Wilhelm Raabe (German pronunciation:[ˈvɪlhɛlmˈʁaːbə]ⓘ; September 8, 1831 – November 15, 1910) was a Germannovelist. His early works were published under the pseudonym ofJakob Corvinus.[1]
He was born inEschershausen (then in theDuchy of Brunswick, now in theHolzminden District). After attendinggymnasia in Holzminden andWolfenbüttel, he entered a bookstore inMagdeburg as apprentice in 1849. He used this opportunity for wide reading and enriched himself with the tales and folklore of his own and other countries.[2] He remained an apprentice until 1854.[3]
Tiring of the routine of business, he then studiedphilosophy atBerlin (1855–1857). While a student at that university, under his pseudonym he published his first work,The Chronicle of Sparrow Lane (1857) (German:Die Chronik der Sperlingsgasse).[1] This book, which contains sketches of life among the German bourgeoisie,[2] quickly became popular.
With this encouragement, Raabe gave up his studies and devoted himself entirely to literary work.[2] He returned toWolfenbüttel, and then lived (1862–1870) inStuttgart.[1] Then he again returned toBrunswick and remained active until the end of the century, publishing upwards of 30 novels and a number of short stories and sketches. He died in 1910 and was buried inBraunschweig Main Cemetery.[2]
Raabe's life work may be divided into three periods. During the first, he wrote with a light touch, producing a series of pictures of German life from the abundance of his imagination and experience, among which are:[2]
The influence of the pessimism ofSchopenhauer is evident during the second period. Representative works of this period are:[2]
These three works are sometimes referred to as a trilogy. While they are independent of each other in substance, they do represent a distinct epoch in the life of Raabe.[2]
During the third period of the novelist's life his works no longer show this pessimistic strain. A genial humor pervades them, reminiscent ofDickens, though they frequently deal with serious subjects.Horacker (1876) perhaps best represents this tendency, and has been cited as his masterpiece.Der Dräumling (1872), andDeutscher Mondschein (1873), also come under this head. Of his numerous later worksDas Odfeld (1889) andDie Akten des Vogelsangs (1895) seemed to be most read.[2]Kloster Lugau (1894) andHastenbeck (1899) also belong to this period.[1]
Raabe's early works were influenced to some extent byJean Paul. Later he shows evidences of having read Dickens andThackeray.[2]
His estimation by the German people was especially shown at the celebration of his 70th birthday in 1901.[2] Beginning in 1965, the critical edition of Raabe's complete works was published asSämtliche Werke (Braunschweiger Ausgabe) commissioned by the Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft and edited by Karl Hoppe.
Raabe also had a less known talent for painting.[5] Approximately 600 of his works exist, partially in private ownership of his descendants or with the Braunschweig Museum.