Tenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numeral ٠ (compare Devanāgarī script०(0)), adopted for use with the Latin script in Europe. See0 § History for more.
(phonetics, often superscript) Thepitch of atone that is more extreme than1 (higher or lower, depending on local convention; e.g. 0 is the highest tone in Chatino).
(phonetics, Sinosphere, often superscript) Lack of an inherenttone; the pitch depends on the tones of the surrounding syllables.
The pronunciation as adigit is very often shortened to that of the letterO to save time or keep rhythm. This change is required for thetens place ofminutes following thehour and in shortened pronunciation of numbers between 10 and 19 hundred, includingyears, as well as their truncated two-digit forms, where the zero is a leading digit. It is also very common when sayingtelephone numbers,decimals after thedecimal point, theleading zero in decimal fractions less than one, or many other words such as007double o seven.
2024, 陳詠儀[Wing Yee Chan], 唐翊竣[Yik Chun Tong], 謝家朗[Ka Long Tse], “香港粵語否定詞“0”的語法特徵 [Grammatical Features of the Negative Word "0" in Hong Kong Cantonese]”, in《中國語文通訊》, volume103, number 1,→DOI, pages43-65: