পানৈ• (panoi)
Declension ofপানৈ | |
nominative | পানৈ /পানয়ে panoi / panoye |
genitive | পানৈৰ panoir |
nominative | পানৈ /পানয়ে panoi / panoye |
accusative | পানৈ /পানৈক panoi / panoik |
dative | পানৈলৈ panoiloi |
terminative | পানৈলৈকে panoiloike |
instrumental | পানয়ে /পানয়েৰে panoye / panoyere |
genitive | পানৈৰ panoir |
locative | পানৈত panoit |
Notes | |
Noun: Assamese nouns areindefinite. They can be both singular and plural depending on the context. They are madedefinite by usingclassifiers andpluralsuffixes which also make them either singular and plural. Plural: The general plural suffixes are:-বোৰ(-bür) and-বিলাক(-bilak)(less common). Others which have specific functions include-সমূহ(-xomuh),-সকল(-xokol),-হঁত(-hõt) etc. Nominative: The-এ(-e) suffix is used when the noun works as anagent and the verb istransitive. Accusative:-অক(-ok) is used for animate sense and for emphasis. No case marking otherwise. Dative 1: For direct objects-অক(-ok) marks this case instead of-অলৈ(-oloi). Dative 2: In some dialects-অক(-ok) or-অত(-ot) marks this case instead of-অলৈ(-oloi). Terminative: Vaguely-অলৈ(-oloi) can mark this case too. Instrumental 1:-এ(-e) is unemphatic and-এৰে(-ere) is emphatic and more common. Instrumental 2: Alternatively-এদি(-edi) is used instead of the default-এৰে(-ere) in Standard Assamese. Locative: The locative suffix is-এ(-e) in repetition of the word, with adverbs and days of the week. |
পানৈ (panoi)
Declension ofপানৈ | |
nominative | পানৈ,পানৈয়ে panoi, panoiye |
genitive | পানৈৰ panoiro |
nominative | পানৈ,পানৈয়ে panoi, panoiye |
accusative | পানৈ,পানৈক,পানৈত panoi, panoiko, panoito |
dative | পানৈ,পানৈক,পানৈত panoi, panoiko, panoito |
instrumental | পানৈয়ে panoiye |
genitive | পানৈৰ panoiro |
locative | পানৈত,পানৈয়ে panoito, panoiye |