are local out-pouching of a blood vessel wall.[] According to the statistics, 90% of allAA are located in the anterior segments of the circle of Willis and only 10% in the posterior segments (Dandy 1944; Zlotnik 1967).
  48. (medicine)Initialism ofarytenoid adduction.
    • 2017, Mausumi N Syamal, Michael S Benninger, “Vocal Fold Immobility”, in KK Handa, editor,Textbook of Voice and Laryngology, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers,→ISBN, page75:
      If the paralysis is unilateral, arytenoid adduction (AA) procedures can be done to medialize the complex and arguably improve the results of an implant medialization.79 AnAA arytenopexy can reconfigure the ipsilateral arytenoid for improved glottic closure, if needed.1,80
  49. (healthcare)Initialism ofanesthesiologistassistant.
  50. (computer graphics)Initialism ofantialiasing.
  51. Initialism ofAfrican-American.
    • 2015, Davor Zink, Bern Lee, Daniel Allen, “Structured and Semistructured Clinical Interviews Available for Use Among African American Clients: Cultural Considerations in the Diagnostic Interview Process”, in Lorraine T. Benuto, Brian D. Leany, editors,Guide to Psychological Assessment with African Americans, Springer,→ISBN, page19:
      For example, amongAAs “spell” refers to a trance state in which individuals can communicate with deceased relatives and which is associated with brief periods of personality change (American Psychiatric Association 1994).
  52. Initialism ofAsian-African.
  53. Initialism ofAsian American.
    • 2007, Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, Jung Hee Han, “Asian American Health and Disease: An Overview”, in Michael V. Kline, Robert M. Huff, editors,Health Promotion in Multicultural Populations: A Handbook for Practitioners and Students, 2nd edition, SAGE Publications, page414:
      Asian Americans (AAs) constitute the fastest growing group in the United States, yet health promotion in this population is severely hampered by its invisibility in the U.S. population.[] This chapter will address each of the four factors that contribute to the lack of knowledge and health information aboutAAs.
  54. (chiefly US, politics)Initialism ofadministrative assistant.
    • 2003,George Crile,Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of How the Wildest Man in Congress and a Rogue CIA Agent Changed the History of Our Times, New York: Grove Press,→ISBN, page186:
      But Wilson's loyal administrative assistant, Charlie Simpson, felt that he couldn't put up with it anymore.[] “I have to learn how to be a congressman and you need to learn how to be anAA [administrative assistant],” Wilson had told Simpson. “And this is the first thing we have to do.”[] The experience left theAA believing that perhaps the two of them shared a special destiny.
  55. Initialism ofassociateadministrator.
    • 2011, “S. Alan Stern”, in Rebecca Wright, Sandra Johnson, Steven J. Dick, editors,NASA at 50: Interviews with NASA's Senior Leadership,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,→ISBN, page139:
      I've worked at NASA as a graduate student working as a summer intern, and as anAA. Those are two of the most valuable experiences in my life.
  56. Initialism ofassistantadjutant.
  57. Initialism ofacademicadviser.
    • 2013, Yeno M Matuka Pierre,Through the Eye of the Needle, Xlibris,→ISBN, page121:
      TheAA said that given my background in English studies and applied linguistics, my introductory course in phonetics would be waved. Three of the four courses theAA prescribed included computer assisted instruction, which I eventually dropped due to overload, English language teaching methodology and psychology of second language learning.
  58. (education)Initialism ofAssociate in ArtsorAssociate of Arts.
    • 2020 March 20, Colin Peters, “Coaches, athletes react to sports being put on pause”, inDaily Iowegian[3], archived fromthe original on1 April 2020:
      “I’m still figuring out my plans, but going back for another year is in my plans. I would be going back and getting myAA [degree], while playing another year of softball,” Enright said.
    • 2022 March 15, Ilana M. Horwitz, “I Followed the Lives of 3,290 Teenagers. This Is What I Learned About Religion and Education.”, inThe New York Times[4]:
      He returned to community college and earned anA.A. while working as an E.M.T. and plans to become a paramedic or a nurse. He attributes much of this to his faith.
  59. Initialism ofappropriate authority.
  60. (British English, law)Initialism ofappropriate adult.
    • 2011, Layla Skinns,Police Custody: Governance, Legitimacy and Reform in the Criminal Justice Process, Routledge,→ISBN, page61:
      AnAA, who was a trained social worker, also felt that the volunteerAAs should be shown greater respect by the police (GMS14). At the same time, there was some awareness thatAAs were unpaid among the private police staff, as one commented that she tried to be particularly nice to theAAs because of their volunteer status (e.g. SNS7).
    • 2017 January 18, Ng Huiwen, “Drug offenders with special needs to get support”, inThe Straits Times[5]:
      The initiative will draw on some 200 existing volunteers under the Appropriate Adult (AA) scheme, run by the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (Minds), from Jan 30.[] "TheseAAs are trained by Minds, and we believe they will enable our investigation officers to better communicate with drug offenders with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder or mental health issues," he said.
  61. (finance)Initialism ofaccount aggregator.
    • 2019 July 29, Neha Alawadhi, Karan Choudhury, “Account aggregator to make applying for loan less cumbersome for users”, inBusiness Standard[6]:
      The RBI had in 2016 approved a new class of NBFCs to act as account aggregators (AA). TheseAAs will play the role of providing services based on the explicit consent of individual clients.
  62. (insurance)Initialism ofappointed actuary.
    • 2016 March 22, “Insurer can't transact new biz sans Appointed Actuaries: Irdai”, inBusiness Standard[7]:
      Appointed Actuaries (AAs) are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining solvency position of the Company.[] However, the existing arrangements ofAAs and Mentors not complying with these guidelines may continue till June 30.
  63. Initialism ofapproximate absolute.
  64. (statistics)Initialism ofarithmetic average.
  65. (politics)Initialism ofAssociation Agreement: a treaty between theEuropean Union, its member states and a non-EU country that creates a framework for cooperation between them.
    • 2013, Amr Adly, “External factors and state reform”, inState Reform and Development in the Middle East: Turkey and Egypt in the Post-Liberalization Era, Routledge,→ISBN, page200:
      Following theAA's enactment in June 2004, some institutional reform took place with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of Egyptian products.[] TheAA reflected a long-term and a rather broadly defined consideration of economic and social development and the process of market transformation in Egypt.
    • 2018 November 14, James Moran, “What Future for the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood Policy?”, inThe Cairo Review of Global Affairs[8]:
      In addition, bilateral relations with the diverse countries of the South, which were “divided in their unity,” were also given a boost, as negotiations on new EU Association Agreements (AAs) got underway, asAAs were signed with all EMP countries except Syria by the early 2000’s.
  66. (finance)Initialism ofagainst actual.
  67. (seduction community)Initialism ofapproach anxiety.
  68. (Hong Kong)Initialism ofagent assistant; anassistant of areal estate agent.
  69. (UK, pensions)Initialism ofannual allowance.
  70. (gymnastics)Abbreviation ofall-around.
    Coordinate terms:BB,FX,UB,VT
  71. (broadcasting)Initialism ofaverageaudience.

See also

  • (atomic absorption):AAS

Proper noun

Alcoholics Anonymous
The Automobile Association
Anna's Archive


  1. Initialism ofAlcoholics Anonymous: aself-supportingorganization ofalcoholic people.
    • 2013, Edward Kelsey Moore,The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat, Alfred A. Knopf,→ISBN, page284:
      She said, “I'm an alcoholic, just like my mother was. It's a struggle, but I haven't had a drink in a while.” That was something she hadn't meant to say, something she had never said outside of anAA meeting. But, after it had been said, it felt like as good a way to start as any.
  2. Initialism ofAcademy Awards: a recognition ofexcellence incinematicachievements, given annually by theAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
    • 1995 April 4, Bruce Vilanch, “Working the AA program”, inThe Advocate, number678, page67:
      Like a trueAA follower (as in Academy Awards, not 12 steps), I never cared for Oscar parties. Somebody always talked through the songs or Vanessa Redgrave's speech or the costume parade, in which elegant runway models were forced to dress up as the farmers inPlaces in the Heart.
  3. Initialism ofAddicts Anonymous.
  4. Initialism ofAl Ain.
  5. (aviation)Initialism ofAmerican Airlines: a majorAmericanairline headquartered inFort Worth,Texas.
    • 2012, Kaihan Krippendorff, “Today's Business Revolution”, inOutthink the Competition: How a New Generation of Strategists Sees Options Others Ignore, John Wiley & Sons,→ISBN, page21:
      Alas, I fear, Netflix will soon break my heart. And it's an American icon that is warning me: American Airlines (AA). ¶ You see, middlemen are dying. Sabre, the formerAA subsidiary that is now an independent global distribution system (GDS) supplying travel agencies and online travel agencies with ticket and pricing information, recently announced it was raising the rates it charges onAA tickets.
  6. (aviation)Initialism ofAerolíneas Argentinas.
  7. (aviation)Initialism ofAnsett AustraliaorAnsett Airways.
  8. Initialism ofAir Almanac, a publication.
  9. Initialism ofAmerican Anthropologist: the flagship journal of theAmerican Anthropological Association, founded in 1888.
  10. Initialism ofActa Astronautica: a scientific journal founded in 1955, covering fields related to the peaceful scientific exploration of space.
  11. Initialism ofAluminum America, a corporation.
  12. Initialism ofThe Aluminum Association: atradeassociation for thealuminumproduction,fabrication andrecycling industries.
  13. (US, baseball)Double-A: the second-highest level of play inMinor League Baseball afterTriple-A (AAA).
  14. (US, historical, baseball)Initialism ofAmerican Association: an Americanminor leaguebaseballleague from 1902 to 1962 and 1969 to 1997.
  15. (UK, automotive)Initialism ofThe Automobile Association: a Britishmotoringassociation founded in 1905.
    Coordinate terms:RAC,AAA,CAA
    • 2020 January 1, Miles Brignall, “Sit back, do nothing and theAA will double your bill”, inThe Guardian[9]:
      As we have said before, never accept anAA increase – if you phone up and threaten to leave they will, in our experience, drop it back to the previous price. Or better still, just keep switching provider each year. LV’s cover is a good alternative.
  16. Initialism ofAlzheimer's Association: anAmericanvolunteerhealth organization focusing on care, support and research forAlzheimer's disease.
  17. (US, historical)Initialism ofAmalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers.
    Alternative form:A.A.
    • 1985, James Holt, “Trade Unionism in the British and U.S. Steel Industries, 1888-1914: A Comparative Study”, in Daniel J. Leab, editor,The Labor History Reader, University of Illinois Press,→ISBN, pages170–171:
      In the American steel industry, only two labor organizations were of any great significance in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These were the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers (TheA.A.), and the Knights of Labor. TheA.A. was formed in 1876 when the United Sons of Vulcan, composed of iron puddlers and boilers, joined forces with several smaller unions of rolling mill hands and other skilled iron workers.
  18. (US, rail transport)Initialism ofAnn Arbor Railroad.
  19. Initialism ofArlington Annex.
  20. (US, military)USPS military code ofArmed ForcesAmericas.
    • 2010 October 29, Bill Shrum, “Shipping to soldiers for the holidays”, inStuttgart (Arkansas) Daily Leader:
      • APO/FPO AE ZIPs 094-098 — Space Available Mail, Nov. 26; Parcel Airlift Mail, Dec. 3; Priority Mail, Dec. 10; First Class Mail Letters and Cards, Dec.10 and Express Mail Military Service, Dec. 18.
      • APO/FPOAA ZIP 340 — Space Available Mail, Nov. 26; Parcel Airlift Mail, Dec. 3; Priority Mail, Dec. 10; First Class Mail Letters and Cards, Dec. 10 and Express Mail Military Service, Dec. 18.
      • APO/FPO AP ZIPs 962-966 — Space Available Mail, Nov. 26; Parcel Airlift Mail, Dec. 3; Priority Mail, Dec. 10; First Class Mail Letters and Cards, Dec. 10 and Express Mail Military Service, Dec. 18.
  21. Initialism ofArmy Act.
  22. (dated, Russia)Initialism ofaviatsionnaya Armiya.
  23. (physics)Initialism ofAntiproton Accumulator: aninfrastructure connected to theProton–Antiproton Collider atCERN.
  24. (occult)Alternative form ofA∴A∴.
    • 1999, James R. Lewis,Witchcraft Today: An Encyclopedia of Wiccan and Neopagan Traditions, ABC-CLIO,→ISBN, page219:
      In Magic in Theory and Practice, Crowley explains his other Order, the Silver Star (Argentinum Astrum), which certainly does have such a degree. TheAA is a totally secret occult organization in which any member should know only the person who initiated him or her and those whom he or she has initiated.
  25. Initialism ofAnna's Archive.
    • 2023 July 7, the-printer, “Tea as Hepatoprotective Agent: A Revisit”, inHacker News[10], archived fromthe original on30 August 2024:
      This specific paper isn't available onAA, but to whom it may intrigue I think this works:[]


Alcoholics Anonymous



AA (notcomparable)

  1. (military, aviation)Initialism ofanti-aircraftoranti-air.
    Alternative forms:a/a,A-A,A/A
  2. (military, aviation)Initialism ofair-to-air.
  3. (anatomy, medicine)Initialism ofatlantoaxial.
    AA joint; AA instability
  4. (anatomy, medicine)Initialism ofarterioarterial.
    AA anastomosis
  5. (linguistics)Initialism ofAfro-Asiatic.
  6. (linguistics)Initialism ofAustroasiatic.





AA (third-person singular simple presentAAs,present participleAAing,simple past and past participleAAed)

  1. (computer graphics, transitive)Initialism ofantialias.
    • 1999 September 12, Darin Genereux, “Re: "Anti-Aliasing vs. More Polygons" teapot page has been UPDATED”,[11] (Usenet):
      On the other hand, edge AA in EF2000 didn't make much difference because only the objects wereAAed and they made up only a very small percentage of the screen area.
    • 2003 June 25, Ilari Liusvaara, “Re: I have a Linux Desktop dream,”, incomp.os.linux.advocacy[12] (Usenet):
      Vector images can be considered to have extremely high resolution, so it is possible toAA them.

See also









  1. Short forAA制 (ēi'ēi zhì).

See also




Proper noun


AA pl (plural only)

  1. Abbreviation ofAlcooliques Anonymes.






  1. Initialism ofArbeitsanteil.
  2. Initialism ofArbeitsausschuss.
  3. Initialism ofAssistenzarzt.



AA n

  1. Initialism ofArbeitsamt.




  1. Initialism ofArbeitsanweisung.
  2. Initialism ofAufgabeart.
  3. Initialism ofAusbildungsabteilung.
  4. Initialism ofAuslandsabteilung.




  1. Initialism ofAnonyme Alkoholiker(Alcoholics Anonymous).

Proper noun


AA f

  1. Initialism ofAmerican Airlines.

Proper noun


AA n

  1. (German politics)Initialism ofAuswärtiges Amt.
    • 2023 January 26, “Lawrow in Afrika: Auswärtiges Amt bittet für Tweet mit Leopard-Emoji um Entschuldigung”, inDer Spiegel[13],→ISSN:
      In einem Folgetweet versprach dasAA auch eine Zusammenstellung von Beweisen für die russische Behauptung – nur um direkt darauf lakonisch zu schließen: »Es gibt keine«.
      In a follow-up tweet, theAA also promised a compilation of evidence for the Russian claim - only to laconically conclude immediately afterwards: "There is none".


For pronunciation and definitions ofAA – see the following entry.
[noun]text art;Shift_JIS art;ASCII art
Alternative spelling
(This term,AA(AA), is an alternative spelling of the above term.)





AA (pluralAA-AA)

  1. Initialism ofAsia-Afrika(Asian-African).



Further reading




Proper noun


AA m

  1. Initialism ofAlcohólicos Anónimos.



Proper noun



  1. Initialism ofAnadolu Ajansı(Anadolu Agency).
  2. Initialism ofAdsız Alkolikler(Alcoholics Anonymous).
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