See also: ' [U+0027 APOSTROPHE] ,
′ [U+2032 PRIME] ,
᾽ [U+1FBD GREEK KORONIS] , and ‘ ’ The ASCII apostrophe may be used for all language-specific forms listed below:
(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
Used as aquotation mark in some languages.‘ ’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ‚ ’ ‛ ’ ( informal ) A substitute for the letter⟨ ʼ ⟩ forglottal stop andejective consonants in the orthographies of various languages of America, Africa, and the Pacific. ( informal , intransliterated Arabic andHebrew text) A substitute for⟨ ʼ ⟩ forhamza . ( informal , intransliterated Cyrillic text) A substitute for the modifying diacritic⟨ ʹ ⟩ used to transliterate thesoft sign ⟨ ь ⟩ andpalatalized consonants. ( international standards ) transliteration of Sanskritavagraha ऽ (or equivalents)Punctuation
quotation marks and quotation dashes - all single characters
Curved double quotation marks:“ ·” ·„ ·‟ Curved single quotation marks and apostrophes:‘ ·’ ·‚ ·‛ Straight double quotation mark:" Straight single quotation mark and apostrophe:' Prime quotation marks:〝 ·〞 ·〟 Guillemets:« ·» Single guillemets:‹ ·› Corner brackets:「 ·」 ·『 ·』 Quotation dashes:— (em dash ) ·― (horizontal bar) ·– (en dash) ’
Indicating the omission of letters or digits.tho’ ,they’ ll ,’ 65 ,’ ospital When indicating a possessive (see-' ) and omission of letters, this symbol is called anapostrophe . Some use thehomoglyph ʼ (U+02BC MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE ) instead.[ 1] ’
Armenian apostrophe,ապաթարց ( apatʻarcʻ ) InOld Armenian placed before the prepositionի ( i ) to differentiate it from words starting with the letter ի. ’ի տուն ―’i tun ―to home In literaryWestern Armenian , replaces reduced vowels, especially in the case of the particlesկը ( kə ) ,մը ( mə ) ,չի ( čʻi ) . կ’ըսէ ―k’əsē ―says չ’երթար ―čʻ’ertʻar ―doesn't go In transliterating European proper nouns with apostrophes, such as names with the particlesd’ ,O' , transliterates the apostrophe. Ժաննա դ’Արկ ―Žanna d’Ark ―Joan of Arc According to the Unicode Standard, U+055A ARMENIAN APOSTROPHE has the same shape and function as the Latin apostrophe at U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK, which is preferred.[ 1] ’
Indicating the non-palatalization of the precedingconsonant before asoft vowel . ’
Alternative spelling of’ See the usage notes under the entry.
Indicating the omission of letters.In case of enclitic pronouns:wenn es → wenn’s, gibt es → gibt’s ( sometimes proscribed ) In case of merging of prepositions and articles:auf dem → auf’m In case of omission ofe in the present indicative:ich gehe → ich geh’, wir/sie gehen → wir/sie geh’n ( sometimes proscribed ) In case of the omission ofe in the imperative singular: gehe du → geh’ du( archaic ) In case of the omission ofe in the imperative plural:gehet ihr → geh’t ihr ( archaic ) In case of the omission ofe in the past participle:entdecket → entdeck’t, bezeuget → bezeug’t ( archaic ) In case of the omission ofe in the genitive case:Gottes → Gott’s, Königes → König’s In many cases where letters are omitted, there are also spellings without an apostrophes (e.g. wenns, aufm, gehn, geh, geht, entdeckt). ’
( rare ) used to indicate silent vowels ( rare ) used to compound foreign words, names and abbreviations with Lithuanian suffixes TASS →TASS’as (please add an English translation of this usage example) Phonetic respellings are preferred over the latter sense. ’
A symbol placed before a syllabicр ( r ) at the beginning of a word:’рт ,’рѓа ,’рбет ,’рмба etc. A symbol used to denote the schwa sound in some dialectal words:к’смет . ’
A symbol in theArmeno-Turkish script used to spell words containingع andء in the Perso-Arabic script. Representsglottal stop :[ʔ] . Transliterated as' . This was often unpronounced, and is not written in Modern Turkish anymore. For example, Ottomanساعت ,սա’աթ ( saʼat ) is Modern Turkishsaat .
Indicates the non-palatalization of the precedingconsonant before asoft vowel . Represents the apostrophe in names transliterated from the Latin alphabet. Кот-д’Івуар ―Kot-dʺIvuar ―Côte d’Ivoire