Stroke order
Stroke order
也 (Kangxi radical 5,乙 +2, 3 strokes,cangjie input 心木 (PD ),four-corner 44712 ,composition ⿻乜 丨 )
他 ,吔 ,地 ,她 ,弛 ,彵 ,忚 ,扡 ,池 ,𮋭 ,阤 ,𤜣 ,肔 ,杝 ,灺 ,牠 ,迆 ,𥐨 ,𦧇 ,祂 ,䄬 ,毑 ,䊶 ,𦏸 ,虵 ,衪 ,訑 ,貤 ,酏 ,釶 ,䪧 ,馳 ,䶔 ,乸 ,㐌 ,㦾 ,竾 ,髢 ,匜 ,𥒃 ,𮌊 𰀸 Kangxi Dictionary:page 84 , character 4 Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 171 Dae Jaweon: page 170, character 4 Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 1, page 50, character 5 Unihan data for U+4E5F Old Chinese 他 *l̥ʰaːl 拖 *l̥ʰaːl, *l̥ʰaːls 駞 *l'aːl 池 *l'aːl, *l'al 灺 *ljalʔ 鍦 *ɦljaːl, *hljal, *hljals 虵 *ɦljal, *laːlʔ, *lal 也 *laːlʔ 忚 *hleːl 髢 *l'eːls 杝 *l̥ʰalʔ, *l'alʔ, *lal 肔 *l̥ʰalʔ, *lalʔ 馳 *l'al 阤 *l'alʔ, *hljalʔ 施 *hljal, *hljals 絁 *hljal 葹 *hljal 弛 *hljalʔ 箷 *lal 衪 *lel, *lalʔ 暆 *lel 迆 *lal, *lalʔ 酏 *lal, *lalʔ 匜 *lal, *lalʔ 迤 *lalʔ 扡 *lalʔ 崺 *lalʔ 貤 *lals, *ɦljels, *lels 地 *l'els
Pictogram (象形 ) — A child (子 ) with their mouth (口 ) open crying. The original form of嗁 (OC *l'eː , “to cry”) (Chi Hsu-Sheng, 2014 ). The child's arms were removed during bronze inscriptions and the two components fused together in the modern form.
Other various possible explanations include:
The traditional glyph origin given inShuowen explains the character to be a pictogram (象形 ) of female genitalia. It was once interchangeable with它 and may have originated as a simplification. Hence, it could be the pictogram of a snake. It may have been created to represent the modal particle (語氣詞 / 语气词 (yǔqìcí )). In some bronze inscriptions, it appears to be a mouth (口 ) with a curved line descending from it to represent air coming out of the mouth. It is possibly a pictogram (象形 ) of an ancient funnel or wash basin. It may be an early form of匜 . It may have signified a big-headed scorpion with its legs flattened, signifying as something very "flat" or "stretched out". classical sentence-ending copulative particle, topic particle Unclear. PossiblySino-Tibetan , connectable toTibetan ལ ( la ) , which is often used as a marker (for oblique locative, dative, possessor in constructions with a copula verb, etc.) but also a topicalizer likeནི ( ni ,“ as for ” ) (Schuessler, 2007 ).
On the other hand,Pulleyblank (1995) notes the similarity with anteclassical唯 (OC *ɢʷi ) as a copula and a topicalizer.
also, too, as well Thisetymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
Mandarin (Standard ) (Pinyin ) :yě (ye3 )(Zhuyin ) :ㄧㄝˇ ( Chengdu ,Sichuanese Pinyin ) :ye3 (Dungan ,Cyrillic andWiktionary ) :е (i͡ə, II)Cantonese (Guangzhou –Hong Kong ,Jyutping ) :jaa5 ( Taishan ,Wiktionary ) :ya4 Gan (Wiktionary ) :ia3 Hakka (Sixian ,PFS ) :ya / yâ (Meixian ,Guangdong ) :ya1 Jin (Wiktionary ) :ie2 Northern Min (KCR ) :ǎ / iǎ Eastern Min (BUC ) :iâ / iá Southern Min (Hokkien ,POJ ) :iā /iǎ /ā /ǎ /iá (Teochew ,Peng'im ) :ia7 / a7 Wu (Northern ,Wugniu ) :6 gha;6 gha;6 ye;1 a /8 ghaeq;2 gha;1 ie /3 ie;6 ghaXiang (Changsha ,Wiktionary ) :ia3 / ie3 Note :
ǎ - vernacular; iǎ - literary. Note :
iâ - vernacular; iá - literary. Note :
iā/iǎ/ā/ǎ - vernacular; iá - literary. Note : a7 - “if”.
Note :
6 gha (Shanghainese),8 ghaeq (Suzhounese) - as particle;6 gha (Shanghainese),2 gha (Suzhounese)- vernacular;6 gha &6 ye (Shanghainese),1 ie (Suzhounese) - literary;1 a (Shanghainese) - only in也怕 ;3 ie (Hangzhounese)- main reading;6 gha (Hangzhounese) - younger speakers' alternative reading.Baxter –Sagart system 1.1 (2014 )Character 也 Reading # 1/1 Modern Beijing (Pinyin) yě Middle Chinese ‹ yæX › Old Chinese /*lAjʔ/ English (final particle) Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system:
* Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence; * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p; * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix; * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary;
* Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
Zhengzhang system (2003)Character 也 Reading # 1/1 No. 14773 Phonetic component 也 Rime group 歌 Rime subdivision 1 Corresponding MC rime 野 Old Chinese /*laːlʔ/
also ;too ;as well ;( in negative sentences ) neither ;either 我 也 去 了 。 ― Wǒyě qù le. ― Ialso went.我 也 是 中國人 。/ 我 也 是 中国人 。 ― Wǒyě shì zhōngguórén. ― I am Chinesetoo .你 如果 不 去 ,我 也 不 去 。[MSC ,trad. andsimp. ] Nǐ rúguǒ bù qù, wǒyě bù qù. [Pinyin] If you don't go, I won'teither . 我 也 沒有 看見 過 它 。[MSC ,trad. ] 我 也 没有 看见 过 它 。[MSC ,simp. ] Wǒyě méiyǒu kànjiàn guò tā. [Pinyin] I haven't seen iteither . Used for emphasis. 這 也 太 不像話 了 。[MSC ,trad. ] 这 也 太 不像话 了 。[MSC ,simp. ] Zhèyě tài bùxiànghuà le. [Pinyin] This is way too outrageous. With object fronting. 他 飯 也 不 吃 ,覺 也 不 睡 。[MSC ,trad. ] 他 饭 也 不 吃 ,觉 也 不 睡 。[MSC ,simp. ] Tā fànyě bù chī, jiàoyě bù shuì. [Pinyin] (Disappointingly) he neither eats nor sleeps. Used in the連 ……也…… / 连 ……也…… constructions for stronger emphasis. Interchangeable with都 . even 他 連 畜生 也 不如 ,連 自己 的 父母 也 不 養活 。[MSC ,trad. ] 他 连 畜生 也 不如 ,连 自己 的 父母 也 不 养活 。[MSC ,simp. ] Tā lián xùshēngyě bùrú, lián zìjǐ de fùmǔyě bù yǎnghuó. [Pinyin] He is no better than an animal, because he doesn't even support his own parents. Used in the再 ……也…… concessive constructions. still ,anyway ,nevertheless 你 再 聰明 ,也 回答 不了 這 個 問題 。[MSC ,trad. ] 你 再 聪明 ,也 回答 不了 这 个 问题 。[MSC ,simp. ] Nǐ zài cōngmíng,yě huídá bùliǎo zhè ge wèntí. [Pinyin] No matter how smart you are, you won't be able to answer this question. ( Classical ) Particle used at the end ofcopular constructions involving anominal predicate ; tobe (although not grammatically a verb)我 亦 人 也 。[Literary Chinese ] ― Wǒ yì rényě . [Pinyin] ― Iam a person, too.其 西 有 大 山 ,天下 至 高 者 也 。[Literary Chinese ,trad. andsimp. ] Qí xī yǒu dà shān, tiānxià zhì gāo zhěyě . [Pinyin] In the west there are great mountains, whichare the tallest in the world. 君子 人 與 ?君子 人 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 君子 人 与 ?君子 人 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: TheAnalects of Confucius ,c. 475 – 221BCE Jūnzǐ rén yú? Jūnzǐ rényě . [Pinyin] Is he a noble person? Heis a noble person. 滕 小國 也 ,間 於 齊 楚 。事 齊 乎 ?事 楚 乎 ?[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 滕 小国 也 ,间 于 齐 楚 。事 齐 乎 ?事 楚 乎 ?[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Mencius ,c. 4th centuryBCE Téng xiǎoguóyě , jiān yú Qí Chǔ. Shì Qí hū? Shì Chǔ hū? [Pinyin] Tengis a small kingdom, between Qi and Chu. Should we serve Qi? Or Should we serve Chu? 由是 觀 之 ,無 惻隱 之 心 ,非 人 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 由是 观 之 ,无 恻隐 之 心 ,非 人 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Mencius ,c. 4th centuryBCE Yóushì guān zhī, wú cèyǐn zhī xīn, fēi rényě . [Pinyin] From this we may see that if somebody lacks a commiserating heart, theyare not a human being. 萬物 雖 多 ,其 治 一 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 万物 虽 多 ,其 治 一 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Zhuangzi , circa 3rd – 2nd centuriesBCE Wànwù suī duō, qí zhì yīyě . [Pinyin] Though the myriad things are many, their governmentis one. Often used more loosely than the English copula to indicate a cause or relation. 死 生 ,命 也 ,其 有 夜 旦 之 常 ,天 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. andsimp. ] From: Zhuangzi , circa 3rd – 2nd centuriesBCE Sǐ shēng, mìngyě , qí yǒu yè dàn zhī cháng, tiānyě . [Pinyin] Life and deathare [matters of] destiny. That there is the constancy of night and dawnis [a matter of] Heaven. 桀 紂 之 失 天下 也 ,失 其 民 也 ;失 其 民 者 ,失 其 心 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 桀 纣 之 失 天下 也 ,失 其 民 也 ;失 其 民 者 ,失 其 心 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Mencius ,c. 4th centuryBCE Jié Zhòu zhī shī tiānxiàyě , shī qí mínyě ; shī qí mín zhě, shī qí xīnyě . [Pinyin] That Jie and Zhou lost the empirewas because they lost their people; that they lost their peoplewas because they lost their hearts. ( Classical ) Topic -marking particle used at the end of noun phrases.Synonym: 者 ( zhě ) 回 也 ,不 愚 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. andsimp. ] From: TheAnalects of Confucius ,c. 475 – 221BCE Huíyě , bù yú. [Pinyin] Hui is not foolish. 人 之 生 也 ,固 若 是 芒 乎 !其 我 獨 芒 ,而 人 亦 有 不 芒 者 乎 ![Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 人 之 生 也 ,固 若 是 芒 乎 !其 我 独 芒 ,而 人 亦 有 不 芒 者 乎 ![Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Zhuangzi , circa 3rd – 2nd centuriesBCE Rén zhī shēngyě , gù ruò shì máng hū! Qí wǒ dú máng, ér rén yì yǒu bù máng zhě hū! [Pinyin] As for a man's life, is it hazy like this all along? Or is it mine alone which is hazy, and there are others who are not?凡 法術 之 難 行 也 ,不 獨 萬乘 ,千乘 亦 然 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 凡 法术 之 难 行 也 ,不 独 万乘 ,千乘 亦 然 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Han Feizi , circa 2nd centuryBCE Fán fǎshù zhī nán xíngyě , bù dú wànchéng, qiānchéng yì rán. [Pinyin] Generallyconcerning the difficulty of carrying out the law, not only the imperial realm but kingdoms are also [faced with] this. when , at thetime of;especially commonly used for temporal topics, often as及 其 ……也 . 丈夫 之 冠 也 ,父 命 之 ;女子 之 嫁 也 ,母 命 之 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. andsimp. ] From: Mencius ,c. 4th centuryBCE Zhàngfū zhī guànyě , fù mìng zhī; nǚzǐ zhī jiàyě , mǔ mìng zhī. [Pinyin] When a man is capped [at the age of twenty], his father instructs him;when a girl is married, her mother instructs her.三代 之 得 天下 也 以 仁 ,其 失 天下 也 以 不 仁 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. andsimp. ] From: Mencius ,c. 4th centuryBCE Sāndài zhī dé tiānxiàyě yǐ rén, qí shī tiānxiàyě yǐ bù rén. [Pinyin] When the Three Dynasties gained the empire, it was through benevolence;when they lost the empire, it was through lack of benevolence.昔者 ,魯 昭 公 少 喪 其 母 ,有 慈母 良 。及 其 死 也 ,公 弗 忍 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 昔者 ,鲁 昭 公 少 丧 其 母 ,有 慈母 良 。及 其 死 也 ,公 弗 忍 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: TheBook of Rites ,c. 4th – 2nd centuryBCE Xīzhě, Lǔ Zhāogōng shào sàng qí mǔ, yǒu címǔ liáng. Jí qí sǐyě , gōng fú rěnyě . [Pinyin] Duke Zhao of Lu was once bereaved of his mother when he was a child, and had a foster mother who was kind.When she died, the Duke could not bear it. ( Classical ) Verb phrase-final particle markingcontinuous aspect , especially common for assertions of unchanging fact. 孟 武 伯 問 :「子路 仁 乎 ?」子 曰 :「不 知 也 。」[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 孟 武 伯 问 :「子路 仁 乎 ?」子 曰 :「不 知 也 。」[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: TheAnalects of Confucius ,c. 475 – 221BCE Mèng Wǔ Bó wèn: “Zǐlù rén hū?” Zǐ yuē: “Bù zhīyě .” [Pinyin] Meng Wu Bo asked. "Is Zilu benevolent?" The Master said, "I do not know." 當是 之 時 ,堅車 良馬 不 知 貴 也 ,刻鏤 文采 不 知 喜 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 当是 之 时 ,坚车 良马 不 知 贵 也 ,刻镂 文采 不 知 喜 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Mozi ,c. 4th centuryBCE Dāngshì zhī shí, jiānchē liángmǎ bù zhī guìyě , kèlòu wéncǎi bù zhī xǐyě . [Pinyin] In that age, they did not find value in sturdy chariots and good horses; they did not find pleasure in carvings and adornments. 人 皆 知 有用 之 用 ,而 莫 知 無用 之 用 也 。[Classical Chinese ,trad. ] 人 皆 知 有用 之 用 ,而 莫 知 无用 之 用 也 。[Classical Chinese ,simp. ] From: Zhuangzi , circa 3rd – 2nd centuriesBCE Rén jiē zhī yǒuyòng zhī yòng, ér mò zhī wúyòng zhī yòngyě . [Pinyin] Everybody knows the use in being useful, but nobody knows the use in being useless. ( Teochew ) if asurname ,Ye Dialectal synonyms of
也 (“also, too”)
[map] Variety Location Words Classical Chinese 亦 Formal(Written Standard Chinese ) 也 Northeastern Mandarin Beijing 也 Taiwan 也 Malaysia 也 Singapore 也 Jilu Mandarin Jinan 也 Central Plains Mandarin Xi'an 也 Southwestern Mandarin Chengdu 也 Wuhan 也 Guilin 也 Jianghuai Mandarin Yangzhou 也 Hefei 也 Cantonese Guangzhou 都 ,亦 Hong Kong 都 ,亦 ,亦都 Macau 都 ,亦 formal Zhongshan(Shiqi) 都 ,也 Taishan 亦 Kaiping(Chikan) 亦 ,都 ,亦都 Yangjiang 也 Kuala Lumpur(Guangfu) 都 Singapore(Guangfu) 都 ,亦都 Gan Nanchang 也 Hakka Meixian 也 Wuhua(Meilin) 也 Miaoli(N. Sixian) 乜 Pingtung(Neipu; S. Sixian) 乜 ,也 Hsinchu County(Zhudong; Hailu) 乜 Taichung(Dongshi; Dabu) 乜 Hsinchu County(Qionglin; Raoping) 乜 Yunlin(Lunbei; Zhao'an) 嘛 Kuching(Hepo) 呠 Huizhou Jixi 也 Jin Taiyuan 也 Northern Min Jian'ou 也 Eastern Min Fuzhou 也 Southern Min Xiamen 也 ,嘛 Quanzhou 也 ,嘛 Zhangzhou 也 ,嘛 Taipei 也 ,嘛 Penang(Hokkien) 呠 Singapore(Hokkien) 也 ,呠 ,嘛 Manila(Hokkien) 也 ,嘛 ,閣 Chaozhou 也 Shantou 也 Jieyang 也 Singapore(Teochew) 呠 ,也 ,嘛 Pontianak(Teochew) 也 Wenchang 也 Zhongshan Min Zhongshan(Longdu, Shaxi) 都 Wu Shanghai 也 Suzhou 亦 Wenzhou 也 Xiang Changsha 也 Shuangfeng 也
Caboara, Marco (2010) The particle ye 也 and related constructions in the Guodian manuscripts of IV century BCE (PhD)[1] , University of Washington 也
(Jinmeiyō kanji )
to be ( uncommon ) also As an alternative form of迆 :
Orthographic borrowing fromLiterary Chinese 也 ( yě ,copula ) .
For pronunciation and definitions of也 – see the following entry. (This term,也 , is an alternative spelling( terminal form ) of the above term.)
Orthographic borrowing fromMandarin 也 ( yě ,“ also ” ) . Probably an early modern innovation.
For pronunciation and definitions of也 – see the following entry. (This term,也 , is an alternative spelling( literary , uncommon ) of the above term.)
也 (eumhun 잇기 야 ( itgi ya ) )
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. 也 (eumhun 어조사 야 ( eojosa ya ) )
This term needs a translation to English. Please help out andadd a translation , then remove the text{{rfdef }}
. 也 (eumhun 잇달을 야 ( itdareul ya ) )
This term needs a translation to English. Please help out andadd a translation , then remove the text{{rfdef }}
. 也 :Hán Việt readings:giã ,dã 也 :Nôm readings:dạ ,dã ,giã ,rã
This term needs a translation to English. Please help out andadd a translation , then remove the text{{rfdef }}
. Hồ Lê (1976).Bảng Tra Chữ Nôm . Hanoi:Viện Ngôn Ngữ Học . Nguyễn, Quang Hồng (2014).Tự Điển Chữ Nôm Dẫn Giải (Nôm Characters with Quotations and Annotations). Hanoi:Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Xã hội (Social Sciences Publishing House). Williams, Noriko Kurosawa (2010). "The Key to Kanji". Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc.