Inherited fromLatinillōrum, fromille.
-lor (pl)
- (definite article)the(plural,genitive anddative)
This form of the definite article is used for all nouns in the genitive and dative cases in the plural (as attached to the indefinite plural, which always ends in a vowel):
- taților, fromtați,masc.
- fiilor, fromfii,masc.
- fraților, fromfrați,masc.
- mamelor, frommame,fem.
- basmalelor, frombasmale,fem.
- numelor, fromnume,neut.
- viselor orvisurilor, fromvise orvisuri,neut.
The suffix is also used with plural adjectives in the genitive and dative cases to make the articulated definite form, often for emphasis, and it is used before the noun it modifies:
- -l(masculine/neuter singular nominative and accusative)
- -a(feminine singular nominative and accusative)
- -i(masculine/neuter plural nominative and accusative)
- -le(feminine plural nominative and accusative)
- -lui(masculine/neuter singular genitive and dative)
- -ei(feminine singular genitive and dative)