Original author(s) | Masayoshi Takahashi and Yuuzou Gotou and et al.[1][2] |
Developer(s) | Ruby Community |
Stable release | |
Repository | |
Written in | Ruby |
Operating system | Cross-platform |
Available in | Ruby |
Type | Web Server |
License | 2-Clause BSD License |
Website | www |
WEBrick is aRuby library providing simpleHTTPweb servers. It usesbasic access authentication anddigest access authentication for different kinds ofservers that it can create -HTTP based server,HTTPS server,proxy server andvirtual-host server.[4] Construction of several non-HTTP servers such as the Day Time Server which uses theDaytime Protocol rather than the HTTP is also facilitated by WEBrick. It is used by theRuby on Rails andPadrino frameworks to test applications in adevelopment environment as well asproduction mode for small loads. It is now a part of Ruby standard library.[1]
WEBrick followsopen-source distribution model.
WEBrick has originated from an idea in an article named "Internet Programming with Ruby" in Open Design, a Japanese Engineering magazine. It was initially developed as a toolkit for the development of HTTP servers using Ruby. Due to the nature ofopen source model and contributions from several Ruby developers across the world, WEBrick was greatly augmented and was eventually bundled as a standard library from Ruby 1.8.0.[2] The WEBrick ERB Handler and WEBrick Proxy Server were first introduced in Ruby 1.9.3, while the WEBrick Virtual Host was included from Ruby 2.0.0.
A WEBrick server understands only the language ofservlets. It uses multiple independent servlets, joined together by the programmer, for handlingCGI scripts,ERB pages,Ruby Blocks and directory listings to provide a web application or to service a requestURI on a per-host or per-path basis. For example,HTTPServlet::FileHandler,[2]HTTPServlet::ProcHandler,[2]HTTPServlet::CGIHandler,[2]HTTPServlet::ERBHandler[2] are the examples of the standard servlets that WEBrick comes with.
WEBrick is included in Ruby and hence is available to the user at no additional cost. WEBrick has been written completely in Ruby and supports several standards such as HTTP,HTML and evenRHTML. During the development stage, there is no necessity for the installation of a discrete web server since WEBrick is already built into the Rails framework. It is the default web server when the Ruby application is deployed without anyprocfile on Rails. Furthermore, since being implemented entirely in Ruby, direct calls can be made from WEBrick to the Rails application. On the whole, it provides a reliable, low configuration option for testing in development.
The following commands are used to start an HTTP Server at the required port.[1]
# Include WEBrick class with requirerequire'webrick'# FileHandler servlet provides the option to choose which files from user to serve# The following code shows how to serve them from the folder 'myapp'root=File.expand_path'/var/myapp/'# Instantiating a new server with HTTPServer.new on port 1234 serving the documents from root folderserver=WEBrick::HTTPServer.new:Port=>1234,:DocumentRoot=>root# The following proc is used to customize the server operationsserver.mount_proc'/'do|request,response|response.body='Hello, world!'end# The following command will provide a hook to shut down the server (often done with Ctrl+C)trap('INT'){server.shutdown}# Start the serverserver.start
Servlets can be mounted to provide advanced custom behavior as compared to a proc,[5] to increase themodularity.
WEBrick creates a listening port. Various other ports as ‘virtual hosts’ can also be created at the same time which do not listen as shown below:[1]
#Creating a virtual host that doesn't listenvhost=WEBrick::HTTPServer.new:ServerName=>'vhost.example',:DoNotListen=>true,# ...# Mounting the virtual host created above similar to the way HTTP server was mountedvhost.mount'/',...# This host, when mounted to the listening server host, will now act as a virtual hostserver.virtual_hostvhost
:DocumentRoot should be provided or an instance of a servlet should be set up to service a requestURI; otherwise a404 error will be returned.
By just enablingSSL and providing an SSL certificate name, an HTTPS server can be initiated with aself-signed certificate that changes with every restart of the server.[1]
# In addition to webrick, we will require webrick/https too for SSL functionalitiesrequire'webrick'require'webrick/https'# Providing certificate name. This, however, will be a self-generated self-signed certificatecert_name=[%w[CN localhost],]# Enabling SSL and providing the certificate name will instantiate HTTPS serverserver=WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port=>1234,:SSLEnable=>true,:SSLCertName=>cert_name)
However, a pre-determined key and certificate can also be provided for instantiating HTTPS Server as shown below:
# In addition to the above two, we'll need openssl to read SSL certificates and keysrequire'openssl'# Read the saved certificate and its signature key from the local directorycert=OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.newFile.read'/var/myapp/cert.pem'pkey=OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.newFile.read'/var/myapp/pkey.pem'# Pass the certificate and the key as separate parameters while instantiating with HTTPServer.newserver=WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port=>1234,:SSLEnable=>true,:SSLCertificate=>cert,:SSLPrivateKey=>pkey)
WEBrick can also proxy GET, HEAD and POSTrequests:[1]
# Instantiating a proxy server is similar, except that it is handled by HTTPProxyServer servletrequire'webrick/httpproxy'proxy=WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new:Port=>1234# Providing the hook out from the current threadtrap'INT'doproxy.shutdownend
Unlike most of the servers that are used in production, WEBrick is not scalable since it is a single threaded web server by default.[6] Hence, multiple requests at the same time cannot be handled and the subsequent requests would have to wait till all the previous requests have been handled, incurring a large delay. Hence, developers prefer othermulti-threaded full-fledged web servers likeLighttpd andMongrel for deploying theirRails applications.[7]