In a vast number of languages, the names given to the seven days of theweek are derived from the names of theclassical planets inHellenistic astronomy, which were in turn named after contemporary deities, a system introduced by theSumerians and later adopted by theBabylonians from whom theRoman Empire adopted the system duringlate antiquity.[1] In some other languages, the days are named after corresponding deities of the regional culture, beginning either withSunday or withMonday. Theseven-day week was adopted in early Christianity from theHebrew calendar, and gradually replaced the Romaninternundinum.[citation needed]
Sunday remained the first day of the week, being considered the day of the sun godSol Invictus and theLord's Day, while the JewishSabbath remained the seventh.The Babylonians invented the actual[clarification needed] seven-day week in 600 BCE, with Emperor Constantine making the Day of the Sun (dies Solis, "Sunday") a legal holiday centuries later.[2]
In the international standardISO 8601, Monday is treated as the first day of the week, but in many countries it is counted as the second day of the week.
Between the first and third centuries CE, theRoman Empire gradually replaced the eight-day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. The earliest evidence for this new system is a Pompeiian graffito referring to 6 February (ante diem viii idus Februarias) of the year 60 CE asdies solis ("Sunday").[3] Another early witness is a reference to a lost treatise byPlutarch, written in about 100 CE, which addressed the question of: "Why are the days named after the planets reckoned in a different order from the 'actual' order?"[4] The treatise is lost, but the answer to the question is known; seeplanetary hours.[citation needed]
ThePtolemaic system of planetary spheres asserts that the order of the heavenly bodies from the farthest to the closest to the Earth isSaturn,Jupiter,Mars,Sun,Venus,Mercury, and theMoon; objectively, the planets are ordered from slowest to fastest moving as they appear in the night sky.[5]
The days were named after the classical planets of Hellenistic astrology, in the order: Sun (Helios), Moon (Selene), Mars (Ares), Mercury (Hermes), Jupiter (Zeus), Venus (Aphrodite), and Saturn (Cronus).[6]
The seven-day week spread throughout the Roman Empire in late antiquity.By the fourth century CE, it was in wide use throughout the Empire.[citation needed]
The Greek and Latin names are as follows:
Day: (seeIrregularities) | Sunday Sōl orHelios (Sun) | Monday Luna orSelene (Moon) | Tuesday Mars orAres (Mars) | Wednesday Mercurius orHermes (Mercury) | Thursday Jove orZeus (Jupiter) | Friday Venus orAphrodite (Venus) | Saturday Saturnus orCronus (Saturn) |
Greek[7] | ἡμέρα Ἡλίου hēméra Hēlíou | ἡμέρα Σελήνης hēméra Selḗnēs | ἡμέρα Ἄρεως hēméra Áreōs | ἡμέρα Ἑρμοῦ hēméra Hermoû | ἡμέρα Διός hēméra Diós | ἡμέρα Ἀφροδίτης hēméra Aphrodítēs | ἡμέρα Κρόνου hēméra Krónou |
Latin | diēs Sōlis | diēs Lūnae | diēs Mārtis | diēs Mercuriī | diēs Iovis | diēs Veneris | diēs Sāturnī |
Except for inPortuguese andMirandese, the Romance languages preserved the Latin names, except for the names of Sunday, which was replaced by[dies] Dominicus (Dominica), that is, "theLord's Day", and of Saturday, which was named for the JewishSabbath. Mirandese and Portuguese use numbered weekdays, but retainsábado anddemingo/domingo for weekends.[8] Meanwhile,Galician occasionally uses them alongside the traditional Latin-derived names, albeit to a lesser extent (seebelow).
EarlyOld Irish adopted the names from Latin, but introduced separate terms of Norse origin for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, then later supplanted these with terms relating to church fasting practices.
Albanian adopted the Latin terms for Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, translated the Latin terms for Sunday and Monday using the native names ofDiell andHënë, respectively, and replaced the Latin terms for Thursday and Friday with the equivalent native deity namesEnji andPrende, respectively.[18]
Other languages adopted the week together with the Latin (Romance) names for the days of the week in the colonial period. Several constructed languages also adopted the Latin terminology.
Day: (seeIrregularities) | Sunday Sōl (Sun) | Monday Luna (Moon) | Tuesday Mars (Mars) | Wednesday Mercurius (Mercury) | Thursday Iuppiter (Jupiter) | Friday Venus (Venus) | Saturday Saturnus (Saturn) |
Filipino | Linggó[☉1] | Lunes | Martes | Miyerkoles | Huwebes or colloquiallyWebes | Biyernes | Sabado[♄1] |
Chamorro | Damenggo | Lunes | Mattes | Metkoles | Huebes | Betnes | Sabalu |
Māori[19] | Rā Tapu [not celestially named] (rā +tapu = "holy day") | Rāhina (rā + Māhina = day + Moon) | Rātū (rā + Tūmatauenga = day + Mars) | Rāapa (rā + Apārangi = day + Mercury) | Rāpare (rā + Pareārau = day + Jupiter) | Rāmere (rā + Mere = day + Venus) | [Rā Horoi] [not celestially named] (rā + horoi = "washing day") |
Uropi | Soldia | Lundia | Mardia | Mididia | Zusdia | Wendia | Sabadia |
Universalglot | diodai | lundai | mardai | erdai | jovdai | vendai | samdai |
Neo | Domin(ko) | Lundo | Tud | Mirko | Jov | Venso | Sab |
Idiom Neutral | soldi | lundi | marsdi | merkurdi | yovdi | vendrdi | saturndi |
Reform-Neutral | soldí | lundí | marsdí | mercurdí | jovdí | vendredí | saturndí |
ApI Interlingua | sol-die | luna-die | marte-die | mercurio-die | jove-die | venere-die | sabbato, saturno-die |
Interlingua | dominica[☉1] | lunedi | martedi | mercuridi | jovedi | venerdi | sabbato[♄1] |
Interlingue | soledí | lunedí | mardí | mercurdí | jovedí | venerdí | saturdí |
Lingua Franca Nova | soldi | lundi | martedi | mercurdi | jovedi | venerdi | saturdi |
Mondial | soldi | lundi | mardi | mierdi | jodi | vendi | samdi |
INTAL | sundi | lundi | mardi | merkurdi | jodi | venerdi | saturdi |
Novial | sundie | lundie | mardie | mercurdie,merkurdie(older) | jodie | venerdie | saturdie |
Romániço | Domínico | Lun-dio | Marti-dio | Mercurii-dio | Jov-dio | Véner-dio | Sábato |
Ido | sundio | lundio | mardio | merkurdio | jovdio | venerdio | saturdio |
Esperanto | dimanĉo[☉1] | lundo | mardo | merkredo | ĵaŭdo | vendredo | sabato[♄1] |
With the exception ofsabato, the Esperanto names are all from French, cf. Frenchdimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi.
TheGermanic peoples adapted the system introduced by the Romans by substituting theGermanic deities for the Roman ones (with the exception ofSaturday) in a process known asinterpretatio germanica.The date of the introduction of this system is not known exactly, but it must have happened later than 100 AD but before the introduction of Christianity during the 6th to 7th centuries, i.e., during the final phase or soon after the collapse of theWestern Roman Empire.[20] This period is later than theCommon Germanic stage, but still during the phase of undifferentiatedWest Germanic. The names of the days of the week inNorth Germanic languages were notcalqued from Latin directly, but taken from the West Germanic names.
Day: (seeIrregularities) | Sunday Sunna/Sól | Monday Mona/Máni | Tuesday Tiw/Tyr | Wednesday Woden/Odin | Thursday Thunor/Thor | Friday Frige orFreya | Saturday Saturn |
Old English | Sunnandæg | Mōnandæg | Tīwesdæg | Wōdnesdæg | Þunresdæg | Frīgedæg | Sæternesdæg |
Old Saxon | Sunnundag | *Mānundag | *Tiuwesdag*Thingesdag[♂1] | Wōdanesdag | *Thunaresdag | Frīadag | *Sunnunāƀand,[♄3]*Satarnesdag |
Old High German | Sunnûntag | Mânetag | Zîestag | Wuotanestag | Donarestag | Frîjatag | Sunnûnâband,[♄3]Sambaztag[♄1] |
Middle Low German | Sunnedag | Manedag | Dingesdag[♂1] | Wodenesdag | Donersdag | Vrīdag | Sunnenavend,[♄3] Satersdag |
German | Sonntag | Montag | Dienstag,[♂1]Ziestag (Alemannic German) | Mittwoch[☿1] (olderWutenstag) | Donnerstag | Freitag | Samstag,[♄1]Sonnabend,[♄3] (in parts of Eastern Germany) |
Yiddish | Zuntik –זונטיק | Montik –מאנטיק | Dinstik –דינסטיק[♂1] | Mitvokh –מיטוואך[☿1] | Donershtik –דאנערשטיק | Fraytik –פרײַטיק | Shabbes –שבת[♄1] |
Luxembourgish | Sonndeg | Méindeg | Dënschdeg[♂1] | Mëttwoch[☿1] | Donneschdeg | Freideg | Samschdeg[♄1] |
Scots | Saubath,[♄1]Sunday | Monanday | Tysday | Wadensday | Fuirsday | Friday | Seturday |
Dutch | zondag | maandag | dinsdag[♂1] | woensdag | donderdag | vrijdag | zaterdag |
Afrikaans | Sondag | Maandag | Dinsdag[♂1] | Woensdag | Donderdag | Vrydag | Saterdag |
Low German | Sünndag | Maandag | Dingsdag[♂1] | Middeweek,[☿1]Goonsdag (rarelyWoonsdag) | Dünnerdag | Freedag | Sünnavend,[♄3]Saterdag |
West Frisian | snein | moandei | tiisdei | woansdei | tongersdei | freed | sneon,[♄3]saterdei |
Saterland Frisian | Sundai | Moundai | Täisdai | Middewíek | Tuunsdai | Fräindai | Snäivende, Sneeuwende |
Heligoland North Frisian | Sendai | Mundai | Taisdai | Meddeweeken | Tünnersdai | Fraidai | Senin |
Amrum/Föhr North Frisian | söndai | mundai | teisdai | wäärnsdei (Amrum), weedensdai(Föhr) | süürsdai(Amrum), tüürsdai(Föhr) | freidai | söninj-er, saninj-er |
Sylt North Frisian | Sendai | Mondai | Tiisdai | Winjsdai | Türsdai | Friidai | Seninj-en |
Wiedingharde North Frisian | sändäi | mundäi, moondai | tee(s)däi-e | wjinsdäi | tördäi-e, türdai-e | fraidäi | sänjin-e |
Mooring North Frisian | saandi | moundi | täisdi | weensdi | törsdi | fraidi | saneene |
Karrharde North Frisian | sandäi | moundäi | täi(er)sdäi | weene(s)dai, weensdai | tönersdäi | fräidäi | saneene |
NorthernGoesharde North Frisian | saandi(Ockholm), sandi(Langenhorn) | moondi(Ockholm), moundi (Langenhorn) | teesdi(Ockholm), täisdi(Langenhorn) | weensdi(Ockholm), winsdi(Langenhorn) | tünersdi | fraidi | saneene |
Halligen North Frisian | sondii | mööndii | taisdii | maaderwich | tonersdii | fraidii | soneene |
Icelandic | sunnudagur | mánudagur | þriðjudagur[♂3] | miðvikudagur[☿1] | fimmtudagur[♃3] | föstudagur[♀1] | laugardagur[♄2] |
Old Norse | sunnudagr | mánadagr | tysdagr | óðinsdagr | þórsdagr | frjádagr | laugardagr,[♄2]sunnunótt[♄3] |
Faroese | sunnudagur | mánadagur | týsdagur | mikudagur,[☿1]ónsdagur (Suðuroy) | hósdagur,tórsdagur (Suðuroy) | fríggjadagur | leygardagur[♄2] |
NynorskNorwegian | sundag/søndag | måndag | tysdag | onsdag | torsdag | fredag | laurdag[♄2] |
BokmålNorwegian | søndag | mandag | tirsdag | onsdag | torsdag | fredag | lørdag[♄2] |
Danish | søndag | mandag | tirsdag | onsdag | torsdag | fredag | lørdag[♄2] |
Swedish | söndag | måndag | tisdag | onsdag | torsdag | fredag | lördag[♄2] |
Elfdalian | sunndag | mondag | tisdag | ųosdag | tųosdag | frjådag | lovdag |
Day (seeIrregularities) | Sunday Sunna/Sól | Monday Mona/Máni | Tuesday Tiw/Tyr | Wednesday Woden/Odin | Thursday Thunor/Thor | Friday Frige orFreya | Saturday Saturn |
Finnish | sunnuntai | maanantai | tiistai | keskiviikko[☿1] | torstai | perjantai | lauantai[♄2] |
Meänkieli | pyhä(päivä), sunnuntai | maanantai | tiistai | keskiviikko | tuorestai | perjantai | lau(v)antai |
Kven | pyhä, sunnuntai | maanantai | tiistai | keskiviikko | tuorestai | perjantai | lauvantai |
Southern Sami | aejlege | måanta | dæjsta | gaskevåhkoe | duarsta | bearjadahke | laav(v)adahke |
Ume Sami | ájliege | mánnuodahkka | dïjstahkka | gasskavahkkuo | duarastahkka | bierjiedahkka | lávvuodahkka |
Pite Sami | ájlek | mánnodak | dijstak | gasskavahko | duorasdak | bärrjedak | lávvodak |
Lule Sami | sådnåbiejvve, ájllek | mánnodahka | dijstahka | gasskavahkko | duorastahka | bierjjedahka | lávvodahka |
Northern Sami | sotnabeaivi | vuossárga, mánnodat | maŋŋebárga, disdat | gaskavahkku | duorastat | bearjadat | lávvardat, lávvordat |
Inari Sami | pasepeivi | vuossargâ | majebargâ | koskokko | tuorâstâh, turâstâh | vástuppeivi | lávárdâh, lávurdâh |
Skolt Sami (for comparison) | pâʹsspeiʹvv | vuõssargg | mââibargg | seärad | neljdpeiʹvv | piâtnâc, väʹšnnpeiʹvv, västtpeiʹvv | sueʹvet |
Māori (transliteration; translation) | Wiki;[☉8]Rātapu | Mane;Rāhina | Tūrei;Rātū | Wenerei;Rāapa | Tāite;Rāpare | Paraire;Rāmere | Hāterei;Rāhoroi |
Volapük | sudel | mudel | tudel | vedel | dödel | fridel | zädel |
Hindu astrology uses the concept of days under the regency of a planet[clarification needed] under the termvāsara/vāra, the days of the week being calledsūrya-/ravi-/āditya,chandra-/soma-,maṅgala-,budha-,guru-/bṛhaspati-,śukra-, andśani-vāsara.śukrá is a name of Venus (regarded as a son ofBhṛgu);guru is here a title ofBṛhaspati, and hence of Jupiter;budha "Mercury" is regarded as a son ofSoma, that is, the Moon.[22] Knowledge ofGreek astrology existed since about the 2nd century BC[citation needed], but references to thevāsara occur somewhat later, during theGupta period (Yājñavalkya Smṛti, c. 3rd to 5th century AD), that is, at roughly the same period or before the system was introduced in the Roman Empire.[citation needed]
Sunday the Sun (Sūrya, Ravi, Bhānu) | Monday the Moon (Chandra, Indu, Soma) | Tuesday Mars (Mangala) | Wednesday Mercury (Budha) | Thursday Jupiter (Bṛhaspati,Guru) | Friday Venus (Shukra) | Saturday Saturn (Shani) | |
Angika | 𑂉𑂞𑂥𑂰𑂩/𑂩𑂸𑂥 Etbaar/Rôb | 𑂮𑂷𑂧𑂰𑂩 Somaar | 𑂧𑂁𑂏𑂪 Mangal | 𑂥𑂳𑂡 Budh | 𑂥𑂹𑂩𑂵𑂮𑂹𑂣𑂞 Brespat | 𑂮𑂳𑂍𑂹𑂍𑂳𑂩 Sukkur | 𑂮𑂢𑂱𑂒𑂹𑂒𑂩 Sanichchar |
Assamese | দেওবাৰ/ৰবিবাৰ Deubar/Robibar | সোমবাৰ Xombar | মঙ্গলবাৰ Monggolbar | বুধবাৰ Budhbar | বৃহস্পতিবাৰ Brihôshpotibar | শুক্রবাৰ Xukrobar | শনিবাৰ Xonibar |
Balti | Adeed عدید | Tsandar چَندار | Angaru انگارو | Botu بوتو | Brespod بریس پود | Shugoru شوگورو | Shingsher شنگشر |
Bengali | রবিবার/সূর্যবার Robibar/Śurjobar | সোমবার/চন্দ্রবার Śōmbar/Chandrabār | মঙ্গলবার Moṅgolbar | বুধবার Budhbar | বৃহস্পতিবার/গুরুবার Brihośpotibar/Gurubār | শুক্রবার/জুম্মাবার Śukrobar/Jummabar[♀4] | শনিবার Śonibar |
Bhojpuri | एतवार Aitwār | सोमार Somār | मंगर Mangar | बुध Budh | बियफे Bi'phey | सुक्क Sukk | सनिच्चर Sanichchar |
Burushaski | Adit اَدِت | Tsandurah ژَندُرَہ | Angāro اَنگارو | Bodo بودو | Birēspat بِریسپَت | Shukro شُکرو | Shimshēr شِمشیر |
Chitrali (Khowar) | Yakshambey یک شمبے | Doshambey دو شمبے[☽4] | Seshambey سہ شمبے | Charshambey چار شمبے | Pachambey پچھمبے | Adina آدینہ[♀3] | Shambey شمبے |
Gujarati | રવિવાર Ravivār | સોમવાર Somvār | મંગળવાર Mangaḷvār | બુધવાર Budhvār | ગુરૂવાર Guruvār | શુક્રવાર Shukravār | શનિવાર Shanivār |
Hindi | रविवार/सूर्यवार Ravivār/Sūryavār | सोमवार/चन्द्रवार Somvār/Chandravār | मंगलवार Mangalvār | बुधवार Budhavār | गुरुवार Guruvār | शुक्रवार Shukravār | शनिवार Shanivār |
Hindko | Atwaar اتوار | Suwar سؤ وار | Mungal منگل | Bud بدھ | Jumiraat جمعرات | Jummah جمعہ | Khali خالي |
Hmar | Pathienni | Thawṭanni | Thawleni | Nilaini | Ningani | Zirtawpni | Inrinni |
Kannada | ಭಾನುವಾರ Bhanu Vaara | ಸೋಮವಾರ Soma Vaara | ಮಂಗಳವಾರ Mangala Vaara | ಬುಧವಾರ Budha Vaara | ಗುರುವಾರ Guru Vaara | ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ Shukra Vaara | ಶನಿವಾರ Shani Vaara |
Kashmiri | آتھوار /aːtʰwaːr/ | ژٔنٛدرٕوار /t͡səndrɨwaːr/ | بوموار/ بۄنٛوار /boːmwaːr/ or/bɔ̃waːr/ | بۄدوار /bɔdwaːr/ | برَٛسوار/ برٛؠسوار /braswaːr/ or/brʲaswaːr/ | شۆکُروار/ جُمعہ /ʃokurwaːr/ or/jumaːh/ | بَٹہٕ وار /baʈɨwaːr/ |
Konkani | आयतार Āytār | सोमार Somaar | मंगळार Mangaḷār | बुधवार Budhavār | भीरेस्तार Bhirestār | शुक्रार Shukrār | शेनवार Shenvār |
Maithili | 𑒩𑒫𑒱𑒠𑒱𑒢 Ravidin | 𑒮𑒼𑒧𑒠𑒱𑒢 Somdin | 𑒧𑓀𑒑𑒪𑒠𑒱𑒢 Maṅgaldin | 𑒥𑒳𑒡𑒠𑒱𑒢 Budhdin | 𑒥𑒵𑒯𑒮𑓂𑒣𑒞𑒲𑒠𑒱𑒢 Brihaspatidin | 𑒬𑒳𑒏𑓂𑒩𑒠𑒱𑒢 Śukradin | 𑒬𑒢𑒲𑒠𑒱𑒢 Śanidin |
Malayalam | ഞായര് Nhāyar | തിങ്കള് Tingal | ചൊവ്വ Chovva | ബുധന് Budhan | വ്യാഴം Vyāzham | വെള്ളി Velli | ശനി Shani |
Maldivian | އާދީއްތަ Aadheeththa | ހޯމަ Hoama | އަންގާރަ Angaara | ބުދަ Budha | ބުރާސްފަތި Buraasfathi | ހުކުރު Hukuru | ހޮނިހިރު Honihiru |
Marathi | रविवार Ravivār | सोमवार Somavār | मंगळवार Mangaḷavār | बुधवार Budhavār | गुरूवार Guruvār | शुक्रवार Shukravār | शनिवार Shanivār |
Meitei (Manipuri) | ꯅꯣꯡꯃꯥꯏꯖꯤꯡ Nongmaijing | ꯅꯤꯡꯊꯧꯀꯥꯕ Ningthoukaba | ꯂꯩꯄꯥꯛꯄꯣꯛꯄ Leipakpokpa | ꯌꯨꯝꯁꯀꯩꯁ Yumsakeisa | ꯁꯒꯣꯜꯁꯦꯟ Sagolsen | ꯏꯔꯥꯢ Eerai | ꯊꯥꯡꯖ Thangja |
Nepali | आइतवार Aaitabar | सोमवार Sombar | मंगलवार Mangalbar | बुधवार Budhabar | बिहिवार Bihibar | शुक्रवार Sukrabar | शनिवार Sanibar |
Odia | ରବିବାର Rabibāra | ସୋମବାର Somabāra | ମଙ୍ଗଳବାର Maṅgaḷabāra | ବୁଧବାର Budhabāra | ଗୁରୁବାର Gurubāra | ଶୁକ୍ରବାର Sukrabāra | ଶନିବାର Sanibāra |
Pashto | Etwar يونۍ | Gul دوه نۍ | Nehi درېنۍ | Shoro څلرنۍ | Ziarat پنځه نۍ | Jumma جمعه | Khali پيلنۍ |
Punjabi (Gurmukhi) | ਐਤਵਾਰ Aitvār | ਸੋਮਵਾਰ Sōmvār | ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ Mangalvār | ਬੁੱਧਵਾਰ Buddhvār | ਵੀਰਵਾਰ Vīrvār | ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ Shukkarvār or ਜੁਮਾ Jumā | ਸ਼ਨਿੱਚਰਵਾਰ Shaniccharvār orਸ਼ਨੀਵਾਰ |
Punjabi (Shahmukhi) | Aitwār ایتوار | Somvār سوموار | Mangalvār منگلوار | Buddhvār بدھوار | Vīr vār ویر وار | Jumāh جمعہ or Shukkarvārشکروار | Haftaہفتہ or Chaniccharچھنچھر or Chaniccharvārچھنچھروار |
Rohingya | rooibar | cómbar | mongolbar | buidbar | bicíbbar | cúkkurbar | cónibar |
Santali | ᱥᱤᱸᱜᱮ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ sim̐ge māhām̐ | ᱚᱛᱮ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ ate māhām̐ | ᱵᱟᱞᱮ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ bāle māhām̐ | ᱥᱟᱹᱜᱩᱱ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ sôgun māhām̐ | ᱥᱟᱹᱨᱫᱤ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ sôrdi māhām̐ | ᱡᱟᱹᱨᱩᱢ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ jôrum māhām̐ | ᱧᱩᱦᱩᱢ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱸ ñuhum māhām̐ |
Sanskrit | भानुवासर Bhānuvāsara | इन्दुवासर Induvāsara | भौमवासर Bhaumavāsara | सौम्यवासर Saumyavāsara | गुरुवासर Guruvāsara | भृगुवासर Bhṛguvāsara | स्थिरवासर Sthiravāsara |
Saurashtra | Aitār | Somār | Monglār | Budhār | Bestār | Sukrār | Senmār |
Shina | Adit ادیت | Tsunduro تساند ورؤ | Ungaro نگارو | Budo بوڈو | Brespat بیرے سپاٹ | Shukur شوکر | Shimsher شیم شےر |
Sindhi | Ācharu آچَرُ or Ārtvāruآرتوارُ | Sūmaru سُومَرُ | Angāro اَنڱارو or Mangaluمَنگلُ | Arbā اَربع or Budharuٻُڌَرُ | Khamīsa خَميِسَ or Vispatiوِسپَتِ | Jum'o جُمعو or Shukruشُڪرُ | Chancharu ڇَنڇَرُ or Śanscharuشَنسچَرُ |
Sinhala | ඉරිදා Irida | සඳුදා Sanduda | අඟහරුවාදා Angaharuwada | බදාදා Badada | බ්රහස්පතින්දා Brahaspathinda | සිකුරාදා Sikurada | සෙනසුරාදා Senasurada |
Sylheti | ꠞꠂꠛ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ Roibbar | ꠡꠝ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ Shombar | ꠝꠋꠉꠟ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ Mongolbar | ꠛꠥꠗ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ Budhbar | ꠛꠤꠡꠥꠗ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ Bishudhbar | ꠡꠥꠇ꠆ꠇꠥꠞ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ/ ꠎꠥꠝ꠆ꠝꠣꠛꠣꠞ Shukkurbar/Jummabar[♀4] | ꠡꠘꠤꠛꠣꠞ Shonibar |
Tamil | ஞாயிறு Ñāyiṟu | திங்கள் Tiṅkaḷ | செவ்வாய் Cevvāy | புதன் Putaṉ | வியாழன் Viyāḻaṉ | வெள்ளி Veḷḷi | சனி Caṉi |
Telugu | ఆదివారం Aadi Vāram | సోమవారం Soma Vāram | మంగళవారం Mangala Vāram | బుధవారం Budha Vāram | గురువారం Guru Vāram | శుక్రవారం Sukra Vāram | శనివారం Sani Vāram |
Urdu | Itwār اتوار | Pīr پیر[☽4] | Mangal منگل | Budh بدھ | Jumerāt جمعرات | Jum'ah جمعہ[♀4] | Haftah ہفتہ[♄6] |
TheSoutheast Asian tradition also uses the Hindu names of the days of the week.Hindu astrology adopted the concept of days under the regency of a planet under the termvāra, the days of the week being calledāditya-,soma-,maṅgala-,budha-, guru-,śukra-, andśani-vāra.śukrá is a name of Venus (regarded as a son ofBhṛgu);guru is here a title ofBṛhaspati, and hence of Jupiter;budha "Mercury" is regarded as a son ofSoma, that is, the Moon.[23]
Sunday the Sun (Aditya, Ravi) | Monday the Moon (Soma,Chandra, Indu) | Tuesday Mars (Mangala, Angaraka) | Wednesday Mercury (Budha) | Thursday Jupiter (Bṛhaspati,Guru) | Friday Venus (Shukra) | Saturday Saturn (Shani) | |
Burmese | တနင်္ဂနွေ[☉9] IPA:[tənɪ̀ɰ̃ɡənwè] ( | တနင်္လာ[☽5] IPA:[tənɪ̀ɰ̃là] (ta.nangla) | အင်္ဂါ IPA:[ɪ̀ɰ̃ɡà] (Angga) | ဗုဒ္ဓဟူး IPA:[boʊʔdəhú] (Buddhahu) (afternoon=new day) ရာဟု Rahu | ကြာသာပတေး IPA:[tɕàðàbədé] (Krasapate) | သောကြာ IPA:[θaʊʔtɕà] (Saukra) | စနေ IPA:[sənè] (Cane) |
Mon | တ္ၚဲ အဒိုတ် [ŋoaətɜ̀t] from Sans. āditya | တ္ၚဲ စန် [ŋoacɔn] from Sans. candra | တ္ၚဲ အၚါ [ŋoaəŋɛ̀a] from Sans. aṅgāra | တ္ၚဲ ဗုဒ္ဓဝါ [ŋoapùt-həwɛ̀a] from Sans. budhavāra | တ္ၚဲ ဗြဴဗ္တိ [ŋoapɹɛ̀apətɔeʔ] from Sans. bṛhaspati | တ္ၚဲ သိုက်. [ŋoasak] from Sans. śukra | တ္ၚဲ သ္ၚိ သဝ် [ŋoahɔeʔsɔ] from Sans. śani |
Khmer | ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ [tŋajʔaːtɨt] | ថ្ងៃចន្ទ [tŋajcan] | ថ្ងៃអង្គារ [tŋajʔɑŋkiə] | ថ្ងៃពុធ [tŋajput] | ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បត្ណិ [tŋajprɔhoə̯h] | ថ្ងៃសុក្រ [tŋajsok] | ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ [tŋajsaʋ] |
Lao | ວັນອາທິດ [wánʔàːtʰīt] | ວັນຈັນ [wáncàn] | ວັນອັງຄານ [wánʔàŋkʰáːn] | ວັນພຸດ [wánpʰūt] | ວັນພະຫັດ [wánpʰāhát] | ວັນສຸກ [wánsúk] | ວັນເສົາ [wánsǎu] |
Cham | Adit | Thôm | Angar | But | jip | Suk | Thanưchăn |
Shan | ဝၼ်းဢႃတိတ်ႉ IPA:[wan˦ʔaː˩tit˥] | ဝၼ်းၸၼ် IPA:[wan˦tsan˩] | ဝၼ်းဢင်းၵၼ်း IPA:[wan˦ʔaŋ˦kan˦] | ဝၼ်းၽုတ်ႉ IPA:[wan˦pʰut˥] | ဝၼ်းၽတ်း IPA:[wan˦pʰat˦] | ဝၼ်းသုၵ်း IPA:[wan˦sʰuk˦] | ဝၼ်းသဝ် IPA:[wan˦sʰaw˩] |
Thai | วันอาทิตย์ Wan Āthit | วันจันทร์ Wan Chan | วันอังคาร Wan Angkhān | วันพุธ Wan Phut | วันพฤหัสบดี Wan Phruehatsabodi | วันศุกร์ Wan Suk | วันเสาร์ Wan Sao |
Javanese | ꦫꦢꦶꦠꦾ Raditya | ꦱꦺꦴꦩ Soma | ꦲꦁꦒꦫ Anggara | ꦧꦸꦢ Buda | ꦉꦱ꧀ꦥꦠꦶ Respati | ꦱꦸꦏꦿ Sukra | ꦠꦸꦩ꧀ꦥꦼꦏ꧀ Tumpek |
Balinese | ᬋᬤᬶᬢᬾ Redité | ᬲᭀᬫ Soma | ᬳᬂᬕᬭ Anggara | ᬩᬸᬤ Buda | ᬯ᭄ᬭᭂᬲ᭄ᬧᬢᬶ Wrespati | ᬲᬸᬓ᭄ᬭ Sukra | ᬲᬦᬶᬲ᭄ᬘᬭ Saniscara |
Sundanese | ᮛᮓᮤᮒᮦ Radité | ᮞᮧᮙ Soma | ᮃᮀᮌᮛ Anggara | ᮘᮥᮓ Buda | ᮛᮨᮞ᮪ᮕᮒᮤ Respati | ᮞᮥᮊᮢ Sukra | ᮒᮥᮙ᮪ᮕᮨᮊ᮪ Tumpek |
Toba Batak | Artia | Suma | Anggara | Muda | Boraspati | Singkora | Samisara |
Angkola-Mandailing Batak | Arita | Suma | Anggara | Muda | Boraspati | Sikkora | Samisara |
Simalungun Batak | Aditia | Suma | Anggara | Mudaha | Boraspati | Sihora | Samisara |
Karo Batak | Aditia | Suma | Nggara | Budaha | Beraspati | Cukra | Belah Naik |
Pakpak Batak | Antia | Suma | Anggara | Budaha/Muda | Beraspati | Cukerra | Belah Naik |
Sunday the Sun (Aditya, Ravi) | Monday the Moon (Soma,Chandra, Indu) | Tuesday Mars (Mangala, Angāraka) | Wednesday Mercury (Budha) | Thursday Jupiter (Bṛhaspati,Guru) | Friday Venus (Shukra) | Saturday Saturn (Shani) | |
Mongolian | адъяа ad'yaa | сумъяа sum'yaa | ангараг angarag | буд bud | бархабадь barhabad' | сугар sugar | санчир sanchir |
Kalmyk | адъян өдр ad'yan ödr | сумъян өдр sum'yan ödr | мингъян өдр ming'yan ödr | будан өдр budan ödr | гуръян өдр gur'yan ödr | шикрян өдр shikr'yan ödr | шанун өдр shanun ödr |
TheEast Asian naming system for the days of the week closely parallels that of the Latin system and is ordered after the "Seven Luminaries" (七曜qī yào), which consists of the Sun, Moon and the five classical planets visible to the naked eye.
The Chinese had apparently adopted the seven-day week from the Hellenistic system by the 4th century AD, although by which route is not entirely clear. It was again transmitted to China in the 8th century AD by Manichaeans, via the country ofKang (a Central Asian polity nearSamarkand).[24]The 4th-century AD date, according to theCihai encyclopedia,[year needed] is due to a reference to Fan Ning (范寧), an astrologer of theJin dynasty. The renewed adoption from Manichaeans in the 8th century AD (Tang dynasty) is documented with the writings of the Chinese Buddhist monkYijing and the Ceylonese Buddhist monkBu Kong.
The Chinese transliteration of the planetary system was soon brought toJapan by the Japanese monkKobo Daishi; surviving diaries of the Japanese statesmanFujiwara no Michinaga show the seven-day system in use inHeian Period Japan as early as 1007. In Japan, the seven-day system was kept in use (for astrological purposes) until its promotion to a full-fledged (Western-style) calendrical basis during theMeiji era. In China, with the founding of theRepublic of China in 1911, Monday through Saturday in China are now named after the luminaries implicitly with the numbers.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
Celestial Object | Sun (日) First Star – Sun (太陽星) | Moon (月) Second Star – Moon (太陰星) | Mars (火星) Third Star – Fire (熒惑星) | Mercury (水星) Fourth Star – Water (辰星) | Jupiter (木星) Fifth Star – Wood (歲星) | Venus (金星) Sixth Star – Metal or Gold (太白星) | Saturn (土星) Seventh Star – Earth or Soil (鎮星) |
Chinese | 日曜日 Rìyàorì | 月曜日 Yuèyàorì | 火曜日 Huǒyàorì | 水曜日 Shuǐyàorì | 木曜日 Mùyàorì | 金曜日 Jīnyàorì | 土曜日 Tǔyàorì |
Japanese | 日曜日 Nichiyōbi | 月曜日 Getsuyōbi | 火曜日 Kayōbi | 水曜日 Suiyōbi | 木曜日 Mokuyōbi | 金曜日 Kin'yōbi | 土曜日 Doyōbi |
Korean | 일요일 日曜日 Iryoil | 월요일 月曜日 Woryoil | 화요일 火曜日 Hwayoil | 수요일 水曜日 Suyoil | 목요일 木曜日 Mogyoil | 금요일 金曜日 Geumyoil | 토요일 土曜日 Toyoil |
Mongolian | наран өдөрnaraŋ ödör | саран өдөрsaraŋ ödör | гал өдөрgal ödör | усан өдөрusaŋ ödör | модон өдөрmodoŋ ödör | төмөр өдөр,алтан өдөрtömör ödör, altaŋ ödör | шороон өдөрshorooŋ ödör |
Mongolian (Transliteration from Tibetan) | ням nyam | даваа davaa | мягмар myagmar | лхагва lhagva | пүрэв pürev | баасан baasan | бямба byamba |
Tibetan | གཟའ་ཉི་མ། (gza' nyi ma) Nyima | གཟའ་ཟླ་བ། (gza' zla wa) Dawa | གཟའ་མིག་དམར། (gza' mig dmar) Mikmar | གཟའ་ལྷག་པ། (gza' lhak pa) Lhakpa | གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ། (gza' phur bu) Purbu | གཟའ་པ་སངས། (gza' pa sangs) Pasang | གཟའ་སྤེན་པ། (gza' spen ba) Penba |
ISO prescribesMonday as the first day of the week withISO-8601 for software date formats.
TheSlavic,Baltic andUralic languages (except Finnish and partially Estonian and Võro) adopted numbering but took Monday rather than Sunday as the "first day".[25] This convention is also found in someAustronesian languages whose speakers were converted to Christianity by European missionaries.[26]
In Slavic languages, some of the names correspond to numerals after Sunday: compare Russianvtornik (вторник) "Tuesday" andvtoroj (второй) "the second",chetverg (четверг) "Thursday" andchetvjortyj (четвёртый) "the fourth",pyatnitsa (пятница) "Friday" andpyatyj (пятый) "the fifth"; see alsothe Notes.
A number ofBantu languages have days numbered from Monday as an influence from Western missionaries. They brought along with them working days, e.g. inSetswana: Labobedi (the second working day - Tuesday), Laboraro (the third working day), Labone (the fourth working day), Labotlhano (the fifth working day). Sunday became known as the day of going to church when the iron (tshipi) bell rings, thus Latshipi.[28]
InStandard Chinese, the week is referred to as the "Stellar Period" (Chinese:星期;pinyin:Xīngqī) or "Cycle" (simplified Chinese:周;traditional Chinese:週;pinyin:Zhōu).
The modern Chinese names for the days of the week are based on a simple numerical sequence. The word for "week" is followed by a number indicating the day: "Monday" is literally the "Stellar Period One"/"Cycle One", that is, the "First day of the Stellar Period/Cycle", etc. The exception is Sunday, where 日 (rì), "day" or "Sun", is used instead of a number.[29] A slightly informal and colloquial variant to 日 is 天 (tiān) "day", "sky" or "heaven". However, the term 週天 is rarely used compared to 星期天.
Accordingly, the notational abbreviation of the days of the week uses the numbers, for example, 一 for "M" or "Mon(.)", "Monday". The abbreviation of Sunday uses exclusively 日 and not 天. Attempted usage of 天 as such will not be understood.
Colloquially, the week is also known as the "Worship" (simplified Chinese:礼拜;traditional Chinese:禮拜;pinyin:Lǐbài), with the names of the days of the week formed accordingly. This is also dominant in certain regional varieties of Chinese.
The following is a table of the Mandarin names of the days of the weeks. Note that standard Taiwan Mandarin pronounces 期 asqí, so 星期 is insteadxīngqí. While all varieties of Mandarin may pronounce 星期 asxīngqi and 禮拜/礼拜 aslǐbai, the second syllable with the neutral tone, this is not reflected in the table either for legibility.
Day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Standard Modern Chinese | 星期一 Xīngqīyī | 星期二 Xīngqī'èr | 星期三 Xīngqīsān | 星期四 Xīngqīsì | 星期五 Xīngqīwǔ | 星期六 Xīngqīliù | 星期日/星期天 Xīngqīrì (orXīngqītiān) |
週一 Zhōuyī | 週二 Zhōu'èr | 週三 Zhōusān | 週四 Zhōusì | 週五 Zhōuwǔ | 週六 Zhōuliù | 週日/週天 Zhōurì (orZhōutiān, rarely used) | |
Standard Modern Chinese (regional, informal, colloquial) | 禮拜一 Lǐbàiyī | 禮拜二 Lǐbài'èr | 禮拜三 Lǐbàisān | 禮拜四 Lǐbàisì | 禮拜五 Lǐbàiwǔ | 禮拜六 Lǐbàiliù | 禮拜天/禮拜日 Lǐbàitiān (orLǐbàirì) |
Several Sinitic languages refer to Saturday as 週末 "end of the week" and Sunday as 禮拜. Examples includeShenyang Mandarin, HanyuanSichuanese Mandarin,Taishanese,Yudu Hakka,Teochew,Ningbonese, and LoudiOld Xiang. SomeHakka varieties in Taiwan still use the traditional Luminaries.
Sunday comes first in order in calendars shown in the table below. In theAbrahamic tradition, the first day of the week isSunday.Biblical Sabbath (corresponding to Saturday) is whenGod rested fromsix-day Creation, making the day following the Sabbath the first day of the week (corresponding to Sunday).Seventh-day Sabbaths were sanctified for celebration and rest. After the week was adopted in early Christianity, Sunday remained the first day of the week, but also gradually displaced Saturday as theday of celebration and rest, being considered theLord's Day.
Saint Martin of Dumio (c. 520–580), archbishop ofBraga, decided not to call days by pagan gods and to use ecclesiastic terminology to designate them. While the custom of numbering the days of the week was mostly prevalent in theEastern Church, Portuguese and Mirandese, due to Martin's influence, are the onlyRomance languages in which the names of the days come from numbers rather than planetary names.
Members of theReligious Society of Friends (Quakers) historically objected to the pagan etymologies of days and months and substituted numbering, beginning with First Day for Sunday.
Icelandic is a special case within the Germanic languages, maintaining only the Sun and Moon (sunnudagur andmánudagur respectively), while dispensing with the names of the explicitly heathen gods in favour of a combination of numbered days and days whose names are linked to pious or domestic routine (föstudagur, "Fasting Day" andlaugardagur, "Washing Day"). The "washing day" is also used in otherNorth Germanic languages, but otherwise the names correspond to those of English.
DayNumber from One | Sunday (Day One) | Monday (Day Two) | Tuesday (Day Three) | Wednesday (Day Four) | Thursday (Day Five) | Friday (Day Six) | Saturday (Day Seven) |
Icelandic | sunnudagur | mánudagur | þriðjudagur | miðvikudagur[☿1] | fimmtudagur | föstudagur[♀1] | laugardagur[♄2] |
Hebrew | יום ראשוןyom rishon | יום שניyom sheyni | יום שלישיyom shlishi | יום רביעיyom revi'i | יום חמישיyom chamishi | יום שישיyom shishi | שבתShabbat[♄1] |
Ecclesiastical Latin | Dominica[☉1] | feria secunda | feria tertia | feria quarta | feria quinta | feria sexta | sabbatum[♄1] |
Portuguese | domingo[☉1] | segunda-feira | terça-feira | quarta-feira | quinta-feira | sexta-feira | sábado[♄1] |
Galician | domingo[☉1] | segunda feira | terza feiraterceira feira | corta feiraquarta feira | quinta feira | sexta feira | sábado[♄1] |
Mirandese | demingo[☉1] | segunda-feira | terça-feira | quarta-feira | quinta-feira | sesta-feira | sábado[♄1] |
Tetum | loron-domingu | loron-segunda | loron-tersa | loron-kuarta | loron-kinta | loron-sesta | loron-sábadu |
Greek | ΚυριακήKyriakí[☉1] | ΔευτέραDeftéra | ΤρίτηTríti | ΤετάρτηTetárti | ΠέμπτηPémpti | ΠαρασκευήParaskeví[♀2] | ΣάββατοSávato[♄1] |
Georgian | კვირა k'vira[☉1] | ორშაბათი oršabati | სამშაბათი samšabati | ოთხშაბათი otxšabati | ხუთშაბათი xutšabati | პარასკევი p'arask'evi[♀2] | შაბათი šabati[♄1] |
Western Armenian | Կիրակի Giragi[☉1] | Երկուշաբթի Yergushapti | Երեքշաբթի Yerekshapti | Չորեքշաբթի Chorekshapti | Հինգշաբթի Hinkshapti | Ուրբաթ Urpat[♀2] | Շաբաթ Shapat[♄1] |
Eastern Armenian | կիրակի kiraki[☉1] | երկուշաբթի yerkushapʰtʰi | երեքշաբթի yerekʰshapʰtʰi | չորեքշաբթի chʰorekʰshapʰtʰi | հինգշաբթի hingshapʰtʰi | ուրբաթ urpʰatʰ[♀2] | շաբաթ shapʰatʰ[♄1] |
Vietnamese | chủ nhật/chúa nhật[☉1] | thứ hai | thứ ba | thứ tư | thứ năm | thứ sáu | thứ bảy |
Somali | 𐒖𐒄𐒖𐒆 Axad | 𐒘𐒈𐒒𐒕𐒒 Isniin | 𐒂𐒖𐒐𐒛𐒆𐒙 Talaado | 𐒖𐒇𐒁𐒖𐒋𐒙 Arbaco | 𐒅𐒖𐒑𐒕𐒈 Khamiis | 𐒃𐒘𐒑𐒋𐒙 Jimco | 𐒈𐒖𐒁𐒂𐒘 Sabti |
Amharic | እሑድəhud | ሰኞsäñño | ማክሰኞmaksäñño | ረቡዕräbu,ሮብrob | ሐሙስhamus | ዓርብarb | ቅዳሜḳədame |
Arabic | الأَحَد al-ʔaḥad | الإثنينal-iṯnayn | الثُّلَاثاءaṯ-ṯulāṯāʔ | الأَرْبعاء al-ʔarbiʕāʔ | الخَمِيسُ al-ḵamīs | الجُمُعَةal-jumuʕah[♀4] (also الجُمْعَةal-jumʕah ) | السَّبْتas-sabt[♄5] |
Maltese | il-Ħadd | it-Tnejn | it-Tlieta | l-Erbgħa | il-Ħamis | il-Ġimgħa[♀4] | is-Sibt[♄5] |
Malay (incl.Indonesian andMalaysian) | Ahad orMinggu[☉1] | Isnin orSenin | Selasa | Rabu | K(h)amis | Juma(a)t[♀4] | Sabtu[♄5] |
Javanese | Ngahad,Ngakad,Minggu[☉1] | Senèn | Selasa | Rebo | Kemis | Jemuwah[♀4] | Setu[♄5] |
Sundanese | Minggu / Minggon[☉1] | Senén | Salasa | Rebo | Kemis | Jumaah[♀4] | Saptu[♄5] |
Persian | یکشنبهyekšanbe | دوشنبهdošanbe | سهشنبهsešanbe | چهارشنبهčāhāršanbe | پنجشنبهpanjšanbe | آدینه orجمعهādine[♀3] ordjom'e[♀4] | شنبهšanbe |
Kazakh | ЖексенбіJeksenbı | ДүйсенбіDüisenbı | СейсенбіSeisenbı | СәрсенбіSärsenbı | БейсенбіBeisenbı | ЖұмаJūma | СенбіSenbı |
Karakalpak | Ekshembiyekşembı | Dúyshembidüişembı | Siyshembisişembı | Sárshembisärşembı | Piyshembipişembı | Jumаjūma | Shembіşembı |
Tatar | Якшәмбеyakşämbe | Дүшәмбеdüşämbe | Сишәмбеsişämbe | Чәршәмбеçärşämbe | Пәнҗешәмбеpänceşämbe | Җомгаcomga | Шимбәşimbä |
Khowar | یک شمبےyak shambey | دو شمبے[☽4]du shambey | سہ شمبےsey shambey | چار شمبےchar shambey | پچھمبےpachhambey | آدینہ[♀3]adina | شمبے |
Kurdish | Yekşem | Duşem | Sêşem | Çarşem | Pêncşem | În | Şemî |
Uyghur | يەكشەنبە,yekshenbe | دۈشەنبە,düshenbe | سەيشەنبە,seyshenbe | چارشەنبە,charshenbe | پەيشەنبە,peyshenbey | جۈمە,jüme | شەنبە,shenbe |
Old Turkic | birinç kün | ikinç kün | üçünç kün | törtinç kün | beşinç kün | altınç kün | yetinç kün |
Turkish | Pazar[☉4] | Pazartesi[☽2] | Salı[a] | Çarşamba[b] | Perşembe[c] | Cuma[♀4] | Cumartesi[♄4] |
Azerbaijani | Bazar | Bazar ertəsi | Çərşənbə axşamı | Çərşənbə | Cümə axşamı | Cümə | Şənbə |
Uzbek | Yakshanba | Dushanba | Seshanba | Chorshanba | Payshanba | Juma | Shanba |
Navajo | Damóo/Damíigo[☉1] | Damóo Biiskání | Damóo dóó Naakiską́o | Damóo dóó Tááʼ Yiską́o | Damóo dóó Dį́į́ʼ Yiską́o | Ndaʼiiníísh | Yiską́o Damóo |
In Swahili, the day begins at sunrise, unlike in the Arabic and Hebrew calendars where the day starts at sunset (therefore an offset of twelve hours on average), and unlike in the Western world where the day starts at midnight (therefore an offset of six hours on average). Saturday is therefore the first day of the week, as it is the day that includes the first night of the week in Arabic.
Etymologically speaking, Swahili has two "fifth" days. The words for Saturday through Wednesday contain the Bantu-derived Swahili words for "one" through "five". The word for Thursday,Alhamisi, is of Arabic origin and means "the fifth" (day). The word for Friday,Ijumaa, is also Arabic and means (day of) "gathering" for the Friday noon prayers in Islam.
Day Number from One | Saturday Day One | Sunday Day Two | Monday Day Three | Tuesday Day Four | Wednesday Day Five | Thursday Day Six | Friday Day Seven |
Swahili[30] | jumamosi | jumapili | jumatatu | jumanne | jumatano | alhamisi[♃2] | ijumaa[♀4] |
In the Žejane dialect ofIstro-Romanian,lur (Monday) andvirer (Friday) follow the Latin convention, whileutorek (Tuesday),sredu (Wednesday), andčetrtok (Thursday) follow the Slavic convention.[31]
Day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Istro-Romanian, Žejane dialect | lur | utorek | sredu | četrtok | virer | simbota[♄1] | dumireca[☉1] |
There are several systems in the different Basque dialects.[32]
Day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Standard Basque,Guipuscoan Basque | astelehena ("week-first") | asteartea ("week-between") | asteazkena ("week-last") | osteguna ("Ortzi/Sky day") | ostirala (see Ortzi) | larunbata ("fourth", "meeting of friends"), neskenegun ("girls' day") | igandea |
Biscayne Basque | astelena ("week-first"), ilen ("Moon day") | martitzena ("Mars day") | eguaztena ("day last") | eguena ("day of days", "day of light") | barikua ("day without supper"), egubakotx | zapatua (compare with Spanishsábado fromSabbath) | domeka (from LatinDominica [dies]) |
In Judaeo-Spanish (Ladino), which is mainly based on a medieval version of Spanish, the five days of Monday–Friday closely follow theSpanish names. For Sunday is used the Arabic name, which is based on numbering (meaning "Day one" or "First day"), because a Jewish language was not likely to adapt a name based on "Lord's Day" for Sunday. As in Spanish, the Ladino name for Saturday is based onSabbath. However, as aJewish language—and with Saturday being the actual day of rest in the Jewish community—Ladino directly adapted the Hebrew name,Shabbat.[33]
Day | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Judaeo-Spanish (Ladino) | aljhad or alhadh | lunes | martes | miércoles or mierkoles | juğeves or djueves | viernes | shabat[♄1] |
The days of the week inMeitei language (officially known asManipuri language) originated from theSanamahi creation myth ofMeitei mythology.[34][35][36][37]
Sunday the Hill | Monday King's Climb | Tuesday Earth's Birth | Wednesday Houses Built | Thursday Horses Rode | Friday Blood Flood | Saturday Swords Washed | |
Meitei | Nongmaiching | Ningthoukaba | Leibakpokpa | Yumsakeisa | Sagonsen | Eerai | Thangcha |
☉1 Lord's Day – From LatinDominicus (Dominica) or GreekΚυριακή (Kyriakí)
☉2 Holy Day and First-Day of the Week (Day of the Sun -> Light -> Resurrection -> Born again) (Christianity)
☉5 Market Day
☉6 No Work
☉7 Full good day
☉8 Borrowed from Englishweek
☉9 From anOld Burmese word, not of Indic origin.
☽1 After No Work
☽3 Head of Week
☽4 Master (as inPir, becauseMuhammad was born on a Monday)
☽5 From anOld Burmese word, not of Indic origin.
☽6 First day of the week
♂1Thing (Assembly), of which godTyr/Ziu was the patron.
♂2 Second day of the week (cf.Hungariankettő 'two')
♂3 Third day of the week.
♂4 FromArabicath-Thalaathaaʼ 'third day'
♂5 FromProto-Slavicvъtorъ 'second'
☿1 Mid-weekor Middle
☿2The First Fast (Christianity)
☿3 Third day of the week
♃1The day between two fasts (An Dé idir dhá aoin, contracted toAn Déardaoin) (Christianity)
♃2 Five(Arabic)
♃3 Fifth day of the week.
♃4 Fourth day of the week.
♀1The Fast(Celtic) orFasting Day(Icelandic) (Christianity)
♀2Good Friday or Preparation (Christianity)
♀4Gathering/Assembly/Meeting (Islam) – in Malta with no Islamic connotations
♀5 Fifth day of the week
♀6 Borrowed from Germanic languages
Or canàbara, cenàbara, cenàbera, cenàbura, cenarba, chenàbara, chenabra, chenapra, chenàpura, chenarpa, chenàura, cianàbara, chenabura; meaning holy supper as preparation to the sabbathday(Saturday)
♄1Shabbat (Jewish and Christian Sabbath)
♄2 Washor Bath day
♄3 Sun-eve (Eve of Sunday)
♄5 End of the Week (ArabicSabt 'rest')
♄6 Week
♄7 Half good day
♄8 Half day