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1925 opera by Alban Berg; Berg's first opera
Not to be confused withWoyzeck, the play upon which Wozzeck is based.
For other uses, seeWozzeck (disambiguation).
Opera byAlban Berg
Based onWoyzeck
byGeorg Büchner
14 December 1925 (1925-12-14)

Wozzeck (German pronunciation:[ˈvɔtsɛk]) is the firstopera by the Austrian composerAlban Berg. Composed between 1914 and 1922, it premiered in 1925. It is based on the dramaWoyzeck, which German playwrightGeorg Büchner left incomplete at his death. Berg attended the first production in Vienna of Büchner's play on 5 May 1914, and knew at once that he wanted to base an opera on it. (At the time, the play was still known asWozzeck, due to an incorrect transcription byKarl Emil Franzos, who was working from a barely-legible manuscript; the correct title would not emerge until 1921.) From the fragments of unordered scenes left by Büchner, Berg selected 15 to form a compact structure of three acts with five scenes each. He adapted thelibretto himself, retaining "the essential character of the play, with its many short scenes, its abrupt and sometimes brutal language, and its stark, if haunted, realism..."[1]

The plot depicts the everyday lives of soldiers and the townspeople of a rural German-speaking town. Prominent themes ofmilitarism, callousness, social exploitation, and casualsadism are brutally and uncompromisingly presented. Toward the end of act 1, scene 2, the title character (Wozzeck) murmurs, "Still, all is still, as if the world died," with his fellow soldier Andres muttering, "Night! We must get back!" seemingly oblivious to Wozzeck's words. A funeral march begins, only to transform into the upbeat song of the military marching band in the next scene. MusicologistGlenn Watkins considers this "as vivid a projection of impending world doom as any to come out of theGreat War".[2][3]

Historical background

Georg Büchner, illustration in a French edition of his complete works (1879).

Berg began writingWozzeck in 1914, shortly before World War I began and delayed his work. He was never stationed on thefront line[4] and sought the rank ofEinjährig-Freiwillige Korporal (lit.'one-year volunteercorporal'), which he obtained in 1916, for its shorter term of service. His pained determination to complete the opera is documented in letters and notebooks. He wrote his wifeHelene [de], "For months I haven't done any work onWozzeck. Everything suffocated. Buried!"[2]

Berg had more time to work on regiment leave (1917–1918). Much of the opera was composed at the piano in Helene'sTrahütten family cottage duringSommerfrischen.[5] He nurtured his creativity there by reading books, walking through the forests, collecting mushrooms, and admiring the mountains, lakes, and springs—habits of a "love of nature" that Helene identified in Berg's music, including that ofWozzeck.[6]

Berg's experience of the war shaped the opera in many ways.[7] News of the ongoing war troubled him.[8] He wrote Schoenberg of a reportedly "'successful' ruse" in which the sound of a bell, perhaps reminding soldiers of a "past time" or "beloved place", was used to bait and kill them:[9]

[... A] large bell [was] fastened to a tree close to the Russian trenches [and] rung. ... Curious Russian heads [arose] for the fatal bullets. ...horrible. ... [H]ad I been declared fit ... my spirit ... would have broken.

Berg also wrote Helene in 1918 that he identified with Wozzeck:[3]

There is a little bit of me in his character, ... spending these war years just as dependent on people I hate, ... in chains, sick, captive, resigned, ... humiliated.

The war also separated Berg from Schoenberg and their social circles in Vienna, affording him not only solitude, but also independence despite the trying and unusual circumstances.[4] He finished act 1 by summer 1919, act 2 in August 1921, and act 3 over the next two months.[1] Finalizing orchestration over the following six months, he completedWozzeck in April 1922.




Roles, voice types, premiere cast
RoleVoice typePremiere cast, 14 December 1925
Conductor:Erich Kleiber
WozzeckbaritoneLeo Schützendorf
Marie,his common-law wifesopranoSigrid Johanson
Marie's sontrebleRuth Iris Witting
CaptainbuffotenorWaldemar Henke
DoctorbuffobassMartin Abendroth
Drum MajorheldentenorFritz Soot
Andres,Wozzeck's friendlyric tenorGerhard Witting
Margret,Marie's neighborcontraltoJessika Koettrik
First Apprenticedeep bassErnst Osterkamp
Second Apprenticehigh baritoneAlfred Borchardt
Madmanhigh tenorMarcel Noé
A SoldierbaritoneLeonhard Kern
Soldiers, apprentices, women, children



Act 1


Scene 1 (Suite)

Wozzeck shaves the Captain, who lectures him on the qualities of a "decent man" and taunts him for living an immoral life. Wozzeck dutifully replies,"Jawohl, HerrHauptmann" ("Yes sir, Captain") to these repeated insults. When the Captain scorns Wozzeck's having a child "without the blessing of the Church", Wozzeck argues that poverty makes virtue difficult and quotesMark 10:14,"Lasset die Kleinen zu mir kommen" ("Allow the little children to come to me"). Confused, the Captain asks for clarification. Wozzeck grows agitated as he explains, crying out that if the poor ever "got to Heaven, we'd all have to manufacture thunder!" to tumultuous, crackling music. The Captain abruptly tries to calm Wozzeck, conceding that he is "a decent man, only you think too much!" The tired Captain exits.

Scene 2 (Rhapsody and Hunting Song)

Johann Christian Woyzeck, on whom the play is based

Wozzeck and Andres cut sticks at sunset. Andres sings a hunting song. Wozzeck experiences frightening visions and grows agitated. Andres tries to calm him.

Scene 3 (March andLullaby)

Marie admires a military parade when Margret mocks her for her interest in the soldiers. Marie shuts the window. She sings a self-soothinglullaby to her son. Wozzeck arrives, sharing his troubling visions. He leaves without even seeing their child, much to Marie's dismay. She laments their poverty.

Scene 4 (Passacaglia)

The Doctor scolds Wozzeck for not following his strict orders, involving a restrictive diet and urine collection. He is delighted when Wozzeck's mental illness becomes apparent.

Scene 5 (Rondo)

Marie admires the Drum Major from her doorway. He makes advances, which she first rejects but then accepts after a short struggle.

Act 2


Scene 1 (Sonata-Allegro)

Marie admires her earrings, a gift from the Drum Major. She bids her son to sleep. Wozzeck arrives, startling her. He asks about the earrings, and she claims she found them. He doubts that, but gives her money and leaves. Marie is wracked with guilt.

Scene 2 (Fantasia andFugue on Three Themes)

Echoing the opening scene, the Captain urges the Doctor to slow down as they pass. The Doctor taunts the Captain with a list of frightening diagnoses for his ailments. As Wozzeck passes, they hint that Marie is unfaithful to him.

Scene 3 (Largo)

Wozzeck confronts Marie. She does not deny it. Enraged, he nearly strikes her. She stops him. "Better a knife in my belly than your hands on me," she says. Wozzeck repeats this after her, considering it.

Scene 4 (Scherzo)

Wozzeck spots Marie out dancing with the Drum Major. While soldiers sing a hunter's chorus, Andres notices Wozzeck sitting alone and asks why. An Apprentice is drunkenly preaching when an Idiot stumbles toward Wozzeck, crying,"Lustig, ... aber es riecht ... Ich riech Blut!" ("Joyful, ... but it reeks ... I smell blood!")

Scene 5 (Rondo)

In the barracks at night, Wozzeck cannot sleep without thinking about Marie, disturbing Andres. Wozzeck prays while everyone snores. The Drum Major enters and beats Wozzeck, who is humiliated. Some watch. Wozzeck dissociates.

Act 3


Scene 1 (Invention on a Theme)

In her room at night, Marie reads from the Bible, crying out for mercy.

Scene 2 (Invention on a Single Note (B))

Wozzeck and Marie walk along a pond in the forest. Wozzeck grabs her when she tries to flee. He stabs her, declaring that if he can't have her, no one else can. A blood-red moon rises.

Scene 3 (Invention on a Rhythm)

In a tavern, Wozzeck dances with Margret. He pulls her onto his lap, insults her, and demands that she sing. As she does, people notice blood on Wozzeck. They raise alarm. Agitated and terrified, Wozzeck flees.

Scene 4 (Invention on aHexachord)

Wozzeck tries to retrieve the knife from the pond. Hallucinating, he speaks to Marie. He has paranoid delusions about the blood-red moon telling the world about his crime. He becomes frantic and drowns in what he imagines is blood. Nearby, the Captain and Doctor are enjoying a slow walk. They shudder at the sound of someone drowning and quickly leave.

Interlude (Invention on aKey (D minor))

This interlude leads to the finale.

Scene 5 (Invention on an Eighth-Notemoto perpetuo,quasitoccata)

The next morning, children play and sing in the sunny street outside Marie's door. News spreads that she is dead. They all run off to see the body. Marie's son is unaffected by the news, even after it is shouted at him. After some delay, he follows the others, oblivious.



A typical performance of the work takes slightly over an hour and a half.



Wozzeck uses a fairly large orchestra and has three onstage ensembles in addition to the pit orchestra (a marching band in act 1, scene 3; a chamber orchestra in act 2, scene 3; and a tavern band in act 2, scene 4; an upright piano is also played in act 3, scene 3). The instrumentation is:[10]

Pit orchestra

4flutes (all doublepiccolos)
4oboes (4th doublesEnglish horn)
4clarinets in B (1st doubles clarinet in A, 3rd and 4th doubleclarinets in E)
1bass clarinet in B
4horns in F
4trumpets in F
4trombones (1 alto, 2 tenor, 1 bass)

2bass drums (one withrute)
several pairs ofcymbals (a pair,suspended, and one attached to the bass drum)
snare drum
2tam-tams (one smaller than the other)
violins I and II
double basses

Special groups


Marching band (act 1, scene 3):

1 piccolo
2 flutes
2 oboes
2 clarinets in E
2 bassoons

2 horns in F
2 trumpets in F
3 trombones
1 tuba

bass drum with cymbals
snare drum

Berg notes that marching band members may be taken from the pit orchestra, indicating exactly where the players can leave with a footnote near the end of act 1, scene 2.

Tavern band (act 2, scene 4):

1 clarinet in C
1bombardon in F (or tuba, if it can be muted)

2 fiddles (violins with steel strings)

In addition, for the Tavern scene in act 3, scene 3, Berg calls for an out-of-tuneupright piano.

Chamber orchestra (act 2, scene 3):

1 flute (doubling piccolo)
1 oboe,
1 English horn
1 clarinet in E
1 clarinet in A
1 bass clarinet in B
1 bassoon
1 contrabassoon

2 horns
2 violins
1 viola
1 violoncello
1 double bass

The instrumentation matches that ofSchoenberg'sChamber Symphony No. 1.

Classic forms


Berg decided not to use classic operatic forms such asaria ortrio. Instead, each scene is given its own inner coherence by the use of forms more commonly associated with abstract instrumental music. The second scene of act 2 (during which the Doctor and Captain taunt Wozzeck about Marie's infidelity), for instance, consists of aprelude and triplefugue. The fourth scene of act 1, focusing on Wozzeck and the Doctor, is apassacaglia.

The scenes of the third act move beyond these structures and adopt novel strategies. Each scene is a set of variations, but not necessarily on a melody. Thus, scene two is a variation on a single note, B, which is heard continuously in the scene, and the only note heard in the powerful orchestral crescendos at the end of act 3, scene 2. Scene 3 is a variation on a rhythmic pattern, with every major thematic element constructed around this pattern. Scene 4 is a variation on a chord, used exclusively for the whole scene. The following orchestral interlude is a freely composed passage firmly grounded in D minor. Finally, the last scene is amoto perpetuo, a variation on a single rhythm (thequaver).

The table below summarizes the dramatic action and forms as prepared byFritz Mahler.[11]

ExpositionsAct 1Five character pieces
Wozzeck and the CaptainScene 1Suite
Wozzeck and AndresScene 2Rhapsody
Wozzeck and MarieScene 3Military March andLullaby
Wozzeck and the DoctorScene 4Passacaglia
Marie and the Drum MajorScene 5Andante affettuoso (quasiRondo)
Dramatic developmentAct 2Symphony in five movements
Marie and her child, later WozzeckScene 1Sonata movement
The Captain and the Doctor, later WozzeckScene 2Fantasia andfugue
Marie and WozzeckScene 3Largo
Garden of a tavernScene 4Scherzo
Guard room in the barracksScene 5Rondo con introduzione
Catastrophe and epilogueAct 3Six inventions
Marie and her childScene 1Invention on a theme
Marie and WozzeckScene 2Invention on a note (B)
TavernScene 3Invention on a rhythm
Death of WozzeckScene 4Invention on ahexachord
InterludeInvention on akey (D minor)
Children playingScene 5Invention on a regularquaver movement



The opera uses a variety of musical techniques to create unity and coherence. The first isleitmotifs. As with most examples of this method, each leitmotif is used in a much subtler manner than being directly attached to a character or object. Still, motifs for the Captain, the Doctor and the Drum Major are very prominent. Wozzeck is clearly associated with two motifs, one often heard as he rushes on or off stage, the other more languidly expressing his misery and helplessness in the face of the pressures he experiences. Marie is accompanied by motifs that express her sensuality, as when she accepts a pair of earrings from the Drum Major. A motif not linked to a physical object is the pair of chords that close each act, used in an oscillating repetition until they almost blur into one another.

The most significant is the "anguish" motif first sung by Wozzeck in the first scene with the Captain, to the words"Wir arme Leut" ("we poor folks"). Tracing out a minor chord with addedmajor seventh, it is frequently heard as the signal of the characters' inability to transcend their situation.

 \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" } \relative c' { \clef bass r8 dis-- b--[ e,--] g4-- } \addlyrics { Wir ar- me Leut! }

Berg also reuses motifs from set pieces heard earlier in the opera to give insight into characters' thoughts. For example, the reappearance of military band music in the last scene of act 1 informs the audience that Marie is musing on the Drum Major's attractiveness.

An almost imperceptible leitmotif is the single pitch B, symbolizing the murder. It is first heardpp at the very end of act 2, after Wozzeck's humiliation, after his words "Einer nach dem andern" ("one after another"), and grows increasingly insistent during the murder scene, with Marie's last cry for help a two-octave jump fromB5 to B3, until after the murder, when the whole orchestra explodes through a prolonged crescendo on this note, first inunison on B3, then spread across the whole range of the orchestra in octaves.

Expressionism and other elements


Berg'sexpressionist music emphasized Wozzeck's and other characters' emotions and thought processes, particularly Wozzeck's madness and alienation. Thoughatonal, it was not always without conventionalfunction in itsvoice leading, extendedtonicizations, or arguablytonal passages. He usedpitch andharmony among elements of the music's formal structure to portray the drama. Somepitch sets recur at crucial moments, establishing continuity and contributing to coherence. B–Ftritonaldyads represent Wozzeck and Marie, tense and struggling. B–Dminor-third dyads represent Marie's bond with her child.

Berg adapted some of his tonaljuvenilia for use inWozzeck. In Marie's Bible scene, he reworked an early sonata fragment inF minor, which Christopher Hailey described asSchumannesque in its abiding melancholy.[12] In anadagio interlude adapted from aMahlerian student piece inD minor, Berg brings the opera to a climax with adominant-functioningaggregate sonority markedff, whichcrescendos into a potent statement of the "anguish" leitmotif (act 3, mm. 364–365). The dramatic effect is cathartic after Wozzeck's finalmad scene"Wo ist das Messer?"[13][a] Then Wozzeck's and Marie's unnamed orphan son plays among children singing"Ringel, Ringel, Rosenkranz, Ringelreih'n!" in a brief epilogue. They are interrupted by the news that a peer shouts at him:"Du! Dein Mutter ist tot!"[b]

Berg's notes and sketches forWozzeck (and for the March from hisThree Orchestral Pieces, 1913–1915) were mingled with disjointed fragments of military ordinances and terminology. In a draft page of the act 1, scene 2 libretto, he sketched Austrian armybugle calls. He modified them in the final score, where they appeared in a recognizably atonal form. He also included modified folk elements, particularly in the open field and tavern scenes. Berg's war experience also informed hisword painting of snoring soldiers in barracks (act 2, scene 5): "this polyphonic breathing, gasping, and groaning is the most peculiar chorus I've ever heard. It is like some primeval music that wells up from the abysses of the soul".[14]



Wozzeck is one of the most famous 20th-centurymodernist operas.John Deathridge called it "one of the undisputed masterpieces of modern opera".[15] It has also been compared to Schoenberg'sErwartung in its dissonant, psychological idiom.[16] The inner turmoil and self-destructive trajectory of its outcastantihero[7] has also prompted comparison to other major operas with similar male title roles, including Verdi'sMacbeth andNabucco, Mussorgsky'sBoris Godunov, and Britten'sPeter Grimes.[17][c]

Cultural context


Wozzeck comes from the same expressionist milieu, with its origins insymbolism,[d] as novelistFranz Kafka, paintersOskar Kokoschka[e] andEmil Nolde, and poetsGottfried Benn,Rainier Maria Rilke,[f] andFranz Werfel.[30] InGerman opera, Strauss'sElektra is an early example, followed by Schoenberg's more radicalErwartung andDie glückliche Hand.[31] Among the operas premiered within a year ofWozzeck were Hindemith'sCardillac, Krenek'sZwingburg andSprung, and Weill'sProtagonist.[32]

Schoenberg and Webern influenced Berg most, but his operas show other influences, David Schroeder suggests, emphasizingViennese coffee house culture as facilitating Berg's early contact with a mix of innovative personalities across disciplines.[33] Among these were more popular composers likeFranz Lehár andOscar Straus, orErich Korngold and Strauss at establishments like theCafé Museum.[33] John L. Stewart suggests thatWozzeck was influenced not only by Schoenberg'sErwartung but also by Schreker'sDer ferne Klang, the piano-vocal score of which Berg prepared in 1911.[34] Schroeder agrees, cautioning that Berg thought less of Schreker than he did of Mahler, Schoenberg, or himself,[g] and that Schreker's operas were moreWagnerian.[35]



In his 1929 lecture onWozzeck, Berg said he rejected "the Wagnerian recipe of 'through-composing'" in opting for traditional forms.[36] At the time, this prompted comparisons to Busoni'sDoktor Faust and Hindemith'sCardillac.[37] Deathridge and Hailey wrote that the intense emotional depth of Berg's music still linked it to (post-)WagnerianMusikdrama.[38] Hailey contended that Berg always highlighted this formal approach partly to subvert his reputation for quasi-Romanticism.[37][h] Werfel, perhaps the Bergs' closest literary friend, disparaged Wagner's "bloated excess" and "garrulous monotony" in favor of Verdi, and may have influenced Berg's 1920s opinion of Wagner as "antiquated".[39]



The much delayed discovery and staging of Büchner's incompleteWoyzeck inspired not only Berg, but alsoManfred Gurlitt.[40] Premiered only four months after Berg's,[41] Gurlitt's opera was also entitledWozzeck and published byUniversal Edition, discomfiting Berg.[40] They worked without any knowledge of one another.[41]

When Berg examined Gurlitt'spiano-vocal score, he considered it "not bad or unoriginal", but a weak "broth ... even forarme Leut (poor folks)".[40] Hailey agreed, noting its simplermusical textures and describing itspolystylism as closer to Hindemith or Weill.[40] Hailey praised Gurlitt's more frequent, socially oriented use of chorus, and wrote that Gurlitt's approach may have been more faithful to Büchner's original conception.[40] Gurlitt's work has remained in the shadow of Berg's.[41]

Performance history


The 1924 Frankfurt premiere of the Three Fragments fromWozzeck at the annualAllgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein (ADMV) festival, along with Webern's premiere of thePraeludium andReigen from the Three Orchestral Pieces during an Austrian Music Week in 1923 Berlin, initiated Berg's regional reputation as a considerable figure in music.[37]

Erich Kleiber conducted the world premiere of the entire work at theBerlin State Opera on 14 December 1925, having personally decided on it.[1] Hailey writes that it was "the event of the season", achieving a noted combination of coherence and expressivity over a substantial length of time despite its post-tonal musical language.[37] Walsh writes that it was asuccès de scandale with audience disruptions and mixed reaction in the press.[1] Many productions followed throughout Germany and Austria until after 1933, when the Nazis forbadedegenerate music.[1]

Wozzeck was then taken to Prague byOtakar Ostrčil at theNational Theatre in 1926. It provoked a "scandal", Berg wrote his pupilTheodor W. Adorno, staged by "Czech Nationalists (virtually Nazis)" and "clerical lobbies". Berg emphasized that this was[42][i]

purely political! (To them I am the Berlin Jew Alban (Aaron?) Berg. Ostrčil bribed by the RussianBolsheviks, the whole thing arranged by the 'Elders of Zion' etc).

The Bohemian State Committee forbade further performances.[42] Brian S. Locke called the "Wozzeck Affair" the "most important event at the Czechs' National Theater in the interwar period".[44]

At its third premiere (1927) inLeningrad, theAssociation for Contemporary Music andNikolai Roslavets stagedWozzeck at theMariinsky Theatre with Berg andShostakovich in attendance.[45] Berg wired Helene, "huge, tumultuous success", though critical reception was mixed.[46] (AmidStalinism and deterioratingGermany–Soviet Union relations,Wozzeck had yet to be restaged in the Soviet Union,George Perle observed in 1980.)[47]

On 19 March 1931,Leopold Stokowski and thePhiladelphia Grand Opera Company gave the United States premiere ofWozzeck on 19 March[1] atthe Metropolitan Opera House in Philadelphia.

Henry Wood and theBBC Symphony Orchestra gave a studio concert of the Three Fragments fromWozzeck, whichEdward Clark, a pupil ofArnold Schoenberg, produced for broadcast on 13 May 1932.[48] On 14 March 1934,Adrian Boult conducted a complete concert performance ofWozzeck, again produced by Edward Clark, in theQueen's Hall.[49][50] (The opera was not staged there until 22 January 1952 at theRoyal Opera House, Covent Garden.)[1]

Effect on Berg


The success ofWozzeck transformed Berg's life.[37] It brought him international renown, and he was able to live comfortably off the royalties nearly until his death in 1935.[37] He traveled not only to Germany, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, and England, but also to Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, France, and Italy for performances of and talks about the opera.[37]

Busy attending to his newfound success and enjoying financial independence, Berg declined Schreker's offers of an appointment at theBerlin Musikhochschule as well as subsequent vacations with Schoenberg, though the two remained committed friends.[37] He benefited from new relationships withKarl Böhm, Erich Kleiber, andGian Francesco Malipiero, among others, and was appointed to serve on the jury of the ADMV.[51]





Hans Hartleb saw many parallels betweenWozzeck and Krenek'sOrpheus und Eurydike.[52] He cited the composers' use of violent scenes and saw the music of both Eurydike and Marie as evocative of "fatalism, melancholy, and sensuality".[52] Stewart agrees, writing that Berg's music for Marie raised her from a "stock character" to one of more substance.[53] Berg and Krenek knew each other from the salons ofAlma Mahler.[52] (Alma was a close friend of the Bergs[54] and the wife or lover ofGustav Mahler, Kokoschka, and Werfel.)

Krenek began studying the piano-vocal score ofWozzeck in early 1923, while visiting Kokoschka, the librettist ofOrpheus.[52] Krenek wrote Berg to praiseWozzeck and ask about Berg's vocal writing.[52] Berg responded at length, citing (and transcribing) examples from Wagner, Mozart, and Bach to support what he said was his treatment of the human voice as "the supreme instrument".[52] He said he adapted the music with respect to the voices' limitations and dramatic function.[52] Berg also usedSprechgesang (lit.'speech singing') for dramatic effect.[55] Krenek later said he did not useWozzeck as a model forOrpheus, but Stewart suggests that he at least adhered to Berg's advice about vocal writing.[34]

Later music


InSinfonia (1968–69),Luciano Berio quotes the rising orchestral chords Berg uses in the word painting of Wozzeck's drowning.[citation needed]



Working with Berg,[56]Erwin Stein made an arrangement ofWozzeck for smaller theaters, reducing the orchestra to about 60 players.[57]John Rea's arrangement is for 22 singer and 21 instrumental parts.[10]



Film adaptation


The 1970Hamburg State Opera production was filmed for the 1972 TV filmWozzeck, directed byJoachim Hess [de] and broadcast onNorddeutscher Rundfunk. Filming was done in and around a deserted castle.[59]




  1. ^"Where is the knife?" Here Wozzeck, searching for the knife he used to murder Marie, drowns in a moonlit pond he hallucinates is red with Marie's blood.
  2. ^"You! Your mother is dead!"
  3. ^Wozzeck has been characterized as more "highbrow" thanPeter Grimes, sometimes polemically.[18]
  4. ^Stefan George is an example of a symbolist poet whose work theSecond Viennese School set.[19] Shreffler described George's poems as "hyperexpressive" and as eliciting "equally vivid and extreme music".[20] They may have influenced Schoenberg to write atonal music in theString Quartet No. 2.[21] Webern set fourteen George texts, ten of which were published among his atonalLieder as Opp. 3–4.[22] George also translated Baudelaire'sLes Fleurs du mal, from which Berg selected the hidden text of hisLyric Suite and three additional poems forDer Wein.[23]
  5. ^Schoenberg once described Kokoschka as "the greatest living painter".[24] Hindemith's first expressionist operaMörder, Hoffnung der Frauen is based on Kokoschka's drama of the same name (Murderer, the Hope of Women).[25] This drama's gendered conflict may have influenced Schoenberg'sDie glückliche Hand.[26] (Kokoschka was nearly arrested at the drama's 1909 production.)[27] After the Nazis' defeat in 1951, Kokoschka expressed interest in producingWozzeck atWill Grohmann's suggestion, though this did not transpire.[28]
  6. ^Berg set Rilke's "Traumgekrönt" inSeven Early Songs.[29]
  7. ^Berg disliked Schreker's next operaDas Spielwerk und die Prinzessin and was disappointed by Schreker's performance of Schoenberg'sGurre-Lieder.[35]
  8. ^Hailey compared Berg's emphasis onmusical form here to his later use of pitch structures as a foil for his tonal references.[37]
  9. ^Zdeněk Nejedlý praised Berg's music inRudé právo, ridiculing the idea thatWozzeck was staged as aBolshevik conspiracy. Antonín Šilhan had insinuated this inNárodní listy, and Emanuel Žak writing inČech had ascribed its "degenerate" nature to Jewish influence.[43]


  1. ^abcdefgWalsh 2001, pp. 61–63
  2. ^abHall, Patricia (2011).Berg's Wozzeck. Oxford University Press. pp. 26–38.ISBN 978-0195342611. Retrieved2015-05-09.
  3. ^abWatkins, Glenn (2002).Proof Through the Night: Music and the Great War. University of California Press. p. 235.ISBN 978-0520927896. Retrieved2015-05-09.
  4. ^abHailey 2010, 15.
  5. ^Hailey 2010, 12–13, quotingHelene Berg [de]'s"Dokumentation".
  6. ^Hailey 2010, 12–13, quoting Helene's"Dokumentation".
  7. ^abHailey 2010, 14.
  8. ^Hailey 2010, 13–14.
  9. ^Hailey 2010, 13–14, quoting Berg's letter to Schoenberg.
  10. ^ab"Alban Berg –Wozzeck – Reduzierte Fassung (21 instrumente) – John Rea".Universal Edition. Retrieved9 December 2010.
  11. ^Pople 1997, p. 148.
  12. ^Hailey 2010, 14, paraphrasing Hailey.
  13. ^Headlam 1996, p. 159;Ross 2008, pp. 78–79.
  14. ^Rose, Michael (2013).The Birth of an Opera: Fifteen Masterpieces from Poppea to Wozzeck. W. W. Norton. p. 375.ISBN 978-0393060430. Retrieved2015-05-09.
  15. ^Deathridge 2005, 24.
  16. ^Franklin 2024, 17.
  17. ^Fisher 2000, 26–27.
  18. ^Franklin 2024, 15, 37, 50.
  19. ^Barnouw 1999, 73–74;Schroeder 1999, 232–233, 236;Shreffler 1999, 253;Simms 1999a, xiii–xiv;Simms 1999b, 136–137, 157–158, 182n33;Simms and Erwin 2021, 4, 281, 306, 308, 485n62.
  20. ^Shreffler 1999, 266.
  21. ^Barnouw 1999, 73–74;Simms 1999a, xiii–xiv;Simms 1999b, 136–137, 157–158, 182n33;Simms and Erwin 2021, 4.
  22. ^Shreffler 1999, 267.
  23. ^Schroeder 1999, 232–233, 236;Simms and Erwin 2021, 281, 306, 308, 485n62.
  24. ^Simms 1999b, 159.
  25. ^Stewart 1991, 74.
  26. ^Simms 1999b, 159–160.
  27. ^Barnouw 1999, 118n20.
  28. ^Görner 2020, §7A. "Progressive Restoration, or in the Middle of Loss".
  29. ^Simms and Erwin 2021, 71, 75.
  30. ^Stewart 1991, 23.
  31. ^Griffel 2018, xxi.
  32. ^Stewart 1991, 65.
  33. ^abSchroeder 1999, 185–186, 209–210.
  34. ^abStewart 1991, 79–80.
  35. ^abSchroeder 1999, 210.
  36. ^Deathridge 2005, 24;Schroeder 1999, 227.
  37. ^abcdefghiHailey 2010, 17.
  38. ^Deathridge 2005, 24;Hailey 2010, 20.
  39. ^Schroeder 1999, 194, quoting Berg in 1923: "this antiquated Wagner music".
  40. ^abcdeHailey 2010, 20.
  41. ^abc"Gurlitt:Wozzeck (Roland Hermann, Celina Lindsley, Anton...) – review"
  42. ^abAdorno and Berg 2005, 85.
  43. ^Simms and Erwin 2021, 215.
  44. ^Locke, Brian S. (2008). "The "Wozzeck Affair": Modernism and the Crisis of Audience in Prague".The Journal of Musicological Research.27:63–98.doi:10.1080/01411890701804788.
  45. ^Ho 2011, 117–118.
  46. ^Perle 1980, 199.
  47. ^Perle 1980, 199–201.
  48. ^Nicholas Chadwick."Alban Berg and the BBC"(PDF) Retrieved27 January 2018.
  49. ^Bray, Trevor."Frank Bridge: A Life in Brief ~ Isolation: 62"
  50. ^Denis Apivor."Memories of 'The Warlock Circle'"
  51. ^Hailey 2010, 17–18.
  52. ^abcdefgStewart 1991, 79.
  53. ^Stewart 1991, 337.
  54. ^Schroeder 1999, 194.
  55. ^Schroeder 1999, 227.
  56. ^Simms 1996, p. 36.
  57. ^"Alban Berg –Wozzeck – reduced version (Stein)",Universal Edition. Retrieved 12 November 2013.
  58. ^The set included a bonus LP record of Alban Berg's lecture on 'Wozzeck', read in English by the music criticNoël Goodwin, with music examples conducted by Boulez.
  59. ^Levine, Robert."Berg: Wozzeck, 1970/Hamburg DVD".Classics Today.



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Orchestral works
Chamber music
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Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)
Anton Webern (1883-1945)
Alban Berg (1885-1935)
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