- (NAPA) A diacritic added to a letter with a descender to indicate advanced articulation, e.g.⟨g̑⟩ for⟨ɡ̯⟩ (IPA[ɟ]),⟨γ̑⟩ (IPA[ʝ]).
- (IPA, rare) A diacritic added to avowel letter with a descender (i.e.⟨y⟩) to show that it isnonsyllabic.
- Synonym:◌̯
- (UPA) acentral vowel.
(UPA): With normal vowels, the breve appears below the letter, e.g.⟨i̮ e̮ ɛ̮ a̮⟩ and rounded⟨u̮ o̮ ɔ̮ ɑ̮⟩. However, when the vowel letter is rotated to indicate areduced vowel, the breve is rotated as well:⟨ᴉ̑ ə̑ ᴈ̑ ɐ̑ ɒ̑⟩.[1]
- ^Antti Sovijärvi & Reino Peltola, eds. (1970),Suomalais-ugrilainen tarkekirjoitus [Finnish-Ugric transcription], University of Helsinki, 5th edition.