See-at- Borrowed fromEnglish -ate ,French -ate ,Italian -ato ,Portuguese -ato /Portuguese -ado /Spanish -ato /Spanish -ado , all fromLatin -ātus .
The templateTemplate:ia-suffix does not use the parameter(s):1=n Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. -ato
forms nouns from nouns, denoting a status, jurisdiction or period of office ;-ate ,-dom ,-cy ,-ship duce ( “ duke ” ) + -ato → ducato ( “ duchy, dukedom ” ) episcoppo ( “ bishop ” ) + -ato → episcopato ( “ bishopric, episcopate ” ) capitano ( “ captain ” ) + -ato → capitanato ( “ captaincy ” ) discipulo ( “ disciple ” ) + -ato → discipulato ( “ discipleship ” ) This suffix is not to be confused with-ata ( “ -ful ” ) . CategoryInterlingua terms suffixed with -ato not found
FromLatin -ātus , fromProto-Italic *-ātos .
-ato (past participle-forming suffix ,feminine -ata ,masculine plural -ati ,feminine plural -ate )
used with a stem to form thepast participle of regular-are verbs -ato m (noun-forming suffix ,plural -ati )
arank oroffice ;-ate ,-hood ,-ship ,-cy apprendista ( “ apprentice ” ) + -ato → apprendistato ( “ apprenticeship ” ) priore ( “ prior ” ,noun ) + -ato → priorato ( “ priorate, office of a prior ” ) -ato (adjective-forming suffix ,feminine -ata ,masculine plural -ati ,feminine plural -ate )
forms adjectives having or resembling the specified thing lobo ( “ lobe ” ) + -ato → lobato ( “ lobate, having lobes ” ) palmo ( “ palm (of the hand) ” ) + -ato → palmato ( “ palmate, resembling a palm ” ) -ato m (noun-forming suffix ,plural -ati )
( chemistry ) aderivative of a specifiedelement orcompound ;especially asalt orester of anacid whose name ends in-ico ;-ate nitrico ( “ nitric ” ) + -ato → nitrato ( “ nitrate ” ) -ātō
second / third-person singular future active imperative of-ō ( first conjugation ) -ātō
dative / ablative masculine / neuter singular of-ātus Borrowed fromLatin -ātus . Compare the inherited doublet-ado .
-ato m (noun-forming suffix ,plural -atos )
-ship ;-ate ( rank or office ) Synonym: -ado -age ( place ) ( chemistry ) -ate ( derivative of a salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in-ico ) Borrowed fromLatin -ātus (past participle suffix). Compare the inherited doublet-ado .
-ato m (noun-forming suffix ,plural -atos ,feminine -ata ,feminine plural -atas )
forms an institution from a noun stem huérfano ( “ orphan ” ) + -ato → orfanato ( “ orphanage ” ) forms the corresponding action of a noun asesino ( “ assassin ” ) + -ato → asesinato ( “ assassination ” ) indicates a baby of a specific animal ballena ( “ whale ” ) + -ato → ballenato ( “ baby whale ” ) forms adjectives of quality nuevo ( “ new ” ) + -ato → novato ( “ unexperienced ” ) denotes the office of a noun stem cardenal ( “ (Catholic) cardinal ” ) + -ato → cardenalato ( “ cardinalate, office of the cardinal ” ) Fujimori ( surname of the former president of Peru,Alberto Fujimori ) + -ato → fujimorato ( “ time period when Alberto Fujimori was in office ” ) -ato m (noun-forming suffix ,plural -atos )
( chemistry ) -ate ( designates asalt orester related to anacid ) Variant orthographies ALIV -ato Brazilian standard -ato New Tribes -ato
Forms nouns from adverbs, adverbial verb forms, and postpositions, typically with the sense of ‘one that (is) …’, ‘one that has the quality of …’. When attaching to a final vowele , this suffix takes the form-ato , with the first vowel replacing thee ; when attaching toi , it takes the form-cho ; in all other circumstances it takes the form-to .
From-a ( recent/distant past imperfective suffix ) +-to ( plural verb suffix ) .
Forms the plural of the recent past imperfective tense when the arguments of the verb are first- or second-person. This suffix can cause syllable reduction. The suffix takes the form-kato when the preceding syllable is reducible and has an onset ofk ,-yato when the preceding syllable ends ini , and-ato in other contexts.
Cáceres, Natalia (2011 ) “-ato”, inGrammaire Fonctionnelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana [1] , Lyon, pages138–140, 213–222 Hall, Katherine Lee (1988 )The morphosyntax of discourse in De'kwana Carib , volumes I and II, Saint Louis, Missouri: PhD Thesis, Washington University, page302