Coat of arms (13th to 14th century). The white-and-blue lozenges came to the family whenOtto II Wittelsbach, Duke of Bavaria acquired the county ofBogen in 1240Coat of arms (15th century), the Wittelsbach (Bogen) lozenges quartered with the lion of the Palatinate.
WhenOtto I, Count of Scheyern (himself of uncertain origins) died in 1072, his third sonOtto II, Count of Scheyern acquiredWittelsbach Castle (nearAichach). The Counts of Scheyern left Scheyern Castle (constructed around 940) in 1119 for Wittelsbach Castle and the former was given to monks to establishScheyern Abbey. The origins of the Counts of Scheyern are unclear. Some speculative theories link them toMargraveHenry of Schweinfurt and his fatherBerthold, whose background is also disputed. Some speculate that the Schweinfurters may be descendants of theLuitpolding dynasty, the Bavarian dukes of the 10th century.
The WittelsbachConrad of Scheyern-Dachau, a great-grandson of Otto I, Count of Scheyern, becameDuke of Merania in 1153 and was succeeded by his sonConrad II. It was the first duchy held by the Wittelsbach family (until 1180/82).
The Wittelsbach dominions within the Holy Roman Empire (Bavaria, The Netherlands and Palatinate) 1373 are shown as Wittelsbach, among the houses ofLuxembourg which acquired Brandenburg that year andHabsburg which had acquired Tyrol in 1369
On DukeOtto II's death in 1253, his sons divided the Wittelsbach possessions between them:Henry became Duke ofLower Bavaria, andLouis II Duke ofUpper Bavaria and Count Palatine of the Rhine. When Henry's branch died out in 1340 the EmperorLouis IV, a son of Duke Louis II, reunited the duchy.
The family provided twoHoly Roman Emperors: Louis IV (1314–1347) andCharles VII (1742–1745), both members of the Bavarian branch of the family, and oneGerman King withRupert of Germany (1400–1410), a member of the Palatinate branch.
The House of Wittelsbach split into these two branches in 1329: Under theTreaty of Pavia, Emperor Louis IV granted the Palatinate including the BavarianUpper Palatinate to his brother DukeRudolf's descendants,Rudolf II,Rupert I andRupert II. Rudolf I in this way became the ancestor of the older (Palatinate) line of the Wittelsbach dynasty, which returned to power also in Bavaria in 1777 after the extinction of the younger (Bavarian) line, the descendants of Louis IV.
The Wittelsbach EmperorLouis IV acquiredBrandenburg (1323),Tyrol (1342),Holland,Zeeland andHainaut (1345) for his House but he had also released theUpper Palatinate for the Palatinate branch of the Wittelsbach in 1329. His six sons succeeded him as Duke of Bavaria and Count of Holland and Hainaut in 1347. The Wittelsbachs lost the Tyrol with the death of DukeMeinhard and the following Peace of Schärding – the Tyrol was finally renounced to theHabsburgs in 1369. In 1373Otto, the last Wittelsbach regent of Brandenburg, released the country to theHouse of Luxembourg. On DukeAlbert's death in 1404, he was succeeded in the Netherlands by his eldest son,William. A younger son,John III, became Prince-Bishop of Liège. However, on William's death in 1417, a war of succession broke out between John and William's daughterJacqueline of Hainaut. This last episode of theHook and Cod wars finally left the counties inBurgundian hands in 1433.Emperor Louis IV had reunited Bavaria in 1340 but from 1349 onwards Bavaria was split among the descendants of Louis IV, who created the branchesBavaria-Landshut,Bavaria-Straubing,Bavaria-Ingolstadt andBavaria-Munich. With theLandshut War of Succession Bavaria was reunited in 1505 against the claim of the Palatinate branch under the Bavarian branchBavaria-Munich.
From 1549 to 1567 the Wittelsbach owned theCounty of Kladsko in Bohemia.
After the death of the Wittelsbach kingRupert of Germany in 1410 the Palatinate lands began to split under numerous branches of the family such asNeumarkt,Simmern,Zweibrücken,Birkenfeld,Neuburg andSulzbach. When the senior branch of the Palatinate branch died out in 1559, the electorate passed toFrederick III ofSimmern, a staunchCalvinist, and the Palatinate became one of the major centers of Calvinism in Europe, supporting Calvinist rebellions in both theNetherlands andFrance.
In 1619, the ProtestantFrederick V, Elector Palatine became King ofBohemia but was defeated by the CatholicMaximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, a member of the Bavarian branch. As a result, theUpper Palatinate had to be ceded to the Bavarian branch in 1623, along with the Imperial office of Arch-Steward. When theThirty Years' War concluded with the Treaty of Münster (also called thePeace of Westphalia) in 1648, a new additional electorate was created for the Count Palatine of the Rhine, along with the new office of Imperial Arch-Treasurer. During their exile Frederick's sons, especiallyPrince Rupert of the Rhine, gained fame in England.
Heidelberg Castle, the seat of the Electors of Palatinate until destroyed by the French in March 1689.
In 1685, theSimmern line died out, and the CatholicPhilip William, Count Palatine ofNeuburg inherited the Palatinate (and also Duke ofJülich andBerg). During the reign ofJohann Wilhelm (1690–1716) the Electoral residence moved toDüsseldorf in Berg. His brother and successorCharles III Philip, Elector Palatine moved the Palatinate's capital back toHeidelberg in 1718 and then toMannheim in 1720. To strengthen the union of all lines of the Wittelsbach dynasty Charles Philip organized a wedding on 17 January 1742 when his granddaughters were married toCharles Theodore of Palatinate-Sulzbach and to the Bavarian princeClement. In theimperial election a few days later Charles III Philip voted for his Bavarian cousin Prince-ElectorCharles Albert. After extinction of theNeuburg branch in 1742, the Palatinate was inherited by Duke Charles Theodore of the branchPalatinate-Sulzbach.
After the extinction of the Bavarian branch in 1777, a succession dispute and the briefWar of the Bavarian Succession, the Palatinate-Sulzbach branch under Elector Charles Theodore succeeded also in Bavaria.
With the death of Charles Theodore in 1799 all Wittelsbach land in Bavaria and the Palatinate was reunited underMaximilian IV Joseph, a member of the branchPalatinate-Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld. At the time there were two surviving branches of the Wittelsbach family:Palatinate-Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld (headed by Maximilian Joseph) andPalatinate-Birkenfeld-Gelnhausen (headed by Count PalatineWilliam). Maximilian Joseph inherited Charles Thedore's title of Elector of Bavaria, while William was compensated with the title of Dukein Bavaria. The formDuke in Bavaria was selected because in 1506primogeniture had been established in the House of Wittelsbach resulting in there being only one reigning Duke of Bavaria at any given time. Maximillian Joseph assumed the title ofking asMaximilian I Joseph on 1 January 1806. The new king still served as aPrince-elector until theKingdom of Bavaria left the Holy Roman Empire (1 August 1806).
TheBavarian Army was involved in the Austrian defeat atHohenlinden, and GeneralJean Victor Marie Moreau once more occupied Munich. By theTreaty of Lunéville (9 February 1801), Bavaria lost the Palatinate and the duchies ofZweibrücken andJülich. In view of the scarcely disguised ambitions and intrigues of the Austrian court, prime ministerMontgelas now believed that the interests of Bavaria lay in a frank alliance with theFrench Republic; he succeeded in overcoming the reluctance of Maximilian Joseph; and, on 24 August, a separate treaty of peace and alliance with France was signed at Paris, which allied Bavaria with France.
Royal Bavarian coat of armsTheElectorate of Bavaria including theElectorate of Palatinate (light green, in the old borders around 1800); the newKingdom of Bavaria (1816, dark green line, with slightly shifted and rounded Palatinate territory and after the loss of the areas of theDuchy of Berg further north on the Rhine, but expanded to include previously ecclesiastical territories, i.e.Franconia and areas ofSwabia, as well as small areas on the border with Austria in the south); and today's state of Bavaria (black line border).
TheCongress of Vienna 1814−15 led to the establishment of significant territorial gains for theKingdom of Bavaria. Although the Duchy of Berg remained lost, almost all ofFranconia, previously ruled by a number ofPrince-bishops, as well as parts ofSwabia, which had belonged to variousmediatised secular and ecclesiastic princes, came under Bavarian rule. In both areas a number of formerlyfree imperial cities were also integrated into the kingdom. The previously heavily fragmented Palatinate territory was rounded off and partially moved. Smaller, mostly ecclesiastical territories on the southern border with Austria were also added. In this way, the border of Bavaria, which largely still exists today, was redefined and the state grew by more than a third in size.
Under Maximilian's descendants, Bavaria became the third most powerful German state, behind onlyPrussia andAustria. When theGerman Empire was formed in 1871, Bavaria became the new empire's second most powerful state after Prussia. The Wittelsbachs reigned as kings of Bavaria until theGerman Revolution of 1918–1919. On 12 November 1918Ludwig III issued theAnif declaration (German:Anifer Erklärung) atAnif Palace in Austria,[3] in which he released his soldiers and officials from their oath of loyalty to him and ended the 738-year rule of the House of Wittelsbach in Bavaria.[4] The republican movement thereupon declared a republic.
Before and during theSecond World War, the Wittelsbachs were anti-Nazi.Crown Prince Rupert had earnedHitler's eternal enmity by opposing theBeer Hall Putsch in 1923. In 1933, shortly afterHitler's rise to power, he protested against the appointment of governors at the head of the federal states and thus the de facto abolition of German federalism. In 1938, he emigrated toItaly and, after theGerman Armyoccupied Italy in September 1943, went into hiding in Florence.
Albrecht's eldest son,Franz von Bayern (Francis of Bavaria) is the current head of the house.
In the course of the division of state and house assets after the end of the kingdom, theWittelsbach Compensation Fund (Wittelsbacher Ausgleichsfonds) was established through a compromise in 1923 and theWittelsbach State Foundation for Art and Science was established by the former Crown PrinceRupprecht of Bavaria. TheWittelsbach State Foundation received the Wittelsbach family's art treasures acquired before 1804 and has since been the owner, although not the manager, of a large part of the holdings of the ancient and classical art museums in Munich, while more recent art collections came into the possession of the compensation fund, into which most of the possessions from the formerWittelsbach House Property Fund were transferred in 1923, including art treasures and collections (in particular the art collection of KingLudwig I, today mostly in the museumsAlte Pinakothek andNeue Pinakothek and in theGlyptothek in Munich), theSecret House Archives (today a department of the Bavarian State Archives) and the former royal castles ofBerg,Hohenschwangau (including theMuseum of the Bavarian Kings),Berchtesgaden and Grünau hunting lodge.[8]
The respective head of the House of Wittelsbach appoints a board of up to 8 directors of the foundationWittelsbach Compensation Fund. He also appoints one of the 3 board members of theWittelsbach State Foundation for Art and Science, while the other two are a representative of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture and a museum specialist appointed by the latter.[9] There are around 13,500 cultural items belonging to theWittelsbach State Foundation while another 43,000 are owned by theWittelsbach Compensation Fund, mainly shown in museums and collections such as the Pinakotheken.[10]
The former Bavarian Royal Family receives around 14 million Euros in payments annually from the proceeds of theWittelsbach Compensation Fund which also owns agricultural and forestry lands, while its main source of income is urban real estate in Munich.[11] The respective head of the family decides on their distribution and use.[12] He has the right to live in the castles mentioned. While Albrecht lived in Berg Palace from 1949 until the end of his life in 1996, his son and successor Franz primarily uses the side wing of the Nymphenburg Palace that is available to him. The administration of the House of Wittelsbach is also based there.
Duke Franz maintained the tradition founded by his father of holding a large annual reception with a sit-down dinner at Nymphenburg Palace. Around 1,500 mostly changing guests from state politics, municipalities, churches and sciences, art and medicine as well as friends and relatives are invited.[13] He also invites smaller groups of changing guests to Berchtesgaden Castle to discuss specific topics that are important to him. His 80th birthday party, in 2013, was held at theSchleissheim Palace near Munich. The party was attended by 2,500 guests including the then-incumbentMinister-President of Bavaria,Horst Seehofer.
In addition to numerous honorary positions inBavaria, including many cultural and scientific institutions, Franz was also a member of theEuropean Foundation for theImperial Cathedral of Speyer in the State ofRhineland-Palatinate for many years, a position that his younger brother DukeMax Emanuel in Bavaria, has since taken over,[14] through which the House of Wittelsbach still maintains a connection to one of its former main territories, theElectoral Palatinate.
Sweden reached its largest territorial extent under the rule of Charles X after theTreaty of Roskilde in 1658. Charles's son Charles XI rebuilt the economy and refitted the army. His legacy to his son Charles XII was one of the finest arsenals in the world, a large standing army, and a large fleet. Charles XII was a skilled military leader and tactician. However, although he was also skilled as a politician, he was reluctant in making peace. While Sweden achieved several large scale military successes early on, and won the most battles, theGreat Northern War eventually ended in Sweden's defeat and the end of theSwedish Empire. Charles was succeeded to the Swedish throne by his sister, Ulrika Eleonora. Her abdication in favour of her husbandFrederick I in 1720 marked the end of Wittelsbach rule in Sweden.
Throughout his reign, Otto faced political challenges concerning Greece's financial weakness and the role of the government in the affairs of the Church. The politics of Greece of this era was based on affiliations with the three Great Powers, and Otto's ability to maintain the support of the powers was key to his remaining in power. To remain strong, Otto had to play the interests of each of the Great Powers’ Greek adherents against the others, while not aggravating the Great Powers. Otto's standing amongst Greeks suffered when Greece was blockaded by the BritishRoyal Navy in 1850 and 1853 to stop Greece from attacking theOttoman Empire during theCrimean War. As a result, there was an assassination attempt on his wifeQueen Amalia in 1861. In 1862, Otto was deposed while in the countryside, and in 1863, theGreek National Assembly electedGeorge I of theHouse of Glücksburg, aged only 17,King of the Hellenes, marking the end of Wittelsbach rule in Greece.
Duke Franz's patriline is the line from which he is descended father to son.Patrilineal descent is the principle behind membership inroyal houses, as it can be traced back through the generations.
The colors denote the Kings, Prince, Dukes in Bavaria during the kingdom of Bavaria. All the male and female descendants were "Princes of Bavaria" and "Princesses of Bavaria" even the younger line of the "Dukes in Bavaria".
Some of the most important Bavarian castles and palaces that were built by Wittelsbach rulers, or served as seats of ruling branch lines, are the following:
From 1597 to 1794,Bonn was the capital of theElectorate of Cologne and residence of the Archbishops and Prince-electors of Cologne, most of them belonging to the Bavarian branch of the House of Wittelsbach (continuously from 1583 to 1761).
De gueules, à fasce vivrée d'argent. Cimier: un chapeau piramidal aux armes de l'ècu, retrousseré d'argent, sommé d'une plume d'autruche de même. (azure, a golden fess dancetty)[27]
House of Wittelsbach The "strikingly simple and beautiful" arms of Wittelsbach were taken from the arms of the counts ofBogen, who became extinct in 1242. WhenLouis I married Ludmilla, the widow of Albert III, Count ofBogen, he adopted the coat of arms of the counts of Bogen together with their land, along the Danube between Regensburg and Deggendorf. The first members of the family to use the arms were that Louis I/Ludwig and Heinrich, who were the sons of first Wittelsbach Duke of Bavaria, Otto I. They used the arms in their seals around 1240. The arms have ever since been the arms of the family. The number of lozenges varied; from the 15th century 21 were used, increasing to 42 when Bavaria became a kingdom in 1806.[27]
Each of the prince electors carried one of the grand offices of the Empire. Each office was indicated by a heraldic mark; the ones that the House of Wittelsbach carried are shown below.
In the German fashion, all the sons were "Count Palatine of the Rhine" (German:Pfalzgraf bei Rhein). There was only oneElector Palatine of the Rhine (German:Kurfürst von der Pfalz). Similarly, all the sons wereDukes of Bavaria (German:Herzog von Bayern), until 1506. Then,Duke in Bavaria (German: Herzog in Bayern) was the title used by all members of the House of Wittelsbach with the exception of theDuke of Bavaria. This became a unique position given to the eldest descendant of the younger branch of the Wittelsbachs, who inherited the rule of the entire duchy of Bavaria. For example, so reads the full title of the late 16th century's Charles I, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld and patriarch of the House of Palatinate-Birkenfeld: "Count Palatine by Rhine, Duke in Bavaria, Count at Veldenz and Sponheim" (Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog in Bayern, Graf zu Veldenz und Sponheim).
Quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules, 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise azure and argent.[31]
Heraldic augmentation for the Count Palatine of the Rhine, a prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire:Quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules, 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise azure and argent, overall gules, an orb or encircled of the same.[citation needed]
Coat of arms (15th century), the Wittelsbach (Bogen) lozenges quartered with the lion of the Palatinate.
Rupert of Germany (1352 † 1410), king of the Romans from 1400 to 1410.
Or, an eagle sable, membered, beaked and langued gules; overall quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules, 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise azure and argent.[citation needed]
Quarterly a cross paty argent, fimbriated gules, cantonned 1 and 4, azure three bars wavy argent, overall a lion crowned or, which is Sweden ancien, 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise argent and azure, which is Bavaria. Overall quarterly 1 or, nine hearts gules in three pallets, three lions passant guardant azure in pale, armed and langued gules, crowned of the field, brochant sur-le-tout, which is Denmark, 2 azure, three crowns or, which is Sweden moderne, 3 gules, a lion crowned or, holding in his paws a battle-axe argent, the handle of the second, which is Norway ancien and 4 gules, a dragon or, which is for the Kingdom of the Vandals[citation needed]
Quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (Palatinate), 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria), overall an inescutcheon Chequy or and azure (Simmern)[32]
Quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (Palatinate), 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria), overall an inescutcheon d'argent a lion d'azur, with a couronné d'or[33]
Quarterly 1 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (Palatinate), 2 fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria), 3 a lion azure crowned or (Veldenz), 4 Chequy gules and azure (Birkenfeld).[image is chequy gules and argent][34]
Frederick V, Elector Palatine (1596 † 1632), elector palatine from 1610 to 1623 and king of Bohemia from 1619 to 1620.
Quarterly of six, three rows of two, 1 gules, a lion argent, queue fourchée in saltire, crowned, armed and langued or (Bohemia), 2 azure, an eagle chequy of argent and gules, beaked, langued, membered and crowned or (Moravia), 3 or, an eagle sable, armed, beaked and langued gules, on its heart a crescent below a cross argent (Silesia), 4 barry of six argent and azure, a lion gules, queue fourchée in saltire, armed, langued and crowned or (Luxembourg), 5 per fess embattled azure and or (Upper Lusace), 6 argent, a bull gules issuant from a terrace vert (Lower Lusace). Overall per pale sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (Palatinate) and fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria); grafted in point gules, an orb or, which is the heraldic augmentation for the archsteward of the Holy Roman Empire.[citation needed]
Counts Palatine of the Rhine from 1648 to 1688.
Quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (Palatinate), 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria), overall gules, a crown of Charlemagne or, which is the heraldic augmentation for thearchtreasurer of the Holy Roman Empire.[35]
Counts palatine of Neuburg from 1574 to 1688. Counts palatine of Sulzbach from 1688 to 1795.
Quarterly of eight, two rows of four, 1 fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria), 2 or, a lion sable, armed and langued gules (Juliers), 3 gules, an escutcheon argent surmounted by an escarbuncle with rays or (Cleves), 4 argent, a lion gules, queue fourchée in saltire, armed, langued and crowned or (Berg), 5 argent, a lion azure armed, langued and crowned or (Veldenz), 6 or, a fess chequy argent and gules of three rows (de la Marck), 7 argent, three chevrons gules (Ravensberg), 8 argent, a fess sable. Overall, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (County palatine of the Rhine).[citation needed]
Electors palatine of Neuburg from 1688 to 1742.
Per pale, I quarterly 1 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (county palatine of the Rhine), 2 fusilly bendwise azure and argent (Bavaria), 3 argent, a lion azure armed, langued and crowned or (Veldenz), 4 or, a fess chequy of three rows argent and gules (de la Marck), II per fess, the chief tierced in pale, the base per pale: 1, or, a lion sable, armed and langued gules (Juliers), 2 gules, an escutcheon argent, surmounted by an escarbuncle with rays or (Cleves), 3 argent, a lion gules, queue fourchée in saltire, armed, langued and crowned or (Berg); 4 argent, three chevrons gules (Ravensberg), 5 argent, a fess sable. Overall gules, a crown of Charlemagne or (Arch-treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire).[citation needed]
Per pale, I quarterly 1 and 4 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (county palatine of the Rhine), 2 and 3 fusilly bendwise, azure and argent (Bavaria); overall argent, a lion azure armed, langued and crowned or (Veldenz); II quarterly of six, two rows of three, 1 or, a lion sable, armed and langued gules (Juliers), 2 gules, an escutcheon argent, surmounted by an escarbuncle with rays or (Cleves), 3 argent, a lion gules, queue fourchée in saltire, armed, langued and crowned or (Berg), 4 or, a fess chequy of three rows, argent and gules (de la Marck), 5 argent, three chevrons gules (Ravensberg), 6 argent, a fess sable.[citation needed]
1. duchy of Cleve, 2. duchy of Jülich, 3. duchy of Berg, 4. principality of Moers, 5. heart, 6. markgraviat of Bergen op Zoom, 7. county of Mark, 8a. county of Veldenz, 8b. county of Sponheim, 9. county of Ravensberg, heart: duchy of Bavaria and Palatinate, electorate.
Grand quarters 1: Or a lion Sable with a forked tail in saltire armed and langued Gules, crowned Or (which is from Juliers) in 2, Argent a lion Gules, a forked tail in saltire, armed, langued and crowned Azure (which is of Berg), in 3, Gules, an escutcheon Argent, carbuncle rays Or, debruising over all (which is of Cleves) , in 4, Or a fess Sable (which of the County of Sponheim), in 5, checky Argent and Gules of three tires (which is of Birkenfeld), in 6 Gules, three mountain Vert charged of three silver crosses in saltire (which is from Bergen op Zoom), in 7, Argent with a lion Azure crowned Or (which is from the County of Veldenz, in 8, Or, a fess checkered argent and gules of three tires (which is from la Marck), in 9, argent, three coats of arms gules (2 and 1) (which is from Ribeaupierre), in 10, argent, three chevrons gules (which is from Ravensberg), in 11, argent three-headed eagle sable crowned or 2 and 1 (which is from the Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, over all, quarterly in 1 and 4 Sable, a lion Or, armed and langued and crowned Gules (which is of the County Palatine of the Rhine) and 2 and 3 tapering in bend Azure and Argent (which is of Bavaria), on the all from gules to orb d'or.[36];.[37];[38]
Per pale in 1: Azure, to the penon quarterly Argent and Gules, the shaft Or and Argent and Gules of three pieces (which is of the Bishopric of Würzburg), in 2, Argent a lion Gules, the forked tail in saltire, armed, langued and crowned Azure (which is of Berg), in 3, Gules, an escutcheon Argent, carbuncle rays Or, debruising over the whole (which is of Cleves), in 4, Or a lion Sable armed and langued Gules a stick Argent debruising over the whole (which is of the Archdiocese of Bamberg), in 5, parti gules and argent (which is of the abbey of Augsburg, in 6, per fess gules and azure on the head of a princess crowned or (which is of the abbey of Kempten, in 7, d argent a Moor's head neck and earring Gules, crowned Or (which is of Freising Abbey), in 8, argent a wolf Gules (which is of the Abbey of Passau), in 9, Argent a fess Azure (which is of Leuchtenberg), in 10, Per fess in 1 Gules an elephant Argent and in 2 Or (which is of County Helfenstein ), 11, argent, three chevrons gules (which is Ravensberg), 12, argent a mounting three peaks vert surmounted by a lion gules armed and langued also gules (which is of Mindeheim), 13, Or, a fess chequered Argent and Gules of three rows (which is of the Marck), 14, Gules a half-headed eagle Argent (which is of Ottobeuren Abbey ), 15, Argent to the castle with two towers Gules (which is of Rothenburg), over all, quarterly in 1 and 4 Sable, to the lion Or, armed and langued and crowned Gules (which is of County Palatine of the Rhine) and in 2 and 3 tapered in bend Azure and Argent (which is of Bavaria), over all Gules an orb Or..[39]
Quarterly, a cross paty or, which is the cross of Saint Eric, cantonned 1 and 4, azure, three crowns or, two and one (Sweden moderne), 2 and 3 azure, three bars wavy argent, a lion crowned or, armed and langued gules (Sweden ancien). Overall quarterly Bavaria, Juliers, Cleves and Berg, inescutcheon sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (County palatine of the Rhine).[citation needed]
Counts palatine of Birkenfeld from 1569 to 1795.
Per pale, I quarterly 1 and 4 County palatine of the Rhine, 2 and 3 Bavaria; II quarterly 1 Veldenz, 2 chequy gules and argent (de Birkenfeld), 3 argent, three escutcheons gules, two and one (Rappolstein), 4 argent, three heads of eagles sable, crowned or, two and one (de Hohenach).[citation needed]
Fusilly bendwise, azure and argent, an inescutcheon gules, a sword argent pommelled or and a scepter or in saltire, in chief a royal crown or[citation needed]
Quarterly 1 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules (County palatine of the Rhine), 2 per fess indented gules and argent (the "Franconian Rake") for the northern parts of Bavaria that were part of thestem duchy ofFranconia, 3 bendy sinister argent and gules, a pale or (markgraviate ofBurgau representing those lands that were part of thestem duchy ofSwabia), 4 argent, a lion azure, armed, langued and crowned or (Veldenz) representing the lands on the middle Rhenish Palatinate were this branch of the Wittelsbachs originated. Overall, Bavaria.[citation needed]
Per pale fusilly in bend azure and argent, and argent, an eagle gules, armed, beaked and langued or.[citation needed]
Duke of Bavaria-Straubing, Counts of Hainaut and Holland from 1254 to 1433.
Quarterly 1 and 4, fusilly in bend, azure and argent, 2 and 3, grand-quarterly I and IV or, a lion sable, armed and langued gules, II and III, or, a lion gules, armed and langued azure.[citation needed]
Electors of Bavaria from 1623 to 1777.
In 1620, the Elector Palatine Frederick V, a Protestant, was defeated after trying to take the kingdom of Bohemia. He was placed under theban of the Empire and his lands, titles and electoral dignity were confiscated and given to his Roman Catholic cousin, the Duke of Bavaria, who takes:
Quarterly 1 and 4 fusilly in bend, azure and argent, 2 and 3 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules, overall gules, an orb crucifer or.[citation needed]
Charles VII (1697 † 1745), Holy Roman Emperor from 1742 to 1745.
Or, an eagle sable, membered, beaked and langued gules; inescutcheon quarterly 1 and 4 fusilly in bend, azure and argent, 2 and 3 sable, a lion or, armed, langued and crowned gules, sur le tout gules, an orb crucifer or.[citation needed]
^Manfred Berger (2003). "Rupprecht, Maria Luitpold Ferdinand, Kronprinz von Bayern, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog von Bayern, Franken und in Schwaben usw.". In Bautz, Traugott (ed.).Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) (in German). Vol. 22. Nordhausen: Bautz. cols. 1173–1186.ISBN3-88309-133-2.
^Franz von Bayern (with Marita Krauss):Zuschauer in der ersten Reihe: Erinnerungen (Front row audience: memories), publisher C. H. Beck, 2023, pp. 5–28
^The board usually consists of the head of the House of Wittelsbach, the Bavarian Minister of Education, Sciences and Arts, and the General Director of theBavarian State Painting Collections.
^abcDetlev Schwennicke,Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band I (Marburg, Germany: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1980), Tafel 23
^Rodewald, Heinrich (1927).Das Birkenfelder Schloß. Leben und Treiben an einer kleinen Fürstenresidenz 1584-1717. Birkenfeld: the arms of Count Palatine Georg Wilhelm of Birkenfeld
^Par déduction. En 1648, le fils de Frédéric V recupère une partie des terres paternelles, le titre d'électeur, confisquées en 1623, et la charge d'archi-trésorier du Saint-Empire. Il paraît logique de penser qu'il ajoute l'écu de cette charge sur ses armes.
Family tree of the Counts of Scheyern-Wittelsbach-Dachau-Valley, from a lecture by Prof. Schmid:Bayern im Spätmittelalter, winter 1996/97
Muller-Mertens, Eckhard (1999). "The Ottonians as kings and emperors". In Reuter, Timothy; McKitterick, Rosamond (eds.).The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 3, C.900-c.1024. Cambridge University Press.239
Johannes Rietstap:Rietstap, Johannes Baptist (1875).Handboek der Wapenkunde (in Dutch). the Netherlands: Theod. Bom. p. 348.
Maclagan, Michael; Louda, Jiří (1999) [1981].Line of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe. London: Little, Brown & Co. pp. 188–194.ISBN1-85605-469-1.