Astrology |
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Astrological signs |
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Western astrology is the system ofastrology most popular in Western countries. It is historically based onPtolemy'sTetrabiblos (2nd century CE), which in turn was a continuation ofHellenistic and ultimatelyBabylonian traditions.
Western astrology is largelyhoroscopic, that is, it is a form ofdivination based on the construction of ahoroscope for an exact moment, such as a person's birth as well as location (since time zones may or may not affect a person's birth chart), in which various cosmic bodies are said to have an influence. Astrology in westernpopular culture is often reduced tosun sign astrology, which considers only the individual's date of birth (i.e. the "position of the Sun" at that date).
Astrology is apseudoscience and has consistently failed experimental and theoretical verification.[1][2][3]
Astrology was widely considered a respectable academic and scientific field beforethe Enlightenment, but modern research has found no consistentempirical basis to it.[4][3]
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Hermeticism |
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Historical figures
A central principle of astrology is integration within the cosmos. The individual, Earth, and its environment are viewedas a single organism, all parts of which are correlated with each other.[a] Cycles of change that are observed in the heavens are therefore reflective (not causative) of similar cycles of change observed on earth and within the individual.[b] This relationship is expressed in theHermetic maxim "as above, so below; as below, so above", which postulates symmetry between the individual as amicrocosm and the celestial environment as a macrocosm.[c]
As opposed to Sidereal astrology, Western astrology evaluates a person's birth based on the alignments of the stars and planets from the perspective on earth instead of in space.
At the heart of astrology is themetaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities or 'tones' of energy which manifest in numbers, visual angles, shapes and sounds – all connected within a pattern of proportion. An early example is Ptolemy, who wrote influential texts on all these topics.[7]Al-Kindi, in the 9th century, developed Ptolemy's ideas inDe Aspectibus which explores many points of relevance to astrology and the use of planetary aspects.[8][9]
The zodiac is the belt or band of constellations through which the Sun, Moon, and planets move on their journey across the sky. Astrologers noted these constellations and so attached a particular significance to them. Over time they developed the system of twelvesigns of the zodiac, based on twelve of the constellations through which the sun passes throughout the year, those constellations that are "Enlightened by the mind". Most western astrologers use thetropical zodiac beginning with the sign ofAries at theNorthern Hemispherevernal equinox always on or around March 21 of each year. The Western Zodiac is drawn based on the Earth's relationship to fixed, designated positions in the sky, and the Earth's seasons. The Sidereal Zodiac is drawn based on the Earth's position in relation to the constellations, and follows their movements in the sky.
Due to a phenomenon calledprecession of the equinoxes (where the Earth's axis slowly rotates like a spinning top in a 25,700-year cycle), there is a slow shift in the correspondence between Earth's seasons (and calendar) and the constellations of the zodiac. Thus, the tropical zodiac corresponds with the position of the earth in relation to fixed positions in the sky (Western Astrology), while the sidereal zodiac is drawn based on the position in relation to the constellations (sidereal zodiac).[10]
In modern Western astrology thesigns of thezodiac are believed to represent twelve basic personality types or characteristic modes of expression. The twelve signs are divided into four elementsfire,earth,air andwater. Fire and air signs are considered masculine, while water and earth signs are considered feminine.[11] The twelve signs are also divided into three qualities, also called modalities,Cardinal,fixed andmutable.[12][13]
Latin Name | Gloss | Symbol | Unicode Character | Approximate Sun Sign Dates | Ecliptic Longitude (a ≤λ <b) | House | Polarity | Modality | Triplicity | Modern Ruler | Classic Ruler | Greek name | Sanskrit name | Sumero-Babylonian name[14] |
Aries | TheRam | ![]() | ♈︎ | March 21 – April 20 | 0° to 30° | 1 | Positive | Cardinal | Fire | Mars | Κριός (Krios) | Meṣa (मेष) | MUL LU.ḪUN.GA[15] "Agrarian Worker",Dumuzi | |
Taurus | TheBull | ![]() | ♉︎ | April 21 – May 20 | 30° to 60° | 2 | Negative | Fixed | Earth | Venus | Ταῦρος (Tauros) | Vṛṣabha (वृषभ) | MULGU4.AN.NA "DivineBull of Heaven" | |
Gemini | TheTwins | ![]() | ♊︎ | May 21 – June 20 | 60° to 90° | 3 | Positive | Mutable | Air | Mercury | Δίδυμοι (Didymoi) | Mithuna (मिथुन) | MULMAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL "GreatTwins" (Castor &Pollux) | |
Cancer | TheCrab | ![]() ![]() | ♋︎ | June 21 – July 22 | 90° to 120° | 4 | Negative | Cardinal | Water | Moon | Καρκίνος (Karkinos) | Karka (कर्क) | MULAL.LUL "Crayfish" | |
Leo | TheLion | ![]() | ♌︎ | July 23 – August 22 | 120° to 150° | 5 | Positive | Fixed | Fire | Sun | Λέων (Leōn) | Siṃha (सिंह) | MULUR.GU.LA "Lion" | |
Virgo | TheMaiden | ![]() | ♍︎ | August 23 – September 22 | 150° to 180° | 6 | Negative | Mutable | Earth | Mercury | Παρθένος (Parthenos) | Kanyā (कन्या) | MULAB.SIN "The Furrow"* *"The goddessShala's ear of grain" | |
Libra | TheScales | ![]() | ♎︎ | September 23 – October 22 | 180° to 210° | 7 | Positive | Cardinal | Air | Venus | Ζυγός (Zygos) | Tulā (तुला) | MULZIB.BA.AN.NA "Scales" | |
Scorpio | TheScorpion | ![]() | ♏︎ | October 23 – November 21 | 210° to 240° | 8 | Negative | Fixed | Water | Pluto (or) | Mars | Σκoρπίος (Skorpios)[16] | Vṛścika (वृश्चिक) | MULGIR.TAB "Scorpion" |
Sagittarius | TheArcher (Centaur) | ![]() | ♐︎ | November 22 – December 21 | 240° to 270° | 9 | Positive | Mutable | Fire | Jupiter | Τοξότης (Toxotēs) | Dhanuṣa (धनुष) | MULPA.BIL.SAG,Nedu "soldier" | |
Capricorn | TheGoat | ![]() ![]() | ♑︎ | December 22 – January 19 | 270° to 300° | 10 | Negative | Cardinal | Earth | Saturn | Αἰγόκερως (Aigokerōs) | Makara (मकर) | MULSUḪUR.MAŠ "Goat-Fish" ofEnki | |
Aquarius | TheWater-bearer | ![]() | ♒︎ | January 20 – February 18 | 300° to 330° | 11 | Positive | Fixed | Air | Uranus | Saturn | Ὑδροχόος (Hydrokhoos) | Kumbha (कुंभ) | MULGU.LA "Great One", laterqâ "pitcher" |
Pisces | TheFish | ![]() | ♓︎ | February 19 – March 20 | 330° to 360° | 12 | Negative | Mutable | Water | Neptune | Jupiter | Ἰχθύες (Ikhthyes) | Mīna (मीन) | MULSIM.MAḪ "Tail of the Swallow"; DU.NU.NU "fish-cord" |
Zodiac sign for an individual depends on the placement of planets and the ascendant in that sign. If a person has nothing placed in a particular sign, that sign will play no active role in their personality. On the other hand, a person with, for example, both the sun and moon in Cancer, will strongly display the characteristics of that sign in their make up.
Newspapers often print astrology columns which purport to provide guidance on what might occur in a day in relation to thesign of the zodiac that included the sun when the person was born. Astrologers refer to this as the "sun sign", but it is often commonly called the "star sign". These predictions are vague or general; so much so that even practicing astrologers consider them of little to no value on their own.[17] Experiments have shown that when people are shown a newspaper horoscope for their own sign along with a newspaper horoscope for a different sign, they judge them to be equally accurate on average.[18] Other tests have been performed on complete, personalized horoscopes cast by professional astrologers, and have shown no correlation between the horoscope results and the person it was cast for.[19]
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In modern Western astrology the planets represent basic drives or impulses in the human psyche. These planets differ from the definition of a planet inastronomy in that the Sun, Moon, and recently,Pluto are all considered to be planets for the purposes of astrology.[20] Each planet is also said to be theruler of one or two zodiac signs. The three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) have each been assigned rulership of a zodiac sign by astrologers.[21] Traditionally rulership of the signs was, according toPtolemy, based on seasonal derivations and astronomical measurement, whereby the luminaries being the brightest planets were given rulership of the brightest months of the year and Saturn the coldest furthest classical planet was given to the coldest months of the year, with the other planets ruling the remaining signs as per astronomical measurement. It is noteworthy that the modern rulerships do not follow the same logic.
Theastrological 'planets' are the seven heavenly bodies known to the ancients. The Sun and Moon, also known as 'the lights', are included as they were thought to act like the astronomical planets. Astrologers call inner planets Mercury, Venus and Mars, the 'personal planets',[22] as they represent the most immediate drives. The 'lights' symbolise respectively the existential and sensitive fundamentals of the individuality.
The following table summarizes the rulership by the seven classically known planets[23] of each of the twelve astrological signs,[24] together with their effects on world events, people and the earth itself as understood in the Middle Ages.[25]
Symbol | Planet[23] | Rules the sign[24] | Effect on world events[25] | Person's nature[25] | Effect in life[25] | Effect in earth[25] |
![]() | Sun | Leo | Wisdom, generosity, 'sunny' disposition | Good fortune | Gold | |
![]() | Moon | Cancer | Wandering | Travel, lunacy | Silver | |
![]() | Mercury | Gemini andVirgo | Action | Changeability, eagerness, quickness, 'mercurial' temperament | Rapid change | Mercury (quicksilver) |
![]() | Venus | Libra andTaurus | Fortunate events | Beauty, amorousness | Good luck | Copper[d] |
![]() | Mars | Aries, classically alsoScorpio | War | Strength, endurance, 'martial' temperament | Conflicts, misfortune | Iron |
![]() | Jupiter | Sagittarius, classically alsoPisces | Good times, prosperity | Cheerful, magnanimous, 'jovial' temperament | Good fortune | Tin |
![]() | Saturn | Capricorn, classically alsoAquarius | Disastrous events | Wisdom, stability, persistence, 'saturnine' temperament | Accidents, disease, treachery, bad luck | Lead |
These are the planets discovered in modern times, which have since been assigned meanings by Western astrologers.[21]
Symbol | Planet | Representing | Rules the sign | Claimed effects on world events | Claimed effects on people |
![]() ![]() | Uranus | (a) Platinum as a planetary metal; (b) monogram 'H' for planet's discoverer,William Herschel[26] | Aquarius | Innovation, technology[27] | Sudden or disruptive change[28] |
![]() | Neptune | Trident, weapon of sea-godNeptune[29] | Pisces[30] | Change of contemporary musical taste | Confusion, sensitivity[30] |
![]() ![]() | Pluto | (a) Pluto's bident; (b) PL monogram for astronomerPercival Lowell who predicted a planet beyond Neptune[31] | Scorpio | Demolition of old, bad political systems | Transformation,[32] fate, death |
There are two camps of thought among western astrologers about the "starting point", 0 degrees Aries, in the zodiac.Sidereal astrology uses a fixed starting point in the background of stars, whiletropical astrology, used by the majority of Western astrologers, chooses as a starting point the position of the Sun against the background of stars at the Northern hemisphere vernal equinox (i.e. when the Sun position against the heavens crosses over from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere) each year. The consequence of the Tropical approach is that when we say the Sun or a planet is in a certain zodiac sign, observation of it in the sky will show that it does not lie within that constellation at all.[33]
As the Earth spins on its axis, it "wobbles" like a top, causing the vernal equinox to move gradually backwards against the star background, (a phenomenon known as thePrecession of the equinoxes) at a rate of about 30 degrees (one Zodiacal sign length) every 2,160 years. Thus the two zodiacs would be aligned only once every 26,000 years. They were aligned about 2,000 years ago when the zodiac was originally established.
This phenomenon gives us the conceptual basis for theAge of Aquarius, whose "dawning" coincides with the movement of the vernal equinox across the cusp from Pisces to Aquarius in the star background.
Also important in astrology are themoon's nodes.[34] Thenodes are where themoon's path crosses theecliptic. The North, orAscending Node marks the place where the moon crosses from South to North (or ascends), while the South, orDescending Node marks where the moon crosses from North to South (or descends). WhileLunar nodes are not considered by Western astrologers to be as important a factor as each of the planets, they are thought to mark sensitive areas that are worth taking into account.
In astrology, "essential dignity" is the strength of a planet or point's zodiac position, judged only by its position by sign and degree, what the pre-eminent 17th-century astrologerWilliam Lilly called "the strength, fortitude or debility of the Planets [or] significators."[35] In other words, essential dignity seeks to view the strengths of a planet or point as though it were isolated from other factors in the sky of thenatal chart. Traditionally, there are five dignities: domicile and detriment, exaltation and fall, triplicity, terms, and face. However, the later two have diminished in usage. A planet'sdomicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership.
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Western astrology is based mainly upon the construction of ahoroscope, which is a map orchart of the heavens at a particular moment. The moment chosen is the beginning of the existence of the subject of the horoscope, as it is believed that the subject will carry with it the pattern of the heavens from that moment throughout its life. The most common form of horoscope is thenatal chart based on the moment of a person's birth; though in theory a horoscope can be drawn up for the beginning of anything, from a business enterprise to the foundation of a nation state.
In Western horoscopic astrology the interpretation of a horoscope is governed by:
Some astrologers also use the position of various mathematical points, such as theArabic parts.
Various techniques are used, with different degrees of complexity, to provide what astrologers claim are forecasts or predictive statements about the future, as well as to analyse past and current events. These includetransits,progressions, andprimary directions. Different branches of astrology, such ashorary andelectional astrology, have their own specific sets of techniques.
There arefour primary angles in the horoscope (though the cusps of thehouses are often included as important angles by some astrologers).
The ascendant is generally considered the most important and personalized angle in the horoscope by the vast majority of astrologers. It signifies a person's awakening consciousness, in the same way that the Sun's appearance on the eastern horizon signifies the dawn of a new day.[36] Due to the fact that the ascendant is specific to a particular time and place, it signifies the individual environment and conditioning that a person receives during their upbringing, and also the circumstances of their childhood. For this reason, the ascendant is also concerned with how a person has learned to present themself to the world, especially in public and in impersonal situations.[37]
The opposite point to the ascendant in the west is thedescendant, which denotes how a person reacts in their relationships with others. It also show the kind of person we are likely to be attracted to, and our ability to form romantic attachments. In most house systems the descendant lies on the cusp of the 7th house of the horoscope.
The opposite point to the midheaven is known as theimum coeli. For astrologers the nadir or IC traditionally indicates the circumstances at the beginning and end of a person's life, their parents and the parental home, and their own domestic life. Inquadrant house systems it lies on the cusp of the 4th house of the horoscope.
The horoscope is divided by astrologers into 12 portions called the houses. The houses of the horoscope are interpreted as being 12 different spheres of life or activity. There are various ways of calculating the houses in the horoscope or birth chart. However, there is no dispute about their meanings, and the 12 houses[38]
Many modern astrologers assume that the houses relate to their corresponding signs, i.e. that the first house has a natural affinity with the first sign, Aries, and so on.
The aspects are the angles the planets make to each other in the horoscope, and also to the ascendant, midheaven, descendant and nadir. The aspects are measured by the angular distance along theecliptic in degrees and minutes of celestial longitude between two points, as viewed from the earth.[39] They indicate focal points in the horoscope where the energies involved are given extra emphasis. The more exact the angle, the more powerful the aspect, although an allowance of a few degrees each side of the aspect called anorb is allowed for interpretation. The following are the aspects in order of importance:[40][41]
The majority of professional astrologers rely on performing astrology-based personality tests and making relevant predictions about the remunerator's future.[42] Those who continue to have faith in astrology have been characterised as doing so "in spite of the fact that there is no verified scientific basis for their beliefs, and indeed that there is strong evidence to the contrary".[43][44][45]
Astrology has not demonstrated its effectiveness incontrolled studies and has no scientific validity,[42]: 85 [46] and as such, is regarded aspseudoscience.[1][2][e] There is no proposed mechanism of action by which the positions and motions of stars and planets could affect people and events on Earth that does not contradict well understood, basic aspects of biology and physics.[48][f]
Where astrology has madefalsifiable predictions, it has been falsified.[51] The most famous test was headed byShawn Carlson and included a committee of scientists and a committee of astrologers. It led to the conclusion thatnatal astrology performed no better than chance.[52]
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