IUPAC Commission of Nomenclature for Heterocyclic Compounds (1957)
Indicating an unsaturated 4-ring heterocyclic compound with nitrogen -ete
intensive suffix: very michĩete ―very smallHesa hovyete . ―His eyes aredeep blue. -ete
( noun-forming suffix ) Forms nouns from certain verbs (cf.-és ), incorporating the third-person singular possessive suffix (-e ), which can be replaced by other personal possessive suffixes. kell ( “ to be necessary ” ) + -ete → kellete ( “ its necessaryamount ” ) (noun-forming suffix ) Variants:-ta is added to most back-vowel verbs-te is added to most front-vowel verbs-tte is added to front-vowel verbs that originally ended in a vowel (likejön , originallyjő )-ata is added to back-vowel verbs that form the infinitive with a linking vowel (likehall )-ete is added to front-vowel verbs that form the infinitive with a linking vowel (likekell ) -ete
used with a stem to form thesecond-person plural present andimperative of regular-ere verbs -ete
Alternative form of-ite FromOld Norse -aðr and-óttr .
forming adjectives from nouns “-ete” inDet Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB ).FromOld Norse -aðr and-óttr .
forming adjectives from nouns “-ete” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .FromLatin -ittus .
female equivalent of-et -ette ( obsolete, except in given names ) FromFrench -ette (feminine of-et ( diminutive suffix ) ), fromLatin -itta . In some words, from these related sources:
Doublet of-ita and-eta .
The templateTemplate:pt-suffix does not use the parameter(s):g=m-f Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. -ete
forms the diminutive of nouns ;-ette ;-let ;-ie ;-ling diabro ( “ devil, demon ” ) + -ete → diabrete ( “ imp; pixie ” ) farol ( “ lighthouse ” ) + -ete → farolete ( “ small lighthouse ” ) Synonyms: -elho ,-acho forms depreciative diminutives artigo ( “ article ” ) + -ete → artiguete ( “ a bad article ” ) Synonym: -elho forms diminutives of adjectives alegre ( “ joyful ” ) + -ete → alegrete ( “ somewhat joyful; tipsy ” ) Synonym: -inho The templateTemplate:pt-suffix does not use the parameter(s):g=f Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. -ete
forms the female equivalents of some words, most commonly given names Synonym: -a Valdo + -ete → Valdete -ete
plural of-et -eta ( after feminine nouns ) Borrowed fromFrench -et .Doublet of-ito .
-ete m (noun-forming suffix ,plural -etes )
forms diminutives from nouns and adjectives, or gives a particularizing sense Synonyms: -cete ,-ceta palacio ( “ palace ” ) + -ete → palacete ( “ small palace ” ) muro ( “ wall ” ) + -ete → murete ( “ low wall ” ) ojo ( “ eye ” ) + -ete → ojete ( “ eyelet, grommet; eye hole; anus ” ) jugar ( “ to play ” ) + -ete → juguete ( “ toy ” ) puño ( “ fist ” ) + -ete → puñete ( “ punch with the fist ” ) Used especially after masculine nouns. Compare-eta .