FromDutch -lijk .False cognate ofTurkish -lik .
Forming adjectives from nouns with the sense of ‘characteristic of, pertaining to’. Cognate withTurkish -lik ( “ -ness ” ) .
IPA (key ) : [lic] ,[liç] ,[lih] ,[lij] -lik
used to derive abstract nouns from adjectives ;-ness ,-hood ,-ship ,-dom ,-ity gözəl ( “ beautiful ” ) + -lik → gözəllik ( “ beauty ” ) ölməz ( “ immortal ” ) + -lik → ölməzlik ( “ immortality ” ) boş ( “ empty ” ) + -lik → boşluq ( “ emptiness ” ) used to derive abstract nouns from nouns ;-ship üzv ( “ member ” ) + -lik → üzvlük ( “ membership ” ) dost ( “ friend ” ) + -lik → dostluq ( “ friendship ” ) used to derive nouns denoting work/jobs from nouns denoting professions müəllim ( “ teacher ” ) + -lik → müəllimlik ( “ teaching, the work of a teacher ” ) qəssab ( “ butcher ” ) + -lik → qəssablıq ( “ butchery, the trade of a butcher ” ) used to derive nouns denoting items containing something ;-ory söz ( “ word ” ) + -lik → sözlük ( “ word-list; dictionary ” ) öd ( “ gall ” ) + -lik → ödlük ( “ gall bladder ” ) ox ( “ arrow ” ) + -lik → oxluq ( “ quiver ” ) used to derive nouns denoting places characterized by abundance of something from nouns ağac ( “ tree ” ) + -lik → ağaclıq ( “ a treey place, a place with many trees ” ) kölgə ( “ shadow ” ) + -lik → kölgəlik ( “ a shady place ” ) ilan ( “ snake ” ) + -lik → ilanlıq ( “ a place full of snake ” ) bataq ( “ swamp ” ) + -lik → bataqlıq ( “ a swampy place ” ) ocaq ( “ hearth ” ) + -lik → ocaqlıq ( “ hearthstead ” ) used to derive adjectives from nouns ;-ly ay ( “ month ” ) + -lik → aylıq ( “ monthly ” ) torba ( “ bag ” ) + -lik → torbalıq ( “ intended to be used for sewing bags ” ) dağ ( “ mountain ” ) + -lik → dağlıq ( “ mountainous ” ) beş nəfər ( “ five people ” ) + -lik → beş nəfərlik ( “ intended for five people ” ) used to derive temporal adverbs from temporal adverbs and nouns ;for hələ ( “ still ” ) + -lik → hələlik ( “ yet, still, for the time being ” ) həmişə ( “ always ” ) + -lik → həmişəlik ( “ for ever, permanently ” ) ömür ( “ lifetime ” ) + -lik → ömürlük ( “ for life ” ) ( non-productive ) used to derive nouns denoting kinship other than by blood ;step- Synonym: ögey ata ( “ father ” ) + -lik → atalıq ( “ stepfather ” ) ana ( “ mother ” ) + -lik → analıq ( “ step-mother ” ) oğul ( “ son ” ) + -lik → oğulluq ( “ stepson ” ) qız ( “ daughter ” ) + -lik → qızlıq ( “ stepdaughter ” ) bacı ( “ sister ” ) + -lik → bacılıq ( “ stepsister ” ) ( non-productive ) used to derive nouns denoting clothing items baş ( “ head ” ) + -lik → başlıq ( “ bashlyk, hood ” ) gəlin ( “ bride ” ) + -lik → gəlinlik ( “ wedding dress ” ) bazar ( “ market; Sunday ” ) + -lik → bazarlıq ( “ bride's garments ” ) Ultimately fromProto-Turkic *-lik .
Thisetymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
-ness ,-hood ,-ship ,-dom genç ( “ young ” ) + -lik → gençlik ( “ youngness ” ) dost ( “ friend ” ) + -lik → dostluq ( “ friendship ” ) ür ( “ free ” ) + -lik → ürlük ( “ freedom ” ) being (like) ...dağ ( “ mountain ” ) + -lik → dağlıq ( “ mountainous ” ) belonging to ...,used for ...,suitable for ..., ...container qave ( “ coffee ” ) + -lik → qavelik ( “ coffee pot ” ) Byvowel harmony , the suffix may change to-lıq ,-luq ,,-lik , or-lük , depending on the last vowel of the word to which it is attached. (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium . Particularly: “From Germanic -līk?”)
-lik (genitive -liku ,partitive -likku ,comparative -likum ,superlative kõige -likum )
-ly ,-ic ,-al - forms adjectives from nouns or verbs.-lik (n-n? ,truncative? )
having ,provided with,owning From-l ( verb-forming suffix ) +-ik ( verb-forming suffix ) .[ 1]
( frequentative-reflexive verb-forming suffix ) Added to anoun oradjective to form averb . (verb-forming suffix ) Variants:-lik is added to both back-vowel and front-vowel words.kék ( “ blue ” ) + -lik → kéklik ( “ to appear blue ” ) hanyatt ( “ on one's back ” ) + -lik → hanyatlik ( “ to decline, fall, deteriorate ” ) -llik is added to words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á. Final -e changes to -é.barna ( “ brown ” ) + -llik → barnállik ( “ to appear in brown color ” ) fekete ( “ black ” ) + -llik → feketéllik ( “ to appear in black color ” ) -allik is added to back-vowel wordsnyíl ( “ arrow ” ) + -allik → nyilallik ( “ (of pain ) to stab, to feel like a dagger ” ) -ollik is added to some back-vowel wordstorok ( “ throat ” ) + -ollik → torkollik ( “ to end in something ” ) -ellik is added to front-vowel wordsszög ( “ angle ” ) + -ellik → szögellik ( “ to stretch out at an angle ” ) -lik
Formsadjectives fromverbs li’ ( “ to roll out dough ” ) →li’lik ( “ flat ” ) oq’etaj ( “ to cry for something ” ) →oq’talik ( “ cried for ” ) muqtajik ( “ to cover ” ) →muqtalik ( “ buried ” ) Formsadjectives fromnouns jäb ( “ rain ” ) →jäbalik ( “ watered ” ) kotokik ( “ turn; bend ” ) →kotolik ( “ coiled ” ) -lik
Alternative form of-ly ( “ adjectival suffix ” ) -lik
Alternative form of-ly ( “ adverbial suffix ” ) From the adjectivelik ( “ similar ” ) .
-like ,-ish Synonyms: -artad ,-aktig Inherited fromOttoman Turkish ـلك ( -lik ) , fromProto-Turkic *-lik .
-ness ,-hood ,-ship ,-dom genç ( “ young ” ) + -lik → gençlik ( “ youth ” ) anne ( “ mother ” ) + -lik → annelik ( “ motherhood ” ) üye ( “ member ” ) + -lik → üyelik ( “ membership ” ) kral ( “ king ” ) + -lik → krallık ( “ kingdom ” ) özgür ( “ free ” ) + -lik → özgürlük ( “ freedom ” ) being (like) ...aydın ( “ bright ” ) + -lik → aydınlık ( “ enlightenment; being lit up or brightened ” ) dağ ( “ mountain ” ) + -lik → dağlık ( “ mountainous ” ) belonging to ...,used for ...,suitable for ..., ...container salça ( “ sauce ” ) + -lik → salçalık ( “ sauceboat ; suitable for making a sauce” ) kalem ( “ pencil ” ) + -lik → kalemlik ( “ pencil case ” ) Lasting for a period of timebeş dakikalık bir video ―a five-minute-long video old üç aylık bebek ―a three-month-old baby ( uncommon ) year-old on iki'lik kız ―twelve-year-old girl Used with nouns or adjectives and may yield a noun or adjective. Often found appended to verbal nouns. For example, the verbatıştırmak ( “ to snack ” ) yieldsatıştırma ( “ snacking ” ) and thusatıştırmalık , which can mean both “snack” and “suitable for snacking”. Inherited fromChagatai ـلیق ( -lıq ) ,ـلیک ( -lik ) ,ـلوق ( -luq ) ,ـلوک ( -lük ) , fromProto-Turkic *-lik .
-ness Suffix forming variousdemonyms .