- Onehundred in Arabic numerals.
- Aegean numerals:please add, if you can
- Arabic (Eastern) numerals:١٠٠
- Arabic (Western) numerals:100
- Armenian numerals:Ճ
- Assamese numerals:১০০
- Balinese numerals:᭑᭐᭐
- Bengali numerals:১০০
- Brahmi numerals:𑁤,(place notation)𑁧𑁦𑁦
- Chakma numerals:𑄷𑄶𑄶
- Cham numerals:꩑꩐꩐
- Chinese numerals:壹佰,一百
- CJK tally marks:𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶𝍶
- Counting rod numerals:𝍩〇〇
- Devanagari numerals:१००
- Dhives Akuru numerals:please add, if you can
- Egyptian numerals:𓍢
- Ethiopic numerals:፻
- Garay numerals:please add, if you can
- Gothic numerals:𐍂
- Greek numerals:Ρ΄,ρ΄
- Gujarati numerals:૧૦૦
- Gurmukhi numerals:੧੦੦
- Indic Siyaq numerals:please add, if you can
- Hanifi Rohingya numerals:𐴱𐴰𐴰
- Hebrew numerals:ק
- Javanese numerals:꧑꧐꧐
- Kaktovik numerals:please add, if you can
- Kannada numerals:೧೦೦
- Kawi numerals:please add, if you can
- Kayah Li numerals:꤁꤀꤀
- Khmer numerals:១០០
- Khudawadi numerals:𑋱𑋰𑋰
- Lanna numerals:(secular)᪁᪀᪀,(religious)᪑᪐᪐
- Lao numerals:໑໐໐
- Lepcha numerals:᱁᱀᱀
- Limbu numerals:᥇᥆᥆
- Malayalam numerals:൧൦൦
- Maya numerals:please add, if you can
- Mende Kikakui numerals:please add, if you can
- Meroitic cursive numerals:please add, if you can
- Meitei numerals:꯱꯰꯰
- Mongolian numerals:᠑᠐᠐
- Myanmar numerals:၁၀၀
- N'Ko numerals:߁߀߀
- Ol Chiki numerals:᱑᱐᱐
- Old Persian numerals:𐏕
- Odia numerals:୧୦୦
- Osmanya numerals:𐒡𐒠𐒠
- Ottoman Siyaq numerals:please add, if you can
- Pahawh Hmong numerals:please add, if you can
- Persian numerals:۱۰۰
- Roman numerals:C,c
- Saurashtra numerals:꣑꣐꣐
- Sharada numerals:𑇑𑇐𑇐
- Sinhalese numerals:෧෦෦,(archaic)𑇳
- Sundanese numerals:᮱᮰᮰
- Takri numerals:𑛁𑛀𑛀
- Tally marks:𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸𝍸
- Tamil numerals:௱
- Telugu numerals:౧౦౦
- Thai numerals:๑๐๐
- Tibetan numerals:༡༠༠
- Tirhuta numerals:𑓑𑓐𑓐
- Warang Citi numerals:𑣡𑣠𑣠
The number100 in French (pronouncedcent) is a homophone ofsans(“without”), hence100 used to be substituted forsans in informal writing when the length of text messages was limited.
- (Internetslang, text messaging, abbreviation)Nonstandard spelling ofsans(“without, -less”).
In compounds:The number100 in German is written ashundert. Hence as an alternative spelling100 is substituted forhundert in a number of compounded adjectives and adverbs such ashundertfach,hundertmal,hundertjährig etc.
- Alternative spelling ofhundert(“hundred”)
- Der Fischer fing100 Fische. ―The fisher caught 100 fishes.
- (in a compound)Ich habe es ihm100-mal/100mal gesagt. ―I've told hima hundred times.
The number100 in Portuguese is written ascem. It is a homophone ofsem(“without”), hence100 is often substituted forsem in informal writing.
- (Internetslang, text messaging, dated)Nonstandard spelling ofsem(“without, -less”).
- um livro100 capa ―a bookwithout a cover